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Crensch ago

Here is OP threatening the mods and agreeing with the @hojuruku - coincidentally, or not, @ESOTERICshade is also agreeing with @hojuruku.

@Blacksmith21 @carmencita @Factfinder2 @Truthseeker3000 @this-somuchthis

Vindicator ago

Oh, yes. VoatisCIA is a real keeper.

Incidentally, @Dfens and @auralsects were helping with the attempts to dox me and srayzie:

VoatisCIA ago

Who said you were gunna be doxxed? I said you you’re a Faggot! ... that “prediction “ DID come true.......FAGGOT!!!!

Vindicator ago

You predicted I'd be doxxed and Voat would fall:

[–] VoatisCIA 6 points (+9|-3) 6 months ago

WE see the fall of Voat coming. WE predict vindicator and other known censor-happy mods will be doxxed!!

Oh look! There's those 6 upvotes again. What a coincidence.

Where have you been, the past 4 months? Another coincidence you show up with a juicy submission the day Esoteric gets assblasted.