zerozen77 ago

still waiting on an arrest.... I WANT TO BELIEVE!

Phenomenonanon ago

Good find on that email. It ain't trees they're talking about that's for sure

Dressage2 ago

I always knew Mangos was a code word. I think these might have been breeder farms. Each Mango being a facility with wet nurses incorporated into the facility. I think this was one aspect of what Monic Peterson found and was murdered for in Haiti. Great post.

argosciv ago


Thank you!

Gilderoy ago

Great job setting things up. I'm looking through search results now. It might be difficult finding much about North Korea, but one thing about the globalists is that they are not very innovative and seem to recycle the same paradigms over and over.

DARPAihs ago

There isn't a globe. There is a reality which exists inside of our heads.

Gilderoy ago

Reading more about Wangari Maathai who made headlines in October, 2004, shortly after Clinton's visit, when she said that AIDS was created in the laboratory and used as a biological weapon for the purpose of population control. This claim was publicly corrected by the US State Dept who said, "We don't agree with that." By December, 2004, Wangari, who had a PhD in biology, had changed her tune and said she did not have the expertise to make claims about the origin of AIDS.

carmencita ago

UpVoats Are In Order!!! You have written up another Magnificent and Amazing Report. Cod Words are used to disguise their operations. They have Code Words for their drugs, child trafficking, and organ harvesting I am sure. Certainly when they are moving around and shipping such Secret Contraband, we do not expect them to use the correct words.

Gilderoy ago

I appreciate your kind words very much! Seems like the nicest code words are cover for the most horrific things.

carmencita ago

That is their MO. They are just horrid. I discovered a pic I will send you of a little girl with BC and Frank G . Speaks Volumes

Gilderoy ago

No parents in sight. Very telling.

carmencita ago

Most definitely the word Mangoes could be Code Word for Children. We know that they have done this before. Here is the analogy from that link: Background: The email is about the shipment of mangos from Pakistan to Chicago / Jake Sullivan, which Mary Beth Goodman (Senior Economic Advisor to Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan) has arranged for. This may all be innocent, although several things in this email strike me as odd, and *mango *could be used as a code word for children / child trafficking here (will elaborate / edit later when I know whether we can have a look at the attached photos or not). But I would really like to have a look at those boxes (size, shape, design, printing etc.) AND Yes. Mangoes in Haiti also talk for Children. Notice at the bottom or the email it mentions Richard Branson. Yes, they are using Symbols in Movies and now in Paintings. They have been doing it all along, without us suspecting. Until Now.

Are_we_sure ago

We know that they have done this before.

No you don't and a few sentences later you acknowledge you don't know this and it could be innocent.

We know exactly what the context of mangoes and Pakistan is all about.

Mangoes from the subcontinent were banned in the US for almost 20 years over pesticide concerns.

We lifted the ban on Indian Mangoes in 2007.

Indian mangoes arrive in the U.S. after long hiatus First shipment of Indian mangoes gets cleared for sales in American stores after a 18-year ban.

The first shipment of Indian mangoes - arguably some of the best and juiciest varieties in the world - were officially cleared for retail sale in the United States on Tuesday after an 18-year hiatus.

The United States, which estimates its market size for mangoes to be a sizeable 250,000 tons, imports the fruit mainly from Mexico and other Central American countries.

Although India is the world's largest producer of mangoes, accounting for close to 50 percent of the world's output, the U.S. banned Indian mango exports in the mid-1980s over concerns that Indian farmers used hazardous pesticides to protect the fruit crop.

Pakistan wanted the same deal as India. Pakistani mangoes are said to be even more delicious than Indian mangoes.

When the Indian ban was lifted and the first mangoes came to the US, a friend got some and gave us one and watched us eat it. They are really delicious, much more flavorable than caribbean mangoes.

This was a big trade issue for Pakistan and that is the context of this email. You can google and see tons of news stories about this.

