Dressage2 ago

I remember a woman that had a video from the Bellagio showing people sitting all along the hallways throughout the casino that night. She mentions there was a shooting in the lobby of the hotel. Also, remember Trump said there could have been thousands killed, but thankful there wasn't. This must of been the real intel he received. Upvoat

ASolo ago

ISIS Gunmen In Vegas Executed US Defense Spy Paddock

Yoichi Shimatsu


copy paste warning is annoying

Dressage2 ago

Excellent article. This guy is always on his game. I believe this scenario due to what I said about different people reporting different hotel shootings.

witch_doctor1 ago

The connections are there, but one problem I see with your theory is that I think he was flying smaller Cessna's....I don't think they would have the legs to get to the US from the PI or vice/versa. You should next research the type of planes he flew and the maximum range. Commercial flights to the PI from the US generally go West Coast, and then either the Southern route of Hawaii/Guam or Northern route skirting Alaska to Japan/Taiwan and then the PI...either way that is a lot of open ocean. Granted, you can modify the small planes to carry more fuel, but it comes at the expense of payload carrying capacity. IIRC, the payload capacity of a Cessna 210 is only about 1300 pounds.

islandofdelight ago

FBI set this guy up completely... truthers and conspiracy theorists are following the breadcrumbs that have been laid out about Stephen Paddock. He was a patsy, and all of this information is just red meat for the wolves. None of it is true.

Lelo113 ago

Whoa! This fits better in my minds puzzle than him gun trading and having the strength to pop off so many rounds. Could help explain the 100,000 wire transfer.

new4now ago

Was looking at map, Luxor across the street. Wondered if any satanic holidays.

Didnt find anything for 1st, but did find .. A members birthday is the highest ritual

It usually involves the member or a victim of members choice.

A quick look has Theresa May, Jimmy Carter and others.

Just a thought

Sry no link for holidays, I so very much miss my laptop

cantsleepawink ago

It was THREE days before the full moon on the 5th October..the HARVEST Moon. Highly significant and meaningful in occult terms. In witchcraft the 3 days prior to and after a full moon is considered a very powerful time.. http://www.thewhitegoddess.co.uk/moon_phases/full_moon.asp

The period of the Full Moon lasts from about 3 days before to 3 days after the actual full moon.

ESOTERICshade ago

The thing that puzzles the hell out of me is why they would use a guy like Paddock for a job like this? If Paddock is connected to all the dirty deals that he appears to be connected to they shouldn't want to take a chance of compromising him because he is a money maker for the cult.

There was no way to hide this guys past from prying eyes. They used him anyway. I'm wondering why they didn't use some throwaway person with a fake name and untraceable background?

I wonder if Paddock has any alias names?

ronnyCPI ago

He was running both, most likely.

sgd1971 ago

Research Barry Seal

PedoStomper ago

What pisses me off is the fact that no matter how much solid information you guys dig up, no matter how professionally and eloquently the information is presented, the normie masses will just never believe it unless its said on CNN or some other major "news" network. I actually had a very dear friend get very pissed at me over this Vegas thing and say, with tears in his eyes, "I can't believe that you would use the deaths of all these people to try and fit your insane Pizzagate ideas." The (((elite))) love to use people's emotions against them and they know that they will be so clouded by negative emotions that they won't even be mentally capable of listening to any opinion that's not from an "official source." That's their game right now, trying to get everyone to believe ANYTHING that they put on the news, and to disbelieve anyone who says anything that is different than what was on the all-knowing, all-seeing TV.

ASolo ago

Heavy comment, yeah man people are so scatterbrained, shocked and conditioned there's no way they can put all of the pieces together without spending a massive amount of time researching.

DeathTwoMasons ago

That is why I am rooting for the elite to wipe the normies out. I think I finaly understand the elite. My taste and ethics are different, but the normies contribute nothing. I invite them to all get on the next FEMA barge when offered and leave their valubales behind. I have no time or tears for sheeple. 16 years since 9/11 and they haven't a clue about anything.

