justdiepedos ago

Scientology is a branch of the CIA, complete with Hollywood actors to brainwash and child molesters on seaorg. They are both masters and mind control and mind fuckery.

carmencita ago

Doyle Mills Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doylemillsusa/ Take a Gander at this. Lots of children all kinds. All ages. A baby with blond hair, probably a boy all of a sudden appears and a boy and girl doing homework are in many pictures. A little girl with stuffed animals is in about three pictures and then no more. A teen boy and maybe a couple more. He is holding a tiny little pair of white baby booties with little teddy bears on them. Where aare all these kids coming from and to whom do they belong. Something very strange in quite a few pictures is that he is holding an airline ticket. These are all for different places. Are thy messages of some kind to someone. I am on the way? I dont know but there are quite a few. All the different children is what really bothers me. I remember seeing before that he had a video of a little girl asleep in her bed and it was so close up you could see her breathing. It scared me. Knowing what I know and what many of us know about him.

AmyJames ago

only two of the children are related to him through his step daughter. The older guy is his son. There are two grandchildren, with dark hair. All the rest are just kids he knows.

carmencita ago

Yes, I noticed other children than what you mentioned. Mostly with blond hair. But I will never forget that little girl in the video, so close you could see her breathing and almost hear her too. I think it is telling that his IG is still up, I think he is feeling protected by his "clients".

AmyJames ago

That was his other goddaughter. The last time I saw him he was having a hard time getting that woman to let him come over and see them and she lives in a town very close to me. She had stopped returning his texts. I did not see her on the IG much after that, I think the mom must have figured it out.

carmencita ago

Bless you and stay safe .

carmencita ago

Thank God. That group, single Mothers is a very important group to reach and educate. I think people still believe sex offenders don't live near schools, they showed on the news that a whole bunch lived near this one school where a girl was attacked. Police were going around and warning people. Singe Moms still are too trusting, many know, many do not. I am so glad that one knows. It is better to be lonely than dead or without a child. These perverts know how to charm that is for sure.

AmyJames ago

You guys, I could use some help. Check this out. https://youtu.be/SgC24Ja2lG8?t=2m24s https://twitter.com/amyphilo/status/921831620595855360 Related to Megyn Kelly and Harvey Weinstein, potentially Lisa Irwin via Elsagate / Disney. https://twitter.com/amyphilo/status/921827812994150405

In your opinion, are these photos of Megyn Kelly examples of duper's delight? Why was she photographed with Weinstein? https://imgur.com/a/zOxeg

AmyJames ago

The Specific MOCA Auction photos seem to have all been scrubbed including my own slimg archives. This guest list I found here on Voat 9https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1557498) is incomplete, as I have somewhere on my laptop, a photo of Michelle Stafford at the event. When searching Voat it seems that the videos of this event were all taken down from YouTube as were the slimg archives. There are still a select few on Google. DOes anyone have a good link for a video with all the leaked photos?

**GUEST LIST FOR THIS EVENT FOR FUTURE REFERENCE **Guests included Robert Wilson, Lady Gaga, Winona Ryder, Marina Abramović, Alan Cumming, Simon de Pury, Hugh Jackman, Cindy Sherman, Bob Colacello, Nicole Miller, Nanette Lepore, Kyle DeWoody, Eugenio Lopez, Maja Hoffmann, Giancarla Berti, Lewis Cullman, Louise Hirschfeld Cullman, Maria Bacardi, Alexander Gilkes, Misha Nonoo, Todd Bishop, Gabriela Cadena, Selita Ebanks, Gerard Barrett, Lindsey Wixson, Joachim Johnson, Genevieve Jones, Tatiana Platt, Richard Johnson, Richard Phillips, Fabiola Beracasa, Paul Sinclair, Greg Soros, Alexander Soros, Amanda Hearst, Henry Buhl, Harry Brant, Josephine Meckseper, Nicholas Coblence, Farhad Farman-Farmaian, Jill Stuart, Jim Signorelli, Stefano Tonchi, Barbara Goldsmith, Debbie Bancroft, Rick Owens, Sharon Bush, Bill Cunningham, Polina Proshkina, Aaron Young, Laure Heriard Dubreuil, Kenny Sharf, Anh Duong, Marc Francois Auboire, Eddie Borgo, Keegan Singh, Colby Jordan, Lisa Marie Fernandez, Hannah Bronfman,Stacy Engman, and Michele Lamy.

