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whitehand ago

This is what happens when "experts" investigate from google maps. Don't get me wrong, Alefantis is as guilty as sin; however, he is going to walk free because too many idiots are running down rabbit holes like this. Honestly this whole subverse would be better off if people just reposted the known facts on a semi regular basis.

pixiesbitch ago

when clues come, we investigate best we can. If you don’t like it, you can leave

whitehand ago

First of all I was one of the original investigators on 4chan and Reddit way before 90% of the people online even realized human trafficking was a problem. People entering a building on google maps isn't even close to evidence. It's dumb crap like this that msm uses to discredit the REAL investigators and the REAL evidence. We need to go back to Haiti, Laura Silsby, The Clinton Foundation, The State Dept., and Comet Ping Pong. That IS THE REAL EVIDENCE!

Are_we_sure ago

We need to go back to Haiti, Laura Silsby, The Clinton Foundation, The State Dept., and Comet Ping Pong. That IS THE REAL EVIDENCE!

The reason people are going off cockeyed and grasping at straws like this is the real evidence is a bunch of nonsense that doesn't add up to anything.

For example the Pizzagate claims about Clinton and Silsby are false and have been debunked.

The Pizzagate claims about Silsby and Alefantis are false and have been debunked.

There is single news report from 2010 in the UK Times that claimed when Bill Clinton went to Haiti on behalf of the UN, he was there a diplomatic mission. That's it. There's a lot of reason's to believe they got it wrong. No other news outlet in US or in Europre or in the Haitian press before or since has reported any such thing. [The State Department explicity rejected it] ( and said that the Secretary of State wouldn't even be getting personally involved. It would be routine consular services. This was happening at at time when the administration was being pressured to intervene. Conservative newspapers called the adminstration feckless and Baptist leadership were urging a personal intervention.

The key reason I believe this early report is false, is that that the UK Times dropped it, they never mentioned it again. Even when reporting on Bill Clinton just a few days later. Their source simply could have gotten the facts wrong.

The pizzagate list of 'code words' was a complete fake. Some anonymous used put the list together and took a screen shot of it. When you search for that list before the Podesta emails were released you find nothing.

The $65,000 hot dog party guy? Not a White House insider. A guy who worked in Texas with no first hand knowledge of the White House and certainly not an Obama insider, he hated Obama. AND he just repeating a fake story that was going around on the right wing blogs and talk shows. After Obama had the pizza chef of a St Louis Pizzeria come to the White House to make pizza, right wing blogs started saying he wasted a bunch of taxpayer money just to eat pizza. (Actually the pizza chef bought the ingredients himself.)

(Also note how nobody lost their mind and started claiming pizza = pedophilia. That had to wait for the psyops on social media to mature. In fact, read this article about the St Louis pizza guy all the way to end to blow your mind.

The "handkerchief" left in the kitchen? Was much more likely to actually be a dish rag or a tea towel using the common map of italy with food motif like this one

or this one

some times it's regional foods like pizza or different pastas or wines or fruits

Hell you can find video on the web of John Podesta making pasta with walnut sauce from 2014. Nobody lost their minds over it.

Gothamgirl ago

Please explain why the Haiti kidnapper Laura Silsby is at the protest sneaking around taking snapshots of protesters, who are protesting Comet? On the same block as beyond borders for Haiti. Where Hillary takes a village- "a number of them" according to my President. Silsby was arrested trying to do the same herself, and to the same village.

carmencita ago

Thanks for pointing this out. More people need to come to this realization and put 1 + 1 together and come up with 2 not some clouded made up shill answers. Thanks. It is all tied together IF you have a brain.

Are_we__sure ago

Do you have a link for this?

Shizy ago

Oh bore me again....😴😴😴😪