Jan1998 ago

Worth reading...Regards Chris Cornell:


Death By Murder In The First Degree




argosciv ago

Why was CDAN under DDoS attack today?

I'm honestly not sure. I, personally, do not visit that site at all. For some reason, I don't trust to name of the site and thus don't click any links here to CDAN, instead, I wait for someone to post the relevant info. This is a personal hangup of my own, I mean no malice nor implications towards CDAN.

As for the rest:

There's an interesting story there, that's for sure... I'll set aside some time to look further into the names/events mentioned, my gut tells me there's something very juicy here - I have to split my attention between a few threads at the moment, though.


carmencita ago

I sent you the comment that contained info about MJ being abused by a record producer. Three names were named and one was Jose Menendez.

argosciv ago

Yeis you did! I do remember that, I'll have a look from that angle :)

msgtw123 ago

wow, this needs some looking into. From what I have heard over the years, Geffen is dangerous and has had people silenced, even eliminated. He would have the means and the motive to have them eliminated. The only thing is I don't understood why Cornell and Bennington would bargain, threaten or whatever with the devil? They must have heard stories and known of his reputation. Anyway, Geffen is a lot more powerful and ruthless then Weinstein could ever dream of being, and it will take a lot to bring him down.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Geffen is the monster he is made out to be.

Geffen is in the music industry (big player), and Cornell and Bennington were his puppets. Bennington isn't as innocent as he appears. The music industry is very slimey and everyone seems to know everybody else.

My guess is Bennington and Cornell: A. Woudln't do what was asked of them B. We're too much of a liability alive, knew too much.

It's all in the music.

11297455? ago

Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington were murdered.

Regarding Chester. May I state something that is an opinion of mine?

Band mate Mike Shinoda was complicit in Chester's murder.

Found this post by @Criticalthinker interesting.


elephantdoesntforget ago


I would not be surprised. They are very good at dividing bands like that, offering sweet deals for partners to be in on things like that, or to keep things quiet.

The way that Chester died was a drug overdose from what I've read, and he also had a history of trying to commit suicide (which interestingly they tried to exclude in his autopsy report).

I do know, for one reason or another, that Linkin Park was an important band for 'the cult.' I've heard they did private gigs at parties where torture / sacrifice was involved.

11297351? ago

Yes. Remembering this today :

What is the name of UCLA Medical School?

It is:David Geffen School of Medicine. The school was renamed in 2001 supposedly

to honor David Geffen who gave them $200 million. Am thinking UCLA will take a PR hit soon. Or at

least be embarrassed.

elephantdoesntforget ago

UCLA Medical center seems to be where a lot of people in Hollywood end up going when they 'step out of line.' Wonder how many medical records disappear or get altered at his behest.

David Geffen seems to have his hand in every corner in Hollywood. UCLA has been an embarrassment forever now. I wonder what collusion there is between UCLA and the Medical Center / School. Last time I went to look around there, it was more than 80% foreigners.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Remember, Obama, Oprah, Tom Hanks and Bruce Springsteen were on David Geffen's yacht in Tahiti, right after the election.


Jan1998 ago

Chris's wife Vicky could have alerted Geffen without Chris knowing about what Chris and Chester

we're "up to".

Yes, you would think that Chris and Chester would have been smarter than that.

Some researchers are tying the deaths to what Courtney Love knew

and that Courtney had detail and names of big Hollywood pedo ring bosses. And Chris found out.

msgtw123 ago

Thats a good point about Vicky, she could have been the one to give their plan away. I haven't heard about the Courtney Love angle, will look into it.

Oh_Well_ian ago

do we even know for certain that Cornell and Bennington are dead?

I remain very skeptical and believe their deaths were faked.

Oh_Well_ian ago

There is Cornell, just 2 months before his 'death', demonstrating all the signs and saying all the words that implicate him as an active conspirator in the Pedo Cult.

Jan1998 ago

Frank Guistra mentioned here.

Worth a read I think.


Jan1998 ago

Anyone else wondered about "Smile Of A /The Child?


LightlyToasted ago

These are great, thanks for posting here.

Jan1998 ago

So happy to!

Jan1998 ago

What got me looking at Guistra was when I started looking at

the Radcliffe Foundation.

Jan1998 ago

Good one here:

(Posting here because Guistra is written about.)

Classic Post.


OP @twistedmac11

LightlyToasted ago

Great! TY

Jan1998 ago

Back to you. Great work OP.

Jan1998 ago

Regarding: Frank Giustra. (Yes, he was the founder of Lionsgate Entertainment).

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2213260 OP @waxcino

Jan1998 ago

Regarding Chris Cornell and The Chris and Vicky Cornell Foundation.

A repost:


Vindicator ago

Didn't @swordfish69 also do a few posts about those guys?

Jan1998 ago

I don't know at this point.

But I will look into it.

Did swordfish69 turn out to be a credible source?

swordfish69 ago

Please read my post on MOCA Geffen, it ties Geffen to the Podestas and Soros and the gallery has an extensive history of performing Satanic rituals. My original post about Hollywood musicians was missing this important piece and is admittedly flawed, and I had to condense the story to fit. What I was trying to argue was that the same musicians from Comet were showing up on the West Coast doing shows with 'Satanic Pizza' imagery.

And I'm not a source, I'm a researcher.


new4now ago

in the comments in this entry

Himmmm said... Sorry but this is the only way I can communicate to you now: ENTY: If you get this, I'm on a plane getting the FUCK outta Hell-A. Too much smoke for me. FYI: I have some guys working for me who also work at Blogger. They're on it. They're into the backbone of the site, and going around your top-tier credentialing to override and switch the flow of those DDOS attacks to a mirror. No damn clue what that means. I'm no expert, just repeating what they told me. I paid them out of pocket for it so they said it should be back running clean again soon. Within the hour at least. Figured you wanted this solved asap. Sorry to do it without asking. And yes, just so everyone knows - the attacks were trackbacked to the same root. Wanna guess where it points back to? Don't need a blind item to solve that one buddy. Be well and stay firepoof. Literally! In the Air - Himmmm

Jan1998 ago

carmencita ago

Annnnnyway, very interesting read here in particular the portion discussing Darlene and what turned into a book she wrote about the experience, and in particular mention of a Hollywood music company where the long running rumor was that MJ had been molested for a long period of time by an executive there. Note the incident Darlene writes about with pizza and a young boy occurred well before the MJ accusations began. Who was the Hollywood music company exec though? Tommy Mottola? Jose Menendez? Geffen? @argosciv

argosciv ago

Just woke up, will have a look after coffee.

kazza64 ago

makes you wonder if whitney and her daughter werent geffen hits

duhiki ago

There was also the post pointing fingers at Frank Guistra. I think that would invoke more terror to those who want things kept quiet. With Guistra, we have the Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, and the pedo-symbol emblazoned "boys club." Guistra is a can of worms I think they really really don't want opened because it'd help pave the way for a waterfall of other shit to hit the fan.

Jan1998 ago

Recent Post about Frank Giustra


Thanks to OP. @Eggs-Vs-Bacon

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Could also have been the fact that the Daily Mail reached about 20 million people with their cover story about Enty, but the timing with that particular blind was sketchy indeed.