Factfinder2 ago

Probably programmed to shut down mentally when confronted with a challenge to their pseudo-reality.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

This video has models making the same face with the eyes that Latina milk makes in one of her shots on IG. https://youtu.be/XZdRNSuA5Xk?t=14m19s

Factfinder2 ago

You're right. The eye-rolling appears to be a thing and satanic. Couple that with Latina's Instagram avatar, a close-up of her sticking out her tongue, also satanic.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Have you ever noticed a large number of pedos posting photos of themselves with their mouths open as wide as humanly possible an insane number of times? I've seen this over and over on Doyle's profile, on all of his friends' profiles, and also on a bunch of kid victims' profiles. Between that, and pictures of people's feet, it seems that one common denominator that they all have is an unhealthy obsession with their own faces and feet.

Factfinder2 ago

It's true. Everything to do with the body is programmed and twisted in their fried brains. Doyle and his friends have the fingerprints of CIA SRA programming all over them.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Ok this guy Doyle Mills is a fcking creep. I read through Amy’s other post, very good info on there. Look through his IG tons of children and that little blonde girl who was naked on his lap while he was “studying” is highly disturbing. She is older in his IG so he has access to her and for years, pics of her in her bedroom etc., sucking on popsicles. This guy is up to no good and I’m afraid of him being around any kids. One of the other weird and odd things is he posted a pic of a girl’s bed with the covers down and he tagged her in the pic saying “I’m in your bedroom” and the girl is about 21 yrs old at the most. How traumatic if he abused her when she was young. This guy is evil. So many questions....

ptwf.org is the website he has listed in his profile some crap about bringing all religions together.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

The one who is naked on his lap while "studying" is a younger boy named Forrest who is different from the other blonde girl who is a lot older, who was his god-daughter in DFW, whose bedroom he has been in... he posted lacy pajama pictures and videos of her. He has literally dozens of different children he takes pictures with on his IG. He also had a youtube channel where he would display certain children. It was pretty creepy. There seems to be a never ending rabbit hole with him. I think that within_the_wires is another one of his victims based on her posts. There's also a new "friend" he has on his IG who has a young child who is probably in his sights.

Factfinder2 ago

Mills is on the board of Pave the Way Foundation: http://ptwf.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=105&Itemid=511

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

This is supposedly how he was able to meet two Popes. I suspect there were other motives for the meetings, it appears they are doing a secret handshake in the photos.

epicure ago

100% mk ultra, very disturbing https://imgur.com/L0lIL4N

she's in that list, others mk ultra? https://piknu.com/u/elliethatchr/similar

AsDfDs33 ago

God dammit,JACKPOT.look those kiddos...

Factfinder2 ago

This list is a good place to mine for any mention of names of abusers or clues about who they might be.

GreenDell144 ago

There will likely be more as this effort progresses. Gird yourselves. Likely we will be attacked by the very SRA victims that we are trying to save. We may see them attack each other. It may get worse before it gets better. There are likely worse atrocities waiting. Hang in there and don’t give up pizzagate voaters. These things need to be exposed and the truth needs to come out.

Micheal84 ago

She mentions a website in her instagram.


They have a YTchannel


One of their videos (very weird)


Seems to be the same girl.

AsDfDs33 ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTBV2xnIESQ . Dammit she really need help

AsDfDs33 ago

YogSoggoth ago

You have said what most of us thought initially about this. With the clothing, stickers, and music I would have to say she is still under control by benefactors, and has handlers. There is a fair chance that gemondirl is still quite active in the COS. To this day most Californians are confused as to why the other States are unwelcome to their moving there.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago


ddavidson ago

and a cartoon kitten giving oral sex to one man while masturbating another.

Hedgehog. Get it right.

Piscina ago

That girl needs serious help.

Gothamgirl ago

Just some links I found on her, and yes something isn't right with this girl.




Factfinder2 ago

The video has already been taken down, but thanks for the links. I added an example from her thirdworldangel clothing line to my post.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

What is she doing with her eyes in the first picture? It almost looks like she's rolling them up in her head on purpose to try to look like she's Satanic or something. It looks like more than just trying to appear annoyed. It also says "like to charge comment to cast" so maybe it's an ad for a webcam video somewhere?

Factfinder2 ago

Yes, the eyes are weird, like she's so drugged that she's ready to pass out. Maybe that's one of the turn-ons for the abuser crowd.

I think you're right about the webcam video. Must be referring to Instagram's Like2Buy program, explained in this article for those who haven't heard of it: https://www.forbes.com/sites/clareoconnor/2014/08/28/buy-what-you-like-you-can-now-shop-straight-from-instagram/#5900965d6620

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Clarification, I sent Howie the Hallowed Be Thy Slice / Yesenia Rosales IG account originally in a PM and he decided to tweet it out so people could investigate her. There is a cool website called sometag that I just stumbled on which shows you who is following / who mutual follows each other on IG. That's how I found those two accounts. Doyle has a few other posts that have bothered me but these posts by his friends are pretty obvious, shall we say...

Factfinder2 ago

Thanks for clarifying. I'll edit the post to correct. Sometag is a great tip.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I think it's disgusting that this young girl sells "pee after sex" apparel. I don't know who would want to wear something like that and I suspect it could be from a urine fetish angle. Good catch on the white rabbits. And you're right about the bj/hj cartoon being sonic. The elevator pic was the saddest one. I think she made a comment about how she was selling art from a more painful time in her life if I remember correctly, and it seems like she is trying to break free. It's a very dangerous time for abuse victims whenever they attempt to break free - I hope someone will help her.

Factfinder2 ago

"Pee after sex" is advice given to women to help prevent urinary tract infections: https://www.self.com/story/is-it-actually-that-important-to-pee-after-sex My guess is that this is one of the things latinamilk's handlers told her to do in order to protect abusers from infection.

