Truthseeker3000 ago

Excellent post by @WhyAserverWasBuilt on the other thread:

"Larry was selling cars up in Maryland....Mercedes gov leases. Cush job out of jail. We made calls, someone paid him a visit, freaked him out. I called last year and was told he is no longer there. Then I was told he 'checks in for any calls'. I sent the male receptionist a few email links...he had no idea! Along with that job, he was said to be organizing parties in D.C. On the up and up. .....right....So he can be found. Go through the dealership. Be creative."

Thank you for doing this, stay safe and keep up the excellent work.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yes 100% this is Larry King. He likely divorced his wife and she went with their son Prince King to Texas on the other side of the country to get away from him. He is likely remarried. He did time in prison and his ex wife was charged in the income tax and missing $40M Franklin Credit Union. Let's not forget that his ex wife was privy to most everything this sadistic pedofile was doing with money as they owned several houses, a private plane, etc. Larry King still owes victim Paul Bonacci $1M and not a dime has been paid, no wages garnished and this was by court order. WHY??? Interesting he was working at and owned a car dealership (as does his son in Tx currently) because this would be an easy way to launder money and hide certain transactions as I'm sure he is still highly acquainted with nefarious people.

Let's not forget what this fat sack of shit, disgrace to humanity was into: Larry King was and still is a sadist pedofile. His choice were young white boys which he would violently rape. There are testimonies of him being extremely forceful and enjoying the torture aspect of the act, including beating them. He would pimp kids to "important" people and his home in Washington where they held "elite" parties where they had children in the rooms downstairs for those who wanted to partake. He also had parties in Omaha at the Towers with prominent business people and naked children, drugs and alcohol. NOW, LETS TALK ABOUT THE MOST DISTURBING FACT OF LARRY KING: He flew a young teen boy on a private plane to California and picked up a few other people on the way, one of whom was Hunter S. Thompson (who was well known to shoot child porn and snuff films), and a young 6 year old boy. They all went to Bohemian Grove to film a child porn snuff film. The boys had to wear jungle themed costumes and were raped by a large tall and big man who was extremely violent with the six year old tearing him open and he was bleeding and hysterical. The man then began beating them both, punching and kicking and then ultimately shooting the child victim in the head dead. The older boy then was forced at gunpoint on film to have sex with the dead child's corpse. He was also made to bite off the child's penis and rape his corpse with it. These acts were all the direction of none other than LARRY KING who stood by directing the snuff film smiling and laughing. When this disgusting, vile film was completed they all went somewhere to meet with the buyers of the film to watch the movie and there were more boys there wearing jungle boy outfits sitting on the men's laps while they laughed and enjoyed this morbid sickness.


To all the victims of Lawrence E. King, may peace be with you all. This movement is about each of you and you are not forgotten, your lives matter. And for the many victims who lost their lives, we will not stop fighting for justice for you all and may your precious souls rest in eternal peace.

abcdefg222 ago

Thank you for your responses. He is evil. I have never heard those specific bohemian grove allegations. It's horrific. Did anyone testify to being three or seeing it?

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yes Paul Bonacci had discussed it, the victim in the film.

abcdefg222 ago

I must have blocked those horrors out. We hear about so much evil.

Truthseeker3000 ago

I've often wondered whether he molested his own son when he was growing up and what their relationship is like today. It's telling that his wife moved to the other side of the country with their son and away from him. The truth is out there and I wonder what else they know about this sick asshole. This man is pure evil.

banenya ago

COMPARISON OF LARRY KING FACE - THEN & NOW - threw this together quick: My God. It's him. Quick download any copy you can find of the Franklin coverup documentary that Discovery channel commissioned - then backed out last minute. As this breaks it is going to be massively scrubbed off YouTube if it isn't already.

awarenessadventurer ago

same man. good photo comparison. That is him.

Ang68 ago

I'm in Plano & want to know which dealership.

Ang68 ago

Umm....I live in Plano. What dealership?

Honeybee_ ago

Incredible! Shared on Twitter

abcdefg222 ago


Vindicator ago

All right, @abcdefg222! I am removing the "Unverified" flair and changing it to "Potential Lead". Excellent teamwork in here.