IWishIWasFoxMulder ago

You do know that all of us who question these elites would be forced onto those same death camps right? That’s why we have to constantly keep breaking the conditioning.

Narcissism ago

The masses are just Delusional Pleasure Monkeys.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Edit: I wasn't calling you lazy and or retarded.. I was saying that you're BEING lazy and or retarded for saying that. OH and I wasn't Saying It was going to get better... I was just saying We have no reason to believe it won't. But Unfortunately I'm probably wrong, More often Than not.

That's Not fucking true. Stop saying that. I didn't read the rest of your comment- forgive me if it completely changes the context of message... But this is all extremelly new. Pizzagate Is Fucking New. Like I get it- It's been on going for millennia but The mass awakening and acceptance of this shit being true- Is unprecedented... And continues to Spread exponentially. And It only started to spread like this recently.

To say this shit is never going to be accepted... Is just being lazy and or retarded.

Like Based off what?

People are saying Left and right.. almost as if they are being directed to... I'm not saying they are- I understand the pessimism is real and obviously fucking justified. There's been a lot of people screaming this shit at the top of their lungs for a long time- But no one payed attention... One could argue it's because Those people shouting That- are also shouting that our Leaders are lizards- In between their shouts Of human trafficking. And listen- Based on everything I learned over the last year- I'm not even convinced their not lizards- I'm just saying thats not how you get people to take you seriously... Regardless if is true.(I don't think it is)

But that's a whole other issue...

I was saying you can't say "Nothings gonna change" because there's Nothing Unfolding today that can be compared to the past.

It simply can't. They are truly different worlds. And shit hasn't been this crazy over the last decade... Like the True Shit storm/ mass awakening hasn't even made its first trip around the sun. Or how ever that shit works

The Events that unfolded over the last year are fucking unprecedented pretty much on every level. Try to present ANYTHING IN our existence as Human beings as being comparable to the shit show that has unfolded over the last year- and continues to unfold on an unpredictable basis.

Saying "The normies masses will just never believe it unless its on CNN.. Just isn't true. Cnn Is worse by the day. They will be over eventually. Someone will take their place- but the Name CNN will be gone in the foreseeable future.

Jesus Christ- I'm running out of steam here. I haven't even gotten to my point yet but I'm sick of typing..

So I'll just say it'd be foolish to try and predict our future based on our past... When This has been going on for less than a year.

kestrel9 ago

People are saying Left and right.. almost as if they are being directed to... I'm not saying they are-

I'll say it...They are being directed to ignore the Elite Globalists on both sides being directed to say Left and Right

IWishIWasFoxMulder ago

This needs to be stickied on /v/PizzaGate because it’s so fucking true. Hell you could to some extent use parts of this verbally as a counter argument in real life.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Up vote for agreeing with me ;)

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

The Jew/Masons have been controlling media and our whole thought processes for generation after generation. Dont despair. There are three types of people. One will see the truth with evidence....one who will see the truth with massive amounts of work and evidence and persuasion....and one that wont ever see the truth.

srayzie ago

That would make sense to me because something that seems fishy to me...

Stephen Paddocks father was a bank robber and on the FBI’s 10 most wanted list until 1978 or 1979. He also tried to run over an FBI agent with his car.

It has now emerged that his father, Patrick Benjamin Paddock, was known as a violent bank robber during the 1960s and 1970s. His crimes made him one of the most notorious criminals in the US during his heyday.

The older Paddock was also involved in a violent attack in Las Vegas, according to a contemporaneous report in Tucson's Daily Citizen. When he was apprehended by the FBI, he attempted to run down an agent using his car, the report said.

Here are some newspaper clippings... http://tribunist.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/PaddockCollage.jpg

What is strange to me, is that Steven Paddock worked for a predecessor company of Lockheed Martin starting in 1985.. Lockheed Martin is THE Worlds Largest Defense Contractor in the World!

Lockheed Martin released a statement saying Paddock worked for the defense contractor in the 1980s.

