think- ago

@rickman: I am so very sorry, but I will have to remove the post now, since you didn't edit a link in.

You can repost as is to v/pizzagatewhatever, or edit and repost anytime to v/pizzagate.

Thank you. Please keep up the good work.

Scrooblemeyer ago

Why couldn't they just buy the ingredients locally when they got there or have someone buy them ahead of time so they were ready when they got there? I still think their hotdog party was code for prostituting children to the attendees though.

JamesCagney ago

So you're thinking that pizza party actually means child sex party?

If you were going to throw a child sex party, why would you need pizza chefs? That we're flown in from out of state? Would you delegate the party planning to other White House planners, put it on the official agenda?

Why would you want the event publicly announced and discussed in interviews to the media? If a congressman goes to a hooker, do they call the media, release a statement that they're going out to get a pizza with extra sausage? Or would you instead just view keep your mouth shut about it and do it?

Did the pizza chefs know and do anything about the supposed child sex, or were they just pizza chefs? If they are just innocent pizza chefs, than the number of coolers and any inconsistencies there is totally irrelevant.

It makes little sense that these two would be helping with child sex. If they were involved in heinous crimes, they would refuse media interviews. And why fly child sex "chefs" in? Do you think they brought child s c paraphernalia on the plane? What are they going to do to help get sex slaves for the party? Would you fly the Hollywood Madame into D.C. to provide hookers? Her connections and hookers are back in LA. It makes zero sense. Will the chefs go down to the child sex slave store and use their expertise to squeeze and pick out the freshest ones?

You haven't debunked anything here. What you have here are questions you don't know the answer to. Questions based on ridiculous assumptions. They said they had a cooler with them. Does that mean they brought enough cheese, sauce and white flour to make all the pizzas? Or would they more likely bring just a few items they thought were irreplaceable?

Just because you can't figure out every detail of how this was done, doesn't mean you've found inconsistencies or lies.

a_quest_ion ago

what was in the coolers if no outside food is allowed to come into the white house?

Fateswebb ago

2 coolers one for the deep dish dough, one for the ingredients. You don't need a cooler for thin crust dough.. but if so it would probably fit in the same 2 coolers.

think- ago

@rickman - I will have to flair the post now. (Please see my PM.) Please be so kind as to edit a link in. Just press the 'edit' button below the post, and add the link. You might want to choose the link to the old Voat thread you mention.

Rule 2: ALL posts must include at least one link.

I'll flair the post 'Edit Warning' - please edit within 24 hours, otherwise we'll unfortunately have to remove the post.

Thank you.

=> The post is excellent. After you'll have edited the link in, I'll give the post the 'Share!' flair. :-)

migratorypatterns ago

Excellent work.

UppadaVoat for you.

13Buddha ago

This is "priceless"!

tyfdt ago

No outside food is allowed in the white house.

rickman ago

There's also this story about a year after of Obama flying in Byron's Hot Dogs owner Mike Payne from Chicago to ASSIST WH cooks in making Chicago-style hotdogs. He didn't even bring his own ingredients, he just gave them a shopping list.

Isn't it peculiar that Fred Burton would mention flying in hot dogs from Chicago over a year before this story came out? He couldn't be referring to another hot dog event because the story points out the reason for Mike Payne being invited to cook is because none of the chefs in the WH knew how to make hotdogs. And in the email Aaric Eisenstein knows what private party Burton is talking about because he is the one who brings up "waitresses".

Begs the question, were these two publicized events cover? Remember Obama was the most secretive President in history. If he was having a "private party" it would not be splashed all over the news.

varialus ago

Maybe they flew in the ovens?

Gumbatron ago

Oy vey!

urbanmoving ago Big fish the hacker who exposed Alefantis and pizza joint massive porn server btw many of the "community" have the evidence

urbanmoving ago

Plus the "waitresses" stuff by (((Eisenstein))) and oh yea its not St Louis its Chicago here is your child molesting talmudic jew right here gloating over the "channel" usage for the kids they raped.

madhatter67 ago

While I've no doubt Obama is up to his neck in pizza and hotdogs....the 65000 dollar hotdog story is sourced from may well be true....and as a rumour is certairnly not talking food....but it's hardly gonna stand up in a court of law

God, on this one I'm agreeing with AWS...please forgive me!