Howmanyarethere ago

Yep Lawrence Edward King 3rd Age 36 of Garland Tx Relatives are Alice P. King and Lawrence E King.....along with all the same relatives

abcdefg222 ago

Can we please get the unverified label removed? There a lot of info to be uncovered here and I want people to know that we found LARRY E KING from the FRANKLIN SCANDAL. We HAVE to look at his connections and fast. HELP!

abcdefg222 ago

I cannot find a "Martin Luther King Foundation" so maybe he was referencing this place? It is located in Reston. A lot of links on this page (like to photo galleries) are not opening for me. Can someone else try?

Howmanyarethere ago

I believe Alice P. King has a maiden name of Ploche of Garland Texas

abcdefg222 ago

Thank you!

abcdefg222 ago

Right!?!?!?? Omg this is big.

abcdefg222 ago

Should I repost? This isn't even on pizzagate front page.

Howmanyarethere ago

Veronica Ann Evans Age 66 is associated with Lawrence E. King (our pedophile) I don't know if they got married recently because they live at the same address in Reston VA

Veronica Lynn King Age 46 is associated with Larry Wilbert King Jr Age 48 (Probably innocent dude) they live at the same address in Purcellville VA

abcdefg222 ago

So it is him right???? It has to be. I've been loosing my shit over this trying to pull as much info as I can but I don't have a lot of time and am hoping for help.

Howmanyarethere ago

Yeah I believe it is him

Howmanyarethere ago

OK legit. (EDIT) I think these two guys ARE the SAME

Thomas Allen Moorehead Age 73 lived in Omaha Nebraska and runs a BMW car dealership (BMW of Sterling) out of Sterling VA

Lawrence E King Jr Age 72 lived in Omaha Nebraska (obviously) and now lives in Reston VA and works at BMW of Sterling.

---could they have gone to school together?---

HOWEVER. Lawrence E. King is married to Alice P. King although they may be separated as she lives in Texas

This Opera dude is married to a Veronica and so he's not the same guy. He appears to be Larry Wilbert King Jr Age 48 . He never lived in Nebraska (different guy)

HOLD UP I was just looking at the original flyer post and two things jump out the names "the Sterling Foundation, the Joyce and Thomas Moorehead Foundation" are in the article as well as "e is a past member of the Metropolitan Opera Advisory Board, has performed with the Reston and McLean Symphony Orchestras under the direction of Dingwall Fleary"

RESTON is where Lawrence King Lives and he works for THOMAS MOOREHEAD
way to much to be coincidence. MAYBE LAWRENCE KING REMARRIED

abcdefg222 ago

Yes! Thank you! I think so too. What do we do? We need more people in this researching and archiving what little bit of internet pretense that still remains of Larry e king. Should I repost it?

abcdefg222 ago

Alice King could live in Texas with their son Prince King and they may have gotten divorced and he married Veronica. I still really believe that this is him from reading this bio but I want the documentation to prove it and need help

9217 ago

Hey OP, I was trying to help verify whether this is the same Larry King as the one from the Franklin Scandal.

Looks like the documentary Conspiracy of Silence shows film of Larry King of the Franklin scandal singing the National Anthem, << At about 1:37 he's singing in an Opera sort've style (I know nothing about Opera)

Found reference to "Lawrence King, Jr. of Omaha, who sang the national anthem at the 1984 Republican convention in Dallas, and throughout the '80s was described as a “GOP high-roller” and “the fastest rising African-American star” in the Republican Party.""

From the Franklin Apparently he sang the anthem in both 1984 and 1988.

"8-1984 - Lawrence King throws a lavish party in Dallas, Texas, after singing the National Anthem at the Republican National GOP Convention."

"8-1988 - Lawrence King throws a lavish party in New Orleans, after a return appearance to the Republican GOP Convention to sing the National Anthem."


Vindicator ago

@abcdefg222: I am flairing this "Unverified" until someone presents some solid info confirming these two people are the same guy. Please ping me to change the flair if that evidence is found.

