Pizzalawyer ago

I was curious as to the SanQua logo on the girls cardboard box. It refers to SanQua bottled water made in Malaysia for domestic use only, no exports. This led me to a website describing hoaxes, including the story of the girl in the cardboard box.

The photo of the dead girl is described as very real but not part of any kidnapping/smuggling/organ harvesting activity. However the photo was used to warn the public about such crimes against children and to safeguard your children. The same message goes out using different but equally horrible photos. No info was provided as to who is behind warnings.

As for the dead girl, she is a bonafide victim whose body was wrapped up in SanQua cardboard. Because of other garbage near her perhaps her remains were placed in a dump or garbage truck...which is speculation on my part. The website directs you to the real story of her death but that page is no longer active. I'll edit if I find more.

think- ago

Thanks, @Pizzalawyer.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock: Please see parent.

Pizzalawyer ago

you are welcome, I wish I could figure out how to copy and paste links, folks are just gonna have to trust that I do my homework. I give enough detail that anyone can google and find the link. In Jaharta, Putri is known as the "girl in a cardboard box". How sad, she looks like she was found rather quickly and she looks like she was very pretty. Her parents must be crushed.

Vindicator ago

You can't copy and paste links, PL?

There are two ways to do it. First, just select, copy, put your cursor where you want the link and paste. Second way is to select the url, copy, highlight the wording in the text of your comment that you want to turn into a hot link, click the third formatting button (looks like two chain links), and paste the url into the little box that opens up. If you can't see the formatting buttons, select "view desktop site" in your browser window (if on phone or tablet).

Once in while, Voat disallows certain link/urls. When that happens, go to and paste the url there. Then copy the new url it gives you of the archived page and paste that in your Voat comment. You can also paste the link and then add some spaces in the middle so Voat doesn't recognize it.

Pizzalawyer ago

@vinicator: thanks, i use a cell phone and im going to practise. maybe Ill make a post someday! But I dont mind if someone steals my thunder in the meantime and makes a post or comment with links

Piscina ago

Whether these children are from Syria or wherever, why the hell do they have what looks like surgical tape on either their forehead or parts covering their vital organs??

3141592653 ago

Man the downvoting has been crazy this past week. Doing my best to counteract it with upvotes

argosciv ago

Oh shut up. It's clearly fake news and nobody other than myself bothered to reverse-image-search to confirm.

Vindicator ago

@dtneslo, I'm flairing this Debunked. No organ harvesting involved, or human trafficking. It did not happen in Malaysia or Thailand. This was a gas attack during the Syrian civil war:

Pizzalawyer ago

Photos are mixing ethnicities. The Indonesion girl was raped, murdered and packaged for a landfill, the culprit was an adult neighbor who did weird things with local children, believed to be a pedophile, see my comments below. Before tossing out the post maybe the group photo will be be identified. Our job is to separate out the wheat from the chaff.

Vindicator ago

The group photo is from a gas attack in Syria during their civil war. She the comment I left when I flaired it Debunked. You are correct about the girl being a murder victim, as well.

Pizzalawyer ago


13Buddha ago

It never happened. Nobody is dead in that photo.

argosciv ago

Funny how someone very recently downvoted all of my comments here, despite that I'm the one who took the time to debunk...

I think I know who it was, too...

I could be wrong, but, I have good reason for my theory.

cc: @Vindicator @ben_matlock

argosciv ago

Now I'm certain.

cc: @Vindicator

Shizy ago

Why do you have to ping a mod because you got downvoated? Don't you think the mods have better things to do than deal with a crybaby who runs to them to tattle on everyone?

argosciv ago

Oh look.

Here we have yournewswire using the exact same photo to accuse Israel of harvesting organs from dead Syrians.

[ |]

Article from 'Hoax or Fact':

[ |]:

Note: The first section of this article presents the false claims and the photo used to support them; the same photo used in the article in this thread's main post and the alternate source shared by @shewhomustbeobeyed.

"NSFW" photos...

Dead Bodies of Hundreds of Kidnapped Children Found in Container, Organs Removed: Hoax

by Prashanth Damarla 1 year ago

Dead Bodies of Hundreds of Kidnapped Children Found in Container, Organs Removed


Tamil Nadu police found this bodies of children in one truck container , this children were kidnapped from different part of country , all their body parts were removed like kidney , eyes , hands ,ect,,,

Pls take care of your children and froward for awareness


A disturbing image showing dead bodies of few children lying on ground is shared widely on social media platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp with different stories attached to it. Some purport to show that Tamil Nadu police have found the bodies of children in one truck container, saying they were kidnapped from different parts of country and that all their body parts were removed. Others suggested that Thailand police found dead bodies of hundreds of Malaysian children in a container vehicle, with their organs harvested. Although the picture showing dead bodies of children is real, and the messages warned people to take care of their children, the claim as such is not a fact.

