NoBS ago

I see the Pedo-Protectors are getting ready to censor this post.

Fucking PizzaGate mods are worse than Pedophiles.

Pedo-protecting Mods using censorship like a pervert who holds down a prepubescent child so any old pedophile can slam the poor childs ass.

Vindicator is a Pedo-Protector first and a purchased mod second.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I think he's going to leave it up after my edits.

NoBS ago

Or public mockery of underhanded censorship requires a scapegoat.

It's like grooming for censorship. What well trained idiots we all are, here is a pat on the head and rhen move along, nothing to see.

notagame ago

Another great post with fantastic info getting a hard time from the mods. Am I reading it after the editing/updating because it's very clear and easy to follow.

Vindicator ago

Yes. You are reading it post editing -- which has improved it immensely.

notagame ago



carmencita ago

Whoa. OMG. Doyle Mills? I was racking my brain yesterday to remember his name. He is a Real Creep. Gonna check out post now.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yes, I remember him too. Check out his IG doylemillsusa he’s got kids all over tons of pics. For Christmas he put a decorated tree upside down from the ceiling and the occult star clearly visible. Pic of an animal tail hanging from his bed, furries. He claims to be a volunteer minister. The other men he is with on his page look like total creeps too.

carmencita ago

Well they always say that we should look at someone's friends and that will tell us who they are. He seems to attract creeps. Birds of a Feather.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Omg did you see the gross topless photo he posted a few days ago. I almost puked.

Are_we_sure ago

So the Pope, the CIA and the elite of Scientology are all working together?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I dunno you tell me

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

@Vindicator can you let me know here or in an IM if I've edited enough.

Vindicator ago

Yes, this is much, much better. I will remove the flair.

One thing that would make all of your posts easier to follow is if you could embed the supporting links right in the text they support. You can do this using the third formatting button (view desktop site if on mobile to see the buttons), or if that is too hard when you're posting from a phone, just enclose the text you want to turn into a link in square brackets, folled by the url for the hyperlink right after it (no spaces) in parentheses. This makes it much, much easier for mods to verify which links support which claims.

Also, it's good procedure to always assume your reader has no clue about what an acronym means, who someone is, and that kind of thing. Your edits explaining thee in this post were excellent.

NoBS ago

Too much. You have already been goomed more than enough by a Pedo Protector who has a God Mod powers of censorship.

No matter what you do, this will be shut down because elitist Pedophiles have more assassins. Fuck you Vindicator, may you never have access to a living child again!

Vindicator ago

Crensch ago

This should more or less shut him down next time you see him.

His doom and gloom comment 6.1 hours ago, and your "hey, things are good and I'm a helpful dude" 2.8 hours ago.

think- ago

The guy above attacked the mods viciously when the Maggie Nixon story went viral...

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

Vindicator ago

Interestingly, I was looking back through the comments on some of Jem's posts and he shows up there doing the same thing 8 months ago. This is probably part of the same set of Jem-related alts.

Vindicator ago

EYJP, this is a very difficult thread to follow. Please edit to clearly explain who this Doyle character is, why there is a board devoted to ridiculing him, what OSA is, and how this is relevant to investigating elite child abuse. Instead of only linking to your past equally complicated threads, please pull the relevant supporting links from them and include them in this post so people do not have to go through a labyrinth of threads to see the support for your claims. Crosslinking to your old posts is great, but making us dig three or four layers deep for supporting links like the naked instagram pic or the pope pics really doesn't meet our Rule 2 requirement for linked support. It's probably not your intent, but it also looks like an effort to drive traffic to your blog and steemit channel instead of making a straightforward post containing all relevant links inside it, which weakens your argument. Giving this the 24 Hour Grace flair.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

no, I don't want anyone going to my blog. I get no money from any of it, but I'll revise.

Vindicator ago

Thank you.