ESOTERICshade ago

This is one I found long ago. This Catholic Nun tells one of the most horrifying stories of a survivor you are likely to hear. The tortures they put these nuns through is pretty terrible. She literally had to escape during the night through a door left open by a kind man who collected the trash for the convent. She was able to slip him a note in the trash and begged for the door to be left open. He did it and she escaped.

Horrifying testimony of Satanic Ritual Abuse in the Convent of Roman Catholic Nun

ESOTERICshade ago

According to this woman at least some of the paper clip nazis are Jesuits. That so would not surprise me. This woman experienced a LOT of important history in the early 1900's.

She said Jack Parsons was killed because he didn't approve of molesting children. She said he didn't mind the sex magick but drew the line at children. She said they killed his mother one hour after they killed Jack.

One of the most interesting people I have ever listened to. Highly recommended.

[–] ESOTERICshade S 0 points (+0|-0) 5 hours ago (edited 5 hours ago)

Another really good survivor story. She explains how they impersonated "gray aliens" with women's panty hose over their heads and try to fool other children into believing they were seeing gray aliens.

Vyzygoth Interviews Mauri, Survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse - Reflections in the Night

carmencita ago

It upsets me so that these vile people are preying upon the minds of our youngest angels. These children will be mindlessly watching these programs while playing, coloring, etc. and soaking it all up. Very slow and eventually saturation of their brains of their sick beliefs. I tried yesterday to talk to someone about some of the videos on youtube that have been twisted into something entirely different than the original movies. They said that the kids are ready to accept so much more nowadays. They just did not get what I meant after explaining it three times. I finally realized it was too much for them to accept.

ESOTERICshade ago

We all obtained this knowledge from getting here by a very special path that we all found on our own. Showing others is very difficult. People that find this knowledge understand HOW to think and resist being told WHAT to think. The majority of humanity does not know how to think.

ESOTERICshade ago

Another really good survivor story.

Vyzygoth Interviews Mauri, Survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse - Reflections in the Night

Her website. Server is sometimes troublesome but worth getting through to. She has good info.

Reflections in the Night Reflections in the Night: A Survivor's Story of Total Mind Controlled Slavery and Torture. A 320 Page Paperback Book ... Mauri. 7/9/12 . June 30, 2011.

argosciv ago

Interestingly enough, my research in the last 48 hours touched on something to do with one of the earlier attempts at a spiderman movie by someone... sorry, it's buried in like 50+ tabs, I'll try to find it again and put it into context.

derram ago | :

WOEIH 17 Interview with a Mind Control / Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor - Full - YouTube

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