Not a Case of Kidnapping and Organ Harvesting

The picture has been doing rounds on social media and other image sharing platforms and the stories warning people of children kidnapping and organ harvesting have been reported by some uncredible websites online. However, if the group of children were killed in such disturbing manner, the incident would have easily made into news and become popular online. There’s no such report in mainstream news outlets in Thailand, Malaysia or Tamil Nadu.

Aftermath of a chemical attack during Syrian Civil War

Aftermath of a chemical attack during Syrian Civil War

Chemical Attack in Ghouta, Syria

The children seen in the picture are real and they are all dead, but the unfortunate incident is not any case of kidnapping and organ harvesting, it actually shows the aftermath of a chemical attack that occurred in Ghouta during the Syrian Civil War on 21 August 2013. As you can see in couple of other pictures, the bodies of children are intact and no signs of organ harvesting are visible. Two opposition-controlled areas in the suburbs around Damascus City (Syria) were struck by rockets containing the chemical nerve agent Sarin. The chemical attack was carried out also against civilians, including children, on a relatively large scale causing hundreds of deaths and mass casualties.


The chemical attack in Ghouta took place during regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, which was accused by Western powers and the Syrian opposition. Later in October 2013 Syria officially joined the United Nations Chemical Weapons Convention, destroying the stockpiles of chemical weapons gradually. So the stories claiming the picture shows dead bodies of hundreds of children kidnapped and their organs removed are hoaxes.

cc: @Vindicator @ben_matlock

That’s what we do here. Research. Proof. That’s what we need here.


project_uniquename ago

Be careful when fact checking news on Syria. The MSM keeps trying to use false flag attacks to drum up support for war.

I don't have time to look into this story, but if I did, I would start by looking into Eva Bartlett's and Vanessa Beeley's work - reporters who have been to Syria and spoken to Syrians. I might look at Caitlin Johnstone and Jimmy Dore, since they put some effort into fact checking the Syria story and cite Bartlett and Beeley as sources.

This article claims that there was no chemical attack in 2013. Some sources mention that workers who come to scenes after attacks do not dress as they should if chemicals were really used. As for the 2018 attack, I read somewhere that people died from asphyxiation from being trapped in a dust-filled tunnel, not from chemicals.

cc: @dtneslo

argosciv ago

And you felt the need to reply to me with this because...?

Couldn't possibly have anything to do with my pointing out the fake news and otherwise calling out bullshit elsewhere, right?

Oh look at that, you're just another lurker who uses alts and pretends to know who Q is. Go lick Amalek's bunghole while you give ES a reach-around.

project_uniquename ago

you're just another lurker who...pretends to know who Q is

I think you've got me confused with someone else. I haven't mentioned Q once here, and I only have one other post so you can verify this quickly.

Pizzalawyer ago

@project_uniquename: Thanks for your contribution and sorry for the obnoxious reception you received. There is no accounting for bad manners and vulgarity.

These hoaxes may be sinister and designed to trigger civil unrest or it may be well intentioned folks using crime scene photos to get a legitimate warning to the public.

project_uniquename ago

Thanks for defending me. I'm going back to lurking, but I will see you guys again soon.

project_uniquename ago

I replied to you because your post mentioned that there were chemical attacks in Syria.

I have no problem with both of us pointing out fake news. There is so much of it that it takes a lot of people to sort it out.

argosciv ago

I can see right through your charade, faggot.

You got Agent999 jerking off in the corner too?

cc: @Vindicator

See comments context and user's history.

Look at this prick trying to blend in, even copying the "cc:" trend I started.

Pizzalawyer ago

@Vindicator: does this forum really have to tolerate the terrible behavior like argociv here? We all hate rules and censorship but some folks go too far which can inhibit participation by a newcomer who is on the receiving end of such insults.

There is also the element of fairness here. It took me 30 minutes to find the source of the photo of the dead girl in the box and to make a series comments. It only takes 10 seconds to tell a colleague to fuck off. And we are all colleagues for better or worse.

Anyone who is a shill and sifting thru our posts will eventually come to the realization that child trafficking is real (unless they are subhuman). Now when a shill is also a perpetrator of sex offenses, the more accurate reporting we do, the more that perp should start getting nervous that he'll be uncovered sooner or later. Just saying.....

