angry_mob ago

FOR ALL TRUMP BOTS HERE ON VOAT: here's something for ya'll to chew on:

HR-4760 - biometric ID for ALL AMERICANS!!! get ready to get chipped chumps. & a bunch of republican cretins have already voted to pass this abomination. & i'm sure the demoncrats will be on the train soon too!

srayzie ago

Beep beep beep

Pablolove ago

Thanks for this and keep posting as plenty of us appreciate it👍

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Thank you for this post. I'm not 100% convinced that Q is real, mostly because I don't want to get my hopes up. One thing is certain, Q is more entertaining than anything on TV!

I'd just like to point out one fact where you are blatantly wrong:

there is deep state coup against our president

It's not called a "deep state" it's called a "secret society"!!! /s

Vindicator ago

Giving this the Q Storm Watch flair.

Rev_21_4 ago

come on over to for more info

srayzie ago

Oh I go there daily. I love that place & Tracy Beanz. Come to my voat version too...

FreeRebel ago

I appreciate your weariness with drawing flak yet still doggedly persisting. This is a very good analysis with diagrams.

Voatwontletmesignin ago

I agree with you. Awesome post Srayzie.

starseed_empath ago

None of the so-called 'proofs' of Q prove anything other than high level intel Q is privy too. Hence certain 'predictions' coming true. But answer me this.

If Q is a psy-op, which I believe it is and was from the start, then what assurance do we have the reason they know about these events in advance isn't actually because they're being made privy to the plans? How do you know these events are not being staged in direct correlation with Q's postings as part of the psy-op?

Simple answer is: you don't. Nobody does -- except those behind Q's keyboard.

reasonedandinformed ago

The claim that Q is a LARP is akin to those who claim Pizzagate is faked and debunked w/o actually looking into it. Your analogy is good. I have followed QAnon, and there are many more confirmations than the ones you list. The DOITQ twitter pic was a great example.

Piscina ago

Wow, you've been here since the beginning. Why would anybody call you a shill? I admire your tenacity and determination. You like many others here are God's fighters.

srayzie ago

Awww. Thank you.

Limpness ago

Great post..I think the swamp is really being drained, but not in a way most people would recognize...unprecedented in ancient and modern history, as far as I know. Appreciate this happening under President liberal too.

srayzie ago

Awesome 👏🏻

Travellingman ago

I don't doubt Q is connected to Trump in someway

I've always felt it was Stephen Miller and one or two other LARPing propagandists and working together

The whole thing is so over the top quoting bible verses, calling Trump a savior, etc. This is the way Hitler worked and to me it's all a bit unsettling.

srayzie ago

He’s a Christian. He’s not calling Trump a savior.

lamplight ago

I believe Q is real. Watching the show "The Great Awakening."

srayzie ago

I don’t know that show

Marfa-Lights ago

I am really unsure about Q, but I will keep an open mind on this, just as I will on Trump. One thing I am sure about though, Heavy Breathing is back in comet ping pong on the 3rd of February. The first time back since all this kicked off?

srayzie ago

Sick. People should go crash it

Joe10jo ago

Bravo! :-)

Herbvendor ago

Has QAnon actually done anything though? No... lol Keep holding your breath!

srayzie ago

Are you late to class or what?

Herbvendor ago

No been following Q, its a total larp, if you actually did your own research instead of listening to a possible AI or disinfo shill, then you would know too.

Trumps surrounded by Israel and Goldman sacchs. So if Q is an actual person, and not an AI, odds are its one of those slimy creatures.

Gothamgirl ago

Great post as always.

Gilderoy ago

Great post! I just sent an email to my closest normie Trump-supporting friends explaining about the Q phenomenon and urging them to start following Dr. Corsi's decodings of Q so they could have an idea of what is really going on behind the scenes, but only one person replied and said she would read it all later. Didn't have time to look at it, but at least she was nice. I imagine the next time I see the others they'll be running away from me as far and as fast as they can. : ) Must think I finally went over the edge.

Because my family and I have learned so much and have such a more hopeful, energetic outlook because of "Q", I thought I should share that with my friends. I left them with this thought: if Q accurately outlined the contents of the FISA memo on 12/22, then that is all the verification needed of the authenticity of Q. I know there are many more corroborations, but that would be especially YUGE.

srayzie ago

I know what you mean! Nobody in my real life is interested in this stuff. That’s why I love talking to my online friends here. 🙂 Not the jerks. But the ones that are awake to the real world.

Gilderoy ago

Nobody in my real life is interested in this stuff

Boy, does that sentence ever resonate!

srayzie ago

It sucks!

altro87 ago

Great job!

srayzie ago


FloridaJackalope ago

Q yesterday posted a fake Podesta E-mail... It was a spoof e-mail, proven to be a hoax months ago... It was an intelligently worded e-mail that is ultimately made to troll pizzagate researchers.... Q's credibility has been shot until this is explained.

srayzie ago

I made a post about that...

DerivaUK ago

Excellent post and you’ve said much of how many of us feel. I’ll subscscribe to your sub as I too am tired of the fighting and attacking. Upvoat to you

srayzie ago

Yay thank you

new4now ago

With any big bust, it takes years of investigating

We are looking at the biggest web of corruption we have ever seen

As much as I would like to see arrests yesterday, I want to make sure the case is solid, very solid

Also, you need a judicial system that is not part of the corrupted web

This takes time, and when your dealing with public figures, you have to be careful and secret

Already things are being lost, MSM has upped their game, the bullshit is flying and we know why

Everyone here should know there's more than Pizzagate going on with these public people

It was the IRS that finally put Capone in jail

Whatever it takes to get these people behind bars, stripped of the bullshit facade they have presented, stripped of the money they have made, to never be able to get their hands on children again

I'm all for it

We were given a choice...Trunp or Clinton

I voted Trump, and will stand by my vote

Q is giving us behind the scene info, letting us know whats going on through cryptic sentences

Q tells me Keep the faith, we are working on it

It's why I voted for Trump in the first place

How does one take all these people down without taking the country down with it?

You have to have faith and take a stand somewhere, isn't that why we are here?

Is Q any more believable then Pizzagate?

How many years do we go back with Pizzagate to get the big picture?

How long as Q been posting?

Patience is needed

Til_My_Last_BREATH ago

Patience, exactly what is needed.. you don't go at fucking KINGPINS with just your Dick in your hand. These are the real monsters and they are heavily insulated. It's gonna take time for sure. "Come at the king, you best not miss" Omar

pizzaequalspedo ago

I agree that these things take time. With that said, I'm about 50/50 on whether it's a really good Larp, or a legit source of intel.

