SoldierofLight ago

Well that was easily deleted. Not.

Crensch ago


Crensch ago

Resubmit with explanation of link to PG

think- ago

Ok, could you or @Crensch then please delete it? Thanks.

@Vindicator @srayzie @SoldierofLight @bopper @Millenial_Falcon

Crensch ago

done @kevdude

srayzie ago

Thank you.

think- ago

Thank you


Stanley Kubrick is directly related to PizzaGate. Stanley Kubrick was a Frankist jew. I think he was possibly a moon child and suffered from D.I.D. Eyes Wide Shut is about SRA and child trafficking. EWS is the greatest feat of cinemetography in the history of cinema. It's simply amazing. It tells multiple stories when edited correctly. Kind of like an interactive virtual reality film. Why do you think he did so many takes of the same scene and was constantly moving props around on set?

think- ago

Oh please do, this thread has been deleted anyway and most of us have already watched the movie.

Insightful remarks about the film are always welcome.


What would you like to know? You must immerse yourself in Kubrick. I mean eat, breath and sleep Stanley. I started having dreams about him. In one of my dreams he showed me something that reminded me of a Christmas ornament. A pine cone. It glowed electric blue and it was spinning on the palm of his hand.

Vindicator ago

This post should have been removed per Rule 3, because it does not spell out a direct connection to child sexual abuse by the global elite. Since it was deliberately left up despite obviously failing Rule 3, I am flairing it "Possible Disinfo" based on the user's history of forum sliding shitposts and the possibility this post is part of an organized campaign.


Not disinformation. It's a legitimate, documented quote.

gamepwn ago

I said it months ago. We need new Mods ASAP. This forum is shilled beyond belief...

Vindicator ago

This post does not meet the sidebar, kev.

Vindicator ago

@VictorSteinerDavion @Crensch @kevdude @Millennial_Falcon

I got online tonight and saw this post was left up, despite the fact that the OP does not bother to explain any connection to Pizzagate, and no connection is made in the linked article, either, which Rule 3 requires:

3: Clarity: All titles must adequately describe post content and must establish direct relevance to pizzagate.

We delete dozens of posts a week and cite Rule 3 because they do not spell out how the material is directly related to child sex abuse by the global elite. We are required to consistently administer the rules. And yet we are tossing them out the window now because we don't want to "bow to political correctness"?

MF, in the comments, you say,

"The post is about a major Hollywood (Pedowood) Director, who even directed a movie about Pedowood pedophilia (Eyes Wide Shut). Hollywood is heavily run by Jewish men, so his comments could easily be read as a commentary on Pedowood. We can't bury pertinent facts just because it might kinda look bad."

I don't give two shits about "looking bad" or "political correctness." But I do care about being consistent.

So I just want to be clear: we are suddenly giving the benefit of the doubt to posts because we personally know they "could easily be read as a commentary on Pedowood."? We are no longer requiring direct relevance be SPELLED OUT for the sake of newbies? When did this rule change occur? Why was there no sticky so people could comment? Or has that procedure changed, too?

Please enlighten me.

Millennial_Falcon ago

We are no longer requiring direct relevance be SPELLED OUT for the sake of newbies?

We've never required a direct connection be spell out unless there was no apparent connection. But I see your point. Many users would not see the connection, and Rule 3 was certainly grounds for deletion. I will remove it.

Crensch ago

Well, fuck. I think @Vindicator is right, @kevdude.

I was really hoping this was just a bunch of horseshit and I wouldn't have to get too involved. As anti-Jew as I am, this doesn't really have much of anything recommending it be left up that I can see.

I rescind my previous, admittedly low-effort response.

Happy to hear the arguments for leaving it up, though.

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

You're anti-Jew, eh?

Crensch ago

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

And you're a mod here. That's just great. Wonderful. Who needs enemies and shills, when we have friends and mods like you.

Crensch ago

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

Not interested in your Nazi bullshit.

Crensch ago

Jews deserve to have people against them. Everyone else, really.

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

Voat in general is full of Nazis like you, isn't it, and I'm just realizing this belatedly, aren't I? I feel like a fool.

Crensch ago

Yes, Voat is, thanks to me and a couple other users that put out lots of really well documented posts like the ones linked.

The great thing about Voat, though, is that a Jew-hater can be a mod of a subverse, and that mod will not ban or shadowban you for being a kike.

But hey, keep playing that overemotional victim card because you don't agree with a mod.

Crensch ago

You're apparently an idiot, that's for sure.

Are you Jewish? If not, it's time to wake up and figure out that there's an entire race of infiltrating, subversive, lying, nepotistic subhumans that want you dead.

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

Not Jewish, just not anti-Jew, just anti-Nazi. I feel sick to my fucking stomach conversing with a Nazi like you. I suppose the whole Voat site should make me feel that. Sucks that Pizzagate got relegated to the gutter of Nazi trash.

Crensch ago

Nazis didn't do anything wrong. The Nuremburg trials were a lie, so were the gassings and cremations.

Prove me wrong, beta.

srayzie ago

Thank you! 👏🏻🙌🏻❤️

think- ago

Thank you.

gamepwn ago

Vindicator you need to take over this's being run to the ground...