EllaMinnow ago

There's a world of difference between St Louis pizza and Chicago pizza. If someone from Chicago wanted Chicago style pizza, it's highly unlikely they would buy it from a St Louis pizza place.

Are_we_sure ago

If someone from Chicago wanted Chicago style pizza, it's highly unlikely they would buy it from a St Louis pizza place.

Not every place in St Louis makes St Louis Style pizza.

Pi Pizza's inspiration was a restaurant in California that deep Chicago Style Deep.Dish Pi Pizza

That's also irrelevant speculation as he had this pizza before and wanted this pizza. The Chicago thing was other people complaining about his choice. They even called it pizza-gate back then.

Blacksmith21 ago

STL pizza is some of the worst shit out there. Provel cheese. Bleah.

urbanmoving ago

Kevin Jennings the pro pedo psychopath Soetoro had in his "admin" the go to guy for procurement

Are_we_sure ago

It's probably my debunk. You are missing something essential. Fred Burton's version is completely third hand right wing gossip. The chef donated his time and his food, the White House paid zero dollars.

Your debunk is chasing a ghost that isn't there.

Right wing blogs started arguing that taxpayer money was spent to fly the pizzas in, that Obama was wasting taxpayer fact, some of the criticism started as an environmental criticism, that Obama had a government plan fly this guy in because he wanted pizza and that would be environmentally wasteful. This whole controversy just starts as an attempt to criticize Obama for something. The amount of taxpayer money kept changing in terms of who was telling the story.

Fred Burton picked this completely incorrect story from right wing radios or blogs and put a number on it.

Lets imagine they were treated to First class and their flights cost $1200 combined. Google flights has a return trip at just over $500.

They were not treated at all. It was timed for when the pizza guy was going to be DC on business. He paid his own way and he donated his time and his ingredients.

You also do not link to the old thread which contains many comtemperaneous link that back up what I said.

Why don't you link to that debunking?

Fateswebb ago

You you're implying that Obama has outside food into the white House and eats it? Seems pretty risky for a president to ignore security policy and eat pizza sauce that wasn't sourced and prepared by his own chefs.... Or at minimal sourced by them and prepared onsite. What did he do? Have someone else eat the pizza and see if they got sick? Are we sure Obama lacked that much common sense?

Are_we_sure ago

I'm not implying anything. I'm staying as fact a well known pizza guy came to the White house with his dough and sauce and he and his manager made pizza in the two white house kitchens. One made thin crust and one made deep dish. And that this was well covered in the media including Good Morning America and Fox and Friends.

rickman ago

There were several controversies when this happened. The first was that Chicago Pizzerias were pissed that Obama chose a pizzeria in St. Louis over his hometown pizza joints.

Are you suggesting people were muddled up in where the pizza came from? Here's a Twitter search spanning a 20 week period.

From 22nd February 2009 until 11th July 2009 on Twitter: obama chicago pizza.

CaroleHunter on April 11th with 305 followers her tweet received zero replies, retweets or likes.

Palinspired on April 11 with 17.5k followers zero replies, retweets or likes

TinaTerrell on April 13th with 88 followers, zero responses

Wholetruthy on April 20th with 1600 followers, zero responses

JohnWirtz on April 21st with 73 followers, zero responses

Pinnie99 on June 29th with 8547 followers, zero responses

In a 20 week period Twitter only shows these six people, in 6 tweets, referring to Obama flying in pizza from Chicago. Everyone knew what the story was. Everyone knew Chicago's relevance in the story was being annoyed after Obama chose St Louis except for those ignorants.

You're suggesting Fred Burton and Aaric Eisenstein were another two people who hadn't read the news properly and assumed the pizza came from Chicago? Yet somehow they knew enough about it to know about the "waitresses" and "channels" involved. And where did they get hot dogs from?

