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BTAlum4truth ago

links of interest: (Larry Kings "roomate") Larry is already back in society, find him, i'll bet you find a whole network that never stopped, a man as sick as he was isn't going to straighten up and fly right... ...a little background on Larry and his role in FCU/BT scandal...source is questionable i know, but the info on LEKing is Solid....Find King and i believe we find something huge!

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Larry was selling cars up in Maryland....Mercedes gov leases. Cush job out of jail. We made calls, someone paid him a visit, freaked him out. I called last year and was told he is no longer there. Then I was told he 'checks in for any calls'. I sent the male receptionist a few email links...he had no idea! Along with that job, he was said to be organizing parties in D.C. On the up and up. .....right....So he can be found. Go through the dealership. Be creative.

BTAlum4truth ago

I am quite aware of this, and the dealership... good to see others are as well, and thank you for your efforts!