Howmanyarethere ago

These are not the same two people. I didn't want to post actual addresses but I did post basic age, state, and wife information so people could see these two are not the same person

HOLD UP I was just looking at the original flyer post and two things jump out the names "the Sterling Foundation, the Joyce and Thomas Moorehead Foundation" are in the article as well as "e is a past member of the Metropolitan Opera Advisory Board, has performed with the Reston and McLean Symphony Orchestras under the direction of Dingwall Fleary"

RESTON is where Lawrence King Lives and he works for THOMAS MOOREHEAD

abcdefg222 ago

Ok. I'm trying. Anyone have ability to run an identity verification check? It looks like one was already requested on spokeo today. If you have this, please share. Larry e King from Reston, VA and Omaha, NE?? I think this has to be him.

As soon as I saw his face I got sick to my stomach. I'm still searching for more evidence and confirmation.

Mammy ago

I found this New York Times article from December, 1988 in which King is described as "tall and expansive" . It also says he is 44 years old (at time of publication), which would make him 74-75 today. Funny though, that, no photo appears with the article --, yet a photo is credited at the end: A Lurid, Mysterious Scandal Begins Taking Shape in Omaha

EDITED TO ADD THIS FROM Veterans Today: "You will never see a photograph of Lawrence E. King, at one time one of Washington’s prominent GOP elite. King loved photographs taken with government officials yet not one exists today. Search the internet, this is perhaps the “least photographed person in history,” or so you would think. Karl Rove was tasked with this, hiring Michael Connell (dead in mysterious plane crash) to clean the net and several retired NYPD detectives to silence anyone who would speak out."

abcdefg222 ago

Nice find! Yes he's been all but scrubbed by the internet which is why we need ppl looking into these connections asap. My post is still unverified though and a lot of ppl are likely passing over it.

Mammy ago

I see this thread has gone from "unverified" to "potential lead". I honestly do not know what the difference is, but it would seem to be an upgrade. (?) Regardless, abcdefg222, I have a super-creepy feeling that this is the one and same King pin of the Franklin Scandal, pun intended. When I first started reading/viewing about Pizzagate/Pedogate, one of the main things that made me a believer in very short order was the connection/similarities to the Franklin Scandal. So I for one will do what I can to continue to investigate this angle and add to your thread as time allows.

I also wanted to relate that today I recalled a book I read decades ago, The Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft. It described, among many, many, other occult/mystical/cosmic things, how certain OPERAS contained meanings/steps in terms of initiation in the Knights of the Holy Grail. I remember in particular reading that Hitler was obsessed with the opera, Percival. because it allegedly contains codes about how to achieve spiritual enlightenment through a course of steps on what may be termed "a righteous path," but which could also be pursued through a short-cut "unrighteous" (or dark) path. Granted, this is a seemingly random recollection--it could certainly be a trivial detail-- but as I have not read that book in nearly 40 years, I thought it 'interesting" in an eerie sort of way that I should recall that bit about opera-as-allegory as I thought about this thread.


**NOTE: ** I have seen a clip of King sing the Star Spangled Banner back in the 80's. It might be within the Conspiracy of Silence documentary on You Tube, OR one of the Franklin Scandal videos. I will try to find that clip and will post it here. I do NOT know how to archive, though. PLEASE ARCHIVE THE ABOVE VIDEO CLIP and then perhaps we can do a voice analysis.

abcdefg222 ago

I don't know how to video archive (just websites). Sorry! I'll try to figure it out. I'm so happy your looking into this too. It's a huge deal to find him and his been mingling with the D.C. Elites so I think there's a lot of connections to look into. Thank you!!!

abcdefg222 ago


3141592653 ago

Weird, neither new photos look anything like him to me

Criticalthinker615 ago

We need to keep a very very close eye on this wierdo .

V____Z ago

Doesn't look much more recent than this

That picture is from a Wordpress blog, can you find the original source? One that contains som einfo about the picture would help. Unfortunately the blog doesn't provide any.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Nice work. Larry was instrumental in the original pizza gate.

Littleredcorvette ago

I grabbed the Thomas Moorehead Foundation:

Joyce and Thomas Moorehead Foundation

Moorehead Board of Directors Retired Army Intelligence Officer Retired School Teacher Retired Social Worker Lawyer Accountant +former CFO of Freddie Mac & Washington Gas Energy Svc, The Stanley Works ( ), Served on Boys Town Board, and City on the Hill Charter School of Boston.