Sharipie ago

Thanks for posting this!

new4now ago

Well said, 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

flaxom ago

1: "LOCK: 15-10-5" in no way "confirms [15] marker" and is a stretch. Seeing what you want to see.

2: "Predicted" the bombing in hindsight after the fact. Could have easily said "bomb attack incoming" or something without giving away any details. POTUS nowhere near a NYC bus terminal. What about the direct claims here against Schiff taking 7.8mm for leaks, isn't that something to stand behind and tout as evidence? Why can't he make direct claims like that for his supposed predictions listed here?

3: "Fox Three" is terminology for air-to-air munitions fired from fighter jets/etc. It's a major stretch to go back and claim this is about an ICBM. Could have mentioned 1000 more specific details or even the part of the world this might take place in, instead you're claiming jet fighter radio terms are codewords for nuclear missile false flag attempts. Streeeeetch.

4: Not enough information to go off of, these photos could be from any time or date over the last couple decades, really. Interesting but he could also just hold up a fucking AF1 napkin or something too, you know?

5: Give me a fucking break. Quotes one of the world's most recited prayers and nearly a month later the leader of that religion also mentions that prayer - WOW what are the odds!

6: Did @Jack go somewhere, did he disappear or leave Twitter or anything as indicated by "Goodbye"? Being in the news does not equate to "Goodbye @Jack" even if it's bad news. I'll admit this is recent so maybe still developing, but again an extremely tenuous connection that is unconvincing at best.

7: So he mentions a term in widespread usage through our military and apparently this means he predicted a tweet about a fucking TV show that was probably in the TV guide for a month anyway? Just absurd, and ultimately meaningless. If this is what Q is revealing then fuck him, I can buy a TV guide myself.

Also, what does this have to do with PG, why is it in here every day? I'm sure there's dedicated Q and CBTS subs, boards, etc. Is it because it's designed to soak up all the PG interest and ultimately discredit it all together as one big larp just like this disinfo is designed to do?

Vindicator ago

Also, what does this have to do with PG, why is it in here every day?

Because Q has talked extensively about it. From a comment I made elsewhere:

Regarding whether Q talked about "a massive conspiracy involving a global pedophilia ring"

I've looked back through the entirety of Q's posts and here's what I found:

Q did post a pic of Anderson Cooper, reading a newsletter with kids on it and what looks like "Gnome77" at the top. His comment about it was:

Dec 13 2017 21:24:04 Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 3610ff 93181

Saw this in last thread. Focus on papers on table. Graphic at top.

They all belong to the same sick cult/club.


That strongly implies pizzagate, even though he doesn't say those words. Looking even further back, in one of the posts before he got a tripcode, he says:

Who exposed the pedo network within H wood? You can’t answer the above but will laugh once disclose details.

The network which controls this false narrative which in turns keeps the black pop under control is being dismantled. False local and national black leaders will be exposed next as shills for the D party. Follow the money. Maxine W has a $4mm home and cash assets in excess of $6mm. How is that possible? One example. All of these questions help to paint the full picture.

In another early post, he says:

The pedo networks are being dismantled. The child abductions for satanic rituals (ie Haiti and other 3rd world countries) are paused (not terminated until players in custody). We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil.

Q never mentions "pizzagate" himself. However, he does reply directly to a person who says:

with all the race war propaganda and pizzagate possibility, i became suicidal because i cant stand that no one will open their eyes and are being manipulated hard. i hope with all of my heart that Trump is going to make good on his promise to maga and clean the swamp.

with this:

Dear Patriot. We hear you. We hear all Americans such as yourself. The time has come to take back our great land. The time is now. Rest assured POTUS is backed by the absolute finest people alive who are all dedicated to the eradication evil and corruption from the US/World. Find peace. God is with us. God bless and be safe. -The WH

So I can see how both the Southern Poverty "Law" Center would get the idea Q has confirmed the "Pizzagate conspiracy". I'm sure they're spending a fortune on lawyers trying to figure out how to protect their assets now, too. ;-)

Are_we_sure ago

So he mentions a term in widespread usage through our military and apparently this means he predicted a tweet about a fucking TV show that was probably in the TV guide for a month anyway?

Show was complete and being promoted in Nov

Footage of the coffee cup is from 2016.

The hilarious part is if the Q LARP was real, it's basically a coup. They claim to be fighting a Deep State coup, but all their actions the Q fans applaud are illegal and deeply UnAmerican. If these were orders actually giving to US Soliders they would be duty bound to refuse them.

It's illegal for the military to perform law enforcement activities.

It's illegal to arrest people and hold the in custody incommunicado.

It's illegal for the NSA to target US persons.

They claim there is a coup happening against Trump, but it's just part of Trump's attack on the rule of Law.

flaxom ago

You make some interesting points. Though I'm not convinced either that Trump is a tyrant destroying the rule of law or connected in any way to Russia. I watched the Russia narrative develop out of leaked emails and I watched the collusion that took place between the scrambling campaign that created it and the kike media that pushed it. Those were real insights and real leaks, not like this empty Q stuff. We'll see where things go- but I try to remain optimistic.

srayzie ago

Please forward all other comments you have for me to @Jack 🤓

flaxom ago

Okay, thanks for the very convincing argument. You zealots totally sold me on Q's legitimacy with all this overwhelming evidence and weakly attempted insults.

3891776389 ago

Did Q post the current Lord's prayer or the new version? It looks like he posted the old one but it doesn't actually look like it changed. It looked like they were going to change it from 'lead us not into temptation' to 'fall into temptation'. If this was going to confirm future with past, shouldn't Q have posted the new version in order to prove something?

srayzie ago

Q said when the board was being compromised. He didn’t repost all the previous things he said. He informed us and made a new board but he didn’t repost everything. A lot of what he had already posted had came to pass and was already proved.

3891776389 ago

The screenshot you provided is the original posting though....

It's weird that Q says, what lords prayer version did i post? (the old one). Why is this relevant? (The luciferian pope doesn't like the current version that Q posted)

So how does this prove anything? It looks like he said the standard prayer that everyone knows, the pope says I'd like to change that, now everyone is saying this proves something? It seems like everyone simply assumed that Q posted the new version that only the pope would know, but he didn't. I said the standard lords prayer that day, does that mean I'm in league with the pope too and I knew it was going to change soon?

srayzie ago

Q brought up The Lord’s Prayer weeks before it was announced that the pope wanted to change it.