Vindicator ago

There is literally no way for me to do that. Only a subverse Owner or PuttItOut can prevent a Moderator from deleting posts, or unfairly leaving them up. Another M can do nothing.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Hierarchy is the only thing preventing you from have a bigger role? I've said before I'm more than ready for someone else to step into this role. Only reason I'm still doing it is nobody else will. Secondly, I really find it hard to believe that your concern about this post is not about optics. I think that's 99% of the impetus for concern here, but it's a relevant concern and a valid application of Rule 3. We don't need to obfuscate things and act like the Rules are purely logic-based and there's some mathematical formula for determining whether a post meets the Rules, and that I just did my math wrong or something. That's horsecrap. And I am NOT "running the sub into the ground." Some folks here need to do some meditation or something. It's gonna be OK, man.

Vindicator ago

Yes. The bin Talal post should have had the connection spelled out. It should have been removed per Rule 3.

Hierarchy is the only thing preventing you from have a bigger role? I've said before I'm more than ready for someone else to step into this role. Only reason I'm still doing it is nobody else will.

MF, I originally rearranged my whole schedule to make sure there were eyes on the board during the 10 to midnight W. Coast period and have many times been on here until 2am my time deleting hentai. I've dealt with multiple doxing incidents posted in the middle of the night, including abortionburger, becki percy, and Psychanaut. Since that shit died down, I have repeatedly asked if you would like me to take the morning shift from you several days a week, which you refused. You are hours ahead of me due to geographic location differences. If you get on first thing in the morning to mod, there is no way for me mod. It's already done. The posts are already deleted. Add to the time problem the fact that your understanding of Rule 1 is more restrictive than mine, and many posts I leave up you delete anyway. So, just how do you propose I take a greater role? There's no room for me to do more removals.

I have tried to do as much as I can with flairs, stickies, and trying to help people whose posts have been removed figure out how to fix them to satisfy the rules so they can be reposted. I've kept track of Voat development news and posted numerous stickies on the topic to combat user paranoia and shill whinging about Voat being compromised. I've tried to keep tabs on who is undermining the community and let you and @Crensch, @VictorSteinerDavion and @kevdude know. I have explained and defended your removals frequently and attempted to get us all working together as a team. I spent hours recruiting fresh blood for the mod team to take pressure off of you, recruiting 1stLantern, SethRich, and Honeybee_ and trying (and ultimately failing) to mitigate the frustrations of sensitive, gofuckyourself and 4|1.

So yes, there is nothing I can do to have a bigger role. It boggles my mind that you see yourself as the only person willing to moderate the subverse. All you have to do is LET someone else be responsible a couple of days a week and trust their decisions during the designated time period. But numerous mods have tried to help and left in frustration because you can't make room for anyone else. It's crazy.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I originally rearranged my whole schedule to make sure there were eyes on the board during the 10 to midnight W. Coast period and have many times been on here until 2am my time deleting hentai. I've dealt with multiple doxing incidents posted in the middle of the night, including abortionburger, becki percy, and Psychanaut.

And I appreciate all your work. My comments about doing most of the modding (i.e. removals) weren't meant to disregard the work you do but to respond who shills who have the nerve to call me lazy or act like I'm a tyrant, when I'm doing a thankless job that nobody else seems to want to do. I suppose in the future I should specify removals, so as not to disregard your own work.

All you have to do is LET someone else be responsible a couple of days a week and trust their decisions during the designated time period.

That's simply not true. I have repeatedly in the past ask you and other mods to help with finding and vetting new mods, but with limited results. I don't mean to be ungrateful; I'm just saying your time and that of others seems as limited (or moreso) than mine. You are the only one who has offered to help with removals lately, and it seemed like a somewhat reluctant offer and I felt it was unnecessary. If you're implying that others have left because I corrected them on something, that's just silly. New mods are going to have to have guidance. And if you felt I was driving people off, it would have been nice if you'd said so before, rather than bring it up obliquely now. It also seems ironic to hear you talking about trusting someone else's decisions in this context.

I have repeatedly asked if you would like me to take the morning shift from you several days a week, which you refused.

That doesn't ring true. I remember you offering one time recently, but it seemed to be in response to me being time-stressed. As I said, I'm not really time-stressed right now (hence why I readily agreed to start leaving removal explanations again), and I didn't want to put extra burden on you if you didn't really want it. If you really want to take more responsibility on, I'm happy with that.

However, that really has nothing to do with the Kubrick post. I simply felt it had obvious relevance to Pedowood (and it kinda does). I still believe your concern with that post was largely optics, and I would like you to acknowledge that. Acting as if the bin Talal post should clearly have been removed seems like you are stubbornly trying to stand firm in the position that Rule 3 removals are black-and-white, while really (other than Amalek's obvious schiz-posts) they are subjective and based on pragmatics (which is ok, because it's not a topic-killer; it's a fix and repost rule). We have had plenty of posts about bin Talal in connection to the deep state swamp, and we routinely allow major swamp-related posts.

I feel I should also address what sounds like some frustration with me removing posts you have left up. I don't think I have done that in a while, and I felt like we were pretty much on the same page with that. I feel there's a general lack of communication which has built up some frustration on your part, although I acknowledge that are probably some topic we have disagreed about that we never found a compromise on. If there's any you would like to revisit, I'm all ears.

