millennial_vulcan ago

WEll, we all know how well JRM is coping with everything he's been through....

Such a good looking dude otherwise. These pictures tell such a story.


Podge512 ago

Barely recognisable from the kid who shot Michael Collins (that was the first thing I saw him in). Do these bastards ever think for a moment the long term harm they're doing to both children and adults when they force/pressure them to do these awful things? Stupid question, I know!

think- ago

Yeah, I always liked him as an actor. The short interview with him in the video OP linked is really mind-boggling.

Look at his face, how much he is shaken when he recalls what must have happened to him (although he isn't stating it in the interview.)

Podge512 ago

Update: User @ThighHighSwampBoots had already posted on the connection between Stipe & Alefantis over a year ago, including additional disturbing information on Stipe's fondness for the paedophilic photography of one Sally Mann (please see link below).

darkknight111 ago

Also worth investigating: Christian Bale, who was implicated in this article.

Podge512 ago

Prince Charles likes to boast that he can trace his lineage back to Vald Tepes Dracula. This documentary on the British royal family is fascinating:

millennial_vulcan ago

is that dude ever going to king or will it go straight to William?

Podge512 ago

He's next in line, but it could be that by the time Elizabeth finally pops her clogs, he may not have long to go himself!

millennial_vulcan ago

this is true. How much kiddie blood are they downing every day? They all live to like, 100, unless one of them decides to bump another off in a car crash in Paris.... ;-)

Shillaxe ago

Ronald John James Goldsmith was Kates grandfather, me thinks the crown goes to the Rothschilds next.

millennial_vulcan ago

Ive read some epic threads over last few years re. how Princess Kate's parents online company (Party Pieces?) is/was a front for Carol Middleton's sketchy brother's (James Goldsmith?) drug and sex trafficking ring....

LMAO that their Party Pieces company supposedly made 30 million GPB in 1999 when NOBODY ANYWHERE really knew what the internet was, NEVER MIND buying shit on it!!! Apparently that money paid for Kate and siblings to go to a fancy school etc and learn the manners and etiquette to become future princesses LOL....Also why Carol forgives the brother for being a fat embarrassing sack of shit.

SO-when is a good time to post this V/Pizzagate :-) :-) Jaws will DROP! There's no definitive proof of course and not sure how to exactly fit it to Alefuck. Skippy etc Any ideas? Think its important to keep redpilling folk on all the Elite lies upon lies....

Harry and Willie sure know how to pick em!

@carmencita @think- @TrishaUK @Podge512 @migratorypatterns

think- ago

I'd say: Go for it, millennial_vulcan! :-)

I'd suggest to post to v/pizzagatewhatever first, then we can all take a look and discuss whether something needs to be added before crossposting to v/pizzagate.

carmencita ago

WowZerrini!!! I never cared for Kate nor any of them for that matter. I think that after the mistake of Diana they no longer are allowed to choose their own mates. I think the fact that they were involved with trafficking Kate was the Perfect Choice. Well, the fact that it is connected to Royals definitely connects it to the Elites and Pizzagate as long as you have enough facts and proof and links to add. This will be a Slam Dunk!

millennial_vulcan ago

I am hoping some Brits can some value or info too!

carmencita ago

I am sure there is plenty to uncover. They will surely help, they are not fond of them either.

millennial_vulcan ago

??? Princess Kate? The one who is a commoner?

Shillaxe ago

Yes , Princess Kate is Jewish and hence the heir will be too 😱

AnonymousGlitch15 ago

The throne will go to William. Charles is getting up in age, and from what I have come to find out.. His tea bags are just about up. Wells doesn't need a decaffeinated king..

TrishaUK ago

Me at the Zoo is a cast has a lot of the pizzagate deniers and Trump haters! Think you stumbled into their club! Great find! @carmecita @srayzie @Darkknight111 @Cc1914 @Honeybee_

millennial_vulcan ago

Is that a movie? What cast and interested in how its relevant here?

TrishaUK ago

It is the link given in this submission, if you watch it you will see the connection. I already said the relevance, it has some of the pizzagate people ie JA etc., watch it yourself and see. I did not write the sub so I don't have to explain my relevance in a comment, even though I did if you had looked at the links that Podege512 had taken the time to share. - Why do you try to find fault when I post/comment? Just a genuine question.

millennial_vulcan ago

hell, calm down! So defensive and paranoid, sheesh. Just asked a simple question as you usually have a UK angle on stuff you post so wondered if there was one here.

TrishaUK ago

I do feel defensive, because you seem to say it like I have no relevance etc., I think it the name you chose, millennial_vulcan is too close to millenial_falcon who gave me and a few others a hard time. haha. Sorry, just thought you were being mean. Peace? 😏✋🏻

millennial_vulcan ago

Silly. You are a fave!! Hugs. Hahaha, I actually chose it to annoy the F out of him, hahaha. Vulcan vanquishes 'falcon' kinda thing. It WORKED because he got de-modded and I stayyyyyed, YEAH!!! x

TrishaUK ago

Awww I certainly got the wrong end of the stick! Sorry, I try not to judge and here I am with my defence mechanism up just at a name lol I should have listened to carmencita, she said you are a good one, but seriously, I could not see past that name. Sorry again 😊 I 100% agree de-modded YEAH lol

millennial_vulcan ago

LOOOL! I don't know what we would do without Carm. Literally the best; mods too. Feels like a new board.

I've said to @Carmencita @Think- and others, that I think the subject matter of everything we post and talk about gets us riled up sometimes. I get a little crazy on the board sometimes because there is no other outlet for it in real life. Talk to friends and family about all this stuff? I would be a social pariah and committed to the Lunatic Asylum. It is hard :(

carmencita ago

Sometimes this place IS a Lunatic Asylum! We have to crack each other up to Stay Sane. Did I just say that? LOL.

millennial_vulcan ago



carmencita ago

I sometimes wonder why he says what he says! I am thinking he may not be the one behind those words. I believe many are being controlled.

think- ago

Pinging @Carmencita for you: Carm, please see parent. :-)

think- ago

I recommend watching the video you linked. It's a really good intro.

Thank you for this post, I hadn't read the blind before.

Actually, I had to walk away from my PC and take a deep breath after watching the video.

J. Rhys Meyer, Ewan McGregor and Michael Stipe? That's almost more than I can take. :-(

I remember that Ewan McGregor did a film with Polanski, I think it was called 'The Ghostwriter'. McGregor played a ghostwriter who gets hired to write the autobiography of a politician, and then he is in danger because he finds out that Tony Blair was hired as a CIA asset when he was at Oxbridge (lol).

So, there are hardly any former fav actors left on my list right now. Very sad.

millennial_vulcan ago

there was a huge backlash again McGregor after that Polanski movie. McGregor was gushing about how great Polanski was and got a shit ton of abuse for it, as most people know Polanski as major pedo. McGregor laid low for a while afterwards.

McGregor also connected to Nicole Kidman from set of Moulin Rouge Well known in showbiz circles that Kidman aborted McGregor's baby.

Podge512 ago

I did not know that about McGregor & Kidman. Very interesting!

millennial_vulcan ago

Welll obviously they denied it, lmao

Well at least hes not a kiddie diddler.

think- ago


millennial_vulcan ago

If there was a pic of Alefart and Stipe together...smoking gun.

derram ago