ASolo ago

Film and artistic communities of Southern California's former Housewives of DC star Lynda Erkiletian, Executive Director of The James and Paula Coburn Foundation, also runs THE Artist Agency, a modeling and artist agency based in Georgetown. She allegedly owns and runs a farm called the Wonderland Ranch.

Exclusive: WL's Real Housewives of DC After-Party | Washington Life ... Aug 6, 2010 - ... stars of the show Lynda Erkiletian, Stacie Turner, Cat Ommanney, Mary Amons and Paul ... James Alefantis, Cat Ommanney, Septime Webre.

EXCLUSIVE! DC Housewife Stacie Scott Turner Says Co-Star Lynda Erkiletian Does NOT Run An Escort Service!

You may have heard rumors circulating online that The Real Housewives of Washington D.C. star Lynda Erkiletian runs a top notch “escort agency,” but these are completely false! The rumors are “absolutely not” true, co-star Stacie Scott Turner tells exclusively. “That is a viscous, baseless rumor!”

“She has run a reputable agency for models and stylists in DC for 26 years,” Stacie says of Lynda‘s T.H.E. Artist Agency.

Though Lynda has been quoted saying that her “modeling agency” caters to “the ambassadors, to the dignitaries,” in an interview with the Washington Post, the term “catering” does not imply anything suggestive, as many people are speculating.

But, the site also says this: “No matter what your needs are, we have the talent available to produce a first-rate project.”

ERKILETIAN MYRON P. ERKILETIAN "Mike" Myron "Mike" Parsek Erkiletian Mike moved to the Metropolitan DC area to start his career in Real Estate Development. One of his first experiences in the real estate industry was as an Assistant Project Manager of the Watergate Complex. In the late 1960's, Mike established a successful real estate development company which won numerous awards over the years and still operates today under the Erkiletian name.

Me_I_Guess ago

They're a cannibalistic, incestuous cabal with this thin veneer of sophistication. Disgusting.

Maximos ago

Has anyone looked at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) building? It looks like a temple...,_Los_Angeles#/media/File:PacificDesignCenter_MOCA03.jpg

LargePepperoni ago

May have found a lead here...

My gut tells me Harrvey Weeeinstein is involved so I checked him out...

Exploring the Arts (ETA) is one of the charities he donates too. Source:

He also donates to Clinton Foundation. I looked at who else donates to Exploring the arts and I found this...

The Rothschilds also donate to ETA


Tony Bennett Is the founder of ETA Source:

**Jeff Coons is seen here with Tony Bennett. **


Bill Clinton seen here with Tony Bennett


Weird pic on ETA instagram (Archive:

source: Who is the artist?

This is all I researched, I bet there is more.

EDIT: Weinstein connection to ICMEC

diamonddust2 ago

Within minutes of looking into ETA I found an organisation that is tangentially linked with the "pedo triangle" as well as "aquarius" as part of their logo. Name is AEP Arts, Denver.

LargePepperoni ago

One_Angry ago

I posted a thread a few days ago that was deleted. I was recently in DC on a trip and had to make a stop at that dreadful place Comet. Let me tell you this, it's still very strange. The interior looks half finished. I was greeted by the host who seemed somewhat slightly alarmed that I was just ordering a beer there. The ping pong tables are projected live onto the wall for some reason. The angle in which the projection was on seemed to be more for the bar tenders to watch that any parents. There are two exits mind you, though the second one says anyone leaving through here can not come back this way. How could it not have a basement? The cleaners next door has one as well as the book store. Why would this place not have one?

swordfish69 ago

The little red fox has a basement according to my local source.


one of the artists (who did the pizza slice) at the Cobain exhibit - also made this

GeorgeT ago

MOCA Gala dinner event is comprised of pizzas with cheese that can cost $10 000 a plate????

LVFalseFlag ago

Well done! New I'd for me, but have been here for all of your previous...Maria, TX worth an addition as 1. Art 2. Distance to Cibola Ranch where Scalia was killed (15 miles) 3. Weird pizza place 4. Home of Daniel Judd..and #ItEndsNow :-). Great job

jangles ago


StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

Strangely they have a ping pong table centered in their main exhibit and featured on their website gallery...

