TexasInfidel ago

When the Jews are running it you must report no? WAKE UP, PEOPLE!!

urbanmoving ago

The Kosher nostra went corporate, thats who runs the big cities look into his political ties guess what....ZIONISM

letsdothis2 ago

THE HISTORY OF SYNANON AND CHARLES DEDERICH - http://www.paulmorantz.com/cult/the-history-of-synanon-and-charles-dederich/

Dederich became an AA favorite speaker and went to an AA meeting every day. During a bout of paranoia where he would not leave his room, he read Emerson’s “Self Reliance” and using it as a bible he quit his job to devout full time to cleaning up other Alcoholics. He existed on a $35 unemployment check and charity from others. He volunteered for a Dr. Keith Ditman LSD experiment and felt he had a cathartic break through and now understood the world and that good and bad were the same.


Ditman, one of Cohen's former Brentwood residents, was director of the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute's Alcoholism Research Clinic, where he tested LSD on alcoholics. A number of prominent figures passed through the clinic. Besides Wilson, Ditman gave LSD to Chuck Dederich, founder of the antidrug commune Synanon, and Alan Watts, the popularizer of Zen.

In 1959, as LSD was at its peak of medical acceptance, Cohen's antennae began to pick up danger signs. One disturbing trend was that researchers were growing lax in controlling the drug. They began to share LSD in their homes with friends.

Cohen was also concerned that LSD research was being mixed with pseudoscience. Almost from the start, he and Eisner clashed about interpreting their therapy results. "I think that the material we have been getting makes him uncomfortable," she wrote. "In fact, he has said as much." By "material" Eisner meant the vivid sense subjects sometimes had that they were revisiting ancient Egypt, India, or Greece. Huxley, Heard, Hubbard, Eisner, and other researchers considered these impressions to be actual memories of past lives-proof of rein~amation.~~

In addition to reincarnation, pseudoscientists claimed that LSD facilitated extrasensory perception. Huxley and Heard popularized paranormal psychology and published their accounts of LSD experiences in journals of psychical research. Eileen Garrett, founder of the Parapsychology Foundation, experimented with LSD in the 1950s and funded LSD re~earch.~Werfoundation sponsored conferences on psychedelics and ESP in New York City in 1958 and in France in 1959. Insofar as ESP, like reincarnation, lacked academic respectability, Cohen realized that being coupled with ESP would lessen LSD's credibility

April 13, 1953: CIA OKs MK-ULTRA Mind-Control Tests - https://www.wired.com/2010/04/0413mk-ultra-authorized/

By then, the MK-ULTRA project had supposedly been closed. But this was by no means the end to misguided covert government programs, such as the remote-viewing project at SRI. Another, less-organized military project, inspired the story behind the recent film The Men Who Stare at Goats.

THE MILITARY USE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC MICROWAVE AND MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY - http://www.oocities.org/ozgurlukprojesi/the_military_use_of_mind_control.html

The U.S. government woke up to the reality of psychotronics when from 1960 to 1965 the American Embassy in Moscow was targeted by a mixture of electromagnetic and microwaves causing a wide range of physical and mental illness among U.S. personel serving there, including the eventual death of the U.S. Ambassador. Dr Stephen Possony, one time Science Advisor to the Department of Defense, now retired, said to me: 'After the death of our ambassador in Moscow, due to contracting leukaemia, and a couple of other employees, it suddenly dawned on us to have a real careful look at what was happening there.'

A huge project got underway. Overall it became known as Project PANDORA, and it included a number of parallel projects, such as Projects TUMS, MUTS, and BAZAR, involving the CIA, Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA), the State Department, the Navy and the Army.

When the TERP was established, the respective memorandum, dated 21 July 1980, was signed by military representatives including Major General John W. Ord, USAF, MC, Commander, Aerospace Medical Division of Air Force Systems Command; Brigadier General Garrison Rapmund, MC, Commander, U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command; and Captain John D. Bloom, MC, USN, Commanding Officer, Naval Medical Research and Development Command..