@crensch @ kevdude @VictorSteinerDavion

VictorSteinerDavion ago

hence why I readily agreed to start leaving removal explanations again

There is no circumstance where a mod that deletes a post has the ability to choose to not leave an explanation.

If you delete, there must be an explanation.
Not always a complex or detailed one, but one relevant to the post and which reflect the intent of the original poster.

If OP is troll, a snarky but appropriate deletion message is fine, if OP is trying to make an effort respect should be given to that effort.

Reasons for deleting content is not discretionary.

And to be absolutely clear, every moderator who has the power to delete posts is free to do so as they see fit and according to the rules.
If said moderators screw it up and don't improve the community will ask for removal and that removal will be granted.

There should not and will not be any further talk along the lines of "I didn't want to step on your toes".
If you're a mod you log in and moderate.

pinging @crensch as a courtesy

Millennial_Falcon ago

And to be absolutely clear, every moderator who has the power to delete posts is free to do so as they see fit and according to the rules. There should not and will not be any further talk along the lines of "I didn't want to step on your toes". If you're a mod you log in and moderate.

That has been my perspective on it. Hence why I have never been too worried about checking with Vindicator to see if he left something up intentionally or missed it or whatever. It is good for us to be somewhat on the same page though.

There is no circumstance where a mod that deletes a post has the ability to choose to not leave an explanation.

I have always indicated the rule that was broken, and I have always left explanation where I've felt it was appropriate. I have simply not always had the time, as the only daytime mod, to spell out an explanation when such seemed superfluous (such as for posts containing zero links), especially for obvious troll posts. I aim to be consistent about it going forward, though.

think- ago

All you have to do is point out that someone is jewish and (((everyone))) wants to shut it down.

Definitely not true.

I made a post yesterday about sexual abuse in a Jewish community and nobody complained.

If a post meets the sidebar it says.

Right. But this post isn't directly related to PG as required in Rule 1.

I suppose you've seen EyesWhiteShut. What Kubrick thought about Hitler, Stalin or Mickey Mouse isn't relevant in the context of this movie and not related to PG.

And why is everyone making such a fuss about the non-deleted post?

Because OP has been shilling like crazy and successfully cluttered the sub, so that relevant posts like the two indicating that David Copperfield is into child trafficking got buried.

IMO Millenial's modding really has improved lately. He takes the time and patiently explains why posts got deleted. So this is not about shit stirring against MF.

@Millenial_Falcon @srayzie @Crench @Vindicator

Crensch ago

That's why he gets the benefit of a doubt with me. Guy takes so much abuse it's insane.

cutelobster ago

I think that the original post is probably a smear-tactic, and people are right to get upset about forum-sliding, however to say that Kubrick is not connected to Pizzagate isn't quite right. He's certainly connected to Luciferian paedophilia in multiple ways. 'The Shining' is substantially about child abuse. 'Lolita' , starring James, ahem, Mason, is not unconnected to the same subject. Eyes Wide Shut does feature child abuse (and also pizza symbolism). Kubrick, in later life, was also accused of pursuing young boys (possibly a psyop, but then that could said about his entire career.) Kubrick worked on 2001 with Arthur C. Clarke, a known paedophile. I know gematria isn't everyone's thing but Stanley Kubrick is 555 and Eyes Wide Shut is 55. He died, supposedly, 666 days before the first day of, er, 2001 and 666 days after the decisive defeat of Gary Kasparov by HAL (sorry, Deep Blue) in game 6 of their match. And on and on and on: He's illuminati-cubed and child abuse is one of his favourite themes. If people can write enthusiastic posts about Spielberg, Kubrick's direct heir, being a possible nonce, then I think it's fair enough to cover Kubrick - indeed, I think Kubrick has to be covered to understand - or try to - many of the modern psyops.

Oh_Well_ian ago

This spells it out clearly, doesn't it ?

I think this is all @Millennial_Falcon 's work


bopper ago

He deleted this one, this was a good catch, should have stayed up so all could see.

@oh_Well_ian @Millennial_Falcon

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

Welcome all newcomers to the pizzagate sub! If you are unable to find threads that are related to pizzagate, please visit out pizzagate deleted submissions area. That’s where the most relevant posts are located.

Good job OP and @Millennial_Falcon 👍🏻 I’m sure this shit post will save the children for sure.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I suspected you were one of the shill accounts. Now confirmed.

think- ago

Millenial, you know perfectly well that @srayzie isn't a shill. She is one of our best researchers.

The reason why everybody is upset is that ActivitatedCorn is a forum sliding shill who has been posting bs. And although Kubrick did EyesWhiteShut, what he thought about Hitler isn't relevant to pizzagate. The Hitler headline attracts Nazis, and makes us look like idiots.

Not everybody who begs to differ with you is a shill.

@srayzie @bopper @Oh_well_ian @SoldierofLight @carmencita

Millennial_Falcon ago

Millenial, you know perfectly well that @srayzie isn't a shill.

No, I really don't. We're all anonymous, here, and things aren't always as they seem. It seems very suspicious to me when someone hurls abuse at me over one questionable post when I'm the one doing 90% of the work of moderating her. I agree she is probably not a shill, but if she can't take it, she shouldn't dish it out.

