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twistedmac11 ago

I don't believe any of that to be true. However, even if they were one in the same, why are you going out of your way to make a big post out of it? That seems like a waste of time and energy. Do you have an actual argument to any of the facts presented by him/her, or do you just want to shit talk?

@ESOTERICshade is simply tired of disinformation being spread, plain and simple. As am I.

ThePuppetShow ago

People deserve to know who they're talking to, especially when it's shills. Donkeyhote has been exposed multiple times.

twistedmac11 ago

So you think @ESOTERICshade is a shill then? Why is that? And donkeyhote was exposed when? Where? Doing what? Having alts?

Your fishing for shills expedition does not belong in pizzagate, especially when your supposed proof is how they type similarly.

@think- @kevdude

ben_matlock ago

while i disagree with you about the relevance of Q, given my understanding of the rules, any posts that exclusively talk about hunting and doxxing 'shills' do not belong in this sub.

@vindicator @think-

twistedmac11 ago

From an objective standpoint, this breaks rules 1, 2, and 4. It's not directly related to pizzagate, and it makes no factual claims. It's an opinion piece against another user. This shit belongs in pizzagatewhatever or somewhere else. Yet both @kevdude was pinged and @vindicator showed up, but neither of them have even bothered flagging it. It seems as though the rules are only being enforced when it suits them. This sub is definitely in trouble if our moderators can't moderate objectively.

Vindicator ago

Sorry twistedmac11, I did not read this whole thread -- I responded to ben_matlock's ping in my inbox from my phone. I was answering in a general sense. Yesterday, I had 56 inbox messages, mostly from hojuruku, who posted a bounty on 8chan to try to prove I wasn't modding fairly six months ago. We have four moderators who are mostly new, who are scattered in different timezones spanning the globe, and whose multiple daily questions I have to answer before I can even begin looking at threads. My priority yesterday was getting the No Links sticky up, editing the sidebar, editing the submission form, and added the new rule to the rule code in the Removal tool.

My comments here prior to this one were general in nature. I stand by what I said: research into users disrupting the sub with sockpuppet accounts is directly relevant to PG. "Pizzagate" as linked in our sidebar includes:

...Any content that can be linked (by the OP in a sourced explanation) to organized human trafficking of children...and/or the systematic cover up of these activities and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities.

Two mods asked me general questions relating to this thread, and I responded to those with my take in principle. I did not dig into this post to vet it in detail. When ben told me there was not enough evidence supporting the OP's claims, I told him to flair it for Rule 2. Apparently, he did not do so, and Kev ended up doing it.

I don't "have it out for" anyone in this subverse. I am wary of disinfo and those who spread it, and the willingness to follow the ruleset is one of the key things that distinguish legit submitters here. I try to help people do that every day. Some refuse and turn it into an attack. I really don't know what else to do differently. If you have ideas, I am all ears.

Vindicator ago

Our definition of pizzagate includes those who try to cover up elite child abuse by disrupting the investigation with disinfo and COINTELPRO tactics. Doxxing in Voatspeak only refers to outing real life identities, not whether someone is or isn't using sockpuppets.

auralsects ago

LMAO the lead mod labels it disinfo to merely identify proud Jews as such. What disinfo have I spread? The biggest Q drop six months prior? Only KIKES can lie so brazenly.

Meanwhile Jewish groups are acknowledged to be the biggest employers of paid shill groups operating both in our countries and Israel. LMAO

ben_matlock ago

do we have evidence that these suspected sockpuppets are really shareblue shills, rather than shitposters or trolls?