CIA Document on INSCOM GRILL FLAME Project (Remote Viewing); BG Garrison Rapmund- Chairman Human Use Committee, Fort Detrick, Maryland https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/search/site/human%20enhancement%20grille%20flame


Garrison Rapmund lived at 6 Burning Tree Court https://blockshopper.com/md/montgomery-county/bethesda/property/7-061-03385504/6-burning-tree-court until he sold it to Burning Tree LLC

Burning Tree LLC also bought in 2008 5039 CONNECTICUT AVE NW T1 WASHINGTON DC, 20008

That's next to Comet Ping Pong

Related voat post: Connecticut Avenue

urbanmoving ago

That is an awesome post

HennyPenny ago

I was following the dots from Wasserman to Synanon to LSD research but then your articles (very interesting) to me went on a tangent about ESP/remote viewing staff that owned a lot sold next to CP. Did I miss something? Do you think that CEDU schools were proving grounds for LSD/marijuana trials on troubled youth?

letsdothis2 ago

The LSD research then led to BG Rapmund Garrisson who owned a property that is connected to Burning Tree LLC. We were looking at the properties next to CPP a while back. It's just more information about how that whole block in Connecticut Avenue is Deep State. Any normie who still thinks Alefantis is 'just' a pizza guy needs their heads examined. I also know a number of media people are looking at these forums for information so I like linking back to CPP whenever I can to make the MSM task of 'debunking' us ever more difficult.

Also, this information that these CIA spooks are linked to some of the more esoteric military projects is useful (I think) in terms of their particular interest in children.

Soon_To_Be_Suicided ago

esoteric military projects

I've always wondered why Michael Aquino and the Presidio Day Care scandal aren't mentioned much here. For those who don't know, Aquino was a Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Army, he wrote a paper on mind control called "MIND WAR," and he also founded a military Satanic order called the "Temple of Set." He had ties to an on-base Daycare center in Presido, CA, and this same Daycare was shut down by the Army after pedo allegations began to surface.

letsdothis2 ago

Arya Mohsen's law partner is James T Maloney https://www.avvo.com/attorneys/20008-dc-james-maloney-643384.html

Here's a letter that the Bar Counsel wrote to him about his client, the attorney Frederick Iverson http://www.dcbar.org/discipline/informal_admonition/Iverson_F.pdf . It was an informal admonition.

and the Appeal case https://caselaw.findlaw.com/md-court-of-appeals/1250212.html

The Attorney Grievance Commission of Maryland (“Petitioner”), acting through Bar Counsel and pursuant to Maryland Rule 16-751(a),1 filed a petition for disciplinary or remedial action against Respondent, Angela Therese Floyd, on August 30, 2006, in which Bar Counsel alleged that Respondent violated Maryland Rule of Professional Conduct 8.4(c) (Misconduct) 2 when, during an employment application process for a legal position, in order to secure a higher salary, she acted intentionally to deceive the Federal Trade Commission (“Commission”) into believing that she and her husband had a “purely” employer-employee relationship.

Interestingly, Iverson has recently been in the news about his own client Tighe Barry : DOJ Lawyers Insist Laughing At Their Boss Jeff Sessions Can Be A Criminal Offense

Frederick Iverson, an attorney representing Tighe Barry, argued that the government “didn’t do their job” in proving their case, and that the defendants created a “spectacle” but not a disruption. The government couldn’t prove that the defendants intended to disrupt the proceedings, he said, and their arguments were all about confusing the jury.

Barry is an activist with CODEPINK. (You know, that CIA limited hangout.)


May 20, 2016, Brietbart, 'Soros-Backed Group that Helped Sell Iran Nuclear Deal Funds Media, DC Think Tanks': "Ploughshares has partnered with a who's who of the radical left, including Code Pink, the pro-Palestinian J Street, United for Peace & Justice, the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation and Demo, a progressive economic advisory group where President Obama's controversial former green jobs czar, Van Jones, has served on the board."

letsdothis2 ago

CIA Document on INSCOM GRILL FLAME Project (Remote Viewing); BG Garrison Rapmund- Chairman Human Use Committee, Fort Detrick, Maryland

That's Project Stargate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stargate_Project

Stargate Project was the code name for a secret U.S. Army unit established in 1978 at Fort Meade, Maryland, by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and SRI International (a California contractor) to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications. The Project, and its precursors and sister projects, went by various code names—GONDOLA WISH, GRILL FLAME, CENTER LANE, SUN STREAK, SCANATE—until 1991 when they were consolidated and rechristened as "Stargate Project".

https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/document/cia-rdp96-00788r001100440080-5 ; https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/collection/stargate

Voat posts on Project Stargate

To The Stars Academy is Connected to Scientology is connected to Project Stargate

I got a pretty crazy connection between The Clintons, John Podesta, Scalia, and David Miscavige. The leader of Church of Scientology. They use the same set of lawyers and worked on the Scalia cover up and replacement. The church of Scientology was supposed to be investigated by FBI for human trafficking but nothing ever happened with the case and seemed to squashed with no explanation ever about it.

