pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

I was going to suggest Rusty Nelson, but then thought better of it when remembering that they are targeting whistleblowers with "Suicides". I also say be careful. Stay prayed up, and if you're not a praying type, start.

Shizy ago

I think the only reason Rusty Nelson has survived is they know he was smart enough to make an "insurance policy" against them to save his life. Dudes got photos of it all stashed somewhere for sure!

sore_ass_losers ago

The most compelling evidence I've seen, think it's from some TV documentary, Bonacci and a film crew find the ranch where he says he was held, and sure enough there is a semi underground hiding spot section with graffiti, names carved into wooden beams.

ReddittRefugee ago

You might find this page interesting @Ateam :

There have been other threads on Voat tracking King's whereabouts since his release from jail:

When he got out of jail, King was given a job by an old friend from Nebraska who has set up a chain of car dealerships in the eastern Virginia/DC area.

This was reported ( a long time ago) on Voat, and some vigilantes living in the DC area contacted the Sterling dealership where he was working, and exposed him to the staff. King quit at the dealership and moved on to other jobs:

His son has been tracked down in Texas, but he is estranged from his father Lawrence E. King, and appears to be clean. Nothing bad has been found out about him that I've been able to find, and I think doxing him would be an injustice, especially since he seems to want to stay completely away from his father. Maybe the cycle of pedophilia and abuse has been broken in the case of King's son.

Like all pedophiles, of course, King is never going to stop trying to get access to children. In the threads above you'll find links to info about his sneaking his way into children's groups since his release from jail.

Ateam ago

Lawrence E. King Jr. Manager At Food Lion Supermarket 720 S King St, Leesburg, VA 20175

carmencita ago

Someone else pointed me towards a more recent book on the subject by Nick Bryant, which is by far the most in depth account of Franklin himself. I highly recommend it to anyone even mildly interested in the topic. Nick Bryant's Article Johnny Gosch's Proof Of LifeAccording to Nick Bryant, Regarding Larry E . King Jr

"he was born Sept 7, 1944" to Ponco and Vineta King. He went to Omaha Central High School, and worked as a waiter for the Blackstone Hotel in downtown Omaha. He then went to Omaha U for pre-med, but left early and joined the USAF from 1965-1969, getting to rank of E5 (sergeant).

You will find a lot of info on this page. It has many links to different aspects of King, the Franklin Cover Up, Omaha NE and Warren Buffet's involvement in all of this. Warren Buffet must be included in your report. Larry E King Jr. used to work with Susan Buffet at the Savings & Loan. There is so much that has been covered up. There is also a BUSH KILL LIST. Gary Coradari is now on it.

From #4. He was investigating Lawrence E. King, Jr., a very influential black Republican who was also a friend of George H.W. Bush. King was director of the Franklin Community Credit Union in Omaha, Nebraska, and was suspected of embezzling $40 million. The Nebraska Senate questioned child prostitutes, who accused King of running a child prostitution ring. One of these children said that she saw George H.W. Bush at one of King's parties. "Pronto", a newspaper in Barcelona, Spain, reported that the scandal "appears to directly implicate politicos of the state of Nebraska and Washington DC who are very close to the White House and George Bush himself". Gary Caradori claimed that he had evidence that supported these allegations. On July 11, 1990, Gary Caradori was killed along with his 6-year old son in the crash of his small plane, after a mid-air explosion, the cause of which was never discovered. He had told friends repeatedly in the weeks before his death that he was afraid his plane would be sabotaged.

Please Be Careful

3141592653 ago

Im reading this book right now

carmencita ago

Oh Wow. Let us know how it was. Maybe do a post on it. I hope to God this guy is careful.

TrendyCantina ago

Hi - Omaha resident checking in. I friend of mine told me, around 3 years ago, that she saw Larry King working at a local bank - he came out to the front area of the bank, and then back through the doors that only employees use.

A year ago some sleuths here at Voat found him singing in a choir in DC

As for interviewing the victims, I doubt they would be willing to talk. I know that Alcia Owens is doing very well with a family and a normal life. From what i understand she does not discuss it. Once she got out of jail, she put all her effort into putting the past behind her.

I only know that second hand, a friend of my family has been visiting Alicia since she was in jail, visited her throughout the entire sentence and still keeps tabs on her. I think for Alicia, talking about it would be the antithesis of her healing process.

The only way I can imagine them talking about the abuse and the case, is if it's in a formal setting where they are pretty much guaranteed safety from retaliation, as well as justice for the crimes they experienced. Neither of which you, or anyone, can offer them.


LexTalionis ago

Agreed. Paul has a family life as well, I would mirror the eye to focus severely on King.