What We Offer

“As a vital part of the scholarship program, students will have opportunities to establish meaningful relationships with their donors and to connect with those associated with the Foundation who support their higher education journey and personal growth in a variety of ways. “

Another good page:

Goodfella ago

Holy moly what a find! Excellent excellent digging OP! This opens tons of new doors...

Imagine all the rabbit holes in the private parties and shindigs he worked for. I smell NGO celebrations and all sorts of interesting venues to look into! Any opera on any venues at the latest Pegasus museum fundraiser? Maybe wishful thinking but I predict he's been contracted out to some typical elite weird underground pagan solstice celebrations that will end up looking oddly Luciferian upon new light.

Let's hope that this sub doesn't get deleted for whatever gay reason and we get enough digging on this! What's this embezzling Republican pastor bankster pedo pimp for neoconservative elites been up to lately? I'm sure probably just opera that happens to be in d.c. Ha

V____Z ago

Let's hope that this sub doesn't get deleted for whatever gay reason

I needed a good chuckle

Jobew1 ago

google image LK franklin's him. same obesity. same facial features. appropriate age. opera singer. interest in kids. says he's from the "heartland" (i.e, nebraska)..... given his lenient treatment and the obvious coverup of the scandal, it's completely logical he ends up in d.c. and now reinventing himself as a semi retired successful businessman opera singer interested in 'helping' young people

abcdefg222 ago

Yep. I can't even believe it. I mean, I knew he was out there but to see his face and know he's working with children and running with D.C. Elites just makes me sick.

mrohm ago

I wondered what happened to this fuck. Disgusting. I looked, but could find nothing. I had hoped he was dead.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Me too. Last I found was a Cadillac car dealership he owned and ran. Probably laundering more money there and still a sadistic pedofile. I fucking HATE this man.

NoBS ago

Ah shit, the same Franklin child prostitution rapist! Why was he not whacked?

pizzaequalspedo ago

Must have some good insurance material

NoBS ago

Insurance is like worms on a corpse if the dead have purchased protection with blood.

Mammy ago

This made the hair on my neck stand up. But I concur: Need to make sure you have the right man. I did an image search "Larry King + Franklin Scandal" and it sure does look like the same man, albeit somewhat lighter skinned, I think?

Here is the link for the image search results:

V____Z ago

It's the same guy. The images we have from the seventies are just darker, whilst this latest one has a lot of light in it. But it's definitely the same guy.

V____Z ago

I'm not sure you've got the right Larry King. He was spotted in Omaha by a friend of mine who lives there, working at a bank (in the back room) about 3 years ago. It's a very common name, be careful.

Thesheeplfollowuhome ago

Lawrence King JR would never gain emplpyment at a bank as he was convicted for embezzling 40 million dollars.

Truthseeker3000 ago

The money is stored away in offshore banks he never repaid. He also owes victim Paul Bonacci one million dollars which has never been paid out not one cent. How is that possible, it's a court order but he's never had to pay him and wages were never garnished. This man should never ever be around kids. He is a sadistic pedofile.

abcdefg222 ago

I think it's really him. All this info is for the same guy who worked for sterling for sure bc he's a part of the sterling related organizations. Annnnnd It looks like him, he sings, he has one son, from the heartland, he's visited and sang at the White House per this bio. I reaaallly think this is him. Please help me confirm.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yes this is guaranteed 100% Larry King. He does have one son living in tx. Sick vile human sack of garbage this man is scum of the earth.

V____Z ago

Oh SHIT that IS him. No wonder you're freaking out. Holy crap.

abcdefg222 ago

Right?!?! I think it has to be.

I can't find any marriage or divorce records but it looks like he was married to Alice back then... His bio now says he's married to Veronica Evans King. Can anyone find any divorce or marriage documentation?

Looking for more stuff now. I've been sick since I saw his picture this afternoon.

abcdefg222 ago

Can we get the unverified label removed? Anyway to bring more attention to this??? It's super important.