PeterMooring.nl Part 3 by @Psychanaut

letsdothis2 ago


Fort Detrick /ˈdiːtrɪk/ is a United States Army Medical Command installation located in Frederick, Maryland. Historically, Fort Detrick was the center of the U.S. biological weapons program from 1943 to 1969. Since the discontinuation of that program, it has hosted most elements of the United States biological defense program.

Voat posts on Fort Detrick :


Paula’s husband, Randy Alan White, was born January 11, 1958, during the Cold War in Frederick, Maryland.[26] I believe that he is also related to MK ULTRA/MONARCH, but through another extremely notorious government ultra classified and top secret east coast biological, genetic, ethnic- chemical warfare and mind control institution, Fort Detrick.


Sept. 11-12, 2001 - Nearly a month before the first reported outbreak, White House officials start taking the powerful antibiotic Cipro to treat anthrax. By the end of the year it will be known that the Ames strain of anthrax used in the attacks against Sens. Leahy and Daschle was produced by CIA programs coordinated through Fort Detrick, the Batelle Memorial Institute and the Dugway Proving Ground. [Source: NBC; CNN; www.tetrahedron.org, www.judicialwatch.org]

letsdothis2 ago

Address for Aya Mohsen: https://pview.findlaw.com/view/3647260_1

4201 Connecticut Avenue NW

That building is owned by Brickman http://www.brickmanre.com/550-kearny-street-1/

Article on Young Jewish Professionals website (re Bruce Brickman) : https://www.yjp.org/realestate/

letsdothis2 ago

Burning Tree LLC also bought 8504 burning tree in feb 2011 https://blockshopper.com/md/montgomery-county/bethesda/property/7-095-00652988/8504-burning-tree-road

sold 8504 in oct 2011 to david javdan https://www.alvarezandmarsal.com/our-people/david-javdan

Mr. Javdan was recently appointed to Governor Andrew Cuomo's 'Commission to Investigate Public Corruption' to examine potential corruption in NY state government, political campaigns and elections.

cuomo : NY Gov. Cuomo restores voting rights to pedos and other sexual predators who are locked up in mental units

SchlongKeyhote ago

It seems odd that someone who actively seeks out juvenile females for sex could possibly be linked to a director of Jewish Shelter Services.


post about Synanon, related to Arizona camp story https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2583959

HennyPenny ago

My quote was tongue in cheek. Bryan Rosenthal learned from someone ( at his daddy's knee?) how to mask dirt with charitable intentions.

Thanks for the articles, it's an education. Starting to think that the 1976 Hidden Tyranny of the Jews interview with Harold Wallace Rosenthal was legit even without tape proof.http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/2009/06/hidden-tyrany-interview-with-harold_04.html

sodePllAlliK ago

They advocate sex with children, so it's not too far-fetched that they would attach themselves to poor victims to prey upon since they're the easiest to exploit.

HennyPenny ago

Underage sex by the rabbis equals mind control/submission at an early age. Wonder if any of the child brides ever rose up and poisoned their rabbi husbands in retaliation.

Re: the Rosenthal interview, thanks for the info, interesting reading. White should have kept the tapes to give substantiation to the interview.

Sackajahweeda ago

Its funny how when confronted with this stuff the comeback is usually a cherry picking diatribe of then if all else fails the antisemite go to is busted out. I say this knowing full well that Christians have their 2.0 to fall back on which doesnt seem to be the case with the other Abrahamic religions.Every religion has that you are cherry picking speech to go with its unsavory scripture though dont they?

Its hard to equate abuse of anyone especially children as following GOD though isnt it?

sodePllAlliK ago

I agree, and you're welcome. The tapes were probably destroyed so that the comments couldn't be substantiated, and they could easily dismiss the quote. It's blatantly obvious by their practices that they "worship Lucifer" though.