As for what this post might make us look like, that can't determine what stays up and what gets pulled. This is Voat. We do not censor. The post is about a major Hollywood (Pedowood) Director, who even directed a movie about Pedowood pedophilia (Eyes Wide Shut). Hollywood is heavily run by Jewish men, so his comments could easily be read as a commentary on Pedowood. We can bury pertinent facts just because it might kinda look bad.


think- ago

when I'm the one doing 90% of the work of moderating, here.

Yes, we are aware of that. I think it would be good to have a third mod to take some pressure off you and Vindicator.

What happened to @sensitive2? Couldn't she do some modding again?

Narcissism ago

Srayzie IS a Shill.

think- ago

You must be kidding, @Narcissim.


srayzie ago

No he or she isn’t kidding. @Narcissism is a narcisstic bitch who always talks crap to me.

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

"Hollywood is heavily run by Jewish men, so his comments could easily be read as a commentary on Pedowood."

Unbelievable. You really are a Nazi, aren't you. Fuck. This sub is doomed.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Stating a fact makes me a Nazi?

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

You think it's relevant to Pizzagate that Kubrick said HITLER WAS RIGHT because he MIGHT have meant that Hollywood is run by Jews. That's what makes you a Nazi. The fucking HITLER WAS RIGHT part.

srayzie ago

I replied to you in another comment.

SoldierofLight ago

Well said. And I might add, I'm not a Q fan but kudos to @syrayzie for creating a separate sub dedicated to Q in an effort to keep it separate from PG. A shill would just keep bombarding this sub with Q posts of any kind-- yeah, she's posted a few but that's not what I'm talking about. Activated Corn and all of her other 90 bazillion alts is a shill. But you knew that already, didn't you MF?

srayzie ago

Thank you!

SoldierofLight ago

You're very welcome.

Oh_Well_ian ago

It may be futile, at this point.

MF has an agenda that is clear as day and is growing increasingly hostile toward actual researchers.

He has ZERO submissions. He has done ZERO research. He claims to be TOO BUSY to Moderate efficiently but when he does, he inverts common sense.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I never complained to him once until a month or 2 ago.

srayzie ago

I’m a shill because I’m tired of this shit? Whatever. Why don’t you ask for more help? You shouldn’t have to do 90%.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I’m a shill because I’m tired of this shit?

No, you're a shill because there's nothing for you to be tired of. You're making up bullshit to rabblerouse with.

I have asked for help. I gave up because I rarely find any volunteers. Waste of time.

srayzie ago

I’m sick of people like this poster that is making so many profiles trying to stir shit up. Every single day. I can’t even keep up. Did you see my list?

Millennial_Falcon ago

Yeah I saw your list. I have banned hundreds of ActivatedCorn's accounts. The reason I'm not banning now is that I want people to be able to see her posts and immediately ignore them, rather than have her continue to be anonymous through constant new accounts. Please don't take her bullshit out on me, just because I left up one single questionable post. I reckon you aren't a shill, but you can see why I suspect it when you so quickly jump in to hurl abuse at me when I put in so much time. I'm the one doing the work of moderating, so why the F would anyone be sincerely shitting on me over one post. If you don't think it should be up, say so, but hurling abuse is what I don't understand (except when it's coming from shills).

srayzie ago

Ok I’m sorry I overreacted. I’ve had a rough day and have been dealing with this person like you wouldn’t believe. I had just had something else going on dealing with that person when I got pinged and seen this one. I could have handled it better.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Apology accepted. :-)

srayzie ago

I think that person is the same as the ones on that list.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Well, I've banned hundreds of ActivatedCorn's accounts. Leaving this one unbanned so people can at least immediately identify his (her?) posts and ignore them.

srayzie ago

You do realize this is another Sarah post? I have a long list the other day. Sarah is obsessed with the Paddock brothers and aliens and with stirring shit up.

Shizy ago

Ugggg that tired old hag again? Doesn't she have a pet cat to put a dress on or a neighbor to stalk? What a crazy loser!!!

srayzie ago

Me? 😮

Shizy ago

Of course not you silly! You're the best😉. I was talking about "Sarah".

Thanks @think

think- ago

...welcome. ;-)

srayzie ago

Yay 😁

think- ago

No, @Shizy meant Sarah or whateverhername is. ;-)

srayzie ago

Oh good! Haha

srayzie ago

I’m a shill because I’m tired of this shit? Whatever. Why don’t you ask for more help? You shouldn’t have to do 90%.

Oh_Well_ian ago

shut the fuck up, you pile of shit..

you're worthless

dragonkiller ago

@Millenial_Falcon probably posted this thread knowing his punk ass.

dragonkiller ago

You know what else I notice? That it has nothing to do with pizzagate. But that’s ok with @Millenial_Falcon because

Falcon has a game he plays @srayzie called "Catch Me If You Can." If people demand for these slide threads to get deleted he will call out that technically it meets the rules and that he has to be fair to everybody. They he will turn around and delete relevant threads and hope people bitch about it, or even better drag it to the dog and pony show mod forum.

There he will wiggle through a technicality and attempt to make himself the victim, post a smug pepe image, and make a shitty remark. It is a game for him because he hates all the posters in this forum and has nothing but contempt for this sub.

srayzie ago

Yep. I’ve been ganged up on and called names for complaining about it.