3891776389 ago

If he posted the normal prayer and then the next day it changed, that might be something.

But he did the normal prayer, not the new prayer, and then weeks later it changes. That seems way more coincidence than proof... Looks like AI doing pattern recognition and it was able to spot a pattern.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Well done @syrazie!

I couldn't agree more... those who immediately denounce Q are very similar to those who immediately denounced George W. (not Bush - he deserves to be denounced).

Following it closely, it is obvious to me that Q is legit. Could some posts/channels get compromised? Sure. Were some rumors of direct/external communications bubbling up? Yes. Did Q address these issues by shifting channels and shooting down those false claims? Yes. He/She/They did.

The people saying "Ohhhh, but, but, Q said there'd be an attack and there wasn't! He told us to be prepared, and for what?! He's a LARP!" obviously have no clue how complex and significant this all is in its scope. Many people still do not grasp the sheer magnitude of what's going on behind the scenes.

Similar to your point re: Why Q and Q's followers are being attacked so viciously? It's obviously 1 part shill and 1 part ignorance/disbelief. To those who doubt Q, I ask you, why? What is the purpose of this all being faked? Some elaborate practical joke from someone who has access to photos on AF1/Camp David - from someone who has the ability to predict the contents of Tweets before they get posted from the POTUS/Military? - from someone who was directly referenced by Assange on multiple occasions and even made an "appearance" in two chapters of the PDF from Wolff's leaked book.

There is too much intel/predictive hints to chalk this up to a LARP. And there is too much at stake to consider this to be an elaborate hoax. And I honestly don't see the point of either. It's not some "GOTCHA!" prank being perpetrated by TPTB. That wouldn't make any sense, as they would be shedding way too much light on a number of subjects/investigations that portray them in a very negative light.

To those who claim Q is a larp or fake, I confidently claim that you are either a shill being paid to do so or* you are simply in denial because the full scope of this massive, decades long, multi-headed conspiracy is really fucking hard to cope with.

Unless of course you've been researching it for decades and have been waiting a long time for this day to come.

srayzie ago

Thank you very much!

tirejack ago

any shitbag can surmise the overall spiral of fear created by the assholes, enough so that predicating which cities have false flags isn't that fucking hard. all of this is predictable to those that have been involved since trump's bid to run.

goddam jews make you all believe in prophecies still.

oldest fucking trick in the book to predict outcomes based on reactions.

anotherdream ago

Amen @srayzie. Never give up. Great post! Don't sweat the shillz!

srayzie ago

🙂 Thanks!

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Amazing good sir. I have been using your posts as a primary reply and red pill for people. This post will be the same way. The big picture is tough for people. You have to find a hook. When they get hooked on one topic then we go to another and another. It takes time.

srayzie ago

Thank you! I’m a mam tho 😫

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

There are no girls on the internet! You should know that! :p

srayzie ago

Somebody else said something like that earlier too 🤣

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Yeah I think it is in the 100 rules of the Internet or something like that. It's an old joke.

srayzie ago


bopper ago

Q is joined at the hip w/ the president. There is no doubt about that. He's predicted what the pres will tweet a dozen times at least.

Even just recently, yesterday, Q mentioned 'deep state' wanting illegals to "flood" into the country. Trump afterwards tweets that the dems want illegals "pouring" into the country.

Q posted a pic of Iwo Jima monument (and talked about planting the US flag in NKorea) and then Trump used the word "monumental" in a tweet.

Q was asked by anons to have the pres use the phrase "wonderful day" in a tweet. On Thanksgiving Trump tweeted the words "wonderful" and "day" separated by only a few words.

Q began to call Hillary a "puppet" and said her strings had been now cut. Approx a week later Trump tweeted, not once, but twice, mockingly, "Clinton Puppets." He capitalized the first words, C and P.

Q had been saying for approx a week or ten days, "We have a very special place for George Soros, very special." (He used the initials GS.) Immediately after that, Trump returns from Camp David and tweets "Just back from Camp David, a very special place." Trump was wearing a purple tie during a talk at the same time, Vets I believe. (Purple Revolution.)

POTUS uses the wrong word in a tweet. "Consensual." I thought how silly and stupid, he will be slammed by opponents. Then I saw that Q had just mentioned this, and Q said to watch the pres twitter feed. I clicked on the twitter feed and Trump had removed the tweet. "Not available." I clicked again and up popped the corrected tweet, now w/ the correct word "Consequential." There's a big fat Q in the middle of the word. Also, just before this, when Q said to watch the twitter feed, Q also misspelled the word "when" as "win." Q said to look for something. When POTUS corrected the misplaced word "consensual" (he also just so happened to be finishing the second part of the tweet), the pres finished quoting someone named "Goodwin." Thus the wrongly spelled "win" by Q was solved. (This all went down quickly and I apologize if it sounds confusing.)

I could go on and on. The pres making a huge circle w/ a slash thru the bottom like a Q as he stepped off the plane. Very out of character, this was quite exaggerated. Pres calling the 'establishment' sick and evil, just like Q does almost every post. The incredible pic on AF1 w/ the small group, including POTUS, w/ their thumbs up, if you connect them it stunningly makes a perfect Q. (Took me a while to accept that one.)

What else? Assange posting the music video about passports and flying across borders the same night the navy "inadvertently" tweets out "Julian Assange." Wikileaks releasing the full PDF of the Wolff book then deleting it. The PDF had two chapter headlines w/ Q's instead of O's.

Much more but I gotta stop. Took me a long time to accept this stuff. That's my two cents. Sorry if any typos.

srayzie ago

Yes! Or like Q doing the missing i and then Trump also avoided the letter i right after by putting FRLENDS instead of FRIENDS.

bopper ago

Forgot about that one. That's what I'm saying, it's just overwhelming. The thing is, it's Scavino (and possibly others) who are doing Trump's tweets now. The grammar is always perfect, unlike some twitter mistakes by Trump in the past.

In fact, some (tweets) have been so complicated in their punctuation challenges (and meticulously perfected) that it seems they were done on purpose just to show off (or give a heads up that from now on there would be no accidents or screw-ups in the tweets).

So now, if you see a mistake, you know it's on purpose, there is meaning behind it. (That's why I was shocked when I saw Trump use the word "consensual," then I snapped, oh, something's going on.)