The amount of taxpayer money kept changing in terms of who was telling the story. Fred Burton picked this completely incorrect story from right wing radios or blogs and put a number on it.

In your post in the other thread you link to search results for Obama pizza along with the TCOT hastag. In those results only one person refers to Obama flying in pizza from Chicago. Once again everyone was aware the pizza came from St Louis.

I also looked at some of the links to articles which mentioned Obama flying pizza to the White House.

  1. - their article points out the pizza was from St Louis. Not Chicago. In the comments someone explains this wasn't some huge extravagance because the cooks restaurant paid for it. No cost figure given.

  2. - a left of center blog. I cannot find the article but would assume they would have it down as St Louis since they're pro Obama and would follow RightPundits commenter and clarify this wasn't a huge taxpayer bill.

  3. - Obama flew in pizza chef from St Louis. No mention of cost.

  4. - Can't find what they say about it.

  5. - St Louis. No cost mentioned.

  6. - St Louis mentioned in tweet. Can't find article to see if a figure was estimated.

  7. - St Louis. No price mentioned.

  8. - St Louis. No price mentioned

Thats just a few but nobody is mentioning any figures. Not even taking a guess at the cost. So where are these forever changing money amounts you refer to that led Fred Burton to pluck $65k out of the air? Who does that anyway? That makes no sense. He would've said like everyone else who may have been ignorant of the facts "Obama spent a lot of taxpayer money on pizza".

Hardly anyone was saying these pizzas were from Chicago or how much the whole thing cost, not even on Twitter. So it makes the claim that Fred Burton was referring to this event catered by a St Louis cook while throwing in the unmentioned hotdogs and the ridiculous sum of $65k very difficult to believe.

MolochHunter ago

the trick with this is, though - even if we say 100% that $65k is a suspicious amount

ok, im on board with that

that doesnt give a smoking gun for paedophilia. It could provide a semi smoking gun for financial corruption, it may be the emailer talking out his arse to sound impressive, it may be a budget that included a massive cocktail party with a $8k payment to an 'event manager' + insurance and some top-of their industry burlesque / circus performers soaking up another $20k (how long does it take you to rip through a $1000 bar-tab at cheap-arse pub prices?). We dont know. BUT

the very fact that a bona fide pizza guy came in to the WH around that time gives a massively innocuous explanation for the $65k email.

I dont say it rules it out of all contention, i dont CONCLUDE that Obama isnt part of pizzagate, but if he is - this $65k email is no smoking gun without substantial independent evidence to show that the actual St Louis pizza guy was a smokescreen of sorts

urbanmoving ago problem this satanic laundering front is not in Chicago and its chicken and hot sauce "wacismmm" lol Fact

If we get the same "waitresses," I'm all for it!!!

Aaric S. Eisenstein


SVP Publishing

700 Lavaca St., Suite 900

Austin, TX 78701


512-744-4334 fax

From: Fred Burton [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 2:39 PM To: 'Don Kuykendall' Cc: 'Aaric Eisenstein'; 'Darryl O'Connor'; 'Copeland Susan' Subject: RE: Get ready for "Chicago Hot Dog Friday" I think Obama spent about $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House not long ago, assume we are using the same channels?

"waitresses" aka little girls to fuck and btw the "hot dogs and pizza" came from Chicago, Illinois not St Louis aka a child sex ring run out of there.... Check your Geography and timeline dumbass. Different cities, way out of line price, and oh yea different time period. "Same Channels" means not a food joint it means a trafficking joint for raping children.

darkknight111 ago

Chicago you say?

That means we have a likely culprit as to the identity of the traffickers involved.

The Chicago Outfit aka the Chicago Mafia. The very mafia Pizzaface's (my South Park inspired insult against HRC mocking her appearance) father was a high level of. No wonder she wanted to help the Gambino family "deal with" RICO. For the record I like to call Pizzaface's equally ugly daughter "Donkey Witch".

"Follow the mafia" indeed.

urbanmoving ago

Gacy the Delta Organization


I didn't think that food was allowed to be brought into the white house from an outside source. ( I can't think of the right way to explain it.) Risk of POTUS being deliberately poisoned.