There's this artsy creepy French band that shot their vid at Comet to keep in mind as well...

nomammon ago

Please do not use, it seems to be eating almost 100% of the pc resource. I found a coin-hive script inside it...

unclassified ago

There's enough evidence to nail all these world leaders and billionaires on down to the lowest scumbag pedos but who's going to arrest them and prosecute them? NOBODY sure the small time pedos might get prosecuted but the billionaires and Hollywood pedo- creeps are untouchable as far as I can see. Also the Politicians. Sad but true (I think)

Greenzero86 ago

Is there a connection to Obama? MOCA means Obama in simple, english and jewish gematria.

alphabravo ago


Mrs_Kravitz ago

As a publicist I go to the annual Gagosian Gallery pre-Oscar party the Thursday before Oscars. Trump is cleaning house...god bless him

YogSoggoth ago

Right on brother. Put it to em'.

fogdryer ago

I am so impressed!

Dismal_Swamp ago

What the fuck did I just look at. This guy Cleon Peterson is a white guy who likes to paint pictures of black people beating, raping and killing white people. His artwork sucks if you call that shit art. Who in the fuck likes this crap? It's fucking retarded. California needs to sink into the ocean. At least the part of it around Hollywood and south.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

From that creepy flyer wuth the kid in the paper mask... Aaron Johnson.... Sock monster exhibit, done in collaboration with local teens and an elementary school?!?! Look at that guys art! Its absolute nightmare material! I mean, I suppise I like it, but to ivolve kids with it?!?!

tiaksijdo ago

So a mod on the_donald reddit pmd me after I made a comment calling them out for banning people talking about pizzagate and its creepin me out how much of a shill he sounds like

ASolo ago

Yes. Just phenomenal research and poignant, clear and concise investigative reporting. Swordfish has potentially found the queenbee of the proverbial hive that runs the entire shit show. As with other threads of this nature, and these arts councils ability to ship material, any material, virtually customs free, what we are looking at is the hub of an influence spiderweb of intrigue and espionage. I believe Jem777's suggestion that this web extends directly to the (spaGhetty huh Jem, scuse us iliterates millennial shame on us) Getty Museum as well which has long been rumored to be an Intel hub for mk-ultra programming.

I'll tell you, all of the predictions about this week have been becoming truer by the minute, from the breaking of the Chester Bennington suicide, Chris Cornell, Harvey Weinstein revelations/Clinton collaboration (chronicled right here in this thread) , along with the psyop of Las Vegas and nukes from Korea, this is shaping up to be one hell of a week.

I'm thinking we all better hold on to our hats.

ASolo ago

Twice upvoated SWFS69, I upvoated for millennial flagellon for you as well.

Keep on kickin' ass

iloveguns ago

Take a look at the ages of the accounts commenting. Why so many 10 months? Caution.

alphabravo ago

We came here to Voat around 10 months ago when the PG Reddit was taken down. Lurk moar.

iloveguns ago

That might be true, I won't refute it, but I've never seen so many 10month old accounts stack up in a thread like this before. Look at it. It is different from the others. Is it not strange?

Piscina ago

Was recently in about six art galleries in St Tropez. The Satanism is RIGHT in your face with all their $50K to $500K artworks--Banksy, Koons and others. In Monte Carlo the satanic clubs are right in your face. They don't even bother to hide it.

Piscina ago

Now THIS is what I call research! Upvote.

carmencita ago

"I think medicine education and art are very important to the community" said Gefffen. THAT is why he did this: Geffen, however, dismissed as “nonsense” any suggestion that he is playing favorites when it comes to coasts. L.A. has been the leading recipient of his largesse. In 1995 he gave $5 million to UCLA’s Westwood Theatre, renamed the Geffen Playhouse. The following year he gave $5 million to the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, and MOCA’s satellite location in Little Tokyo was renamed the Geffen Contemporary. Since 2002 he has donated more than $400 million to the School of Medicine at UCLA, now the David Geffen School of Medicine. And in 2013 he donated $25 million to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ museum under construction next to LACMA. IMO, this is just going to be another place for Expensive Art to be used for Money Laundering for You Know What.

HillBoulder ago

Swordfish is back with a vengeance!

Jem777 ago

The Ghetty Museum is the depth of hell... the following is a CIA Whistleblower of this hell.

ESOTERICshade ago

thanx for the link

DomKeyhote ago


More devastating research than this immediately deleted:

srayzie ago

Did you just get bailed out this morning?

DomKeyhote ago

The fuck you talking about ho

srayzie ago

This may not even be you. You would be easy to imitate.