That one you mention was hilarious cause I knew Trump was up to something when I saw "FRLENDS." Lol. And I believe they were talking about Iridium if I remember correctly. There were other missing "I's" like in missile I think. Hard to keep up unless you write it all down, some actually do just that. Not me, that heavy lifting is for others lol.

Jobew1 ago

still likely just a psyop - toy with ppl keep without giving up any real damaging info that strikes at the heart of the real powers that be

dooob ago

The problem with Q is, we cant be sure he is not a larp. All tweet predictions he made have no proof other than screenshots but people are skeptic about them because the timestamp can be tampered with. You guys should archive all Q's posts as soon as he makes em so they are comparable to the predictions he makes. I dont know what to think of Q. It smells like a LARP but he mentioned PG, Scalisa and some topics the elites dont want to be talked about. I avoid talking about Q because i think there is a possibility of him being a larp but nobody can say he is 100% a glow in the dark cia nigger because of previously mentioned topics he sheds light to. It is more probable that he is not a larp, that is my opinion.

GenghisSean ago

I admire your enthusiasm @srayzie, and I don't think you're a shill. Q gives a lot of people hope that change is coming and on the surface that seems like it could only be good, right? I sincerely hope that high level arrests are on the way, and that the whole swamp will be drained for good. However, I am still skeptical. The swamp won't go down without a fight and I don't think they're as stupid as Q let's on. I fear Q is a psyop to give us hope and keep us from leaving our keyboards. To keep us from rallying or fighting back in more material ways.

It has been shown rather conclusively that Q has insider information about future false flags and future Trump tweets. That doesn't prove Q is not working for the enemy. It's possible that Trump is one of them, even though we all hope he is keeping his promise to drain the swamp. I hope you're right about Q and my skepticism is overly cautious. I really do.

angry_mob ago

this is pretty much how i feel about Q & trump. also, if you follow other things that trump is doing, he really is doing some seriously bad shit. we need to pay attention to that too. he just opened up Utah's NATIONAL MONUMENTS to oil & gas drilling & mining. this is a serious fuck up. i will remain skeptical of Q & trump. i do retain some optimism, but that's my nature, but i think it's a mistake to jump on the band wagon just yet.

GenghisSean ago

Yea and spending a fuck ton on the DoD just puts us further in debt. He's better than I expected, but far from perfect.

jervybingly ago

How many fucktones did B Hussein Obama spend in eight years?

angry_mob ago

i can't stand obummer either!

GenghisSean ago

I believe 10 trillion. The national debt doubled under both Obama and Bush.

jervybingly ago

Thanks, You are a good man in a tight corner.

AdmirableNelson ago

"Fighting back in more material ways" is always a mere inch from being an incitement to discrediting stupidity or violence.

On the other hand, any sincere person worried about child trafficking has to wonder if NO ONE with any power cares... So when figures emerge that clearly so care, that name Epstein, that make arrests... Well "overly cautious skepticism" smells funny. It's not a natural response for most people. And yet we see a flood of attacks on Q, from the most mindless trolling to the most refined, delicate, and subtle skepticism. There is WITHOUT QUESTION a war against Trump in the media and the internet.

I am strongly skeptical of your skepticism.

GenghisSean ago

"Fighting back in more material ways" is always a mere inch from being an incitement to discrediting stupidity or violence.

Your skepticism of my skepticism sounds fair to me. Let me first clarify that by "fighting back in more material ways," I didn't mean to condone violence. The "fighting" I had in mind was petitioning, peacefully protesting, and educating the masses on the crimes that the ruling class are committing in broad daylight to the most vulnerable of people. The reason I am skeptical is because I don't trust Trump. Presidents have made promises for a long time and as they come and go the situation doesn't seem to be getting any better. Trump has certainly broken the mold in a lot of ways, but his term isn't even halfway over. I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch.

Well "overly cautious skepticism" smells funny to me, given the big picture. It's not a natural response for most people.

The reason this is a natural response for me is because my entire worldview was turned on its head. I grew up in America, and I was lied to, indoctrinated, and manipulated subconsciously in ways that I'm still struggling to understand. Like many others, I'm finding it increasingly difficult to tell what is real. The longer Trump has been in office the more he has gained my trust. When he was sworn in I saw him as an elite exactly like Hillary, but I've since seen him stick his neck out for ordinary Americans. I really do want him to be a good guy. I try to keep up with Q because it is exciting to watch. It feels like history is being made before my very eyes. I want so badly for all of the criminals and monsters in government to be swept into cells in one fell swoop. I just hope I'm not being played again.

There is WITHOUT QUESTION a war against Trump in the media and the internet.

This is painfully obvious. A war was waged with Trump from day one (of his candidacy, well before he became POTUS). If the enemy weren't so adept in controlled opposition, this would be tremendous evidence for Trump's benevolence. They have used "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" to subvert and destroy one opponent after the other. A war has been waged, but I really hope this war isn't another banker's war. I hope this is a war with the bankers.

I am strongly skeptical of your skepticism.

I hope my disjointed rant helps you understand the source of my skepticism which you dub "overly cautious". I'm not being cautious because I want to flame Q or Trump, but because I'm afraid of being burned. I'm afraid of getting my hopes up and having them crushed again. That may seem link a poor reason for skepticism, but I don't think that keeping my mind open to any possibility is a bad thing. The hyperbolic and messianic aspects of both Trump and Q are legitimately concerning to me. Any idea that is above skepticism is dogmatic and dangerous, no matter how righteous it may seem. Finally, if you remain unconvinced of my skepticism, perhaps you might listen to this video that talks about some of the potential problems with Q more intelligently than I can.

P.S. I am still rooting for Trump and Q. Bring on the storm and drain that swamp!

AdmirableNelson ago

I apologize, I was being presumptuous. I am a quite a bit quick on the trigger due to the intense shilling environment. I do realize a lot of people can have trouble knowing if they should trust Trump.

GenghisSean ago

No worries. Skepticism is always welcome. :)

Vindicator ago

@AdmirableNelson @GenghisSean -- This was a great conversation you two had. :-) It's so refreshing to see two folks in here disagree eloquently and with civility. Upvoats all around!

jervybingly ago

The halfhearted style of the video screams Shill. Some points from the video:

Sounds "prefab." Q explains at the beginning that MI generals and admirals thought through the corruption in the US and and the world, then asked Trump to run, so yes, it is prefab.

Title of vid: Reference to the Wizard of Oz, a child's movie, tries to make Q seem childish from the getgo.

