group_one ago

  • Worldcorpo psyop

  • LHOHQ guccifer 2.0 psyop

  • cicada3301 NSA recruitment

GreenDell144 ago

Anyone working on this, be super careful. This sends up all kinds of read flares. I can only guess about the sick an insidious purposes of these sites.

realityisinsanity ago Another strange video for a different "fictitious" story about a website that showed videos of various types of people getting tortured. This video is a reupload from a different channel.

gamepwn ago

I think I found something!

gamepwn ago

I think I found something. Look at my new thread I mentioned this looking into it.

realityisinsanity ago This "ARG" was about a cult in Michigan connected to the Oakland County Child Killer. Most of the videos are completely gone. This video shows someone in bondage on a bed. It is suspicious.

realityisinsanity ago

The owner of this channel that reuploaded this video was accused of being a pedo by another user.

realityisinsanity ago

Many ARGs have truths to them. I remember the Meat channel on Youtube which ended a year before Pizzagate started and it was about cannibalism in Canada with references to Korean skincare products.

realityisinsanity ago

I used to have an interest in these ARGs.

TrishaUK ago

Excellent post: (It links JA and other celebs via Me At The Zoo) - by Podge512 - Pizzagate and Paedowood: Perverts of a Feather (pizzagate) - @Vindicator @Blacksmith21 @Gothamgirl @ThePedoHunter

Blacksmith21 ago

Relevance: MKUltra is used to create sex slaves used in Pizzagate. No one is removing this.

Immelda ago

I went onto the worldcorp site and joined their discord .... they don't like strangers very much, haha

Gothamgirl ago

I copied most of the text portion of LHOHQ here:

It is mainly George Bush time frame disclosures, Illuminati, and mk ultra information. I believe it's an AI site, connected to Cicada3301.

70times7 ago

Good post. Too bad the shills mods will delete it.

derram ago