equineluvr ago

"Utah and Idaho Southern Baptist"

As i have posted here countless times, the Southern Baptist Church was infiltrated by Freemasons decades ago.

Also, SLC Utah = Mormon stronghold, Mormons being crypto Jews as well. Many Mormons are also Masonic "brothers." In fact, Joseph Smith applied for lodgeship for his new "religion" -- whose rituals are straight out of Freemasonry.

HennyPenny ago

Many Mormons are recruited by the FBI,CIA: https://www.mormon.org/me/83K7, http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/why-mormons-make-great-fbi-recruits.

The FBI & CIA like to recruit the Mormons because of their emphasis on foreign language study and their experience with missions abroad; or maybe this is prerequisite training to get into those jobs?

mollyzbrownpizza ago

It seems the Red Cross in the Haitian re-building seem to be sketchy, so OF COURSE, she hooks up with this big wig. By marrying they are protecting each other. That is why Huma stayed with Weiner (although him going to jail I think ended it..) But spouses aren't forced to testify against their spouses in court trials!!!!

redditsuckz ago

Laura Gayler AKA Laura LaVonne Silsby AKA Laura L. Sander AKA Laura Jean Gayler worked at the Bureau of Criminal Investigation and for the State of Utah;



She would have access to the worst kinds of criminals and make some "contacts"?

Wade Gayler also worked for Southern Baptist Convention...Isnt that where those baptists/missionaries came from to kidnap the children from Haiti?



http://archive.is/WUKNf - Wades Facebook


So she is married to a convicted criminal and she works for the Crime Investigations Unit in Utah....anyone see a problem with that?...

EDIT...Laura Jean Gayer is most likely NOT an AKA of Laura Silsby...


They have similar AKA's...and similar relatives...


10112289? ago

WHOA ! All The blood you can ever want !

nameof ago

Little prayer here, about what this means...

Gothamgirl ago

You can't make this stuff up. This is so beyond sickening.

10111243? ago

The article mentioned Norman Wade Gayler was a serial criminal and biker gang member in the 1990's.

I heard an interview yesterday tying criminal biker gangs to elites' involvement with SRA of children, missing children, and human sacrifice:

A pedophile and otherwise criminal biker gang were hired by elites in Westchester County, New York to provide security around their mansions during Satanic rituals, including sacrifice of a known missing child, who was older at the time of his death.

The information was provided to police in the 1990's.

(By the way, in 1999 the Clintons moved to affluent Westchester County, settling in the exclusive hamlet of Chappaqua.)


From 41:00, missing child detail is at 46:05:

Video: Mike Codella NYPD...Process Church cult



More details, including from 27:40 - 31:15:

  • In the 1990's the informant, a 1% biker Source who had been in prison for 15 years, contacted the NYPD to give information in the hopes they would provide a letter recommending his parole

  • 1% may also be a "secret" yet "out-in-the-open" reference tying outlaw motorcycle gangs to "the 1% elites"

  • The informant was the vice president of the gang, which was called the Rat Pack

  • He was incarcerated for CSA against his daughter; his wife had committed the same against their son, and other members of their gang were also pedophiles

  • The retired NYPD detective sergeant said people became involved with the [Process Church] cult for "sex [including rape of children], drugs, rock 'n roll" and the Satanic rituals were a backdrop

  • Eventually the informant and the president of the Rat Pack ingratiated themselves with the elites, and became high priests in the cult

  • The informant said the rich people at the rituals used aliases

  • Despite this, one cult member was I.D.'d and tracked to his Florida car dealership and questioned. When the officers returned to question him some more, they found the dealership shut down and the suspect no longer around.

carmencita ago

Whoa. Reddit researcher Ridestraight would identify Norman Wade Gayler’s name, face, and story with a serial Salt Lake City criminal and biker gang member. His mugshot can be found 7 times for various crimes in Salt Lake City during the 90s for unspecified crimes worth thousands in bonds: http://mugshots.com/search.html?q=Norman%20Wade%20Gayler IF this is not scary then what is. He is with the Red Cross.

pbvrocks ago

I'll bet Wade is a real winner...

carmencita ago

Yeah, possible biker gang member. Real Sweet.

carmencita ago

How can they seem so caring and so in love when they are such rotten people doing horrid things for wealth. It boggles the mind. That picture is so very much the opposite of what we know of them. Sick.

redditsuckz ago

That picture is so very much the opposite of what we know of them.

It looks like they kissed to hide their faces from the camera...