Vindicator ago

I agree with you, Pizzalawyer. Attacking other users especially with vitriol is not helpful on this subverse. Not sure what is going on here, as I am slogging through 103 notifications in the past 24 hours.

There are three options for terrible behavior in Comments:

  • Downvote
  • Block
  • Ask them to stop

I have asked @argosciv to stop. I cannot ban anyone for their commentary. I would be demodded; Voat has zero tolerance for that kind of moderation.

Pizzalawyer ago

ok, thanks for explanation. and yes i do downvote

Vindicator ago

yes i do downvote

Good man. Also, thank you for providing your intelligent contributions on so many threads. That goes a long way toward refocusing conversation on useful topics when things devolve into drama.

argosciv ago

The girl in the box is not what I questioned here.

It's the fake news being created by mixing it in with the photo of Syrians.

As for the person I'm being belligerent towards, it is not without reason - I keep track of a lot of things and when a 'newcomer' shows up trying to reply to me in what appears(to me) to be a suspicious manner, I bite back a little until I can be sure.

You can lob veiled threats at me all you like, sounds just like srayzie and her merry band, though - so no, you don't make me nervous at all because the accusations against me are baseless.

PS: I've already contacted Task Force Argus about the slander I'm being subjected to.

cc: @Vindicator @ben_matlock @Millennial_Falcon

Pizzalawyer ago

relieved to see you defend yourself without vicious or vulgar language, its much more effective, dont you think? I lurked for a long time before climbing on board. I wanted to be sure this was a worthy forum. Im sure I was not alone in this approach and if I was attacked on my first few excursions, i would have gone away to spend time on Kardashian news.

argosciv ago

relieved to see you defend yourself without vicious or vulgar language, its much more effective, dont you think?

Actually, no matter what I do here, srayzie, think- and Shizy continue to levy hysterical slander at me and organize mass-downvote brigading; it's only effective with people who are themselves, capable of maintaining composure.

I can be a prick or 'professional' per what the occasion calls for.

Shizy ago

@think- @srayzie

I'm mean seriously? He's talking about us but won't ping us?

think- ago

Yep. Talking behind our backs, and complaining about us in long PMs he spams @Vindicator's inbox with.

So we have: accusation of 'hysterical slander' and the insult that @srayzie is a 'retarded judeao-Christian cunt'.

Plus the accusation of downvoat brigading, which is ridiculous, I don't even know how others here voat.

But he sees himself as being able of 'composure' and 'professionalism'. Well.

srayzie ago

He said this before @Vindicator asked me, @Shizy, and @Argosciv for a truce. So this one comment I’ll let slide.

think- ago

That's up to you, srayz. xo

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

@Vindicator I’m hoping this happened before the truce.

Vindicator ago

Yes, I believe so.

argosciv ago

More or less, yes.

Assuming there is indeed a truce going forward.

@srayzie @think- @Shizy

srayzie ago

Ok so let’s all be nice to each other.

Let’s do it for our Country

@Vindicator @Shizy @Think-

argosciv ago

Alrighty then.

And yes, I'll be responding to @Crensch's thread shortly, too.

@Vindicator @Shizy @Think-

argosciv ago

relieved to see you defend yourself without vicious or vulgar language, its much more effective, dont you think?

Actually, no matter what I do here, srayzie, think- and Shizy continue to levy slander at me and organize mass-downvote brigading; it's only effective with people who are themselves, capable of maintaining composure.

I can be a prick or 'professional' per what the occasion calls for.

Vindicator ago

Argosciv, you're attacking people indisciminately. Take a break from Voat. Go outside. Walk it off.

argosciv ago

Take a break from Voat. Go outside. Walk it off.


Argosciv, you're attacking people indisciminately.

Just like the indiscriminate attacks against me. Very much appreciate it if you can address that with me in reply to the last pm I sent you - in the mean time, I'll go ahead and get back to more important work.

project_uniquename ago

even copying the "cc:" trend I started.

You had a good idea, and I wanted to use it myself. I've seen others use it too. I'm going for a few hours, so you guys can sort this out while I'm gone.

Shizy ago

Not everyone here is a rude asshole like this guy. You are welcome here and it's always good to have as many people as possible looking into this stuff so stick around!

3141592653 ago

Is hoax or fact like snopes ?

argosciv ago

Take it as you will. By all means, check them out, but, it's plain as day that the photos are being recycled to drum up bullshit.