GreenDell144 ago

I appreciate your comments and posts. I’m glad your here. If your taking hits, it’s because your going forward with the fight. Done burn your momentum in a useless dialogue. Keep going forward. You’re very helpful to the rest of us. It would be sad if you got burned out and gave up.

srayzie ago

Awww thank you. I appreciate that.

Oh_Well_ian ago

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !!!! @Millennial_Falcon

This has gone way beyond MF being partial and selective and turned into a full blown takeover of the sub by a CORRUPT MAIN MODERATER and what looks like a band of shill accounts working together to DESTROY 15 Months of HARD WORK.

Vindicator ago

I stated my concerns publicly^. Looking through the comments, though, I see the O's have already spoken. Therefore, I did not delete the post and the debate that has unfolded in the Comments. Unfortunately, every time you guys attack MF instead of simply presenting a pattern of evidence of inconsistent modding, you destroy your own case with the O's.

Either this post needs to be removed, or Rule 3 needs to be changed so that it no longer requires posts spell out the connection to Pizzagate.

Oh_Well_ian ago

who really gives a fuck about this sub or the faggot main mod anymore?

I don't... I'm fucking down with you idiots.. I hope MF burns in hell for his deliberate destruction of this investigation.

think- ago

Rule 3 is perfectly fine.

Vindicator ago

Indeed. I did flair this "Possible Disinfo". What a shitshow.

think- ago

Again: Thank you. I couldn't believe it when I saw this post stayed up.

Vindicator ago

I couldn't, either. :-( This should have been in v/pizzagatewhatever.

Oh_Well_ian ago

so... Pizzagate is now Hitler !!!

Your work is complete @Millennial_Falcon

Please explain how this is Pizzagate related and why EVERY POST by this OBVIOUS SPAM ACCOUNT is allowed.

You're a despicable coward.

srayzie ago

That’s what I’m wondering! So many upvotes, no deletion and MF is commenting so it’s obviously fine with him. OP is a faggot bitch too.

Oh_Well_ian ago

positive that if I ever had a face to face with MF, it would end with me wringing him out like a dirty dishtowel

srayzie ago

I’m gonna make a comment on the main part...

Oh_Well_ian ago

meanwhile... he just deleted this post >>

Simple post connecting the importance of capital letters in Trump's tweets, as per Q, and CCS in California that carries the GIRL LOVER LOGO

It's pretty clear that MF is a pedo sympathizer and you know what that means....

srayzie ago

But this lame post stays up because of Eyes wide shut. 🙄

dragonkiller ago

Your work is complete @Millennial_Falcon

Its a game he play with the sub just because he can or is an infiltrator.

ActivatedCorn ago

My ex told me I was like Hitler and we are both jewish lol

Shizy ago

No one cares what your skanky ex told you

srayzie ago

This is Sarah that posted and responded as JonPodesta. 🙄

srayzie ago

Omg you always crack me up 😂 We’re Twinsie’s!

Shizy ago


JonPodesta ago

He told me I was perfect.

Yours asked for a cut of your cheque.

srayzie ago

Awww well aren’t you 2 adorable. 🙄

bopper ago

Why is this post still up?

think- ago

Bc MF joined the jolly discussion and enjoyed it.


bopper ago

@think- Do you know that is exactly correct? That's the only reason. I had just told srayzie that. MF made a cute comeback comment to someone and is proud of himself.

@srayzie @Voatscam

srayzie ago

Yeah he has a power trip.

think- ago

There isn't any reason to led this post stay.

Rule 1 says it must directly apply to PG, and it doesn't.

Plus, the Hitler stuff in the headline makes us look like some Nazi nutbags.


srayzie ago


ReddittRefugee ago

The 1946 James Murphy translation of Mein Kampf can be downloaded in text format here:

ActivatedCorn ago

Brilliant :)

think- ago

Wow, just wow. I come to v/pizzagate, first thing I see is a bunch of antisemites discussing Mein Kampf.

On a bs thread linked to an 19 year old article by bs New York Post.

Congrats to OP.

@Vindicator @srayzie @carmencita @factfinder2 @ASolo

SoldierofLight ago

I was beginning to think nobody was noticing. Glad you said something.

think- ago

Good to see you are around. When you read the whole thread, you'll see more people are really annoyed about this. This post shouldn't stay up.

Oh_Well_ian ago

you can thank faggot @Millennial_Falcon for that

srayzie ago

You know what else I notice? That it has nothing to do with pizzagate. But that’s ok with Millenial_Falcon because he even commented. with advice on things to read. Yet, @Carmencita has been upset because she’s shared posts with me this morning, including this one wondering why this pizzagate post was deleted! Hmmm that’s strange. But this shit stays and is full of upvotes. That’s why I barely even post in this sub anymore. This place is a joke.

carmencita ago

Thanks for the mention and posting the link. What all brought that up was that it is also connected to a post of mine that was deleted by him as well. It has connections to the 13 Turpin Children and another woman also kidnapped by a man with 13 children held in Perris Ca. as well. Another Nothing to see here folks, joke. There is now a possible Rob Reiner Ctr. connection which let me to look him up and an accident that happened at the Railway across from his Ctr. in Perris. In the link you just posted by @EyeofHorus also deleted it distinctly shows how he is connected to his allegedly being a Pedo. But no, whenever his name is brought up, it has been deleted. All of this is clearly connected to pizzagate, imo. Here is my deleted post about the woman held 20 years ago

