Vindicator ago

Unfortunately, since this post was not edited, I have to remove it now per Rule 3. Seems a shame. You are welcome to repost with properly identified links.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I don't check every day, sorry Vindicator.

Vindicator ago

I thought that might be the case, Eff. No worries, just repost with link descriptions. Thank you for attending to our submission requirements. :-)

Vindicator ago

Hi Eff, can you please add a brief description of the content of each of your links, per Rule 3?

EACH link in your post must include a description of content and how the link relates to the post (except when markup is used to embed links in the specific text they support).


Antonius ago

Scientology = Scatology

djaeveloplyse ago

Ex-Scientologist here.

I've never talked to a Scientologist who actually talked about what it is they believe... they just say it's "changed their lives so much."

Standard practice. Scientology is not supposed to tell you what to believe, instead it is supposed to show you how to grow as a spiritual being so that you reach enlightenment on your own terms. In theory, anyway- that philosophy breaks down in the higher levels.

Nobody could seriously believe the stuff they supposedly believe.

That aliens seeded this planet with criminals and individualists is to me no crazier an idea than that god sacrificed his "only begotten son" to forgive us of our sins, which he created us to have in the first place. To be clear, I believe neither. That aside, that stuff is from the higher levels, 90%+ of Scientologists never got that high.

Is Scientology a real religion or cult?

It is definitely a real religion, from the perspective of the normal people engaging in its practice across the world. Perhaps the celebrities and the higher executives have some ties to intel or the satanists, but there are tens (if not hundreds, still) of thousands of normal people who pursue Scientology study earnestly.

if you've ever been inside a Scientology building, you were definitely recorded the entire time.

Not true. I was on staff for a few years, did night watch many times, we had normal security cameras for entrances and parking lot, etc, but no cameras in peoples offices or indoors besides the reception area. If you never left the reception area, then yeah, you were recorded "the whole time"- in the same way when you're in line at McDonalds you're recorded the whole time.

Look around at the faces of the Scientologists you know and ask yourself, does this person bear a resemblance to the Satanic spawn love child of L. Ron and one of his love slaves?

There are several million people worldwide that are active or ex-scientologist... LRH must have been pretty impressive in the sack to have sired that many offspring.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Hi ex scientologist, nice handling of the SP on the Black PR.

djaeveloplyse ago

No need for black PR to kill Scientology, the truth will do.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

OK, well the truth is that you remind me of my friend Marla with the line about how your religion is no crazier than other religions. Sounds like a script to me. Since I hear the same phrases from every Scientologist I've ever known, and that's quite a few prominent ones anyhow.

So please don't start equating me with Hitler, since your "former" religion is fake. Why any "ex-Scientologist" would come to Voat specifically to defend Scientology while pretending to be against it is beyond my pay grade.

djaeveloplyse ago

Please explain to me how the creator of the universe sending his "only begotten son" to earth as a mortal and then having that son be unfairly put to death by corrupt government and traitorous friends would result in salvation for those who accept that son into their hearts and never that sacrifice, where before and otherwise it meant damnation. I'm not saying the wacky concepts of Scientology make AS MUCH sense as any other religion, I'm saying they all make no sense. It's not a script, and I'm not defending Scientology. Bluntly, LRH was a drugged up demented old man when he dreamed up that stuff.

So please don't start equating me with Hitler

Why would I equate you with Hitler? That's idiotic.

Why any "ex-Scientologist" would come to Voat specifically to defend Scientology while pretending to be against it is beyond my pay grade.

I've come to Voat because Reddit is a cesspool of PC weaklings that can't handle the full light of truth. I'm not here to defend Scientology, it's only ever come up a couple of times, and when it does I chime in with what my experiences have been. I would assume that'd be valuable to anyone who wants to know the truth.

At best, Scientology is a recruitment center for crisis actors. At worst, well it's a bunch of Satanists pretending to be new age and elite.

I don't blame you for thinking so, but it's not true. They're 99% normal, good people.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Many Scilontologists use the "you're just like Hitler" argument against people who are against their religion. I've heard it dozens of times.