FuckingInsaneGoat ago

I had heard the same thing, but I don't have any source on that. Maybe them making it in the kitchen is their way of going around that rule.

Are_we_sure ago

I think this a general rule, but don't think if Trump.wanted McDonald's or KFC he wouldn't get it.

If you think every meal a President makes is made by the White House chef you're wrong. Presidents go to restaurants. And Trump often eats at his clubs


I found it.

You can't bring in outside food

With a strictness rivaled only by movie theaters, you're not allowed to take outside food into the White House. When visiting chefs cook there, they can't bring pre-prepared sauces, as all ingredients must be obtained by the kitchen staff through secret and secure sources.

carmencita ago

Pi Pizza St Louis. Obama's favorite pizza place Remember Reggie Love? He was from St. Louis. There are strange things in that place in the Restaurant Pi. A devil symbol, unless they have remodeled. At least when I researched it with @Wolftrail7272

millennial_vulcan ago

LMAO Reggie always reminded me of Puff Daddy's alleged gay lover famous umbrella holder dude

Huh. What did ever happen to Reggie Love? I guess he n' Barry broke up left for other political opportunities.

carmencita ago

Here. This is what happened.

But in his exclusive-to-subscribers report of November 14, 2011, investigate reporter Wayne Madsen wrote:

“The fallout from Penn State has universities and colleges across the nation checking their records for indications of child abuse and other sex scandals. The Citadel is now embroiled in a scandal involving child sexual abuse by a summer camp counselor. Past gay-oriented sex parties at Duke and the University of North Carolina involving then Duke basketball and football player Reggie Love reportedly cost him his job as President Obama’s ‘body man.’ De facto White House chief of staff Pete Rouse, upon hearing of potential problems regarding Love at Duke and UNC and on the heels of the scandal at Penn State, forced Love to leave the White House staff immediately, even over the objections of Obama.”

Yesterday evening when I began a draft of this post, I had seen on Wikipedia’s entry on Reggie Love a reference to him “overcoming” an un-named “scandal” when he was at Duke University to secure a job in Obama’s Senate office. This morning, however, that reference has disappeared from Wikipedia.

Booker Rising, a website that describes itself as a “news site for black moderates and black conservatives,” has the dirt on Reggie Love.

I will let everyone that wants to read the rest. It has to do with Tea-Bags. It's not pretty. There are pictures and a Warning before the Fateful Photo.

millennial_vulcan ago

well this is pretty bombshell. Was Reggie in WH during time of $65k pizza n hotdog cookout?

carmencita ago

Here is the email talking about the party and it says That was not long ago. Email sent on May 14 2009. Reggie Love was in the WH from January 20, 2009 – November 10, 2011 So I think that means he was there, but we need the date of that party if we can get it.

darkknight111 ago

Looks like follow the money has debunked the debunking.

Suck it shills.

Vindicator ago

Rickman, did the chefs work wage-free?

Are_we_sure ago

Yes, the chefs, donated their time, their ingredients and the cost of the travel.

And they got like a million bucks worth of publicity from it.

BlueDrache ago

Uh, that's the difference of 2 minimum wage salaries ... FOR A YEAR.

new4now ago

the cost of this post?



carmencita ago

Highly Agree!

Are_we__sure ago

@rickman So here's the link that is missing. I believe this is the thread you are discussing. became convinced I was on the right path and put up this thread.

Debunking Obama's $65k pizza / hotdog email

MolochHunter looked at evidence I put forward (Some of which is not original) felt it was worthy of its own thread.

Here's what he wrote.

