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dtneslo ago

I just realised theyre referencing George Webb which raises alarms with me. I wonder if these are Syrian victims of the chemical attacks from 2011ish? Except for the girl taped up in a box at the bottom of the is that...also there is no discoloration as was the case with the chemical attack victims...

Vindicator ago

The site you linked is a Fake News pusher. Look around at some of the articles they published in their Science category. Also, only first names for reporters. It's a disinfo site, pulling pics from old news stories and trying to pass them off as PG.

3141592653 ago

Yes.. over a million kids have been killed in Syria in the past 7 years. It's the most horrific scene on the planet and the worst the world has seen since ww2. It's f'ing heartbreaking. Child trafficking and sexual abuse are beyond rampant

carmencita ago

That’s what we do here. Research. Proof. That’s what we need here.