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ASolo ago

“Gracious God, reveal unto our president the ability to know the will [Thelema], your will, the confidence to lead us in justice and righteousness, and the compassion to yield to OUR BETTER ANGELS.”

Pastor Paula White-Cain delivers invocation at Inauguration Day 2017

Many of the word of faith- prosperity preachers like Paula White teach a false doctrine of name it and claim it, that we get rich by giving money to them and calling forth for prosperity; and that we are all “little gods” on the same level as the Father in Heaven. She says, “Your words create your world…. If God can create something out of nothing, and we are created in his image, then if we can imagine it, then, so it can be for us.”[16] New Age Movement word of faith- prosperity preachers “angel experts” like Paula White also instruct their followers to love their ANGELS and call upon them for health, healing, guidance, and PROSPERITY.

Paula White (Paula Michelle Furr– German) of Tupelo, MS reads like a manual on CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH. In Tupelo, her father and mother ran a toy and craft store- most likely to draw children. Paula’s sexual ritual abuse began at 6 (six) years old, a prime impressionate MK ULTRA/MONARCH year of age to split off complete multiple personalities from the original.[23]

Sometime after the Satanic number 13 (thirteen) years old, she became a self daughter of an unnamed and undisclosed “two star” admiral naval officer. Paula and her military family transferred to one of America’s most notoriously known still classified and top secret Nazi Project CHATTER/ MK ULTRA facilities, Bethesda Naval Hospital.[24] The Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC), formerly known as the National Naval Medical Center and colloquially referred to as the Bethesda Naval Hospital or Navy Med, is a military medical center located in the community of Bethesda, Maryland.[25]

Paula’s husband, Randy Alan White, was born January 11, 1958, during the Cold War in Frederick, Maryland.[26] I believe that he is also related to MK ULTRA/MONARCH, but through another extremely notorious government ultra classified and top secret east coast biological, genetic, ethnic- chemical warfare and mind control institution, Fort Detrick.

Paula’s church, New Destiny Christian [Pentecostal] Center, was founded by a charismatic figure like HollyWeird’s Will Smith, the late “Fresh Prince of Be lair.” Zachery Tims was a felonious con-man, drug addict and trafficker out of Baltimore, MD. According to one of Tims’ former mentors, Rev. Douglas Chukwuemeka, Randy White had been his pastor.[32] Tims’ church blossomed into a charismatic mega-evangelistic Pentecostal church, News Destiny, whose membership grew into the thousands. The church secured a twenty-one acre property debt free, and built a $3.4 million- 34,000 square foot building on the site. The bottom line was Tims, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, was all along a Satanic drug addicted (cocaine- heroin) philanderer. He was caught carrying on a highly publicized year long affair on the other side of midnight with a Parisian Exotic Dancer and Stripper, Judy Nguyen. Tims’ wife of 15 years divorced him. Before taking over New Destiny, Paula and Randy had built another charismatic Pentecostal predominately black congregation, Without Walls International Church, in Lakeland, FL into personal empires of greed, wealth and corruption.

Prosperity is an old gospel preached by religious charlatans who make merchandise of false promises and heretic religious doctrine. They are destitute of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain (1 Timothy 6.5). Peter called them false prophets with “hearts trained in greed” (2 Peter 2.14). He warned that “in their greed they will exploit you with false words.” He exposed them as scoundrels and dismissed them as “stains and blemishes” on the church (v.13). For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6.10), wicked, foolish and weak people that are lured and preoccupied in pursuit of wealth and money are far too willing now to sell their souls to Lucifer, engage in blood rituals and ever murder.

On August 14, 2011, the “Fresh Prince” Rev. Zachery Tims was found dead on the floor of his hotel room at the W Hotel New York Times Square. The NYC Office of Chief Medical Examiner’s release says Tims died of “acute intoxication by the combined effects of cocaine and heroin. Manner of death: Accident. “[33]

Naturally, in order to determine whether Tims’ death a homicide, accident or suicide, a police investigation would have discovered what he was doing in NY. Police would have reviewed his telephone log and cell phone records. They would have reviewed his guest list and, or review the surveillance video tapes of his room, and inquiry into his drug source. However. Now, almost 6 (six) years later, the reason for Tims being in New York is still covered-up and unknown. The source of the Tims’ toxic cocktail of cocaine and heroin is still covered-up. The people that Tims met or connected with at the hotel also remains covered-up. In other words, as far as the NY police are concerned- Tims traveled all the way from Florida just to drop dead on the floor of a hotel room on Thursday, August 12, 2011 or Friday the 13th, Times Square- New York.[34]

W Hotel New York Times Square is not far, just blocks away, from Paula White’s Trump Tower NY condo. Paula and Randy White walked away from Without Walls International Church in August 2011, within days of Tims’ death in NY. By December 29, 2011, Paula White had taken over Tims’ mega-church and congregation.[35]

Paula and her 6's