Or y'know, ignore the obvious - whatever suits you and those tugging on heart strings here in the comments.

3141592653 ago

Either way, what they're doing to millions of kids in Syria is being horrifying

dtneslo ago

Read my replies, I covered all that...Look at the girl in the box....she has rigour mortis and her left foot is clearly broken...that is clearly an SE Asian girl, not Syrian..perhaps that image is from a one-off crime scene...Im not sure...also the images of large amounts of children does not show the grey-blue tint that was evidenced in the Syria chem attacks nor is there rigour mortis...obviously ALL these pictures are evidence of crimes against children.....where, what kind and who is what I am interested in

argosciv ago

I know you did, I've read your replies. Not trying to give you a hard time, just sharing what I found via reverse-image-searching.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

How can anyone be in favor of "organ donation" if they know about this stuff? It makes me want to cry.

notagame ago

Well, there you go!!!! Thanks for the great find.

I figured it was real. Why else would it have such a cult following? And at the same time trying to be debunked by labeling it a conspiracy theory.

dtneslo ago

My sarcasm meter is confused..are you serious?

carmencita ago

I’m on phone. Hashim Tacki PM of Kosovo is being investigated for arms & drug trafficking plus organ harvesting. I did a post on it with a picture of him with Bill & Hillary. There is a pic of him walking into Our White House with Joe Biden, who invited him. I kid you not. Turkey is heavily involved as well and Israel.

Pizzalawyer ago

There is a list of the Clintons murder victims, The world also needs a list of Clintons sinister associates, those suspected of crimes and those that have been prosecuted. And then a list of the satanists they rub shoulders with, The Clinton book of lists.

carmencita ago

I have seen that list a while ago. It is a long list for sure. That book may just rival the size of War and Peace. We all know they have the power to pull it off, but I think the Bushes and others have also added to this list. Including BO.

dtneslo ago

Thank you..please let me know when and if you more on this...

carmencita ago

You can check our submissions. @new4now @fogdryer and I did posts on it. Otherwise I can’t send til tomorrow.

MolochHunter ago

the horror...

carmencita ago

This is Rough. @new4now @fogdryer @Cc1914 @Innocent Angel 😇

new4now ago

I remember seeing these pics terrible

Agent999 ago

RIP angels now in the arms of God. How can people be so cruel. There is a special place in hell awaiting them, maybe that why they don't want to die. They are both perpetrator, recipients of the organs and the eater of walnut sauce. This is win win for them. Thankfully people are waking up.

dtneslo ago

I just realised theyre referencing George Webb which raises alarms with me. I wonder if these are Syrian victims of the chemical attacks from 2011ish? Except for the girl taped up in a box at the bottom of the is that...also there is no discoloration as was the case with the chemical attack victims...

Vindicator ago

The site you linked is a Fake News pusher. Look around at some of the articles they published in their Science category. Also, only first names for reporters. It's a disinfo site, pulling pics from old news stories and trying to pass them off as PG.

3141592653 ago

Yes.. over a million kids have been killed in Syria in the past 7 years. It's the most horrific scene on the planet and the worst the world has seen since ww2. It's f'ing heartbreaking. Child trafficking and sexual abuse are beyond rampant

carmencita ago

That’s what we do here. Research. Proof. That’s what we need here.

HillBoulder ago

The English in the article is terrible and newsgru????? has no source material for this. Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me.

DangersDad ago

This smells of fake news.

dtneslo ago

I think the story is bs especially with George Webbs name...he is psyop-ish but the kids all have bandages on their foreheads and the dead girl at the bottom is obviously real...i think "they" are covering these pictures in a BS story to take away from the obvious gruesomeness...

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

what exactly are you trying to say, that organ harvesting doesn't take place and you don't want to believe it, or you just think this one story might be fake?

Cc1914 ago

Look at this screen cap Jenny sent about GW and the woman he brings on board !! @carmencita

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

wow... thanks

Cc1914 ago


carmencita ago

I will answer this later.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago


Yeah right. The images are far from graphic. There's no blood. The bodies are not the slightest bit mangled or decomposed. They could easily be alive and posing for the photos. The article doesn't even give any details as to how or where they were found.

At worst, this is complete bullshit. At best, it's extremely poor journalism.

Pizzalawyer ago

how is ES's comment getting upvoated? The mystery behind the horrible death of the Indonesian girl in the cardboard box has been solved by at least 3 commentators below. We need to have open minds. One purpose to posting is the opportunity to explore on your own, not just a quickie response to a post that may or may not be valid.

dtneslo ago

The dead girl in the box looks fake to you? At the bottom of the article?

