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dellcos ago

If one were to read Mein Kampf, one would find himself agreeing with "almost everything" as well. That's why it's banned so many places, lol.

It isn't above criticism though. It's definitely inspired, but it's mainly an essay of opinion. Seems mostly historically accurate, but I'd actually like to find someone "fact checking" Hitler's version of history. Worth reading for historical perspective no matter what.

ActivatedCorn ago

I might actually do that I need some projects.

Millennial_Falcon ago

You certainly do. May I also suggest the complete works of Tolstoy and Dickens. xD

Oh_Well_ian ago

kill yourself

you fucking kid fucker

your game is over... I am spending the next two weeks migrating everybody who cares about PG to a new sub.


dragonkiller ago

You certainly do. May I also suggest the complete works of Tolstoy and Dickens. xD

Pretends to have read the comlete works of Tolstoy and Dickens. What a joke you egomaniac.

think- ago

@Millenial_Falcon, would you please be so kind as to explain what this post has to do with pizzagate? Obviously I'm too slow to get it. Thank you.

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

And here you are joking about what else someone should read in the context of racists recommending Mein Kampf. For fuck's sake, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU.

Oh_Well_ian ago

the MAIN MOD is a pedophile and is DELIBERATELY undermining Pizzagate

ActivatedCorn ago

No, he is joking that I should analyse War and Peace to get rid of me for a few years from the forum


QuoteUnquoteArt ago

Ah. If true, then I agree. Get the fuck out of here, racist.

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

Sure you are. Jews are always talking about how they ought to read Mein Kampf. /s

ActivatedCorn ago

I have B- blood, which makes me ethnically Aryan Jew.

QuoteUnquoteArt ago


ActivatedCorn ago

It is an Asiatic Bloodline, which is sometimes exhibited in Coloboma of the Eye like we saw in Madeleine McCann.

David Bowie displayed it with his heterochromia iridium. Mia Farrow who played in Rosemary's Baby had this bloodtype.

ActivatedCorn ago

I have no idea you were a Fabian dear.