AmyJames ago

http://archive.is/o7yhA http://archive.is/o7yhA http://www.sli.mg/nPHyV1 Doyle girl love logo (?) on his Instagram

http://www.sli.mg/0rsRyH Doyle with naked kid on his lap

https://www.whyweprotest.net/threads/doyle-mills-osabot.78333/#post-2490651 Doyle post on Why We Protest someone on there said something about Haiti on a different thread.

https://sli.mg/K3lxyj "Ride Forest Ride" I think this is someone he stays with a lot on Airbnb in Kansas City.

check this out: https://imgur.com/a/kEqfI

tholinz ago

There isn't any evidence presented here that would indicate Weinstein is a Scientologist. However, Scientology has done some truly evil shit to hildren and deserves to be heavily scrutinized. It very well may be that it has been an avenue for pimping children out to Hollywood power brokers. In Scientology, children are considered small-scale adults, which leads to a whole lot of insane shit. Also, there's this: https://tonyortega.org/2017/10/14/coming-to-grips-with-scientologys-most-vile-secret-which-was-hiding-in-plain-sight/

The connection to Abramovic likewise is unsubstantiated in this post but is something that could potentially exist. LRH, before he created Scientology, lived with a pack of Alaistair Crowley disciples who practiced sex magic, people who were trying to create the anti-Christ. There isn't a lot out there about this, but what has been said is very disturbing.

As for connections between Scientology and the rest of Hollywood, I believe they're there but the church's influence has waned heavily. The more likely reason for similarities in the way these people circle the wagons and deal with each other and the outside world is that both Hollywood and Scientology are "high control groups," or cults.

If anybody wants a good starting point for this shit, you should check out Tony Ortega's blog, tonyortega.com. There are a number of other people who comment but Tony, as a journalist and not a cult member, seems to be a bit more objective.

AmyJames ago

Sorry I haven't had time to add links yet, my kids stayed up late. Michelle Stafford is a scientologist and she was at the MOCA Auction with the spirit cooking theme, I have screenshots, but will have to find them. L Ron was a Satanist and believed himself The Beast. Parsons, Hubbard and some other people were all friends as you say.

One aspect of this is that they want people to look away from the false flag operations taking place for what they are, and think it's just a bunch of people hopped up on antidepressants. Yes those can make you kill, but that doesn't mean that the CIA didn't invent those drugs and that the deep state isn't doing terrorist shootings and false flags.

2impendingdoom ago

can you update us every day or when you can so that we know you are okay? Get smoke detectors, insurance and a barky dog.

AmyJames ago

Will do. I am ok today thank you for caring about me.


I wonder what's on that big ship they have? I find it hard to believe that Sea Org is just aimlessly floating around. They're transporting something.

tholinz ago

It's where they deliver the top secret level of their Bridge to Total Freedom. It's creepy as fuck but for more mundane reasons; they use it to isolate you so they can soak you for donations, as well as protect their Satanic bullshit. (The first round of OT VIII was Hubbard declaring himself the anti-Christ).


I know they use the ships to isolate people, but I still think they are serving another purpose.

the_sharpest_knife ago

I've always said the entire conspiracy has to do with scientology. The way they go after people (the left and scientology) is the exact same. Operation white snow showed how many people they had in the government. They are very obvious about how many people in hollywood they have on their side. Seems obvious.

AmyJames ago

Do you have any info on White Snow? back when I was doing stuff with CCHR I never looked into them and I missed a lot.

the_sharpest_knife ago

Nothing that isn't public.

GHDW ago

David Miscavige, the leader of Scientology, joined the CIA and his wife went missing a while back too.