"Stephen Paddock worked for a predecessor company of Lockheed Martin from 1985 until 1988," the company said in its statement. "We're cooperating with authorities to answer questions they may have about Mr. Paddock and his time with the company."

They would have some major background checks and be VERY strict. To me, it’s pretty strange that someone would pass a background check to work there only 6 or 7 years after his father was captured.

Some podcast the other day said Steven had something like an accountant position. Also, a lot of things are coming out saying he worked for the CIA. The fact that they would hire a notorious criminals son not long after the capture, makes me think they used Steven Paddock for much more than an innocent accountant. Especially when you add everything together.



carmencita ago

Just looking over some old posts and read yours about Paddock working at Lockheed. Comey was the head of Lockheed from 2005 thru 2010. He must have had some ties or known about what Paddock was doing. Maybe Paddock was already running drugs and children.

srayzie ago

Very possible

Judgejewdy ago

Wow. Just wow.

thescribeofthecreed0 ago

I hope another actor or musician goes down for pedo or pizza related soon.

seacht_S_O_U_N_D ago

musician blah blah they aren't even writing their shit. minus well play the violins at this point tho for sure

thescribeofthecreed0 ago

The whole FBI are evil criminal pedophiles and i'm sick of them taking advantage of America. Fuckers.

thescribeofthecreed0 ago

The FBI and deepstate are evil and criminal fucking faggots.

thescribeofthecreed0 ago

The deepstate killed JFK and all those people in Las Vegas. Kill the deepstate especially the evil criminal FBI. Declare war on the deepstate. Especially the evil criminal FBI.

Micheal84 ago

You know whats also called Paradise Ranch?

"To encourage workers to move out into the area, Johnson named the facility “Paradise Ranch”, a designation which the base is sometimes called even to this day.

The name “Area 51” actually came from where the base was located, Groom Lake was located in a grid marked as “Area 51” on the map."


Oldno7 ago

Woah! The JANET terminal rumored to be now Area 51 employees is just southeast of the concert venue.

The second window broken gives a lousy view of the concert but a great view of JANET

Media has also reported he targeted two white fuel tanks beside JANET.

Could his have been some hit on Area 51 people?

cantsleepawink ago

Good article. I came across the idea of Area 52 the other day..related to Route 91. Can't find where I made that comment with the corresponding links.

anotherdream ago

Maybe it’s unrelated but they just released that Tom Cruise movie about a guy joining the CIA and running guns etc.

sgd1971 ago

Barry Seal

carmencita ago

http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/MENA/SEAL/Fat_Man_Mystery.html This involves the drug running in Mena Arkans, Iran Contra and Nicaragua. Holy Cow. Was Paddock the Barry Seal of Today? Were all those guns found in his room part of an Arms Deal gone wrong? I don't know what to think anymore, we are in the midst of Ironing this all out. But this is a Holy Mess. I think this Barry Seal Op possibly involved BC and GHWB. I have read articles before about BC being involved in this stuff way before being Gov. of Ar. Barry Seal was the one that would drop all those drugs in the fields of Mena, remember those two boys that were found on the RR tracks and a judge found their deaths an accident that they were run over by a train. I don't know but this sounds very similar to what Paddock might have been doing.

badastrid ago

American Made? That's the story of Mina airport! More ratlines....

Sig17 ago

I'm sure it's related. These psychopathic freaks love to troll the masses with their films. Like I always say, you won't find any truth in mainstream fake news, but they will often slip the truth in films, music and tv shows that are presented as mere "creative fiction" and "harmless entertainment" - in other words, places where you would least expect to find the truth. For example, take the new disaster film "Geostorm", which is about evil entities using weaponized weather control to wreak havoc on the world. A coincidence that this film is released right on the heels of the hurricanes in North America? Of course not. Those hurricanes were artificially provoked. We know that the US has been weaponizing weather since at least the 60s, during the Vietnam war, for example. We have Kennedy openly speaking about weather control in 1961. Then there is HAARP and other projects created solely for the purpose of controlling weather.

pizza-party-pooper ago

Also not a coincidence that the storms just happened to pass over countries that were high in child trafficking. The storm just happened to destroy all the physical evidence in the area. No more island, no more physical proof. Not much left to investigate after a storm. Same as that earthquake in Haiti after they kicked out the Clintons. Cute.