WSJ: A Ban Lifted, King of Fruit Makes Debut

Pakistani mangoes: They arrive in Chicago - Chicago Tribune

Pakistani Mangoes Hit American Shelves | HuffPost

Gilderoy ago

Hi, AreWeSure! Excellent point that the mango industry from India and Pakistan is a perfectly legitimate enterprise. However, that does not preclude the possibility that child/drug trafficking is being conducted under its cover, and I think we have Jean-Louis Warnholz' email to Cheryl Mills to thank for raising doubts that "mangoes" might be code for something else. More information is needed, of course, but it's also legitimate to have questions, considering all the devious activity that occurred in Haiti with more revelations coming out all the time.

There is also this interesting article which discusses the fact that George W. Bush, in 2006, arranged a deal to trade nuclear technology for mangoes.

W., in his inimitable fashion, stated,

“The United States is looking forward to eating Indian mangoes as part of liberalising trades and opening markets.” — President Bush, in India, on Thursday.

"Mango Diplomacy" is very real, and Hillary tried very hard to use it to her advantage in Pakistan, but the average Pakistani was very suspicious of deals with Americans. Very illuminating article here about Hillary's Mango Diplomacy which says:

When reporters asked fruit vendors and people on the streets and in markets on how did they feel about Hilary’s visit and comments about Pakistani mangoes, some of them replied that “ America’s interests in Pakistan is much more than Pakistani mangoes”.

Hillary certainly did her best to win over the Pakistanis:

Hilary and her team believe that the accord signed between Afghanistan and Pakistan set a positive tone to ease suspicions among the U.S and Pakistan and also it helped to convey the message to Pakistani people that how much they are supportive to ordinary Pakistanis and their well-being. This is what part of her mission was when she came with a raft of initiatives in Public health, irrigation and agriculture, building a hospital in Karachi and help farmers to export their mangos.

The article is also interesting because it talks about "exploding mangoes" and a theory that nerve gas hidden in a case of mangoes caused the assassination of President Zia in 1988.

Mangoes are a very big deal in other continents, and it's entirely possible that much subterfuge and nefariousness could be associated with them.

Are_we_sure ago

Excellent point that the mango industry from India and Pakistan is a perfectly legitimate enterprise. However, that does not preclude the possibility that child/drug trafficking is being conducted under its cover,

You only grasp part of my point. The fact that Mills and Clinton are not talking in code is backed up by the outside evidence I presented. "Does not preclude the possibility" is not really a standard of evidence is it? It's a philosophical exercise.

Think about the alternatives, drug smuggling from Pakistan couldn't have occurred until the US Mango ban was lifted? Drugs couldn't have been smuggled in any of the other products that Pakistan WAS EXPORTING to the US? What's so special about mangoes? It makes no sense. It's not like there's some before mangoes, no drug smuggling, after mangoes a drug pipeline.

There is also this interesting article which discusses the fact that George W. Bush, in 2006, arranged a deal to trade NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY for mangoes.

My friend, why would you believe such nonsense? Who cares if a news article is "interesting." Is it accurate? Is it true? Is it telling you the whole story. If you think that article captures all the nuances of the US India Nuclear deal that took years to work out?

The article is also interesting because it talks about "exploding mangoes" and a theory that nerve gas hidden in a case of mangoes caused the assassination of President Zia in 1988.

You are really struck by simple coincidences aren't you? What relevance do you think this has?

Mangoes are a very big deal in other continents, and it's entirely possible that much subterfuge and nefariousness could be associated with them.

So it could be mangoes or ice cream or chocolate or coconuts or anything really, right? Should we try to investigate ever possibility we can think of? Would that help us in any way?

And another way to say want you said, is it's entirely possible that zero subterfuge or nefariousness is involved.

Gilderoy ago

Are_we_sure, I appreciate the fine points you raise, but I could cite any number of articles which connect drug smuggling with the export of mangoes by Pakistan. A Google search brings up these, for starters:

No public proof exists yet that drugs or children have been smuggled into the US via mango export trade from Pakistan, you are correct, but given the Clinton Foundations' track record in Haiti, we can certainly expect the same shady characters (Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, Jean-Louis Warnholz) to set up similar profit-making schemes in other countries.

