"NormalPornforNormalpeople" is a snuff website and forum. I found the actual website on Waybackmachine (pizzagate)
submitted 6.9 years ago by gamepwn
I posted about a series of MKUltra websites earlier, and asked Voat to add what they can find so I could expand on it.
Realityisinsanity spoke about a supposed Snuff film website on the deepweb called 4mealsoftheday. I couldn't find much on it, but a guy wrote about it on a Creepypasta.
So then I thought maybe this is just a creepypasta (i.e. a fiction horror story on the internet) I could only find these two other videos on it that were on YouTube that were supposedly taken from the website.
Then I found another video on it with a guy speaking about it. In the comments someone said the website was a crepypasta version of a real website called "NormalPornforNormalpeople" The comment was by RaygirlROl
This had me curious so I began to look up "NormalPornforNormalpeople" Again, another creepypasta on it and what's it about. They claimed the website was scrubbed off the internet when people began talking about it and exposing it.
While trying to find if it's real or not I found someone talking about it on Deviantart.
He linked to it and it leads to username and password encrypted page.
Then reading on he said he found the waybackmachine on it. This was a real website.
It had (has?) a forum with hundreds of members on it.
I think this user on Deviantart just uncovered a snuff film website.
carmencita 6.9 years ago
Btw, is there anything in your post that may warrant this to be marked with a NSFW tag Just for Safety's Sake.
gamepwn 6.9 years ago
Just did! Thanks for reminding me Carm.
darkknight111 6.9 years ago
What happened to this thread? I was gonna look into it.
I re did it and just posted!
Yeah, I just saw that the second creepypasta link has a warning on the page. Thanks!
So what do we do about it? Do we report it? Who should it be reported to and will they do anything about it? This is always the problem.
I wish I knew... doesn't seem like the FBI does anything to stop it.
I know, it is so very frustrating. There must be a few good apples left, but are they allowed to do anything about reports like this, I don't know. This is what keeps things the way they are.
derram 6.9 years ago
https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=7bYaAKI0GKE :
Creepypasta Archives: 4mealsoftheday.net- Toon TIme - YouTube
https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=U0hBL9YMV1o :
4mealsoftheday.net- Hole - YouTube
https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=m0G6BW7zfW4 :
4mealsoftheday.net|CreepyPasta - YouTube
https://archive.fo/UWx28 :
Normalpornfornormalpeople.com - Home | Facebook
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carmencita ago
Btw, is there anything in your post that may warrant this to be marked with a NSFW tag Just for Safety's Sake.
gamepwn ago
Just did! Thanks for reminding me Carm.
darkknight111 ago
What happened to this thread? I was gonna look into it.
gamepwn ago
I re did it and just posted!
carmencita ago
Yeah, I just saw that the second creepypasta link has a warning on the page. Thanks!
carmencita ago
So what do we do about it? Do we report it? Who should it be reported to and will they do anything about it? This is always the problem.
gamepwn ago
I wish I knew... doesn't seem like the FBI does anything to stop it.
carmencita ago
I know, it is so very frustrating. There must be a few good apples left, but are they allowed to do anything about reports like this, I don't know. This is what keeps things the way they are.
derram ago
https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=7bYaAKI0GKE :
https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=U0hBL9YMV1o :
https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=m0G6BW7zfW4 :
https://archive.fo/UWx28 :
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