DomKeyhote ago

No in fact I've been posting highly praised submissions for months under alts then swooping in with Keyhotes to point out that everyone mentioned are JUST MORE JEEEEEEEEWS -- I literally have to manipulate you FUCKING BRAINWASHED RETARDS TO SEE THE OBVIOUS, LMAO!

And I do have friends to bail me out but there's no judges on weekends.

srayzie ago

Yeah right! Now you want us to believe you make great posts under an alt? 😂 A month ago we couldn’t have peace for one day without you. We are winning. You post less. Your keyhote accounts never go quiet. For the first time it did for days. So save your lame story for some idiot. You must have had a bad weekend 😆

Orrr you aren’t really Donkey. He has other accounts to log into. Are you a wannabe donkeyhote? I’m thinking so! You are just trying to be funny.

DomKeyhote ago

My non alt posts are fantastic too, which isn't?

srayzie ago

You aren’t donkey

srayzie ago

Well you must have gotten yourself locked up because we aren’t lucky enough here to have you gone. It’s been so much more peaceful. Who bailed you out? Horse Fucker? I know you didn’t go on vacation because you have no life or friends.

Jason218 ago

You know, at first I thought all of this stuff was crazy. However, the more I read into this the more I am leaning to believe it all. Are there any communities out there around this? I would love learn more, and how you get all this research done!

YogSoggoth ago

The signs were around you your entire life. I recognized them when I first left the country as a child many years ago. It is real. It is a hoax. It consumes all good.

Jason218 ago

Thanks for the link, I was hoping to find a discussion group in this stuff too in anyone has one.

AgainstPedos ago

You could start a thread on GLP. Many would be interested in learning more info or in contributing what they know already. Yes some posters will be citing Biblical verses on how practitioners will get their just rewards in the after life. Others take a more analytical approach.

Aynswer2 ago

Didn't the Incans perform numerous human sacrificial rituals?

From article's photo caption: The inside of the museum would evoke an Incan temple

darkknight111 ago

Incredible job. This may be the central link we've been looking for.

We've been on a roll for the past 1.5 weeks

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Obviously, the Evil Cabal is sacrificing Harvey W. Now this should scare the shit out of a lot of people. Why? HW is a big time powerful mover & shaker in HollyPedoWood! He harls done this Evil shit for yrs it seems. Yet, look how easy it was to out him! Not one person came out to defend him. HW most of his accusers/victims have been adult women. So, the cabal throws out a line with a jig that may catch a perch. They are willing to let Trump/US have Harvey, in exchange that we/Trump stop at HW. Like Epstein, HW will get a light ,12-18 months in a prison for millionaires(country club) with a ankle monitor. HW will get out & the cabal will reward him for taking one for the team. Ok so let's say we/Trump don't stop at HW, then who gets the boot? My guess it will be someone like Spielberg, name recognition & more clout than HW.

Benkitchen105 ago

trump is more than likely compramised himself. his second in command VP Pence allegedly runs an pedo ring

micha_ ago

And the many open questions about the Vegas shooting are out of the spotlight, too. Now its Harvey's time to proove he is a truly great spirit cooker! Otherwise, I am afraid, the Rothschilds will not be amused and he will become suicidal...

fogdryer ago

Spielberg----- doubt that

Think the first sceniaro is more like it

ESOTERICshade ago

I didn't know the weinstein stuff came largely from a hacked Sony email dump until today. Have the chans poured through those emails?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Not sure on that.😏

DomKeyhote ago

LMAO dude how shitty a researcher are you, "have the chans done it yet?" Ever been to

VoatMobile ago

I've read that Geffen and Courtney Love are good friends. It's also why you hear a Nirvana song on the radio every 5 minutes. They get paid.

YogSoggoth ago

Just in case others reading this do not know what you are talking about, El Duce claimed Courtney Love asked him to murder Cobain and ... The mentors lyrics are like this, Mentors - Donkey Dick Lyrics, Mentors - Clap Queen Lyrics | LetsSingIt Lyrics. This guy died behind his shack on the railroad tracks soon after the offer. Can't find the video because of graphic content censorship.

ESOTERICshade ago

Also keep in mind as you read this that "art" to these people means the "craft." And what they mean is the "art of witchcraft" and satanic practice.

Gothamgirl ago

Great work.

ESOTERICshade ago

The scene in question—Butler's latest and most grandiose display—was a public performance of Aleister Crowley's The Bartzabel Working. Based on techniques of evocation found in medieval grimoires, the ritual was written in 1910 and designed to manifest Bartzabel, a traditional spirit of Mars in Western occultism, through a hooded person placed in a magical triangle. The crowd, which packed the gallery's courtyard, was the largest ever assembled to witness a Crowleyan rite.