TrendyCantina ago

Larry King is a literal demon walking around free as a bird.

Shizy ago

What are your thoughts on Michael Aquino? While Larry King is a nasty scumbag, he was pretty low ranking, much lower than Aquino. Aquino is a scary POS.

TrendyCantina ago

I know a little about Aquino (didn't he kill someone in his bathtub?). It was the testimony about King, raping a little boy, until he was bloody, and immediately after, without washing his hands or anything, going back to a party full of wealthy important people and shaking hands like nothing happened. They're both demons, and there is no shortage of demons among us. They ALL should be outed. That's what i love about this sub, that's what we do here.

3141592653 ago

I wonder where he is today

Shizy ago

Last I looked he is in CA and running his satanic church

3141592653 ago

that's nuts. thanks

truthdemon ago

I agree...why would Alicia Owens want to talk to the public again...thebpublic is not interested in saving their why should she sacrifice her life again for an ungrateful lazy public... ..a formal setting can be arranged under universal jurisdiction ..if an individual can use currency to reduce the debt at the US tressury..this turns thr US into the person or groups debtor..with US as debtor status and being the war corporation of the world can.set up.war tribunals across the planet undrr universal.jurisdiction... Even kissinger is shit scared of this universal.jurisdiction.. Wiki : universal. Jurisdiction Google : universal jurisdictiin kissinger.. I have emailed the US treasury..their debt reduction department has agrreed to accept anyones currency on the planet .. This makes legal.sense the US has worldwide jurosdiction especially in thr global.war on terror..and is Romes war corporation both foreign and makes legal sense...

Truthseeker3000 ago

Interviewing Paul Bonacci and Alicia Owen is not a good idea. The others were killed for talking and both have families with children and I don’t want to see anything happen to them. Troy Bonner never got the chance to talk to the last person looking for him before he was killed. Larry King is an absolute monster, go after him hard and who knows where his son and ex wife are (I heard Texas but who knows). Larry also had/has a Cadillac car dealship. In his singing charity group they work with kids, surprise, surprise. Who is his handler? Where does he live? Do his neighbors know? Imagine fliers going out to everyone in the neighbourhood and billboards in the town?

TrendyCantina ago

I almost wrote this same comment, and I swear I hadn't read yours first.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Funny, yeah I just read your comment above now and hadn’t seen it before either lol!! That’s unbelievable your family knows one of the victims and helped, the world needs more people like you. This story touched me so very deeply and I got to it by watching the Johnny Gosch story as I didn’t believe it at first, I could not believe our gov and military would be in on something so horrific. I researched everything I could about this story and know a fair amount about it. I am worried about this person poking around trying to find them. Just let them be. Larry King is another story, I’d love to see him humiliated and exposed. The things he did are beyond sick. What was your take on Hunter Thompson “committing suicide” the day after they came out with Johnny Gosch working as a journalist at the white House and an escort, etc. I also do believe 95% that that man is him but sadly Noreen can’t make a public statement about it. She is an unbelievable mother and I truly admire everything she’s done, although sick people have tried to tarnish her reputation online. I could talk about this case all day...

TrendyCantina ago

I grew up in Omaha during this time. My own brother was one of a group of little boys who was always invited over to Pete Citron's house after the pool, the play pin ball in the basement. You might recall his name as being one of the prominent Omaha men named in the Franklin case. Whatever happened in the basement, i'll never know. I doubt my brother remembers or wants to. I know he grew up to be a bitter guy.

But I really don't know as much about the case as i should. As for Hunter, I was supposed to see him speak in Lincoln NE one time, but the event was cancelled due to him spending one night in jail... due to him raping a 12 year old girl in a little Nebraska border town. No one made a big deal out of it.

I don't know enough to answer your questions, but really this who thing deserves it's own sub, don't you think? An offshoot of Pizzagate - v/FranklinCase

What do you think @think- @carmencita

carmencita ago

I agree. There is so much more to Omaha and NE than has been posted. Yes Franklin but then that must include Buffet since he has been flying under the radar. For God’s Sake King worked with Susan B at the Bank. We must cover him since so much has been scrubbed already.

