IPleadThe2nd ago

There was a man name Rusty, can't remember his last name, who apparently was the photographer who was used to take incriminating pics of the high ups and politicians who raped the trafficked kids including those from boystown. Rusty has spoken out some many years ago and claims he has been allowed to live because he has held onto some of the photos as "insurance". When I researched the Gary story a few years back I found an article/info someplace that said a state trooper who was first on the scene of the plane wreckage reported finding some photographs. The FBI stepped in and took over the investigation. The trooper later died under some questionable circumstances. Gary found the "smoking gun" and made the terrible mistake of relaying just that before boarding that flight with his young son. Very tragic story. I will try to find links to detail all of this, but others may know more....

Edit* here is a fairly long overview of the case, including the Caradori plane crash. I was mistaken, it was a sheriffs deputy who arrived on the scene and reported there was child pornography littering the crash site. The FBI stepped in, removed the evidence, and told the deputy to be quiet. He wasn't quiet, and shortly afterward he was in a serious head on collision that killed his wife and severely injured him. He survived. It's about a quarter of the way into the article.


BTAlum4truth ago

Rusty Nelson

Temporary101 ago

Hey guys, I'm new and won't be on again unless I find more but wanted to deliver this message. I came on here earlier and saw this post and went looking for Lawrence scumbag king. Here is what I found. Lawrence King Reston, Va Age 72 09/07/1944 Single Manager at Food Lion Supermarket AKA Larry E King, Lawrence E King, Lawrence E j King I'm pretty sure this is him. Wife's name was Alice and shows he lived in Omaha, Ne https://www.mylife.com/larry-king/larryeking

Also found this article but you may already have it from 2005 http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/02/08/lawrence-e-king-jr-overachiever/ Happy Hunting

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

It was the pictures. He made a mistake by calling and saying he got it all. Also said, I think we know what happened to Johnny. (Gosch) The pictures fluttered down with the plane wreckage. A passerby began to collect what appeared to be porn pics with kids. The cordoned off the area, the chief went up to him and took the pics, and said 'we will take over now, best not to speak of this while we investigate'. So all the pics were gone. However, Rusty Nelson, the photographer groomed with Nancy Regan's hairdresser, etc. always said he knew where pics were hidden. He took a few people to the Grand Canyon somewhere to a crevice, and there was nothing there. It's been a chase for pics FOREVER! Now we know the 650K emails contain the evidence of the more recent deplorable activity. And SHE called others deplorable! They need to leak a few! Gary...R.I.P.

IPleadThe2nd ago

I should have read your comment before posting! You have a lot more of the details about the photographs!

zzvoat ago

No, it was a good thing to post this. There are new folks coming onto the site everyday trying to get a grip on things. If nothing from past posts ever bubbled again to the surface, no one would be aware of it.

BTAlum4truth ago

Exactly, well done sir, this is what i have been looking for, for a cpl decades now, they have to be out there somewhere! I am not sure but it stands to reason he had other info as well corroborating the pics, e.g. phone numbers/records, affidavits, he got the info from someone... someone who knows, who tried to do the right thing, and has either been silenced or is in fear of being, after what happened to Gary, to the documentary etc. The truth is out there :)

doubletake ago

Gary Caradori Interviews of Franklin Scandal Victims

by Nick Bryant and Gary Caradori


doubletake ago

he was a person of stature, of great credibility and respect, undoubtedly with many friends and colleagues -- his plane "broke apart," at a critical stage of his investigation. NOBODY WHO MATTERED said a word. Not unlike all those suicides who take two or more bullets to do the job. This topic has generally been a Death Sentence for those good people who take it on. But now there are thousands of eyes. You betchya that would be a golden fleece moment if you could find copies of what he had. Everyone thinks they were all destroyed when the plane "broke apart." Maybe a seance? Or a remote viewer? This is part of the same continuum of events all the way up to the present. Gary's data would be sheer gold. Starting to think all real hope will lie with the hackers.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

They say the back seat of the plane was 'missing'...never to be found. Many believe that is where the bomb was. People saw it break up in the air. The FAA said so too at first. By morning it was changed to "the plane broke up when it hit the ground". Liars!

BTAlum4truth ago

And yes Gary was a great man by all accounts!

BTAlum4truth ago

Some of the evidence he had was destroyed, but i believe some is still there &more is still there to be rediscovered...it's a dangerous subject, but so is all of this, we gotta stay strong. Not sure about the remote viewing, seance stuff, i feel it's best to keep this as publicly digestible as possible. Not casting dispersion's on your beliefs at all, but keeping things in the realm of what is more commonly acceptable, is hard enough, without adding what many, especially those just coming into the fray could/would consider, fringe, or wack-job stuff. I mean tbh this shit is crazy enough...am i right? Apreciate the post 2take!

BTAlum4truth ago

links of interest: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craig_J._Spence (Larry Kings "roomate") http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum/topic/118778-biographies-missing-on-wikipedia-why/ Larry is already back in society, find him, i'll bet you find a whole network that never stopped, a man as sick as he was isn't going to straighten up and fly right... http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/02/08/lawrence-e-king-jr-overachiever/25/ ...a little background on Larry and his role in FCU/BT scandal...source is questionable i know, but the info on LEKing is Solid....Find King and i believe we find something huge!

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Larry was selling cars up in Maryland....Mercedes gov leases. Cush job out of jail. We made calls, someone paid him a visit, freaked him out. I called last year and was told he is no longer there. Then I was told he 'checks in for any calls'. I sent the male receptionist a few email links...he had no idea! Along with that job, he was said to be organizing parties in D.C. On the up and up. .....right....So he can be found. Go through the dealership. Be creative.

BTAlum4truth ago

I am quite aware of this, and the dealership... good to see others are as well, and thank you for your efforts!