Sackajahweeda ago

Bring it on I say...I have a catchers mitt ready to catch the damn thing!!

tech-adm ago

Sometimes a Comet is just a Comet. -Sigmund Fraud

Millennial_Falcon ago

Are you being willfully retarded?

ActivatedCorn ago

Takes a fire retardant mutant to behold God.

derram ago :

Vegas gunman's brother says it's like an asteroid hit - YouTube :

Skyfall - James Bond meeting Q (1080p) - YouTube

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Immelda ago

Can't say it stood out as a reference for me.

wtfeva ago


You also should take note of symbolism in other recent hoaxes, like how the NY shit where the tourists "died" all wore shirts with Libre printed on them.

Funny shit, those comedians..