Anyway, the EVIDENCE

came about through this discussion / thread

and in particular is sourced from Wikileaks 14 May 2009 email in which it is alleged Obama flew in the $65 pizza/dogs for a whitehouse party 'recently'

Are_We__sure has provided these two salient links which both independently mention contemperaneously ( April 2009 ) that Obama did indeed fly an interstate famous pizza chef into the whitehouse

So unless there's some totally next level pre-emptive coverup rabbit-hole-beneath-the-rabbit-hole going on here, which would totally fail the Occam's Razor test, it seems to me this likely puts Obama in the clear on this charge. And I also think that without this being pizzagate related, the 'hotdog stand in Hawaii' seems pretty innocuous, too

My Post

Its like in that Obama '$65k pizza and hotdogs' email - does anyone really believe a private whitehouse party - even of the Pedostocracy - would be so indiscrete , and would only EXCLUSIVELY have sex slave children?

Yeah, this actually refers to regular old pizza. And the guy talking about $65,000 doesn't know what he is talking about and is repeating gossip from right wing blogs.

The $65,000 hot dog party guy? Not a White House insider. A guy who worked in Texas with no first hand knowledge of the White House and certainly not an Obama insider, he hated Obama. AND he just repeating a fake story that was going around on the right wing blogs and talk shows. After Obama had the pizza chef of a St Louis Pizzeria come to the White House to make pizza, right wing blogs started saying he wasted a bunch of taxpayer money just to eat pizza. (Actually the pizza chef bought the ingredients himself.)

(Also note how nobody lost their mind and started claiming pizza = pedophilia. That had to wait for the psyops on social media to mature. In fact, read this article about the St Louis pizza guy all the way to end to blow your mind.

Are_we__sure ago

@rickman as to your other claims downthread. You are starting by assuming a lot of facts in evidence, such that the stratfort people have any inside knowledge of the white house, that the pizzagate intepretation of code words is correct. You're basically saying this is not debunked because I believe the story we tell about it.

It becomes a lot simpler story if you start from the beginning and start with what we know and assume and Occam's razor approach to this.

Claim 1:

There's no reason to believe that Fred Burton has any inside knowledge of the Obama White House.


The email makes clear that Burton doesn't know this information first hand. "I think Obama spent....." He is recalled information he heard about.

Statfor is a private company in Austin, TX. They have a lot of government contracts but are not part of the US government

Fred Burton was solidly right wing and hated Obama. And would read and push right wing news sources.

Here's him passing along an article from his good friend, Ron Kessler, who wrote for Newsmax. From a friend of mine and very good investigative journalist. Obama Waves the White Flag in Terror Fight

I like this one gives a good idea of the type of political gossip this guy would throw around and the quality of his sources. Fred Burton wrote:

My political spies report Dem rumblings to unseat Obama with either Feingold and Bayh leading the charge for the Dems to run a conservative centrist (oh my) due to the GOP arse kicking in the mid-terms.

There are Dem beliefs Obama can't win a second term.

Here's him passing along a right wing Blog talking about Obama and Saul Alinsky.

Anybody every here of a site called Seems like it steemit type site where people who don't have blog can put up a post. Burton pushes a story from there, a story from a conspiracy theorist called Ulsterman. A conspiracy theoorist who is getting the straight dope quoting* an anonymous White House insider.* Does this sound familiar?

Yeah, Burton would promote anonymous right wing conspiracies if they made Obama look bad. Did you hear OBAMA DIDN'T WANT TO KILL BIN LADEN BUT WAS OVERRULED BY MILITARY INTELLIGENCE! our longtime Washington D.C.Insider first outlined shocking details of an Obama administration having been "overruled" by senior military and intelligence officials leading up to the successful attack against terrorist Osama Bin Laden

Other evidence of his feelings towards Obama including promoting a birther book. This first link goes out to @srayzie.

The more you look into him, the more the idea of Fred Burton having the inside story on the Obama White House become ludicrous. The idea that Fred Burton would never screw up his facts in casual conversation is silly.

I showed in the links above that this story was making the rounds of the right wing web.

The timing fits with Burton's email. The idea that Burton would know secrets about the Obama's White House does not.

septimasexta ago

Excellent debunk! Makes "cents" to me.

Speaking of someone who does not like hot dogs...

"Ignore the erupting volcano behind me....WHERE IS MY DINNER?"

carmencita ago

Yes please watch what you post about yourself. We need our researchers.

BB-3 ago

Unless @septimasexta is a cat, we should be in the clear.