2impendingdoom ago

fantastic work!

exposethecriminals ago

A Jeffrey Epstein connection to Asia

He is tied to regularly scheduled cargo flights from Hong Kong to Columbus, Ohio on a CIA-run airline when he worked for Ohio retail industry billionaire Les Wexner

From article: Columbus is where the torture taxi and lolita express meet

While Epstein was managing Wexner's money it would have been hard for him not to notice that the latter's company was importing clothing from Hon Kong on an airline run by the CIA. Southern Air Transport has a long history of drug smuggling going back to Vietnam era. It's regularly scheduled flights from Hon Kong for The Limited were the cornerstone of the local development push to convert Rickenbacker Air Base to Rickenbacker Airport [...]


Also @RonnyCPI mentioned a possible modus operandi of Epstein's for trafficking humans:

A probable modus operandi of Epstein: cozy up to as many wealthy people with connections as possible, invite them aboard the Lolita express pedo-plane for some fun and games and partying, and make a secret video. Now he's in position to negotiate (extort) a deal using their legitimate business credentials to make them offers they can't refuse, for drug-trafficking or child trafficking hidden in legitimate shipments of imported merchandise. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1963601/9680785

Gilderoy ago

A gold mine of information!! This is superb. Thank you. Asia and Africa are the forgotten frontiers in the Pizzagate research enterprise and perhaps this will be the area where we finally connect many dots and missing links.

exposethecriminals ago

Great post

This one is old news but for new people -- the Clintons and international sex slavery kingpin Ng Lap Seng:

From Pizzagate Wiki (archive.is) :


From one of the linked articles:

Ng being the mega-rich Chinese national who used a proxy to pour more than $1 million into the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton-Gore campaign back in 1996. Scandal was joined by embarrassment when it turned out that Ng had been favored with 10 visits to the White House, including an elevator ride with Hillary Clinton. https://archive.is/MYzFt

carmencita ago

T shirts on my bottom drawer of HRC's trip to Vietnam. They have it takes a village theme if they want to wear. Hillary Swag! Yes, they used this in Haiti as well. T-shirts with it takes a village theme. Why? Because SHE literally Takes A Whole Village. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/57009

realityisinsanity ago

Remember that the Finders Cult had direct connections to North Korea and the U.S. Embassy in Hong Kong.

exposethecriminals ago

I had forgotten about that, thanks for posting

From a memo by Ramon J. Martinez, Special Agent, United States Customs Service, February 7, 1987:

The instructions included the impregnation of female members of the community known as Finders, purchasing children, trading, and kidnapping. There were telex messages using MCI account numbers between a computer terminal believed to be located in the same room, and others located across the country and in foreign locations. One such telex specifically ordered the purchase of two children in Hong Kong to be arranged through a contact in the Chinese Embassy there.

PDF from archive.org: page 7 https://web.archive.org/web/20180216160608/http://tedgunderson.info/index_htm_files/US%20Customs%20Service%20Report%20of%20Investigation%20FINDERS.pdf:

3141592653 ago

I dont see any ties to north korea...??

exposethecriminals ago

Thanks -- I fixed it --

Also @3141592653 thank you for your amazing hard work and dedication to stopping children from being harmed all over the world. I usually see your user name and think I recognize you as a long term contributor and not someone using a throwaway account -- but I just noticed you have actually made almost 250 quality submissions to pizzagate subs on Voat -- in only one year -- not to mention comments, wow.

3141592653 ago

Thank you. I really, really appreciate that.

Thanks for all you do, as well.