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cantsleepawink ago

We know that Paddock's company was Paradise Ranch 21 LLC

But have we got any direct evidence to the ranch in the Philippines ?

patriot_biz ago

This analysis is terrible. So you guys are alleging the Deep State used the same unprincipled fuck head as a smuggler, a child pimp and a trigger man? Why wouldn't they use three people, with three separate skill sets, for that?

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Why they use the same guy? The Jew/Masons use every part of the buffalo. They believe in profiting on every part of a crisis. So why wouldnt they use the same guy? They use the same crisis actors for all the time for christ sake.

cantsleepawink ago

My comment is NOT an analysis. Do you know what that is? I'm asking for direct links to any associations to places named Paradise Ranch as the only documented link we have is the one I provided i.e. the Paradise Ranch 21 LLC.

Think you need to re-read the thread.

FloridaJackalope ago

Paul Walker

patriot_biz ago

No problem, Patriot! Coming right up!

My system shows In Corp Services as a registering agent to Paradise Ranch. Perhaps this is their website?

Also, who is this guy? https://www. linkedin dot com /in/nathan-prom-058996a6/

srayzie ago

Good job!

nsaeatsshit ago

These guys seem to have it figured out, that PADDOCK planes lead back to CIA children's resort in Virginia.

Ties Franklin-Cover up, kids, CLINTON, CIA, FBI, MOSSAD and Las Vegas child fucking worldwide.

Larry King, Epstein,


squarcle ago

Eternal Cry Youth Ministries?? Like who the fuck would name it that? Crazy ass motherfuckers thats who.

cantsleepawink ago

Very interesting. Thank you.