Reference to Q's Language, saying it sounds like the language of a person not accomplished in English or an AI?. Absolute nonsense. Q explains clearly that for legal reasons his messages are questions. To me, the language and Socratic style are in fact eloquent, unique, or even poetic. I am not religious but a quarter or more of the US population is and the Biblical references Q uses are some of the best in a work of fiction that has a wealth of good advice among the hallucinatory bits. Q made "grammar mistakes"? Oh my. A busy person or group makes a grammar mistake that are in some cases messages in themselves. Mr cowboy hat made some grammar errors as well, but I assume he is a native speaker.

Q talks big, but nothing is happening? Utter nonsense. Let's see, a coup in SA related to a psyop in Vegas. Already, dozens of politicians on both sides of the aisle have decided not to run in the next election for fear of being busted. Hillary and McCain are NOT wearing boots? Indictments have NOT been made? Pelosi and McCain have not prepared for indictment by appearing disoriented when they face military tribunals, soon? Come on, you can do better than that.

Use of the words "Russia" and "dossier". Sounds just like Dem talking points. Sounds "corporate: Trump isn't a politician; he IS corporate.

Q sounds ''messianic": You think the messages sound messianic? That is part of the reason Trump was chosen to run. He and the group around him, are trying to save the US, and the world from "corrupt operators," so Q might sound a tad "messianic".

Constant reference to Benjamin Fulford, who is completely unknown to most readers. Fulford is brilliant at times, and ridiculous at others. Why harp on Fulford, who comes across as a brilliant buffoon at times and a CIA disinformation operative at others.

Your little video is entirely unconvincing and sounds like a CIA production.

Vindicator ago

jervy, I don't know if @GenghisSean could see your comment, since you replied to me and not directly to him. Pinged him for you.

jervybingly ago

Thanks very much for that. Do you agree with me partly at least"

Vindicator ago

Yes, I do. There is a proliferation of YouTube pundits riding the Q wave. I don't watch them much. Try to stick to the original source and decide for myself.

GenghisSean ago

Sure. It's possible that video is a CIA concoction. Perhaps I'm a fool for doubting Q at all and not giving him my unwaivering support. I agree the grammar mistakes don't seem like a legitimate criticism to me. I didn't catch the words "Russian" and "dossier" but that is a shilling red flag.

Q is very active in posting lots of cryptic messages. Consequently, it has taken a lot of people a lot of studying of his work to make sense of it. If he is a psyop, it makes sense to distract researchers from certain targets and occupy as much of their time as possible.

I hope that dude is a shill. That would provide additional evidence that Q is real. Thanks for your input @jervybingly! I'll have to rewatch the video with him shilling in mind.

jervybingly ago

Thanks. I'm pretty sure he is a shill. Everything points that way. I figure they are getting desperate about now. Glad you agree.

Cheesebooger ago


AdmirableNelson ago

Most of the "people" that say Q is a LARP are bots and shills. It's important to understand this to avoid wasting energy and being sucked into pointless disputes and confusions. It is hard.

flaxom ago

I don't think it's a lot to ask to defend your position, and simply accusing skeptics of being shills is pretty fucking weak.

AdmirableNelson ago

Bit I'm not "simply accusing skeptics"-- I am stating what I believe to be the case in general based on a number of factors. Why did you assume I wasn't? If you have an opinion about bots on the internet, then feel free to share.

But your response was more like a stock response.

flaxom ago

I'm talking about all the other people in this thread who are crying shill without even apparently knowing what the word means. It's pathetic and it's the only real defense of Q that I've encountered here, people just taking offense that Q could be questioned, aside from this OP and his list of items (which I responded to separately).

srayzie ago

No, I’m talking to the pizzagate community. I am here daily and know these people.

srayzie ago

I don’t know about all. But I have many friends here.

AdmirableNelson ago

How do you know who is human on the internet?

I know for sure there is massive AI assaulting the internet daily, and it is quite sophisticated.

MichaelClayton ago

Larp or not, how is making any change? Yeah people are inspired to research, but nothing is happening. Just more promises.

Narcissism ago

Agree, and the Q psyop people just screwed up and posted a known fake Email on his 8-chan account before deleting it. Plus the Shills are so obviously all over this one. Lots of new members pushing it like their pay cheque depended on it. To establish a disinfo agent they always throw a few pieces of new real info in the mix.

srayzie ago

I already replied to you earlier about the fake email but I’ll repeat it...

MichaelClayton ago

I've was looking for that Collective Soul email in wikileaks a year ago. The screenshot was my first clue that mainstream bands are all satanic. So the email is not real?

bopper ago

Nag nag nag. Goodness.

srayzie ago

😂 This person loves to argue with me. Watch it Bopper. I’ll have to share the time stamped video of you here too! 😮🤣

bopper ago

I'll be good.

srayzie ago


SoSpricyHotDog ago

You have to look at this through a realistic lens though... think about the scope of what is being claimed. It's decades of corruption, thousands implicated, huge amounts of money/black market activity, collusion at the highest levels of the government... and people expect this to be a "case closed" situation like we're investigating someone for insider trading on the NASDAQ.

For those of you who think this is "all talk, no action"... look at the Trump/Russia investigation. This has been going on for almost as long as we've had access to the leaked email accounts. And look how long this is taking. Mind you, the Russian investigation has been publicly presented to us as a dead-to-rights guaranteed case of guilt since day 1. It's almost never been reported as a possible case of collusion, but rather, collusion that occurred and simply hasn't been proven yet.

So, on one hand you've got an investigation into Russia that's resulted in next to nothing (other than multiple cases of collusion that implicate the left/prior admin) and that's okay! And on the other hand, you've got a grassroots/nearly invisible behind the scenes effort to shut down an unimaginably large and powerful corrupt shadow government that still holds incredible levels of influence - and that is supposed to magically be completely "case closed" immediately.

Please think about this rationally with respect to how large the scope is vs. other cases that have drug on for far longer, with infinitely smaller scopes.

The last thing we want is for there to be 200-300 arrests just to move quickly, and then sacrifice the full scope of the investigation by showing cards too quickly.

MichaelClayton ago

This corruption has been going on for over a hundred years now. I don't expect it wiped out in a day but I expect visible progress if the swamp draining is actually real. And if it is, Trump really only has three bankable years left to do it. Right now it's just supposed insiders stringing us along with puzzles, which is what every president does. "we're getting it done, be patient" but it never happens. just lots and lots of political theater in the public eye. I don't believe Trump is going to do anything anymore. I gave him a year and we're in the same spot except for some arrests and a couple crises said to be averted. I would love to be proven wrong, but I doubt it.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Right now it's just supposed insiders stringing us along with puzzles, which is what every president does.