Narcissism ago

They aren't Psychopaths though, they are far worse they are Malignant Narcissists, every action they take relates back to Narcissism. https://steemit.com/psychology/@psychopathy/what-makes-a-sadistic-pedophile

PedoStomper ago

The people at the top of the power structure are psychopaths, sociopaths, Satanists, and pedophiles, all wrapped up into one horrible package. These are people who literally murder and eat human children on a regular basis, and believe that they get "magick powers" by doing so. We are not dealing with people who are even remotely close to being on the same page as we are; these are people who may as well be living on a completely different planet, with different physics and different rules.

Narcissism ago

Interesting article here explaining the Psychology of the Elite. https://steemit.com/psychology/@psychopathy/what-makes-a-sadistic-pedophile

PedoStomper ago

Its a good scam they have going. Put nothing but falsehoods on the "news," which is supposed to be truth, and slip the actual truth into pieces of media that are called "fiction," so if you try to talk about secret societies or anything like that, the masses can make jokes like "Oh I think you've seen "Eyes Wide Shut" too many times, anon! You're crazy!"

DeathTwoMasons ago

That's it. You know the game. We all are seeing the same thing.

anotherdream ago

I've been looking at some Youtube videos about this situation today. I saw one, where ETNR on Youtube went out to check on Paddock's plane etc. - It was gone. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QW5a6-DiACA&ab_channel=EndTimesNewsReport - I don't know much about this YouTube channel, but there is all this information coming up about this guy and his connections etc. The story the MSM is releasing is out of control and changing everyday. They can't seem to come to a consensus about it. Then I saw this in a sidebar, after I read some information her on this board. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzI9ot2CJQI&ab_channel=BreakingNewsGlobal24%2F7 - Sane Progressive on YouTube pointed this out the other day. - She was watching this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pvlbz4tgNQ&ab_channel=CharlesWalton - at 00:27 you can see him in an exit room with a ton of police and people that appear to be FBI agents, etc. The supposed narrative is that he slipped and fell a year ago in the hotel, and this footage is from then, and that this was the response after he fell and hurt himself. - Debbie pointed out several logical reasons why this narrative is crazy suspicious. Then just yesterday Trump mentions the "calm before the storm." - I hope to god this thing is finally reaching the boiling point. -

srayzie ago

I posted that video yesterday. That YouTube channel is VERY REPUTABLE.

Sig17 ago

Hardly reputable if that guy associates with mossad agents like Jason Goodman and other shills.

anotherdream ago

My brother and I were sharing links about it and this one came up. -https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dmkgb6Yy6OD8%26ab_channel%3DVicturusLibertasVL&h=ATN8KLwMCqu9ra5ml6rNvnXpfcNBOPNq4lNTEzXH6d8liKNKbbbIbB4vxXja9T3-62wqGru6Taeds4uAbFaL8yc1xXHu1u4kioGpWYIol13d1aDfyUMYQaAQgRx_siHsVzyLkW-6YQraJHN9bC4

This literally looks like the guy was intentionally blinding people with some kind of light, - I kept wondering, - where was that spotlight coming from? - The he's seen exiting the scene. Very ominous. All of this footage that the MSM networks are showing about the victims and the carnage, and there was even this one on vimeo that ... there was this guy running around filming supposedly seeing who he could help? (former military?) - Anyway it looked totally bogus. I don't know, but I just ...there wasn't ...it wasn't visceral. It just screamed FAKE. -

srayzie ago

The link isn’t working

anotherdream ago

I'm at work now, will find again (if it's still there) and repost.

cantsleepawink ago

This is really weird...

I found a magazine put out by the Paragon Foundation in the summer of 2010 with an article on the Paradise Ranch in Wyoming http://wcreynolds.com/images/TCW-Summer2010.pdf

The PARAGON Foundation provides for education, research and the exchange of ideas in an effort to promote and support Constitutional principles, individual freedoms, private property rights and the continuation of rural customs and culture – all with the intent of celebrating and continuing our Founding Fathers vision for America.


