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carmencita ago

I’m on phone. Hashim Tacki PM of Kosovo is being investigated for arms & drug trafficking plus organ harvesting. I did a post on it with a picture of him with Bill & Hillary. There is a pic of him walking into Our White House with Joe Biden, who invited him. I kid you not. Turkey is heavily involved as well and Israel.

Pizzalawyer ago

There is a list of the Clintons murder victims, The world also needs a list of Clintons sinister associates, those suspected of crimes and those that have been prosecuted. And then a list of the satanists they rub shoulders with, The Clinton book of lists.

carmencita ago

I have seen that list a while ago. It is a long list for sure. That book may just rival the size of War and Peace. We all know they have the power to pull it off, but I think the Bushes and others have also added to this list. Including BO.

dtneslo ago

Thank you..please let me know when and if you more on this...

carmencita ago

You can check our submissions. @new4now @fogdryer and I did posts on it. Otherwise I can’t send til tomorrow.