Really? I think you are confusing "puzzles" with "broken promises"...

When has this kind of semi-clandestine, hidden groundswell, all with a storm of mounting evidence that grows by the day, ever occurred?

Are_we_sure ago

So, on one hand you've got an investigation into Russia that's resulted in next to nothing

Donald Trump's National Security Advisor has pleaded guilty to a felony and is a cooperating witness for the Special Counsel. He lasted less than 2 months. That's a pretty tremendous scandal. The terms of his deal means the other crimes he committed are being kept quiet for now. You only have seen what the special prosecutor has chosen to make public. So far we have 2 guilty pleas, 2 cooperating witnesses and 2 people indicted on 12 counts each.

The Watergate burglars were arrested on June 17, 1972. Nixon was reelected a few months later. and didn't leave office until August 1974.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Yes, because the rate of flow of information in (pre-internet) 1972 is the same as it is today.

Maybe this investigation could wrap up if they would quit deleting the fucking evidence.

Are_we_sure ago

Flow of information to the public has nothing to do with how long prosecutors take.

The information explosion, email, texts, etc, would mean there is probably more information to wade through.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Time will tell!

Are_we_sure ago


Axios is reporting tonight that Trump and Session put pressure on FBI Director Wray to fire McCabe. Wray said he would resign if McCabe were removed.

My take on the Q LARP is that it is very much part of this Team Trump attack on the rule of Law. So it may end up being that Q is close to Trump, but it would still be a LARP because it's all fake. The point of the LARP is provide support for a desperate measure from Trump a la the Saturday Night Massacre. This is a replay of some of the fake news they pushed during the campaign.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

So the FISA warrant memo is being over-hyped? Seems like a lot of effort and attention is being drummed up around it. If this is a coordinated LARP, it's beginning to hint back to the PG leaks... it's crossing over directly with research that others have done... the entire picture is coming into view.

Yet, I'm still seeing very little clarity on this "shadow" Russia looming over Trump.

For me to believe that all of THIS is a LARP, fake and coordinated is getting increasingly difficult to fathom.

And yet you tell me that there are no unanswered questions re: 9/11... nothing more to see re: Seth Rich... nothing re: the multiple leaked emails... nothing re: Clinton's email server.... nothing re: the Awan's.... nothing re: DNC/HFA... nothing re: Uranium One... nothing re: Podesta... nothing re: Abedin... no involvement w/ the Saudi's... etc.

Oh, and, McCabe is clean as a whistle, Comey was fired unfairly, and Trump is attacking the rule of law/obstructing justice? What? How? You really think that this entire effort is a LARP to craft a smokescreen around Russian collusion?

That would take one fuck of a stable genius to pull that off!

Even if you spend the evening responding to this in detail, you've got to admit the "official narrative" is officially far-fetched as fuck. You would be claiming that this 4-D Chess match is all fake to cover tracks re:Russian activity in order to hijack our election.

If so, you have jumped the shark at this point in time.

Are_we_sure ago

you've got to admit the "official narrative" is officially far-fetched as fuck

You've just thrown together about a dozen narratives, mostly unrelated in a truly Gorgeous GISH Gallop to make it look SOMETHING is going on.

One I'll pick out is Seth Rich. The Russian hacking/spearfishing/election interference campaign went waaaaaay, waaaaaay, beyond the DNC emails. The Seth Rich truthers tend to ignore this fact. They try to pin the whole thing on a kid who excited about being offered a job with the Clinton Campaign.

The same folks who went after Podesta, Colin Powell, election officials, are now going after the Olympic committee. These folks were a known threat in computer forensic world for years. The Seth Rich "narrative" has always been stupid.

2impendingdoom ago

its very frustrating, but people becoming aware is still better than no progress at all. I want arrests yesterday!

angry_mob ago

this is true too & i would love to see those arrests happen.

argosciv ago

Beautiful post, srayzie. Thanks for this, and thanks to you too as always, @Vindicator.

Sit back and enjoy the ride, rest up, you've earned it <3

Shpongle - Museum Of Consciousness (Full Album)

Track list:

  1. Brain In A Fishtank 0:00
  2. How The Jellyfish Jumped Up The Mountain 7:56
  3. Juggling Molecule 18:21
  4. The Aquatic Garden Of Extra-Celestial Delights 27:38
  5. Further Adventures In Shpongleland 39:28
  6. The Epiphany Of Mrs Kugla 45:48
  7. Tickling The Amygdala 52:27

Cc1914 ago

Wth ?! Why do you send your satanic soundtrack links to people ? You really owe it to everyone to explain this blood drinking fetish of yours . Or is it only when your in the form of a dragon that you drink blood ? I will keep Exposing you !

Narcissism ago

Yeh, sit back and do nothing Q the psyop's going to do everything.

argosciv ago

Pfft, the album's only an hour long... a couple of people kicking back for an hour, won't ruin anything :P

srayzie ago

Have you missed your appointment with the psychiatrist this month? 🤔

argosciv ago

Same could be said for cc up there xD

srayzie ago

No, @cc1914 is my girl! All she’s been doing is asking you a legitimate question that others have been wanting to know as well.

Cc1914 ago

Thanks for having my back when I'm not around to defend myself ! 🙌 Great heart felt post as usual btw! 🤗

srayzie ago

Thank you. I just saw this. Of course! 🤗🙌🏻💕

argosciv ago

She didn't ask the right questions. She went on a smear campaign and continues it to this day - I've had plenty a chat with you, when I feel ready to do so on certain topics - we argue you and I, but, I always respect your contributions despite the semantics.

You also ask the right questions, or at least, say the right things a lot of the time. Why on earth would I respond to someone who consistently parrots an ad hominem attack against me? (these being the times when I block you temporarily, srayzie)

Cc1914 ago

Lol wow this is classic ! I didn't ask the right questions ? There are no " right " questions to ask , your own words say you confess to drinking blood so........that goes against everything we are about here! You can hide in the dark and drink your blood but you can't act like you hate pizzagate activities and be drinking blood at the same time .. SORRY THE TWO DONT MIX .

srayzie ago

You are blocking me temporarily? Or you mean in the past?

argosciv ago

In the past lol <3

I'm happy with our current conversation :P

srayzie ago

Yes I prefer getting along and agreeing to disagree <3

argosciv ago

I'm always open to a civil discussion, if cc wants to drop the shit and call off the downvoat bridage, maybe I'll be more forthcoming. <3

LostandFound ago

My personal fav was Q pointing out the location on the asia trip video to check out. Turns out AF1 buzzed NK - brilliant - no wonder fat kimmy fired a few after that!

oftotc ago

I am still a skeptic, but:

Q is an unconventional way for Trump to reach we the people, with plausible deniability.