The satanic cult workings is known by its adherents as "The Old Time Religion" or The Old Religion" and dates at least back to Babylon and the Canaanites/Phoenicians and farther back than that.

Jem777 ago

Babylon Working....Crowley, Jack Parsons, L.Ron Hubbard & Marjorie..

DomKeyhote ago

No shit, faggot! SO!? Youre not even willing to kick out the propogators of it, so who gives a fuck what you say?

ESOTERICshade ago

No shit, faggot! SO!? Youre not even willing to kick out the propogators of it, so who gives a fuck what you say?

I'll just have @vindicator zap you with the roach killer.

srayzie ago

I’m not convinced this is really Donkey. He acts different

ESOTERICshade ago

I’m not convinced this is really Donkey. He acts different

You're getting warmer :)

srayzie ago

Do you mean he’s Equineluvr?

ESOTERICshade ago

Do you mean he’s Equineluvr?

That one is already well known. The other one would be a little more shocking.

DomKeyhote ago

You cry to the teacher instead of scrapping too no doubt. In what world do you think that's acceptable from an alleged man? Pussy ass little faggot name dropping ancient civilizations and not seeking solution = kikeshill. You realize that's all you do here right?

ESOTERICshade ago

Pussy ass little faggot name dropping ancient civilizations and not seeking solution = kikeshill. You realize that's all you do here right?

You want to know something even funnier? I KNOW EXACTLY WHO YOU ARE. Want me to out you?

srayzie ago

Yes! What do you know?!

ESOTERICshade ago

Yes! What do you know?!

Its a hell of a lot more interesting than most people would imagine, and its all documented.

DomKeyhote ago


cthulian_axioms ago

Holy fuck. Which link is that from?

a public performance of Aleister Crowley's The Bartzabel Working

OK, in order to illustrate how fucking bad of an idea someone doing that is, let me tell you a story.

In January-March 1946 (also in Los Angeles, strangely enough), rocket scientist and practicing occultist Jack Parsons, along with L. Ron Hubbard, performed a series of Crowleyan rituals called the "Babalon Working". Cite. Crowley himself told Parsons not to perform the ritual, but they went ahead and did it anyway. They didn't summon Babalon. They summoned Xenu.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Goddammit this sounds like something out of a palahniuk novel. This info dump is super useful

UlyssesEMcGill ago

Do you have other sources?

ESOTERICshade ago

Check Jordon Maxwell. I think he explains the Old Time Religion too.

Forgetmenot ago

The movie: "Oh brother where art thou" uses the reference old time religion. A lot. There is also references to selling your soul to the devil.

ESOTERICshade ago

The movie: "Oh brother where art thou"

I absolutely love that movie!

ESOTERICshade ago

I have seen it referenced several times as "The Old Time Religion" but I don't remember all the exact sources. Wish I did. I think both of these videos reference it. I read so many works by authors on ancient occult workings that I can't remember which books all the references are in.

Pretty sure this video from a survivor makes reference to it.

And maybe this one.

Vids from this thread.

Jackiestbird52 ago

She said she met a future president and he didn't say a thing??????????????? Really?

migratorypatterns ago

Holy shit! You did it again!!!

UpVoat in appreciation for going above and beyond!!! Now let me plow through this ... I need to know everything.

KillAllPedos ago

Annie Wharton Hypes up Satanic Process Church frontman JJ BRINE!

" I think what JJ is doing is interesting,” says American art consultant Annie Wharton, who has opened a number of galleries and sold work to the likes of the Whitney and MOCA."

[Link to Quote]

Hopevoats ago

Great work!

ESOTERICshade ago

CHAI Hillary thinks she is so clever. This stuck in my mind. She is right about it being COLD, as cold as her black satanic heart.

Hillary Clinton seizures over wanting you to try a cold chai ... Hillary seizures over Chai Tea. ... Hillary Clinton seizures over wanting you to try a cold chai ... Did Hillary Clinton Have a Seizure on Camera? ...

Hillary When Asked About Elizabeth Warren: 'Try the Cold Chai' Hillary Clinton acted surprised when asked about her potential running mate options Friday, and then avoided the question. ... "You guys have got to try the cold chai."

Blacksmith21 ago

Can you put together a PowerPoint and be prepared to give a briefing on Thursday?

