MysticMa ago

He has all the earmarks of being a sick sadistic fuck. He has the money, connects and his history alone of being a slime ball traitor to US starting with Nam is belief enough. His character ref. just reeks period. Maybe his dark fantasy is showing for the 6yrs when he 1st sold out. Who knows, but it does lean toward phy.101. (reverse).

equineluvr ago

so sick of hearing the vague, catch-all term "Deep State." It's used to obfuscate, and it WORKS.

paulf ago

This could well be legit. The text has clearly been run through a text obfuscator to hide the style of the source so any complaints about grammar and spelling are missing the point. And Edward Snowden has just pointed out that these guys have just leaked the NSA's digital hacking arsenal. I've had a quick look through the files and there are very nasty exploits for Cpanel, Apache, XML-RPC on PHP and curl.

Jem777 ago

Something is going on with this. Deliberate masking has occurred. These are the hackers who were auctioning off NSA keys "allegedly" They just released a significant one and that is what this letter is about.

ashes_anon ago

This is very clearly a fake Russian accent, and being former deep state may mean it is some alter ego of former intelligence people, which I guess means hackers who used to work for three letter agencies. Seeing as it is very cryptic, I think it can be assumed the Vietnamese boy can easily refer to a political liaison specializing in unseemly things

je-sui-pepe ago

Personally thinking it might be fake but if it isn't Threatening any sitting president is not advisable. And so.., just arrest everyone and make it all slap happy so when it goes to trial, they all get their cases thrown out because process was not followed. No cases are done quickly in any type of investigation like this no matter how badly or quick you want it to happen... it's a game of patience

SeanBox ago

Lemme find out McCain is getting his revenge for being a POW in nam by fucking a Vietnamese kid.

Jem777 ago

The Magog reference is interesting. That is a reference to war in Revelations Gog & Magog.

Throgmorton ago

Definitely "written by an ex-member of the deep state" - if the deep state takes on 12 year-old kids. Grammar, punctuation & sourcing are extremely suspect - indicating to me that author is either:

  1. a juvenile or teen or
  2. someone from a country where English is a second language but important in their society. For example, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia or the Gulf States, and
  3. confusing phrases from the Declaration of Independence with the Constitution, e.g. "... Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...".

I'm calling TROLL on this one.

BlackManta2 ago

Odd 'coincidence' that these people are usually benefactors of orphanages in third world countries.

Laskar ago

You are correct. These people are really suspect.

abortionburger ago

Not cool, indeed.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Sounds legit

DarkMath ago

"Sounds legit"

You must not be a native English speaker. That text is loaded with bad grammar, that's never a good sign. For example:

"If anyone should be being pacifist"

Uummm yeah. I'm at about 97% sure it's total horse shit.

pizzaequalspedo ago

I guess my sarcasm went way over your head

DarkMath ago

Oh I get it. Sorry about that. It's all good.

pizzaequalspedo ago

No worries. My first thought was they used the same people that write the Nigerian scam emails to compose this.

Throgmorton ago

Right hey? Definitely "written by an ex-member of the deep state" - if the deep state takes on 12 year-old kids. Grammar, punctuation & sourcing are extremely suspect - indicating to me that author is either:

  1. a juvenile or teen or
  2. someone from a country where English is a second language but important in their society. For example, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia or the Gulf States, and
  3. confusing phrases from the Declaration of Independence with the Constitution, e.g. "... Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...".

I'm calling TROLL on this one.

CeepsNo ago

They are obfuscating on purpose the same way guccifer claimed to be 1 guy (but was probably a team)

Consider what they deliver before you go shareblue in the comments

rodental ago

Using anonymouth.

DrumpfBTFO ago

Snowden and Wikileaks tweeted about it as well.

Someone was talking about anonytalk(?) or something relating to why their gramma is awful. Harder for anyone to figure out speech/writing-patterns when they speak badly on purpose.


One of Juola’s tests examined sequences of adjacent words, while another zoomed in on sequences of characters; a third test tallied the most common words, while a fourth examined the author’s preference for long or short words. Juola wound up with a linguistic fingerprint—hard data on the author’s stylistic quirks.

If the people leaking this are really insiders, their e-mails etc are in NSA's hands which could be used for trying to figure out who they are.

simi510 ago

But we realized TheDeepState is being the enemy of the constitution, individualism, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. With the right funding we can recruit some of the best hacker intel peoples in United States and world. “Unmasking” is being new buzz word, so we use. TheShadowBrokers is being happy to unmask anyone we considering to be an enemy of the Constitution of the United States. Enemies like John McCain. Something doesn’t rub theshadowbrokers rite about Vietnam War POW who at every opportunity seeks to do violence to others via the proxy of young service men and women. If anyone should be being pacifist, slow to pick fight it should be being former POW. TheShadowBrokers is sure if we “unmasking”, Senator McCain, Magog itself might come out, many defense contractors, Saudi Princes, and possibly little Vietnamese boy he shares with Senator Lindsey Graham, not cool!


fogdryer ago

Its extremely difficult to understand what is taking so long.
Hurry trump hurry

520patriot ago

"magog" itself might come out. Not good guys. This is a biblical figure of end times