The Q persona would likely be the ONLY way leaks of this kind could come out of the WH without pointing back to the source. That is the crux of Q's dilemma when it comes to my skepticism - that plausible deniability is required. President Trump could just as easily recruit memers to "prepare the public" in a public process now. It would force the press to explain it too.

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

except that nothing has been leaked

Ronin3000 ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Excellent Srayzie! God's work. Keep in mind that "this" (social media, Voat, etc.) are a form of battlefield. We are on one side (truth) and others are on the other side (shill, evil, DS).

We don't get too many Voaters in the middle who say - "wait a second, this doesn't make sense...what about this fact and that fact" to counter the narrative. What we get from asshats like @flaxom who vomit walls of text with hypothetical arguments which lead to nowhere. Never any fact. Then they forum shift/slide. Then attack.

It is very obvious who the shills are. Even normies do not behave that way. Only shills do. The Hitler Youth Homos, the Racine is Corrupt crew, and the random bottom feeders like @flaxon.

As far as Q being real, I HIGHLY suggest everyone start at the beginning of the Q feeds and read backward. Look through the lens of hindsight. Things make more and more sense each day.

flaxom ago

What am I shilling exactly? Common sense, brainpower, critical thinking? Please do make use of those things.

You're the one telling people, without providing any evidence, that they're supposed to buy into some fucking bogus narrative that's CLEARLY DESIGNED AS DISINFO. So you're the one shilling, and slinging your tired insults at me only proves it. You could convince me that Q was real like I've asked but instead you deflect, insult, and keep on shilling your psyop like a little faggot.

AdmirableNelson ago

Look at this post. Does this unreasonable nastiness make it more likely that Q is legit, or less? Shilling is kind of dumb...

flaxom ago

I bit my tongue for fucking three months watching this Q bullshit grow more and more, and finding it more and more ridiculous every day. So now I'm called a shill by a bunch of retards who can't into critical thinking and are falling for the most obvious larpy bullshit I've seen in years. Sorry if you find my arguments to be nasty but they're not getting nicer as I get called a fucking shill over and over by people unable to defend their assertions.

Blacksmith21 ago

Spend some time with the links at the bottom. Then come back with an argument that involves more than ad hominem attacks backed up by nothing other than "fucking bogus", "designed as disinfo", "tired insults".

You do realize - or maybe you don't - that you are using every "trick" in the book to float your argument. I have a better idea - why don't you pick one of the more specific Q posts and show evidence which disputes it?

I won't hold my breath...

flaxom ago

You're asking me to prove a negative. I'll just say that any specific prediction Q has made has fallen flat, which is what I said in a previous post. I've also refuted each of those links at the bottom of the linked post, with very little effort. Feel free to argue with me about it there if you want.

We all want the things Q is talking about to be real, and I suspect much of it is. But Q conveniently leaves out a lot of critical facets and also leaves the bulk of the messaging up to interpretation, which only strikes me as intentional misdirection.

Blacksmith21 ago


flaxom ago

Oh look, it's that guy who can't defend his crazy fanfic religion.

Blacksmith21 ago

LOL. You are starting to get funnier. Keep on. We're waiting for the punchline...

flaxom ago

I don't see why we should really be arguing about this. You seem personally offended that I don't buy into the Q thing, even though I've given you a lot of chances to convince me. We are on the same side even if we disagree about this, so I feel kinda bad going so hard on you about it.

flaxom ago

Seems worth noting that about 60% of the original post there is about completely unrelated stuff to the pope or catholicism or anything. He goes on about Bin Laden and gun control and then drops the prayer at the end exactly as you would traditionally do with that prayer to ask for protection and blessings. Then nearly a month later the pope mentions the same prayer... and that's it? The pope didn't mention Bin Laden or gun control at all, and apparently the purpose of him even mentioning the prayer isn't important enough to even put into this graphic. So there's apparently no connection there at all unless I'm missing something.

The second Q post in the image doesn't seem to have any meaning. He's referencing the prayer, but only by asking why it was mentioned. Is there something to the version that was posted that makes that relevant? That also seems like it would be important to include in the graphic, and if there's no significance there either then what does any of that possibly prove? The implication is that Q knows the pope is connected to the pedophile elite and... wants to reword a prayer?

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm not offended. Offer something tangible other than hyperbole and walls of words which mean nothing. Try a specific post, as referenced previously in @vindicator post and dispute its accuracy.

Pretend for a second that you have experience in intelligence matters.

Mylon ago

Stay skeptical. If the US were to turn into a dictatorship, how would it happen? Through Obama + Hillary cronyism, or through an Obama feint + "God Emperor" savior that the people welcome and cheer? How do we know we're not being played now?

andrevandelft ago

Upvoted. We should always strive for the truth. There are 2 possibilities:

  • [1] Q is unreal
  • [2] Q is real

@Vindicator's seven proofs of Q indicate that [2] holds. But then there are again 2 possibilities:

  • [2.1] Trump is good
  • [2.2] Trump is evil

IMO Trump certainly seems to be good, but he could be playing. I would not know under what conditions I would 100% be convinced that he is genuine.

There is much at stake. Always stay vigilant.

Vindicator ago

I agree, andrevandelft. It's possible that Trump is part of a third cabal we haven't seen yet.

andrevandelft ago

I would bet DTJ is really ok, but I would not risk all my money on it.

Vindicator ago

Kind of wishing I'd invested more, TBH. Keep holding back, expecting the shit to hit the fan, LOL.

Random101 ago

Like most people, Trump is neither completely good nor completely evil. What is useful is to know what his shortcomings are so that alternative plans can be developed.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

There are more than 2 possibilities. Q could be a shill of the deep state trying to lead you to a false conclusion of 2.2 or to laugh at all of us and make us look really dumb. Q could be AI like Quinn Michaels said, being run by the deep state like Quinn Michael said Q could be predicting Trump's tweets or manipulating them Q could be working for Twitter Q could be employing psych ops psychic spies Q could be conducting a mind control program on pizza gate researchers Q could be dropping bombs of bullshit to get you to all believe he's [2] real while you forget about the 90% of stuff that doesn't come true that Q predicts.