Scientology is MindKontrolUltra in action, just watch Leah Remini discussing the cult aspects, the levels of trust, and indoctrination. Using depression as the hook Scientologists collect family info using their auditing process. That information is stored and used when needed to further the cause. For example, using followers to harass the agents and their families to get Scientology recognized as a religion just to get tax exempt status.

carmencita ago

Scientology is connected to The Masons, LDS, Joseph Smith and the Romney Family the are all connected. Believe it or not when I was researching the Romney ancestors, they had to leave the US because of the change of the laws regarding Mormon marriage, and they moved to Mexico, when things were relaxed Mitt Romney's father came back and settled in Michigan and was elected Gov. But when I looked up Samuel Romney there was a part of the Wiki page that listed Cheney as a relative. These people are all connected and I believe the religions just as the Catholic religion where are started for a reason by these opportunists.

cantsleepawink ago

Scientology, Tom Cruise and NASA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7idkMlEd18

carmencita ago

Thank you. We should also go back to researching Doyle Mills and what happened to him. He was stalking the child of some woman in Az. A dangerous pedophile.

AmyJames ago

He still lives in Clearwater but travels for work. He uses AirBnB to find families to target when he travels for work. His company is called Digital Lightwave. One of the kids he was after was mine. But now it's moved on to others as far as I know. He tries to do the direct grooming method but based on the BOLO I stumbled on he could also potentially be actually kidnapping kids. I was watching his instagram for a while and it is still public. His main tag line on instagram is "Until direct thought transference is worked out, pictures are the best way to share the beauty of the world with others." then he puts the link to the website for the Pave the Way Foundation, which is some kind of weird NWO foundation nobody has ever heard of besides people who know people on the board. When I was first introduced to him it was like this, "hi Amy, welcome to CCHR, here is someone you need to meet" and then he was like, "Hi I am a board member of the Pave the Way Foundation" "What's that?" "Well we are going to unite all religions."

Also, he can be seen giving the secret handshake to two popes. I will add more pics soon. But look at his instagram and the Anon thread on Why We Protest that I posted above, that has the photos of the popes, and the naked kid he put on instagram.

If you go to his instagram you can see how he likes to try to be close to the kids at all times. Most of them are not his kids, but two of them are his grandchildren through his step-daughter.

He comes off as a nice guy at first, until you get a few years into the friendship and he starts trying to cuddle with and drool on your kid.

The KP Ghost productions thing I believe is a code for Kiddie Porn. When I looked at that person's page it was bizarre and creepy and seemed like the product of some kind of fetishist or mentally ill person. He is always posting photos of himself with a camera. Different ones sometimes that seem more like webcams or something.

I don't know why he leaves his IG public for so long after all this as I am 100% sure he knows I outed him on my websites but I assume it is for marketing his stupid NWO kid supplying business to the other pedos.

carmencita ago

I am going to call in a few people on this perverted piece of vermin @Cc1914 @srayzie @TrishaUK. @2impendingdoom @UnicornAndSparkles Cc do you remember this perv? I bet you do since we researched him.

AmyJames ago

Thanks! let me know what you find out.

carmencita ago

Will do.

carmencita ago

Thanks for that. I have long believed that many stars and others were agents for either our country, the British, or Russia. It was interesting to read about Errol Flynn. Disgusting human being. If you can even categorize these idiots as human. Trying to insert satan into a fetus = Total Insanity. If these religious zealots were ever analyzed by a psychiatrist, they would have been declared INSANE.

cantsleepawink ago

Penthouse: And what about this Labor Party official?

Hubbard: He was a double agent for the KGB and for the British intelligence agency. He was also a raging homosexual. He wanted my father to use his black-magic, soul-cracking, brainwashing techniques on young boys. He wanted these boys as his own sexual slaves. He wanted to use my father's techniques to crack people's heads open because he was very influential in and around the British government --plus he was selling information to the Russians. And so was my father.

Do we know who this politician was ?

Labour gives Scientologists tax breaks... http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/138928/Labour-gives-Scientologists-tax-breaks

derram ago

https://archive.fo/Ia3Ho :

Amy James, J.D. on Twitter: "Do you know this man? t.co/Q6ti71hVXa"

This has been an automated message.

AmyJames ago

Gothamgirl ago

Do you have any family or friends close by you? I am sorry to hear this.

AmyJames ago


Gothamgirl ago

I would let everyone in your life know every detail of whats going on, and keep a low profile maybe it will blow over, either way I hope you all stay safe.

AmyJames ago

I hope so too