You mentioned your suspicions about Scientology being CIA. Check this: Doyle Mills lived for 3 months in the spring of 1994 in Reston, Virginia, location of the CIA's Open Source Center. Maybe he was there for training?

TruePeopleSearch.com on Doyle Mills: https://imgoat.com/uploads/09bf41544a/74927.jpg

CIA Open Source Center: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Source_Center

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Ugh, omg - I think I am going to be sick. I seriously want to throw up about Doyle. I can't remember what it was that made me think Scientology was CIA - I guess just the collective of everything I've read. They do like to keep it under raps don't they... maybe it's all the Russians that they get to come join the cult and then take away their passports.

Yeah I know this about peeing after sex, it could just be that. It's funny all the things men think will protect them from infections.

Are_we_sure ago

and I suspect it could be from a......

It prevents urinary tract infections. It's fairly common medical advice.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yes by all means, let's run the evidence through the ACORN filter and have Planned Parenthood sell her sexual advice t-shirts. They could maybe do a hashtag tshirt that says #punchmeinthefacebeforesex #peeaftersex #demongirlkillme #dominosoncheese

It could come wrapped in packages with special CARDS containing little white rabbits, bunnies, sonic the hedgehog, monarch butterflies and hello kitty with a topping of my little ponies and unicorns. And ribbons made of pasta and cheese.

Factfinder2 ago

lol, you're right about the hedgehog. Rabbits a good catch.

IShallNotFear ago

Could you toggle on the nsfw tag? I appreciate the warning in the post though.

Factfinder2 ago

Wish I could. Headlines can't be edited for some unfortunate reason unknown to me.

IShallNotFear ago

I was actually referring to the NSFW label that can appear next to any voat post. At the bottom of the post there is a button next to delete that says "toggle nsfw." https://kek.gg/i/73Kyg2.jpg If you click on that, it will add the label.

Factfinder2 ago

Oh. Thank you--hadn't noticed that option. NSFW now on.

carmencita ago

The Rosales Instagram is Vile. Just Vile is all I can say. What has happened to people? People are really sick or in terrible need of attention. This as I have said leaves them open for attack and violence from others if someone finds their location. Frightening.

InnocentAngels ago

I feel sad for LatMilk. I believe she was abused too. No wonder she is so confused and having mental issues. When did pizza and sex become linked together in images? We have seen it many times but when did it start? You also have the satanic factor on hallowed be thy slice connection with pizza.

carmencita ago

Yeah, the whole thing scares me. Someone must be her friend or a parent? Sometimes the parents are the problem though. God this world is turning Upside Down.

InnocentAngels ago

You should watch this commercial. It's right in your face. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cv53BKMYsy0

carmencita ago

Another Stupid Ad. They throw in a bunch of bazaar stuff and think it is cool. They want people to be so mixed up they don't know what they are seeing and a lot of it is subliminal. Very Scary and Sick.

InnocentAngels ago

Yes. Most just think it's just being creative. They don't understand the symbolism in it.

carmencita ago

I feel so sad for the young children and what they will be experiencing. They are the ones that will feel all of this without knowing why. How it will all affect them I don't know. Their parents are not really protecting them. They are buying all the Smart Items thinking they will protect, but they are only evasive. Alexa is Frightening. The future is like the Twilight Zone.

InnocentAngels ago

Esp. when you hear about things they tell them about starting in grade school. That is just to young to bring up those topics. They don't want children to be innocent anymore. It really makes me angry. I will never own an Alexa. They spy on us enough as it is.

carmencita ago

Bezos is selling a lot of them. They are buying a lot of them, according to the news report. Stupid Sheeple. I know someone with one and they just don't get it.

InnocentAngels ago

Yes, it is an upside down world. Exactly what they aim for.

carmencita ago

Btw, your imgoats are not accessible.

Factfinder2 ago

I'm not sure why they're not working for you. They come up when I click on them. Maybe a setting isn't allowing them?

carmencita ago

I am having problems so it could be me. Twitter won't let me access and some other sites as well. Including my Main Page of MSN since I posted a pic of SS with Heather on his lap. It happened right after. Lots of gibberish pops up on the sites. Can't search either. Sigh.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I recommend seriously cleaning up your computer - my computer got slowly worse over a year until it was completely unusable and I had over 30 malware apps but cleaning them did nothing and wiping my hard drive was the only cure. My husband was able to temporarily clean up enough stuff that I was able to back up a few things before wiping. I experienced many bizarre things like what you're talking about... I thought it was the websites, but it was my laptop.

carmencita ago

Yeah, what made me think it was because of the SS link was it happened right after I copied it. I had to shut down my laptop about 3 or 4 times before it rectified late at night. The funny thing is it did not happen on everything. Only on my hope page, CDAN and Data Lounge and DuckDuck Go. Well, thanks. It is now OK. But this has happened before.

carmencita ago

Oh my gosh this is horrible. I looked at her instagram and all I can see is Violence. One of the pics with her wearing a pair of black bikini underwear or a drawing, there seems to be something red running that she could mean to be menstrual blood. Satanism. Also the pictures she posts are very dangerous for a young girl and she is presenting herself as someone wanting to be hurt and also someone with possible mental problems (although we know that is MKU) She is also leaving herself open to being charged as a Harmful Stalker by Woody Allen. This could be seriously misconstrued. Very Scared for this Girl.

pixelkitteh ago

I feel so bad for her, she's clearly so so so very messed up. This is what happens to victims. This is why we need to stop pizzagate.

carmencita ago

Me too. I know so many that view this will want to help but there is not much we can do for her, just hoping that someone she knows will step in for her. There are so many more like her.