goytoynamedtroy ago

>Jew York


Diggernicks ago

You can't expect much from brainwashed catholic dago leftists.

NoRoyalty ago

Cuomo's days as a free man are numbered. The boot comes down soon for this communist.

fogdryer ago

Now isn’t that great ! Creating chaos out of a chaiotic even and manipulating the vulnerable !!

We got to speak up

Quicktor ago

Cuomo is an Italian (((Irishman)))...don't forget that...

notagame ago

So is this the Cynthia Nixon / Alexandria ''dumb-as-a-shoe'' Ocasio-Cortez voter base? Rock solid in their wheelhouse.

And why hasn't Cuomo ever been connected to NXIVM? I'm finding it very difficult to believe he didn't know about that cult and what it was doing, but then maybe I'm overly suspicious. I keep waiting for that shoe to drop, but until it does, he's shoring up votes for his commie perv buddies.

Factfinder2 ago

Here's something from before Cuomo was governor.


NXIVM critic's plea over child gets little action

Attorney hopes letters spur action by Cuomo's office on behalf of 3-year-old boy

JAMES M. ODATO Capitol bureau Published 1:00 am EDT, Tuesday, August 3, 2010

ALBANY -- A major critic of the leaders of a Colonie-based organization that litigants describe as a cult is blasting Attorney General Andrew Cuomo for disregarding warnings about alleged misdeeds and suspicious activities, such as members acquiring and instructing a child.

Attorney Joseph J. O'Hara said Cuomo's office has shown little interest in complaint letters he sent in June and July. The letters urged Cuomo, who is running as a Democrat for governor, to take a look at NXIVM and some of its top loyalists and underwriters, including the wealthy sisters Clare and Sara Bronfman, who live in the Capital Region. In the letters, O'Hara alleged they misused foundation money to benefit NXIVM leader Keith Raniere of Clifton Park.

O'Hara told Cuomo, whose office oversees charities, that tax-exempt foundation funds were used to buy Raniere an expensive piano and to pay for nannies helping to raise a child named Gaelen who is being raised through a novel Raniere education program. The 3-year-old child is living in Clifton Park with a NXIVM devotee who is not his biological mother. The child, according to former NXIVM officials, was obtained by a NXIVM student in Michigan and brought back to Saratoga County to live among a cluster of townhouses where NXIVM students and instructors live.


O'Hara, in an interview, said he has urged Cuomo to investigate twice in recent months because of his growing concerns that NXIVM officials are raising the boy in a way that could cause him harm.

O'Hara, who worked for NXIVM officials several years ago, implies that Cuomo, who has received considerable campaign donations from the Bronfman family, is not eager to investigate for political reasons. "I understand why anyone who is running for office would be reluctant to investigate the members of a family as wealthy and as influential as the Bronfman family," he said. "It seems to me, however, that Gaelen's safety is much more important than any political considerations."

Shizy ago

Woah! Good find! Of course he's tied to this!

notagame ago

Thanks, and, yes. There is this tangential relationship. It's the same with the brain experimentation the cult engaged in ... and the branding. Cuomo backed the decisions made as to those complaints being dismissed and no legal action taken. No one has nailed him for those cult-apologist statements nor has anyone done any serious digging to connect him to one of more of the activities this mind control/sex cult was involved in.

AlienEskimo ago

Now that dead people & illegal immigrants can't vote, Democrats need every vote they can get!

NoPatience4Libs ago

Securing that DemocRATic vote

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Cuomo is the worst of the worst! A total crook who wants to destroy anything of beauty and value in NY and that includes people and neighborhoods and even the environment. He doesn't care as long as he's eliminating his opposition and living the high life himself.

carmencita ago

Hector Aviles 61 is a CHILD RAPIST Also:

The rest of the list of 77 is littered with convicted pedophiles and rapists and other violent sexual abusers. All were granted conditional pardons from Cuomo under a new policy designed to give back the right to vote to those who leave prison.

All were granted Conditional PARDONS. WTH Is That? Are They PARDONED? PARDONED for That They Did? Cuomo is an Alleged SOB PEDO.

carmencita ago

If people don't get worked up over this in NY they have lost all of their morals. Oh Wait.......

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Yeah, don't lump all NYers together please. Unfair. Plenty of us hard-working conservatives have been trying for decades to get the Cuomo family ousted. They're almost as bad as the Clintons.

carmencita ago

I hope you know I don't mean you of course, and those fighting against this. The brains washed idiots is who I mean, should have clarified. Present company not included.

Factfinder2 ago


derram ago

https://archive.fo/Nwzah :

EXCLUSIVE: Dozens of locked up sex offenders among those granted conditional pardons by Gov. Cuomo so they can vote - NY Daily News

This has been an automated message.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

https://archive.fo/Nwzah Of course he did, ffs.

Factfinder2 ago


thelma ago

Thems his people. What would you expect from a total piece of shit?