carmencita ago

Try to reformulate this and also include the reason it is connected to Pizzagate. If Q mentioned Red, you are on your way. Tons of posts by Q have been allowed. You just have to plead your case. Q mentioned in 8chan etc. Good Luck. This is an important post and should be reposted. Thank you and Good Luck.

carmencita ago Could this be about the HIV/AIDS shots that were given to the people in Africa and the potency was cut in half? Look at this: Product Red, stylized as (PRODUCT)RED, is a licensed brand owned by (RED) that seeks to engage the private sector in raising awareness and funds to help eliminate HIV/AIDS in eight African countries.[1] It is licensed to partner companies including Nike, American Express (UK), Apple Inc., The Coca-Cola Company, Starbucks, Converse, Electronic Arts, Head, Buckaroo, Penguin Classics (UK & International), Gap, Armani, Hallmark (US), SAP, Beats Electronics, Supercell and the YouTube personality PewDiePie. The concept was founded in 2006 by U2 frontman and activist BONO, together with Bobby Shriver of the ONE Campaign and DATA. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is a recipient of Product Red's money. REMEMBER! Bono traveled to Africa with Bill Clinton who was peddling these shots on behalf of Big Pharma. @swordfish69

swordfish69 ago

I have a ~5000 word article about RED and these AIDS charities that I'm almost done. There is plenty of evidence that they are involved in the global trade of illicit goods.

Allow me to get more to the point. British-backed AIDS charities are closely tied to the same London coffers that funded the original East India Company esp. the opium profits they gained in China during the 19th century. They are also the entry to what criminal celebrities see as the so-called "Illuminati", primarily through the Elton John AIDS Foundation.

There is a distinctive pattern of opiates, AIDS and intervention they shill constantly, the latest victim being Russia. That's why you're hearing about the Russia AIDS conspiracies so much lately. It's also why Russians likely shot down a plane with dozens of AIDS scientists over Donetsk (and the west being mostly silent about it). There is a distinctively paramilitary air to what they do in conflict zones.

fromagefrom ago

Je voudrais au moins

Roncalli's Restaurant-Theater - Pan em Circ enses

non pas que

carmencita ago

Sadly this post has been deleted. I have suggested OP repost.

idkdu ago

Apparently Qanon lead anons to this vid about Q featuring Obama:

swordfish69 ago

Been researching it for months, there is a lot of to work with here. Look into gala events featuring Weinstein, contemporary artists, Hollywood types, Rothschilds/Habsburgs.

There is a very high possibility that they are trading illicit jewels and diamonds.

Most major AIDS foundations were founded by a group called Wellcome. It's the Pharma company that quite literally invented pills, called Burroughs-Wellcome. The Wellcome Trust is the name of the NPO and they are the third biggest in the world and have very close ties to British Freemasonry, Bank of England and Knights of Malta. They work closely with the Sanger institute and British contraception agencies.

When AIDS broke out, two very important things happened. 1. The Trust funded and founded a bunch of AIDS chairites like amfAR (Weinstein's charity) and Act Up! 2. Burroughs-Wellcome released a drug called AZT, which was shilled so hard by media that it was the fastest FDA approval process in history. The campaign gave Wellcome full hegemony of both queer culture and the drugs they were taking. Some have even argued that the original AZT drugs were purposely defective but I'm not qualified to make that claim.

Wellcome has worked closely with the Tavistock institute and there's much to say about them being the 'actual' Tavistock. The main headquarters of both institutions are both located at University College London. Interestingly, Wellcome had an office in Stoke Mandeville Hospital while Savile performed satanic abuse in patients there.

Some other notes:

  • SRA victim Kim Noble worked briefly as a blogger for Wellcome.

  • I have been gathering evidence of members of Comets inner circle visiting the museum.

  • Tony Podesta's house and the Wellcome Trust HQ in London both contain Antony Gormley statues.

  • According to my source in DC, the front of Bucks fishing and Camping contains the words 'Well' and 'Come' on its doors. This is what prompted me to look into them.

phoneposting, will provide sources when I can.

independenceday ago

is it true the red shoes are made out of baby skin? Why does the Pope wear them?

Time to smudge the Vatican.

Vindicator ago

No, it's not true.

Not all popes wear them. However, the reason popes wear red is the same reason the cardinals do: to remind them of the blood of Christ every time they bow their heads to pray.

independenceday ago

interesting...i have flaming red hair...what does that mean?

ESOTERICshade ago

Red Shoes

I read that one of the origins could be from the prostitutes and transgenders who work the meat packing district. They would walk through the district and get blood on their shoes. Some crafty shoe maker decided to make red shoes so it would hide the blood they walked through.

This might be the origin of hookers and red shoes. If you add "meat packing" and "slaughter house" to that maybe it explains why Tony Podesta's boys and the Pope wear red shoes? They walk amongst the slaughter? I'm sure the meat packing district has gotten rid of it's share of dead bodies since they have all the machinery.

I tried to find the article that talks about the red shoes in the meat packing district but all I could find is articles about transgenders and prostitutes working the district but no shoes.

Except this little blurb:

Now the trademark of these particular shoes is the RED sole. Particularly named Chinese Red. Why red? Because in France, the prostitutes would walk back to their flats in the early morning after a night of selling their wares, through the meat packing district. Thereby getting blood on the bottom of their shoes. A cute little gimmick. Creepy, but kinda cute....

Other articles about sex and the meat packing district.

carmencita ago

This post was sadly deleted. I suggested reposting. Too valuable to deleted.

idkdu ago

Mike Flynn wore red (well, red-ish) shoes at his guilty plea last Friday: (first few seconds of vid)

Random101 ago

carmencita ago

Thanks for posting that. Look at this, it was in that very thread making some in the army wear red high heels Can't make this up....