According to George Webb it's possible that the hawaii missile alarm going off was an early alert backup alarm for the deep state to alert each other and test their communications system if one person got compromised. If Q predicted this was going to happen, it could be Bannon running the alarm system.

If you follow George Webb it's clear Bannon is involved in the deep state and Webb has said Bannon could be Q. You can also go on and search for the number of people who have Q clearance or higher, there are tens of thousands of them. Q does not have to be just Trump or not Trump.

andrevandelft ago

You elaborate on possibility [1]. I still think that is possible. Maybe I was unclear when I wrote:

@Vindicator's seven proofs of Q indicate that [2] holds.

With "indicate" I did not mean "prove". But I find [2] likely. Namely, if [1] then I would expect that Trump would have spoken out about that by now.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Why would Trump have to speak to a larp on the internet? If I had to spend my time addressing every instance of targeted fake news on the internet, I'd never finish.

jervybingly ago

You forgot the CIA, the Pope, Mossad, Killary and a host of others.

Blacksmith21 ago

I think that is the other 70% of mind-blowing corruption and evil not "disclosed" publicly yet.

fagetty ago

You're a shill for a larper. There is no proof here, just rants about how much you want to believe.

dellcos ago

Well OP provided what he says is proof. Respond to that maybe?

srayzie ago

I’m a she. 🤓 I don’t waste my time on people like that. They just like to argue.

dellcos ago

We will always call you he. You don't get to choose your pronouns here. :)

srayzie ago

I always assume everyone here is a he unless I find out otherwise. Lol. I don’t know why.

dellcos ago

Stereotypes are real, that's why. It is very safe to assume we are all males. I know you are larping as a woman for attention if anything.

srayzie ago

People here know me. Why would I LARP as a woman? I think it’s good for people to know that women are capable too. I don’t even know you so it really doesn’t even matter somthink what you want.

dellcos ago

You must be new or you'd be able to read sarcasm.

bopper ago

@srayzie This guy was joking w/ you. His humor is quite dry like mine lol.

He and I should both be beaten about the head w/ canes.

fagetty ago

I did. I said there's no proof.

dellcos ago

I'm not sure that counts as a response. Also, I'd add, waiting for proof is for chumps and is one of the powers that shouldn't be's main strategies. Just keep things from being proven 100% and it's enough to keep nearly everyone from acting.

Not that this applies here, but waiting for proof is for chumps. You'll never get it.

fagetty ago

Maybe you're an idiot or mentally challenged.

It's impossible for me to disprove fake theories and pictures, cause they're fucking fake. There's no truth to counter it with because it's all goddamn fiction.

srayzie ago

Lol good job. @fagetty and @dellcos...

You guys sit here and argue back and forth and let us people that aren’t idiots take care of business ok? Carry on,

dellcos ago

We have no evidence you aren't an idiot too? Long-windedness doesn't count.

fagetty ago

Back to the kitchen bitch

dellcos ago

Why is it fake? That's what I'm asking and you know it. But you are lazy, that's fine.

fagetty ago

Cause it's a bunch of pictures of websites?

You're the lazy fucker. Prove to me why that alleged proof is real.

dellcos ago

I have made no claims, could easily be false. You are the one claiming to know definitively. But you won't back it up, so...that's fine. I knew you wouldn't.

fagetty ago

Anything that isn't true is false. Fake images of edited websites is by definition not true. You're kinda stupid, ain't you boy?

Narcissism ago

Q is a sophisticated psyop who just made a slip by posting a known fake Email to his 8 chan account before deleting it.

srayzie ago

Wrong. Q has stated that the boards were compromised. He made his own board. He said he is not communicating with others and it’s a lie.

This is the board that only Q can post on...

When people go here they are seeing Q posts from all boards. Some are supposedly Q commenting to posters. I do not believe those. I believe only what Q posts on his own board. What you are seeing on the other boards are posts made to discredit Q.

Ronin3000 ago

How do you know that?

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

We have been following this shit since October... Day by day. That's how we know.

Ronin3000 ago

I have as well. Just wanted to know how u are so sure.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Well can I know from personal experience? Nope. It could maybe be fake? If fake it is still fake and being done by the Whitehouse. The pics and other predictive stuff Q has done to prove it up has linked to the Whitehouse definitively.

Definitely is not a stoned college dropout doing all this for the lulz. That said why leak? I think there is a few reasons. One reason is to make a meme army, KEK army or qanon army. That is how we are used now. We are a tool. Talk about efficiency! Zero cost (nearly). Gaining trust from a tight group of people and giving them a purpose in the world.

At the same time Trump has a way to (with plausible deniability) communicate sensitive shit to the world. Also he has a way to threaten, insult, tip off, and deliver bad info to his enemies. This is the fun part. He gets to make "fly George fly" Comments and make fun of comedy and such.

Overall I believe because it is smart as fuck. What a smart move. Fucking beautiful. Honestly I hope we never find out the truth. I hope Q never reveals himself to us but I hope the Q program and the KEK army continues. I hope it becomes a "deep state of the people" always lurking in the background waiting to tear the ragged assholes out of scum like the Clintons and Soros and etc.

I hope we have only seen the tip of the iceberg. :)

Ronin3000 ago

Thank you I understand now. You make some really good points. I figure I will believe everything and believe nothing lol.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Ha ha yeah. Its been a ride. I really enjoy it.

Narcissism ago

Screen grabbed

dellcos ago

Show screen grab. Also, no way to verify cross platform. The 8ch stuff seems like bull to me. 8ch has under 100pph. For any effective dispersal of information he'd stick to cuckchan. They would fall for Larps for more easily as well.

ThePuppetShow ago

The 8chan move was confirmed, somewhere around this time the trip was compromised..

srayzie ago

Read my reply. @Narcissism is mistaken.

racmo ago

I too have been with you in this journey which began pre-election with the leaked podesta emails. I THOUGHT I had been red pilled before, but this past 15-16 months has been eye opening on steroids and I can barely keep up with all the info/intel. I have gone back and forth on the legitimacy of "Q" but it appears more and more that Q IS real and has been right. For example, to me the whole thing about the Saudi princes seemed to be a "HUH" moment, but then look at what was uncovered!

EricKaliberhall ago

Excellent post @srayzie UpVoat.

srayzie ago

👏🏻 Thank you 🙌🏻