Pizzalawyer ago

@dtneslo : your observation is spot on, she is very dead, see my comments below

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Looks like a real girl, yes. But how can you tell she's dead? If she is, she must not have been dead very long. Look at her complexion. She hasn't lost any color, her cheeks and eyes are not at all sunken.

If I had to guess, I'd say this is disinfo meant to distract.

dtneslo ago

the girl's feet are curled past the point of anything possible while alive..that is rigour my other replies...the photos I think are real, the story is obvious nonsense...especially if George Webb is ACTUALLY involved...

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

The bent ankles are not enough for me to say she's dead. I can bend my ankles that far and I'm still alive. But the link @Sometimesineedhelp provided has convinced me that she really is dead in the photo. It also pretty much proves the story is nonsense, as you said.

I'd suggest deleting the post, but I don't know if anyone takes this sub seriously anymore anyway with all the fuckery that goes on in here.

dtneslo ago

Her left foot is clearly broken...

Sometimesineedhelp ago

I can't find the source right now, but I came across this last year, it's a real girl, but she was raped and murdered by a neighbor or Uncle I think, it was a well publicized case, I'll try to find the source, but this is wrong, of that I'm sure

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Poor kids. Fuck these people. Just throwing this out there, if anyone can answer some of these it might help open the issue up a bit to even greater understanding. What kind of equipment would you need to keep the organs viable during and after transport. soak them in propylene glycol and freeze them for long term storage? Refrigerated shipping containers? Was (((any)))) military ships in the area? Also I find the amount of victims strange is demand that high? or is there a way too keep them long term?

carmencita ago

Demand is very high. There has been research here on ship containers but seems no longer people interested. Sad. Israel needs lot of organs. They had a law. People could not donate organs Religeos reasons. Law changed but some still did not. They use a lot of organs of Palestinian children.

3141592653 ago

It's horrible

carmencita ago

Ok. Now scroll down to R Young saying Jenny was no longer friends with GW. Also see her screenshot from Chan. That’s the one I wanted you to see. It means to me that she made a mistake about George. He tricked her. He could be involved in her death or missing. Idk. Could be DS or CIA. Or combo. She dropped him soon as she found he was a fooler.

dtneslo ago

i think keep them alive then take what you need then refrigerate the bodies to keep other organs fresh...The pix with large amounts of kids are puzzling because they show no sign of life OR they were killed medically and THEN their bodies were found...I wish I had the original pics to forensically analyze them for dates and locations etc...

fogdryer ago

It does not work that way. Science has developed a drug that gives an organ 3 additional days to be vilable . Organs need oxygen —- blood flow.

I find the photo peculiar. Why are so many there? Were they doing like a 60 day waste management schedule? I didn’t take the liberty of a magnifying glass..... the kids looked intact. What were they doing there???? The adenchrome comes from the back of the neck. All you need is a needle... I didn’t see the date on this article something is off

3141592653 ago

Do we have proof about adrenochrome and it being extracted that way??

13Buddha ago

There is no documented evidence that I could find of adrenochrome ever being extracted from a human pineal gland. BUT, there is documented evidence on the correct surgical procedure for accessing the pineal gland when a person presents with a pineal gland tumor. That approach is the posterior cranium, the back of the head. The gland is in the cranium, not in the neck.

3141592653 ago

Thank you! The pineal gland has long been referred to as the third eye, a concept that I do not think is nefarious at all. And that fluoride calcifies the pineal gland, supposedly weakening our psychic capabilities / spiritual connection. So that lends something to the idea that they would want to mess with someone's pineal gland, if in fact there is a way to do that that either hurts the victim and/or provides a benefit to the perpetrator. Mostly conjecture, and but important and relevant I believe. Thanks again

carmencita ago

The needle is correct and your questions and info are correct. The number of children is odd to me too. They have perfected the harvesting but good at faking pics too.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

This needs to be stickies ASAP

darkknight111 ago

Can confirm bandages over the front of the skull area.

This is smoking gun evidence of the adrenochrome theory.


I really didn't want to believe the adrenochrome thing...

realityisinsanity ago

The Yugoslav Wars in the 90s had a lot to do with sex and organ trafficking.

MolochHunter ago

and the guy who headed it was frequently at the same table as the clintons in high society fundraisers

carmencita ago

Correct Yes I agree.

fogdryer ago

Birds of a feather

Didn’t she give him what he needed to take further control of his operation ie. Money, contacts, arms