For more on Warnholz' Black Ivy group cashing in on his State Dept connections:

Are_we_sure ago

Are_we_sure, I appreciate the fine points you raise, but I could cite any number of articles which connect drug smuggling with the export of mangoes by Pakistan.

I'm sure you could, but is it meaningful in any way. I'm sure you could find any number of articles about drugs being seized in Honda Civics. Does that mean there is any meaningful relations between drugs and Honda Civics? Should we stop Honda Civics from being exported to the US?

but given the Clinton Foundations' track record in Haiti, we can certainly expect the same shady characters (Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, Jean-Louis Warnholz) to set up similar profit-making schemes in other countries.

I disagree on your shady characters, but are you saying Clinton or her people only did this to get into the mango business? Also for that Breitbart article is it just badly written? Is there any there there? In this part it seems like it just ignores what it has been told on the record and substitutes claims it doesn't show evidence for.

BlackIvy is developing a privately-financed dry port that will be located 56 km outside of the Port of Dar es Salaam, and will use shuttle trains to take transit and upcountry cargo to and from the Port,” BlackIvy spokeswoman Erin Pelton confirmed to Breitbart News.

“BlackIvy is focused on in-land logistics, not operating seaports,” Pelton added, denying that BlackIvy is running into opposition from the Tanzania Ports Authority.

So how did BlackIvy, a brand new firm with no discernible track record of building ports, manage to become an overnight player in the East African energy market?

And this opening sentence is a beauty.

Former top Hillary Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Jean-Louis Warnholz are quietly cashing in on State Department intelligence that Clinton received from her adviser Sidney Blumenthal about an energy crisis in Africa.

State Department Intelligence? Information from private citizens is State Department intelligence? Really? Blumenthal, of course was not a State Department employee. So I can't tell if there's anything actually do this. There's nothing wrong with going into a business filed with related to what you worked on in government. It would be wrong to set up such opportunities while in office. I know that Cheryl Mills got a clearance from the State Department ethics office before taking that job.

Gilderoy ago

If you don't like the Breitbart article, maybe you'll like the NYT article more:

The BlackIvy Group's dubious business deals don't seem to benefit the natives in Haiti and Tanzania, from all accounts. I could also send you articles on how the Caracol-EKAM project is despised by the Haitians. Cheryl's garment industry (sweat shops?) does not seem to be booming in Tanzania, either. One hardly needs justification for having concerns about other projects Hillary and Cheryl have teamed up on. You are correct that no evidence of wrong doing in the MUAVAN Pakistan mango/USAID partnership has surfaced yet, but that doesn't mean that one shouldn't be looking into the possibility of it, considering the track record of the pay-for-play activities of the Clinton Foundation and the suspect nature of the Black Ivy Group.

Yes, I saw that about the Russians. We shall see if this amounts to anything, even if it gives Russophobic, neo-McCarthyite Dems a big thrill. BTW, I listened to Lee Stranahan interviewing our friend Andrei Nekrasov last week on Faultlines about the upcoming presidential election in the Russian Federation. Fascinating to hear Andrei's angle on things.

Are_we_sure ago

yeah, because the NY Times is such a good source on Hillary Clinton. ;) They actually worked with Breitbart's Peter Schweizer on the Uranium One disaster.

yeah, I read the NY Times article and seems to say something... perhaps it says something, maybe?

The BlackIvy Group's dubious business deals don't seem to benefit the natives in Haiti and Tanzania, from all accounts.

As an example of how poor this articles are, BlackIvy has no deals in Haiti. But that article sure made it seems that way. An investor in BlackIvy has a company that is in Haiti. And they employ 10,000 people and built and funds a primary and secondary school. Is that not good for the natives?

Cheryl's garment industry (sweat shops?) does not seem to be booming in Tanzania, either.

Wait, what? Who says she is in the garment industry in Tanzania?

Russophobic, neo-McCarthyite Dems


Gilderoy ago

Richard Branson!! Thanks for mentioning that. I just remembered something about him.

carmencita ago

Your Welcome. Hope it helps!