Ample4th ago

Anyone remember this bizarre story on Reddit about a hotel from a few years ago?

septimasexta ago

"Jimmy Comet's artist-friend Donald Judd is also interested in the Standard Hotel."

ALL ABOUT DONALD JUDD AND MARFA, TEXAS: “The Buzz About Marfa Is Just Crazy"

"Join us in celebrating the release of MARFA FOR THE PERPLEXED, a new book by Lonn Taylor, published by Marfa Book Company. Taylor is a historian and writer who retired to Fort Davis with his wife, Dedie, after nearly twenty years as a historian at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History in Washington, DC. He is the author of several books including, Texas People, Texas Places; Texas, My Texas: Musings of the Rambling Boy; The Star-Spangled Banner: The Making of an American Icon; and a two-volume survey of Texas furniture."

spacepopecoast2coast ago

This is great stuff (in the worst way). It's even easier to hate these people because of their awful taste in music.

EyeOfHorus ago

Swordfish when you gonna publish a book? Or screenplay? Just change the names a little here or there.

I was surprised nobody has made a "fictional" movie based on pizzagate, until I realized they're all jews. I'd have thought a jew would throw a lucifierian under the bus for a few shekels. Unless of course jew=lucifer ..... hmmmm

swordfish69 ago

My last article is probably gonna be a book, it's at about 35-40 pages...Tavistock is real dawg.

FreeRebel ago

Good! How will we know it's your book?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

There seems to be a lot of jews as the main players in pizzagate

septimasexta ago

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Holy shit they are working right out in the open and getting control of the narrative.

septimasexta ago

Could you post a documented list?

Blacksmith21 ago

Awesome work Swordfish. Sasha Lord's name has been around forever in the club circles. She's a MK sex kitten. I'm not surprised to see her name popping up with The Standard.

ASolo ago

Great material, it all ties in. Upvoated.

septimasexta ago

TUTOR /PERINNI/BLUM/DIFI CONNECTION: "The Tutor Perini Corporation came under fire earlier this year, for submitting a bid for the California High Speed Rail construction that would have been rejected under the original criteria of the project, but HSR Authority officials changed the bid specifications. Critics also point to the appearance of cronyism for the Tutor Perini Corporation for having past connections to the husband of California Senator Diane Feinstein, Richard Blum. “Blum first became involved with what is now Tutor Perini in 1998 when he joined with Ronald Tutor to help recapitalize the troubled company. He reportedly sold his stock at a substantial profit in 2005.” Critics of the Blum/Perini connection echo parallel criticisms you hear from the far-left political organizations about Dick Cheney’s affiliation with Halliburton. They fear past connections will fuel future decisions."

septimasexta ago

Ron Tutor: The Lawsuits, Losses and Private Struggles of the Man Behind Miramax 3/29/2012 by Daniel Miller

think- ago

@srayzie, @bopper - have you seen this post?

Thank you so much, @swordfish69, great research! :-)

swordfish69 ago


think- ago


srayzie ago

No! This is a good one. Thank you! Swordfish always does amazing work!

carmencita ago

Rejoice. You have ticked somebody off. Getting the Voat is being bad message and 403 access denied. Having to fight my way back in again.

DerivaUK ago

I’ve been getting that all day long. 3 or 4 attempts to get back in, posts failing to open and links lost. Something is over target for sure.

carmencita ago

Yep. I had a serious laptop failure took a while to get it back. It's getting pretty obvious.

swordfish69 ago

Yeah, the first two times I published it the page just didn't show up at all. Then again the internet seems to be going through a massive censorship push like I've never seen before.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

oh horseshit its the recent reddit refugees at the gun sub. It has the site under a load.

carmencita ago

My laptop is on a forced shutdown. I tried to send a message someone for sure did not like.

derram ago :


The Beginning : HarbinHotSprings

This has been an automated message.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Wow Derram that sure sent me down the rabbithole! Fascinating Dead history!