Oh_Well_ian ago

I just did the same thing with a Trump tweet and CCS in California.


carmencita ago

LOOK! Look what came up when I typed in Rob Reiner Ctr. on your CCS Page I am shocked. Is he all over the place or what? I don't know what to think now. Well your post should def not have been deleted. Try putting it in 'v/pizzagatewhatever and ping us all. I know it is not the same for it will not get the eyes it deserves, that is how I felt about mine too. Normies will know nothing about the Cesspool in Perris. @srayzie

Oh_Well_ian ago

BINGO !!! @Millenial_Falcon must know all the 3rd rails of Pizzagate and their connections

I am editing and re-submitting and would appreciate all the support I will need against the hostile Main Mod.

@bopper @Blacksmith21 @EricKaliberhall @Vindicator

carmencita ago


carmencita ago

Not a bit surprised anymore. My post was related to the first post about the 13 Turpin Children. Why would not a copycat crime be allowed to stay up? The whole point was that it could be a repeat which calls for research. Research to find out if there were other repeat families in Perris. Duh. I see your post as well had connection with the Boy Lover Logo/Symbol. Double Duh.

Oh_Well_ian ago

exactly... any post that connect dots is immediately deleted

this is why @pizzagatebot was destroyed.. It was methodically piecing every detail together and provided an excellent overview of the entire network.

carmencita ago

There have been thoughts about p bot that I have read before. Possibly derram being a shill but I have not had any dealings with him. But others have and got banned because of it. Possibly the whole plan behind destroying p bot. Idk, sounds a little out there, but not really not that far fetched. This stuff is getting Too Shady.

srayzie ago

It is related Carmencita. I guess Hitler topics are more important to Millennial Falcon. Hell, throw a link in there for the movie Eyes wide shut and maybe he’ll let it slide next time.

carmencita ago

Hah! That's an idea. I am going to write that one down :)

ActivatedCorn ago

Judas Bitch fuck off

srayzie ago

Oh fuck you stupid faggot

ActivatedCorn ago

Suck my dick bitch

srayzie ago

I wouldn’t touch your nasty faggot ass infected shrinked up tiny little limp dick.

ActivatedCorn ago

Bitch last time managed to touch your sides, the Nile was a spring.

srayzie ago

Are you in 7th grade now?

ActivatedCorn ago

Sweetheart, they have your picture on the walls of The Cambridge Echocardiography department.

think- ago

Yes, it has nothing to do with pizzagate at all. Depressing.

It got upvoats from all the Nazis who saw it on the 'incoming posts' thread.

But I still don't give up - I don't want this place to fall apart.

GreenDell144 ago

It won’t. People that come to the pizzagate understanding already know it’s under attack. Deep breath folks. You know how you really have to tilt the bottle to avoid tha backwash? It’s like that. You have to dive deep to avoid the turds that float at the surface. I was gonna skip this post, until I saw all of these comments.

srayzie ago

Good. Stick with it then if you can. I’ve been here over a year and am getting fed up. There’s all these rules in the side bar that apply to only some posts. It depends usually on whatever MF feels like deleting. There’s even a problem with posting about organ harvesting now apparently.

think- ago

There’s even a problem with posting about organ harvesting now apparently.

I thought this has been discussed and was ok now?

Vindicator even stickied a Q post and asked us to research Planned Parenthood.

I understand that you are fed up, but we need your input here. :-(

srayzie ago

Maybe it is. I just know that one of my posts was questioned because of organ harvesting in the past. Vindicator isn’t strict like that. I’m talking about a MF.

ActivatedCorn ago

I work for John Podesta :)

Shizy ago

As his ball sucker? You're a pathetic piece of shit! Now go get your ball licking on, Johnny is waiting!!

JonPodesta ago

Tick Tock Freemasons

We have all of the academic tapes

Now get on your knees, and suck my duck you pathetic piece of shit

JonPodesta ago


srayzie ago

You also go by Sarah Podesta don’t you? I can spot you a mile away.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

This thread is sponsored by Saul Alinsky.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

What does this have to do with pizzagate?

Oh_Well_ian ago

there is a big difference between the Pizzagate we all know

and the Pizzagate that @Millennial_Falcon AND HIS BAND OF SHILL ACCOUNTS is creating

ActivatedCorn ago

Final Solution

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

What does that have to do with pizzagate?

ActivatedCorn ago

Fema camps

AdmirableNelson ago

Bringing in Hitler and Mein Kampf is utterly counterproductive if the goal is to get normies aware of the pedophilia problem. It will only prevent normies from being awoken.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Are you that dense? The intent is to portray us as biggots. Only thing missing is a Vindicator sticky. MF aproval was given of course.

ActivatedCorn ago

Separate the wheat from the chaff.

AdmirableNelson ago

Do you prioritize "separating the wheat from the chaff" over stopping pedophilia? Because this forum is about stopping pedophilia, not about whatever ideology corresponds to your metaphor. If you are here promoting an ideology OVER the goal of stopping pedophilia, then you are most definitely in the wrong place. If you aren't promoting an agenda that runs COUNTER to stopping pedophilia, then kindly explain how your rhetoric about Hitler HELPS stop pedophilia. Realistically, keeping in mind what we know about the effect of that rhetoric on normies.