In 2008, PArAGoN Foundation filed an amicus brief in the landmark case Heller v. DC saying that the Federal Government had no right to deny an individual’s right to keep and bear arms under the 2ND Amendment of the Constitution. Although Otis McDonald v. Chicago might look similar in nature, it addresses the 14TH Amendment rather than the Second. The City of Chicago’s claim was, that even if the Federal Government could not deny mcDonald’s right to keep and bear arms, they had the right to do so. In conflict with Chicago’s claim stands the 14TH Amendment, which proclaims that the States may not “abridge the privileges or immunities” protected by the Constitution. PArAGoN Foundation believed those issues raised by otis mcDonald were of equal importance to those raised in the Heller v. DC case, so, we again filed an amicus brief into the united States Supreme Court.

They give their web address as paragonfoundation.org

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Looking up that website today takes you to a site that is about UK gambling outfits: www.paragonfoundation.org

cantsleepawink ago


Soon, they began hosting paying guests and the infant dude ranch was on its way. Paradise Ranch has hosted many folks from around the globe, including Owen Wister, who wrote a portion of "The Virginian" while a guest; and Aldo Leopold, a writer and guest, wrote this about Paradise Ranch in A Sand County Almanac: "Finally, there was Paradise Ranch, an obvious platitude when read from a map, but something quite different when you arrived there at the end of a hard ride.

Aldo Leopold Nature Center https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aldo_Leopold_Nature_Center

Aldo Leopold Nature Center is an independent, non-profit nature center located in Monona, Wisconsin.


Steven Books Vice President of Operations, Phoenix Nuclear Labs

Phoenix Nuclear Labs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_Nuclear_Labs

Phoenix Nuclear Labs (PNL), located in Monona, Wisconsin, is a company specializing in neutron generator technology. Founded in 2005, the company develops nuclear and particle accelerator technologies for application in medicine, defense and energy. PNL has held contracts with the U.S. Army, the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Defense, and the U.S. Air Force.


carmencita ago

See my comment about Barry Seal I tried to ping you but it would not take. Not enough coffee yet. It involves Mena,Iran Contra, I believe Paddock could be today's Barry Seal.

cantsleepawink ago

We know that Paddock's company was Paradise Ranch 21 LLC https://www.corporationwiki.com/p/2bwjze/paradise-ranch-21-llc

But have we got any direct evidence to the ranch in the Philippines ?

patriot_biz ago

This analysis is terrible. So you guys are alleging the Deep State used the same unprincipled fuck head as a smuggler, a child pimp and a trigger man? Why wouldn't they use three people, with three separate skill sets, for that?

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Why they use the same guy? The Jew/Masons use every part of the buffalo. They believe in profiting on every part of a crisis. So why wouldnt they use the same guy? They use the same crisis actors for all the time for christ sake.

cantsleepawink ago

My comment is NOT an analysis. Do you know what that is? I'm asking for direct links to any associations to places named Paradise Ranch as the only documented link we have is the one I provided i.e. the Paradise Ranch 21 LLC.

Think you need to re-read the thread.

FloridaJackalope ago

Paul Walker

patriot_biz ago

No problem, Patriot! Coming right up!

My system shows In Corp Services as a registering agent to Paradise Ranch. Perhaps this is their website? https://www.incorp.com/

Also, who is this guy? https://www. linkedin dot com /in/nathan-prom-058996a6/

srayzie ago

Good job!

nsaeatsshit ago


These guys seem to have it figured out, that PADDOCK planes lead back to CIA children's resort in Virginia.

Ties Franklin-Cover up, kids, CLINTON, CIA, FBI, MOSSAD and Las Vegas child fucking worldwide.

Larry King, Epstein,


squarcle ago

Eternal Cry Youth Ministries?? Like who the fuck would name it that? Crazy ass motherfuckers thats who.

cantsleepawink ago

Very interesting. Thank you.