Seriously though, that needs to be digested in a wall sized graphic. FWIW, DC has a near-nothing of a music scene compared to LA. I think you are spot on when you say LA is most likely CPP magnitudes larger.

angry_mob ago

i don't know how many times i have to say this, but this is NOT a partisan issue. there are MANY republican pedos in positions of power. you need to wake up.

Ang68 ago

Everyone knows this already. Franklin scandal was all republicans. Deepstate “pizza” hits both sides of the isle.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

The line is simply not drawn between left and right. It is good versus evil, and the partisan dichotemy has served to mask the evil and divide any opposition to the activity. All about control.

ASolo ago

Great statement.

ESOTERICshade ago

I think most informed people know it is not partisan. But, Clinton just got out of the State Department. During that time the Clinton criminal dynasty quadrupled, or more, its criminal empire. They are ripe for the picking because they are fresh out of the gate with so many observable criminal organized crime affiliations.

ESOTERICshade ago

edit to remove the word "not"

KillAllPedos ago

"Geffen, however, dismissed as “nonsense” any suggestion that he is playing favorites when it comes to coasts. L.A. has been the leading recipient of his largesse. In 1995 he gave $5 million to UCLA’s Westwood Theatre, renamed the Geffen Playhouse. The following year he gave $5 million to the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, and MOCA’s satellite location in Little Tokyo was renamed the Geffen Contemporary" -


DomKeyhote ago

Geffen Playhouse was an old Masonic clubhouse. Someone posted this just by following suspicious surnames, crazy right?

KillAllPedos ago

Where are you on the PEDO APOLOGISTS MODS censoring us here on Voat? Let's take action , you in?

DomKeyhote ago

They aren't the problem. Deleted submissions can be browsed.

Stupid naive women cannot be convinced that an ethnic group is behind it, so this place will always be about hunting a phantom UN-of-Satanists. It is entirely pointless.

srayzie ago

I'm still not convinced this is donkey. He hasn't logged into any other accounts for more than a week and Equine is gone too. Imagine that! I think donkey must have got locked up. Now, you are trying to take his place and be a faker.

DomKeyhote ago

I have my fans but they wouldn't attempt to imitate my greatness. There's only one Don, bitch

srayzie ago

Donkey never calls himself Don bitch

srayzie ago

So we won? You give up?! Are you leaving?

AgainstPedos ago

Is anyone interested in the major hub and city underneath the Getty? Fab online vid. Also I would like to relay some other info which may or may not be very useful but would need to do it offline preferable to just one mod. Please tell me how.

carmencita ago

Also on the Board of Directors list is the name Annenberg which was closely linked to Pres. Reagan. AND Ariel Emanuel is the Brother of RAHM Emanuel. The Emanuels are tightly woven into all of this. Zeek had a huge part in writing the ACA. Rahm is of course Mayor of Chicago and was Chief of Staff for B Clinton and Obama. Arie is a very big Kahuna in Hollywood as a VIP Hollywood Agent and brought Bokoo Bucks in for Obama Campaign. Their father is still a practicing Physician. Which opens a whole other Pandora's Box.

pby1000 ago

A lot of research here... Great job!

swordfish69 ago

The Comet Ping Pong Links

Seattle band Tacocat performing at the Geffen Moca. Here is a poster of them performing at Comet Ping Pong. Tacocat - I hate the weekend video Here is Prince Rama, a band that has performed at Comet Ping Pong and has used Anita Lord as a concert promoter. MOCA appears to have hosted or produced a video for them - [](MOCA music video) [](Prince Rama occult ‘Blood Orgy’ video)

Here is Jacuzzi Boys performing at MOCA Miami, and Comet Ping Pong -

This shows that there’s a strange connection between the Podesta/Soros group and these bands, and that Comet is not a one-off. Pizza is everywhere. And it appears it’s even Bigger in Hollywood.

Jeffrey Deitch and John Baldessari - Baldessari is involved in ‘Art in Embassies’ state department program that facilitates movement of art from foreign countries to United States.. Proof of involvement. Alefantis' Transformer Gallery is also involved in this program.

Amfar/Weinstein and Contemporary Art

User @tanngrisnir and I have previously pointed out that the Weinstein/Clinton-backed ANTIAIDS charity appeared to be donating intangible assets to a neonatology and bone marrow clinic. - ANTI-AIDS

We see this again in Cannes, where amFar is raising money for the “donation” of a contemporary art sculpture by Jeff Koons. On the surface, this seems like a form of cultural philanthropy, but what they don’t tell you is that the person who bought these two paintings is actually the same guy, a suspected Ukrainian racketeer who is now being accused of his involvement with Trump admin before election.