The sacrifice made by Jesus Christ makes a lot more sense than Lord Xenu. In any justice system people have to pay for their crimes, and God wanted us to have a path to follow that would allow us to be with him. Salvation is a free gift and it is by grace through faith, not by works, lest any man should boast. No man comes to the Father but through Jesus Christ. If you're here to defend Scientology and waste time, it makes perfect sense that you don't see Christianity as logical, and you're probably a reprobate who rejects God.

I don't believe for a second that you're an ex scientologist. I think you're from OSA and you're here simply to discredit me and this post with your scripted letter campaign.

Scientologists masquerade as normal good people, but wisdom and facts show us that that is not true. Spies, liars and real deplorables. You don't have to live in denial of the Satanic practices of L Ron and how your "religion" is a glorified crazy cover for intelligence ops. And that you rape your Russian slaves and Ukranian slaves and then take them down to the Clearwater abortion clinic on the regular. Or L.A., or whatevs. Say hi to Doyle for me.

djaeveloplyse ago

I've heard it dozens of times.

Well, that's stupid.

In any justice system people have to pay for their crimes

What crime did man commit?

a path to follow that would allow us to be with him

Getting murdered by a heathen state?

Salvation is a free gift, it is by grace through faith

Does not logically follow.

No man comes to the Father but through Jesus Christ

Only because god decreed that be so, he could've just let everyone go to him with no hoops.

you're probably a reprobate who rejects God.

I reject Jesus and Christianity, not God. I accept the universe as God made it, I do not pretend to know what God wants or demands.

I don't believe for a second that you're an ex scientologist.


I think you're from OSA and you're here simply to discredit me and this post with your scripted letter campaign.

Then I'm doing an incredibly bad job, seeing as I have stated multiple times that Scientology deserves to collapse and that LRH was a nut. More likely you're a satanist trying to run this community off the rails so they won't unravel your child rape ring you were dumb enough to hint to repeatedly on instagram.

Scientologists masquerade as normal good people, but wisdom and facts show us that that is not true.

I doubt you have any real experience to back that up besides total delusion. Scientologists crime rates are radically low.

your "religion" is a glorified crazy cover for intelligence ops.

So well hidden that no on in the religion all the way up to executive levels has any clue that's happening, and pursues spreading the religion honestly believing it will help others the way it helped them. Weird psy-op, gotta say.

And that you rape your Russian slaves and Ukranian slaves and then take them down to the Clearwater abortion clinic on the regular.

Lol wat.

Say hi to Doyle for me.

You're barking up the wrong tree man. Honestly. Go investigate the actual satanists, the ones who aren't even hiding it, and if they repeatedly lead back to Scientology you'll have something. Going after the Scientologists first will not lead you to the satanists, because if there is a connection it is so small that you'll get way too many dead ends.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I'm not sure where you get off alluding to accusations that I'm James Alefantis, when if you look through my profile, you'll be able to easily figure out who I am. But I guess when you get ants in your pants because you want to debate why you reject Christianity as your excuse for why Scientology (that you claim you're not a part of) is not "crazy." BYE FELICIA. This post was about Scientology being a fake religion that's a cover for intelligence ops, and not a post about Christianity, and I'm not James Alefantis.

If you want to deny the Satanic roots that's ok, nobody cares what you think, Scilon.

djaeveloplyse ago

I'm not sure where you get off alluding to accusations that I'm James Alefantis

Just giving you a taste of your own medicine.

you reject Christianity as your excuse for why Scientology (that you claim you're not a part of) is not "crazy."

I did no such thing. Your reading comprehension is terrible.

This post was about Scientology

I didn't run it off the rails, you did. I just relayed my experience with actually being a Scientologist for many years, which you got ants in your pants about.

If you want to deny the Satanic roots that's ok, nobody cares what you think

Nor do they care what you think.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Actually, this is my post and you're the one trolling it. So obviously you cared what I thought and are attempting to move the goalpost. You obviously are still a Scilon or you wouldn't be here, and considering you want people to think you once believed in Lord Xenu, I'm pretty sure 99% of the people here don't give a crud about your opinion. L8r

djaeveloplyse ago

this is my post and you're the one trolling it.

This is Voat, if you can't handle people saying things you don't like, go back to Reddit.

So obviously you cared what I thought and are attempting to move the goalpost.