GreenDell144 ago

Well said. We are here for justice and t protect kids. It doesn’t get simpler than that.

ActivatedCorn ago

Normies saw Joe Biden groping and did not care.

Bigglesworth45 ago

Could they have used the word jew anymore in that article?

migratorypatterns ago

I wouldn't necessarily take anything this man said at face value. He's a PedoWood Elite and Kubrick wasn't. Kubrick fought with PedoWood and remained an outsider -- for a good reason.

It's like readng Wolff's book about our POTUS ... fiction.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Kubrick was not outsider. Where do you come up with that?

SteviePaddock ago

He was a recluse although did socialise with others. The Hermitage.

srayzie ago

Yourself or your friend getting doxxed by Montagraph publicly on Twitter didn’t even phase you?

StevePaddock ago

No, it did not phase me.

srayzie ago

Well at least now I know you aren’t female 🙄

StevePaddock ago

Try God.

srayzie ago

Well according to what he revealed, you need God Anarchist.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I'll allow this as passing Rule 1 since he directed Eyes Wide Shut.

dragonkiller ago

I'll allow this as passing Rule 1 since he directed Eyes Wide Shut.

The entire pizzagate movement would be better off if you would just pass on out, completely....

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You and Vindicator relentlessly derail this sub. Get your gatekeeping asses out of here. You suck at what you do.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Get your gatekeeping asses out of here.

You would have said the same if I had removed it. Your bullshittery is obvious.

Oh_Well_ian ago



DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Nice try. You know good and well why you are looked down on.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Nice try making shit up and getting your shill buds to upvote (or upvoting w. your sockpuppet accounts). You shills are pathetic.

dragonkiller ago

Nice try making shit up and getting your shill buds to upvote (or upvoting w. your sockpuppet accounts). You shills are pathetic.

Same lame bullshit. "everybody that disagrees with me is a shill, there, I won" old are you about 16?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

As usual your reasoning makes no sense. I am sure vindicator can back you up however. Clearly there are a slew of shill acounts desperatly trying to portray people in this sub as "antisemetic". This thread is a transparent attempt at that. The documentary about the conviction of the Catholic church and British crown for mass murder of canadian chilrden is banned here thanks to the pedo mods, but this thread stays. This place is officialy worse than Reddit.

Millennial_Falcon ago

LOL, you would have attacked me as a "pedo mod" if I had removed it. You're full of it.

Oh_Well_ian ago

you have reached an incredible level of denial and cognitive dissonance


dragonkiller ago

LOL, you would have attacked me as a "pedo mod" if I had removed it. You're full of it.

You may not be a pedo but I bet the pedos love you for fucking up this sub so bad.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

What logic is it for the removal of this thread being gatekeeping? Your lack of logic is apparent for everybody to see.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Apparently you need a dictionary.

Oh_Well_ian ago


you are clearly a SHILL and have surpassed James Alefantis in bullshittery

dragonkiller ago

Apparently you need a dictionary.

Apparently you need to get a real life and stop being a wart on the entire pizzagate movement.

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

They aren't all shill accounts, unfortunately. The chans are home to many actual Nazis, who latched onto Pizzagate and want to use this sub as a recruiting tool. I can't fucking believe that a mod would LET them. Unless the mod is ALSO a fucking Nazi or Klansman?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

The Chans and Reddit infested with shills too. You new to this?

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

You think all the racists are just shills pretending to be racist? Sorry, there are actual racists. Some might be shills pretending, maybe. But not most, man. The chans are chock full of actual racists. And this sub attracts them. They must see this place as ripe recruiting territory.

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

I get that Pizzagate attracted racist elements from the chans and we have to live with some racists and antisemites here, but you're a fucking mod and you're sanctioning a thread which essentially says "Hitler did nothing wrong".

Millennial_Falcon ago

This is Voat. Mods here don't censor stuff based on personal opinion.

dragonkiller ago

This is Voat. Mods here don't censor stuff based on personal opinion.


QuoteUnquoteArt ago

There is nothing relevant to Pizzagate here. This thread is all about what someone said ABOUT HITLER. What the fuck does HITLER have to do with Pizzagate?

DerHansWestmar ago

Oy vey

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

Are you fucking serious? What does HITLER have to do with Pizzagate?

Millennial_Falcon ago

Uhm, I said KUBRICK. Get your ears (eyes) checked.

Oh_Well_ian ago

you look like a PEDOPHILE apologist

resign now

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

The thread is about WHAT KUBRICK SAID ABOUT HITLER BEING RIGHT, i.e., it's about HITLER, not Kubrick. Now I get why people here complain about you. You delete relevant threads but leave shit like this up.

Oh_Well_ian ago


DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Give this man a prize.

ActivatedCorn ago

Kubrick was a very smart man.

Norseman ago

Eyes Wide Shut does and seeing as he is the director this complete 180 view from our understanding of him is noteworthy.

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

The subject of the thread is HITLER not KUBRICK.

Norseman ago

blind anger makes a man a fool.

ActivatedCorn ago

I would make sweet slow love to Kubrick in the crepuscular model of madness.

dellcos ago

If one were to read Mein Kampf, one would find himself agreeing with "almost everything" as well. That's why it's banned so many places, lol.