Shizy ago

I think so much shady crap has gone on/is going on in Omaha because of Offitt Air Force Base. It's an important installment and based upon what I read when researching the Franklin scandal, being able to fly children in an out undetected is a major part of their operation. Using military bases allows them to do this.

carmencita ago

The military has been involved in these horrid operations for years. It is an area that has yet to be uncovered. We always have shills that try to keep us from bringing out the truth on Military Bases. People have said they have been to the bases and not seen anything. Baloney. Have they been to every area? Have they thought about tunnels under the base? There were maps shown on here that showed tunnels connecting bases all over the country. I hope to God they were archived.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

@Carmencita I am SO glad you said that. People keep forgetting about these old POS's and it's high time history slap some people into wakefulness. There are people around me that still admire that piece of grossness. There are many rich people that are ACTUALLY doing good work for people. Then there are these folks. Lowest of the low. Time for some light, roaches.

carmencita ago

Yes shine a light and watch them scatter. @millennial_vulcan & I have talked about doing a post about WB.

millennial_vulcan ago

we've done many. If folk don't get it by now then, I give up. WB is 87: not long till the devil spawn dies.

Hmm, what number heart is he on by now? I reckon his 7th.

carmencita ago

He possibly could live another 10 yrs. at least. I know your hatred for him is as strong as mine. I think of what he may be getting away with. He is not some old harmless Grampa. Yes, I wonder who has had more hearts WB or Dick C. The bad thing is his children are left to continue the damage. Susan Buffet just adores Planned Parenthood as does her father. Another family that will reek havoc.

millennial_vulcan ago

I don't have strong hatred for him. I don't waste any emotion on him and or any of them. what I hate is the fact they all seem to keep flying under radar and get off lightly

carmencita ago

Well when someone like him and his family keeps flying under the radar, it is usually for a good reason. Guilt.

TrendyCantina ago

Omaha deserves its own sub, is that what you're saying? If so i agree!

Cc1914 ago

Nice job !

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Listen to how the "news" called it "call boy" scandal. They were not prostitutes, they were children from an orphanage. Typical bait and switch.

Aasb ago

a lil offtopic: They/we also say "childp*rn" as if it is normal porn just with children. Weve been fed this term for too long and dont question it anymore. How about child rape, child torture, child destruction?

Ateam ago


truthdemon ago

Good work with the editing...ure palcing the relevent sections.together...maybe a suggestion to add more punch to the clips is to accentuate it with texts clips in between or inside the video clips for new audience..

Eg when the ex senator walks bonacci around the perimeter...thats the first place john de camp is introduced the doc...his importance is not known to the audience..him being an ex state senator in charge of the investigation ... In the original john de camps introduction included him working with caradori .. If u could lay out inside the video clip..this fact ..and in the next video clip lace it with other texts..u have an alternative parallel commentary...for the audience..the newer ones... In the original one john de camps intro ..had a punch ..his description of the crime of institutions being corrupted from within...and the use of children as drug mules..child rape rings..and worse. ... The original one had me physically sick for about a week..and was the main reason that got me researching the legal.matrix...till then i was heing entertained by jfk and 9/11 alt media coopted repeatss.. The legal matrix opened my eyes to people looking for a solution first understanding the root of the system..this understanding has evolved over the years eventhough it has been infiltrated..and diverted many a time... I always refer people who scoff at the alt media and challenge them to watch the conspiracy of silence... The intro hits them like a brick.. ..anyway good work so far..hope.u can take my suggestion for ur next edits. I would givve u suggestion on the legal matrix..but people.i realise ..dont want solutions..just want to be entertained and horrified..

Ateam ago

Thank you for your feedback and I will take your advice when moving forward. I think it's a natural progression for those who become educated to move towards a solution. Modern-day serfdom has plagued our society and caused us to think and act as though we are not in control.

truthdemon ago

Yes ..they make sure they dont use the word Rape.. It is child rape ..not prostitution..

Child rape...child rape...child rape...child rape..child rape.... ....and we r funding it..

3141592653 ago


SoldierofLight ago

Nice job. Looking forward to the next segment.

3141592653 ago

Important work!

sunajAeon ago

Great, I hear King is free and returning to his old sick pathological lifestyle-can anyone tell me why he hasn't been removed yet?

truthdemon ago

Because american are wimps

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You don't know why? The entire system is subverted and these scum run things. Courts, Heads of law enforcement, politicians, Intel agencies, celebrities, Corporations, Banking masters. Why would they remove somebody doing what they pay him to do? You realize they cover this up, they don't shut it down?

truthdemon ago

Its not really a cover just them telling the public...nothing to see as run along and do what we want u to do ur labour credits and assets to us as security...then consume and waste away on what poisons we feed ur mind.. that we.can increase the debt for u in the banking system....and then we pass statutues and taxes .and bill u for this sweet move .so we can further this lovely game

Its not death to masons ...its debt to masons .. ..when we reduce debt at the treadury ..then its death to masons.. When r the fucking morons here ..too lazy and airheaded ...gonna wake up to the legal system they fund.. Reduce the fucking debt u morons

derram ago :


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