I don't know you from any other commenter and I don't care about your opinions at all. You posted something I felt I had something to add to so I chimed in. That is all, there is no goalpost to move. I wasn't trolling, and I am still not trolling.

you want people to think you once believed in Lord Xenu

I never believed in Xenu, nor have 95% of Scientologists. That was an OT4 thing, and very few people got that high. I know it's hard for your to believe, but you're actually very uninformed about Scientology.

I'm pretty sure 99% of the people here don't give a crud about your opinion

That's fine with me, I'm not a snowflake.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I never chose to join your fake religion, so I am not sure what OT4 is, but my ex friend Rick from Operation Snow White knows something about it, so maybe I should call up his wife Carla and ask. I think I'll rename it Operation Snowflake since you're so offended I said your fake religion is a cover for intelligence ops. I'm actually extremely informed about Scientology as they are about me. Have a nice life.

djaeveloplyse ago

I am not sure what OT4 is

OT4 is higher level nonsense. You should've figured that out from the context of what I said earlier. Or, you know, you could go do some basic research on the religion you claim to know so much about.

Rick... Carla

Your dropped names mean nothing to me.

you're so offended

You're projecting. I'm completely unmoved by your antics, this discussion is boring.

your fake religion is a cover for intelligence ops

You said that, yes, but you provide no proof, not even circumstantial or tangential.

I'm actually extremely informed about Scientology

And you aren't sure what OT4 is? I think you might be full of shit.

as they are about me


Have a nice life.

Thanks, I am. I hope you are too, despite our disagreement on this unimportant subject.

bosunmoon ago


djaeveloplyse ago

What did I say that you disagree with? Anything? Or is baseless dismissal all you've got?

21yearsofdigging ago

Gunderson, back in 96, said as much. That Scientology has the 'tools' that even outmatch the CIA or something to that effect. My theory on a sumbag like Paul Haggis is that he used Scientolgy goons as long as he could then he switched over to be a 'Company' asset.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Spook operation for sure, most cults are. A document credited David Miscavige as a CIA source, and LRH said his father was in the CIA. The entire things is the dark occult system anyhow.

YogSoggoth ago

Jim Jones, Finders, ect.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Was Ron a jew?

carmencita ago

Can’t post link am on phone. Article says L Ron worked for ONI in WWll and never was in combat. He censored letters of servicemen. Also the emblem of the US Intel Comm. Is an 8 point star just as the Scientology Cross. There are other similarities. This article also says who knows who is controlling who but it implies they are connected.

Quicktor ago

Low Angeles = The Company Town...The Company = CIA...

Hollywood is a military-industrial construct and ALL the movie personnel are agents/assets...

Fo sho...

GreenDell144 ago

I believe this. It is demonstrably true, at least at the core. The periphery is perhaps just garden variety sleaze and decadence.

Quicktor ago

The core is DEFINITELY not your garden variety sleaze and decadence...the tunnels and bunkers under LA have to be a Steven Spielberg/David Lynch nightmare on a morphene drip of DMT...

YogSoggoth ago

OKM Rover C II Metal Detectors Dealer India These type of products do that, if you got the cash. The cave detector is a software application. No, I am not promoting that brand. I just pasted that because they said it was affordable, whatever that means.

Quicktor ago


YogSoggoth ago

I was actually looking at the 30,000$ to 75,000$ models a couple years back. You probably would not want to splice a wire to your transportation/generator as to not void warranty on the more expensive versions. Who else but the government and treasure hunters would know they exist? Like any tool it could be invaluable at the right time in the right hands. Find that nuclear bunker from the 50's, and start your own real estate business.

Quicktor ago

Fo could get your ass in serious trouble in suburbia and certain cul-de-sac'd neightborhoods with that equipment...

They look like first generation Nintendo equipment compared to the high-tech audio/sonar/resonance equipment that have to be in Elon Musk's and all the South African platinum mining companies arsenals...(you'd think...)

YogSoggoth ago

I almost bought an apple 2 at a garage sale the other day, not because it was better than my rig, but it is a collectors item. When purchasing electronics it pays to do your research, or pay someone with knowledge to help just like any major purchase. Tesla is a front company. Probably for something not good.

Quicktor ago

Fo sho...Elon Musk also owns a tunnel drilling company as well...

"make a tunnel system under Los Angeles due to high volume of traffic..."...fucking please...

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

espionagehistoryarchive -

religio -

wordpress -

letsdothis2 ago

In answer to your question : for sure.