It isn't above criticism though. It's definitely inspired, but it's mainly an essay of opinion. Seems mostly historically accurate, but I'd actually like to find someone "fact checking" Hitler's version of history. Worth reading for historical perspective no matter what.

mralexson ago

Need to read it one day but mom would flip if she saw me with a copy she’d flip

dellcos ago

The mainstream story line is that Hitler wanted to kill all the Jews. Have you ever heard why? Even once?

The mainstream STORY is garbage but it should be curious to everyone that the last thing they ever want people knowing is WHY.

DOVahKiiN7 ago

I'm interested in buying Mein Kamphf. I think this might be the right book. What edition do you have?

PS: I'm going to sell Anna Frank hard cover I have.

lopus ago

you can find it in the internet, as pdf.... (but I guess just german language). It's also openly sold in India I have heard.

Norseman ago

Looks good but find a cheaper version. Anyone can print it and a $5 copy is no different than this $35 version.

dellcos ago

To be honest I don't know anything about the editions. It's in the public domain, so they SHOULD be fine I suppose. I got mine in a used book store and it's from the 80's. I need an old German version for comparison of the key points and seeing how they are translated. I don't know German, but comparative analysis is pretty easy for short excerpts regardless of what you are going between.

DOVahKiiN7 ago

I see. I guess I cannot go wrong with Unabridged Version assuming the translator stayed true. I decided to go with that Unabridged book. I probably don't need German version unless I found someone close who is German.

dellcos ago

It's highly unlikely they would be able to edit or translate out the thrust of the book. I was more just commenting in case you were a stickler.

ActivatedCorn ago

I might actually do that I need some projects.

Millennial_Falcon ago

You certainly do. May I also suggest the complete works of Tolstoy and Dickens. xD

Oh_Well_ian ago

kill yourself

you fucking kid fucker

your game is over... I am spending the next two weeks migrating everybody who cares about PG to a new sub.


dragonkiller ago

You certainly do. May I also suggest the complete works of Tolstoy and Dickens. xD

Pretends to have read the comlete works of Tolstoy and Dickens. What a joke you egomaniac.

think- ago

@Millenial_Falcon, would you please be so kind as to explain what this post has to do with pizzagate? Obviously I'm too slow to get it. Thank you.

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

And here you are joking about what else someone should read in the context of racists recommending Mein Kampf. For fuck's sake, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU.

Oh_Well_ian ago

the MAIN MOD is a pedophile and is DELIBERATELY undermining Pizzagate

ActivatedCorn ago

No, he is joking that I should analyse War and Peace to get rid of me for a few years from the forum


QuoteUnquoteArt ago

Ah. If true, then I agree. Get the fuck out of here, racist.

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

Sure you are. Jews are always talking about how they ought to read Mein Kampf. /s

ActivatedCorn ago

I have B- blood, which makes me ethnically Aryan Jew.

QuoteUnquoteArt ago


ActivatedCorn ago

It is an Asiatic Bloodline, which is sometimes exhibited in Coloboma of the Eye like we saw in Madeleine McCann.

David Bowie displayed it with his heterochromia iridium. Mia Farrow who played in Rosemary's Baby had this bloodtype.

ActivatedCorn ago

I have no idea you were a Fabian dear.

derram ago :


'Kubrick died on March 7 this year at age 70. ‘Eyes Wide Shut” is set to open July 16. '

'While demanding an almost slavish fidelity to the Schnitzler novella, described by Raphael as being ‘impregnated with Jewishness,” Kubrick nevertheless instructed Raphael to expunge all Jewishness from his adaptation. '

'In the summer of 1994, Kubrick sent Raphael, then living in France, a novel to read and judge suitable for screen adaptation. '

'He has virtually no ideas at all.”Kubrick’s bizarre relationship to his own ethnicity deeply troubled Raphael, a fellow Jew. '

'THE late Stanley Kubrick once remarked that ‘Hitler was right about almost everything,” and insisted that any trace of Jewishness be expunged from the ‘Eyes Wide Shut” script that author Frederic Raphael was writing for him. '

This has been an automated message.

scarlettm512 ago

Or, perhaps Kubrick wanted to expunge all Jewishness from it because of the perversion and hidden power aspects of the story that he didn't wish to have associated with Jews. Kubrick exposed quite a bit of the invisible power structure, to be sure, but I'm not so sure that he wasn't functioning as the person who is tasked with "putting it in plain sight". They do seem to have a code where as long as they tell the public what they are doing (even in fictionalized form that offers plausible deniability) it somehow absolves them of any guilt. In fact, their moral code seems to be that in any case of fraud -- the guilt lies on the one who falls for it, not the one who perpetrates it.

Narcissism ago

Narcissistic thinking. Called Projective Identification, its where they project their bad feelings, thoughts and emotions on to others. Because they see all others as mere extensions of themselves they are in effect just moving memory allocations around a bit like a computer does.

TaosDeiopW ago

Talmudic thinking.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Its not Talmud, its older. Jesus Christ....

ActivatedCorn ago

Hermes did teach Pandora Cunning @TaosDeiopW

She is also known as Eve like in James Alefantis film

ActivatedCorn ago

Jesuit thinking you mean.