Random101 ago

In this photo red shoes are used to symbolize murdered women. Red shoes are also associated with sexual violence against women. An alternative meaning (eg Kate Bush's red shoes) is that of a dancer who is possessed by her art, from a story by Hans Christian Anderson, in which a girl's vanity leads to her being punished with the red shoes. Combine these metaphors and you get a vain girl who is punished or killed by sexual violence, which is significant in the context of Biljana Djurdjevic's artwork which includes works which are suggestive of girls who are dead, being punished, or made submissive. Djurdjevic's "Hotbed" and "Moor" both feature girls with red shoes in poses suggestive of death. John Podesta of course had one of Djurdjevic's works at his Kalorama home.

carmencita ago

This could be a possibility, but there are so many answers. That is why it is important for all of us to post what we find in the comments and research them all. The Red Shoes can be attributed also to the movie The Red Shoes with Moira Shearer and she dies a violent death. (Sorry for the Reveal). So there are many answers. JP and TP are lovers of the most strange and heinous art. It boggles the mind.

new4now ago

Geez how humiliating

They couldn't find another way to support?

I can't even walk in shoes like that anymore,

Those cadets could have hurt themselves

carmencita ago

God, I had to wear them to work. Had beautiful shoes. Oh never mind those days. What a slap in the face to the Armed Forces Guys. Absolutely Disgusting. They had to spray them Red. Why Red. There was a message there. I believe it was that company called

new4now ago

My Mom loved her heels, I can't stand shoes as it is, but heels, forget it

Was more comfortable in my steel toed boots lol

Saw where Arizonia State donated some good money to Bonos One , not a foundation, not sure really what it is

But how does a State University have the money to donate anywhere?

Not to mention it is McCains University

I tell ya, everthing looking dirty and corrupt coast to coast

Time to take out the Politicians affiliated and then take out the brain washed professors

carmencita ago

I remember reading that McCain donated some campaign money to ASU. They get to keep the left over money. What a joke. Keeping leftover campaign money and also using Taxpayer Money to Pay Off Sexual Abuse Accusers. What A Country!

new4now ago

McCain has had 2 Foundations before the one we know now

His first was with I believe was Bob Kerry

Hard to find at moment

2nd McCain used to pay his kids college tuitions to Arizona State

He would donate to his foundation, then the foundation would gift money to the college

We have to remember McCain is Mob friendly through his second wife

Wonder if she ever got her drug problem under control?

Yep, I'm a bitch 😚

carmencita ago

Cindy is the owner of the Beer Distributorship so that would be Mob Controlled. Yes, I know there were 2 Found. but have not found anything on that 2nd one either, but have not looked much. Ashton Kutcher plays into the McCain stuff quite a bit, imo. That Rat, donating through the Found to pay for kids Coll. You have to hand it to them they are very enterprising.

carmencita ago

PS. I only wore 3 inch heels. Just in case I am going to hear about those Stilts, I never wore them.

belsenwasagas ago red is the color, there's no other, red velvet tap your veins red is the color, red is the lover, red as drippin' stains, red as the lips the wet tongue licks, red as the eyes that weep, mmm the bridegroom's red-devil cake, red as love, red as hate, red as anger, red as rage, red as playin' games, red as comin' home, red as poppies, fire and pain, red as you and she, red as ecstasy, red as racing cars, clinic cards, nirvana, red as a rose, a barfly's nose, back alabama roads, the Grand Wizard's robes, red as china, rubies, leather bridles, stirrups, red as sticky gooey syrup, red as cavier, mars, red as hell, red stripe, life, red as Jack the Ripper's surgical knife... ("you're better red.) red as cherry, power, armies, jelly, red as Kahlo's Birth, mud, sand and dirt, red magenta, Georgia clay, placenta, red & black-venom lack, red as snakes-i'm crawlin, down your back, red as a clown, Circus Mort, red as your way out, red abort, red as pleasure, traitor, red flavor, red as walls, smog, red silos, red stone, red sheets, read Keats, red sunset, nuclear accident, red sleep, red wings, red emergency, red candles, insects, trance, cannibals, red sea, pussy, red shock, executioner's block, red as laughter, red slaughter eaten by carrion, Sharon Bateman, fate, and Al's hair, red sardonyx, red fingernails, lil' Red Ridin' Hood, MATADOR, crucifix, red is good, red as red, red as stop, red prick... ("you're better red.) red as party, sacred altars, Lola's dress, rubber halters, red as war, red Xmas, red as a temple, red as your next meal, red prostitutes, red preachers, suits, red mama's boots, red alert, red sex, red dessert, red hex, red as crimson, scarlet, vermillion, red cactus, a virgin's mattress, red as sin, red as ink in Ted and Norman's skin, red candy, toys, red box, munition, red as flesh whipped into submission, red as wounds of Christ, Bluebeard's wife, red as meat is, red as Foetus... ("you're better red...) red as an idea: Dec. 30, 1922 Aug. 29, 1991

ESOTERICshade ago

Found this on duckduck go using red aids

Refugees Refusing Aid Because It Has A Red Cross On It - Voat

ESOTERICshade ago

I tried to search for this in this subverse to no avail since search seems to be disabled - why?

You can do this in any search engine like google, duckduckgo, startpage, etc...

After just use whatever search terms you would have used in the voat search engine.

Gothamgirl ago

Laura Silsby has a connection to the Red Cross her husband works for them.