Firtash buying painting off Clintons

One way we can confirm this is that CHAI initiatives in Ukraine were done with the help of Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, who just happens to be on the board of MOCA. This, of course, can be explained by the steel magnate’s newfound interest in contemporary art.

(Exhibit with Elton John - An “instinctive eye”)[]

But a closer look reveals something wrong, terribly wrong with the situation. And it’s not just that CHAI and MOCA seemed to be involved with each other.

The Podesta group we have been following suddenly aligns with the Bryan Singer/Harvey Weinstein cohort of suspected Hollywood pedophiles. Bryan Singer makes an appearance. Steven Spielberg and Harvey Weinstein travel to Ukraine to film a movie with Victor Pinchuk, who coincidentally runs the shipments of contemporary art to Venice, where he meets frequently with major globalists and who are on the MOCA board. Here is a gala with many of them in NYC.

Here we see an interesting link between the Weinstein scandal and this organization. His productions linked him between important figures around the world, and one of them just so happens to be a Ukrainian oligarch with the largest adoption and neonatal clinic network (Cradles of Hope) in Ukraine. Not only that, but Weinstein’s organization was active in Ukraine before the conflict broke out in Donetsk.

Finally, we see these strange Ukrainian connections aligning with an exhibit by Takashi Murakami. Same Sculptures seen here

These links to Ukraine may seem disparate, but they reveal that celebrity NGOs tied to people like Weinstein and Geffen are closely tied to establishments in Los Angeles. But we need to take a close look at MOCA to see why this isn't an average establishment.

Tanngrisnir ago

Thanks for the tag. As always, spectacular research!

micha_ ago

Incredibly good job!

More and more it becomes clear that "art" is the nerve centre: With art they can push their satanic agenda, by promoting evil and ridiculing good and holy things. Art is the perfect cover - because brainswashed sheep eats sh.t, if you tell them it tastes good. Its also the perfect protection shield from criticism. Modern art is perfect to tranfer huge sums of money and whitewash.

The more I think about it, the more brilliant I find it. First creating anti-art and calling it ""modern art" and then using it as perfect tool speaks the same brilliant language as fractional central banking and slavery by compound interest.

The other big aspect is satanism. The impact of people in power who promote evil instead of good. If bad is good, and this person has power, what are the implications? Fucking children? Cool! Sacrificing people? Single people at parties? Cool! Even cooler: lets make some wars and make huge money from it.

sarrah ago

makes me sick

Mrs_Kravitz ago

Great job. The shit is about to hit the proverbial fan..grab some popcorn

Jem777 ago

Amazing incredible work.....the most evil is under the Ghetty museum....

KillAllPedos ago


"Your submission /v/pizzagate/2181188 has been deleted by: @Vindicator on 10/10/2017 5:40:36 AM

Reason given: @KillAllPedos: Rule 4 + ban warning"


KillAllPedos ago

Your submission /v/pizzagate/2181040 has been deleted by: @Millennial_Falcon Reason given: @KillAllPedos: Rule 1.

millennial_vulcan ago

It's spelled Getty.

You're awesome and your posts are terrific, but one simple spelling mistake will make people think you're a loon.


Jem777 ago

I am typing things very quickly....just saying the correct spelling is Ghetty would help without the lecture. BT W I did correct it immediately in a follow up post...thanks

millennial_vulcan ago

it wasn't an asinine grammatical error (i.e. not knowing the difference between 'you're'/'your') or a typo, but a significant mistake which made you sound ignorant. I've read enough of your posts to know you are not. But a newcomer may not be so kind...and quick to judge.

Of course correcting spelling is a wise use of time. Would you submit career or school related papers riddled with flaws?

Jem777 ago

Okay thanks spellcheck;)....You do realize spelling errors occur on purpose for somethings right?

No time to worry about this. Submitting school or career papers is a far cry from this...

Trying to expose pedorings you just start typing....misspell words unintentionally or intentionally for a specific reason...

Did you research Ghetty then searched to find it was actually Getty?

Good enough...:)

millennial_vulcan ago

I've been to the G(no H)etty, so didn't have to....;-)

And yes. It's a f-king creepy mess of a place. For SURE many sacrifices have taken place there. ICK + shudder.