ServiceStud ago

This is misreported but I'm up for the hatefest.

HorseSizedDuck ago

Their shithole will now get government funding.

Tialah ago

Has anyone stopped to think that organizations like red cross and UNICEF may have done something to these people that makes them hate red cross this much? No. Everyone just says fuck them and let them die.

I seem to remember Haiti got a lot of money that was meant to rebuild homes and it ended up not doing much for the people who had to live there. Didn't they end up building a soccer field with money that was meant to rebuild homes somewhere too?

I'm not saying it's right to refuse all aid, I'm saying there might be a deeper issue other than religion here.

gosso920 ago

Some problems just solve themselves.

sillymanilly ago

These are not refugees. They are economic and religious migrants who are going to seriously fuck up any place that takes them in.

ThePieAssassin ago

They're free to go back home and wait for one with a crescent on it though.

magicron ago

it's more like a plus sign. if they still don't accept that reasoning, just draw a red x through it so that it becomes an asterisk.

tyeis ago

What is the context here?

ScientiaPotentia ago

They are here to conquer for Islam, they can't do that under a Christian flag. It's Haraam

Kaizervonmaanen ago

Yeah, like Richard Ramirez. Extremely nice guy with pure satanic morals.

TheTrigger ago

That's because true Satanism is mostly the groundwork for secular altruism. It stands on the foundation of mutual respect and self accountability.

No self-loving Satanist would put others down just for the sake of feeling superior, unless they are prepared to defend their point and deal with the consequences.

Source: used to be an ironic Satanist before it got tiring and simply went back to calling myself atheist.

ProgHog231 ago

Too bad for most of you that the story appears to be bogus.

Mr_Wizard ago

The red cross part seems to be wrong, they still refused aid in the form of food and clean water.

k0s ago

Im assuming none of them are trying to goto switzerland then.

Maskedsaturn ago

I hail from a muslim family.

Jesus was a prophet in Islam, but his story is much different from the Christian story. Jesus was never crucified according to Islam. I was always taught that Judas was made to look like Jesus and that he was the one to be crucified, while Jesus ascended to heaven.

As to your second remark, in Arabic "Allahuakbar" means "God is great." I am obviously not from Syria, so I guess either A- they do not understand the negative connotation behind the saying or B- they could be part of a stupid mob as you said.

tork87 ago

Fuck 'em then.

Send them right back too.

Sergei_Potemkin ago

So no issues with Muslim extremists in this crowd, eh?

OneTrueCube ago

No worries bud :D

I actually like going to some religious services just for the music, so while I'm not a terribly religious person either way, I like learning all about this kinda stuff.

Cheers :D

novictim ago

Yet, again, we have another suppressed story unreported in the Western Media.

Hearing about the rejection of alms given under the symbol of the Red Cross does not fit the narrative of peaceful people coming to Europe for peaceful co-existence and acceptance of liberal values/pluralism.

Chompchompers ago

Would anyone explain why they don't like the red cross thing so much?

HowieCameUnglued ago

The only satanists I've met have been in metal bands, and while they've been nice dudes, I couldn't help but think the Satanism was part of their act. Where have you been meeting these "true Satanists"?

OneTrueCube ago

Fair enough

For the record I am not a satanist, but have read parts of the LaVeyan bible and have friends who are kind of like "Christmas and Easter" type followers... Except of satanism.

You'll find some serious people who also do the ritual and magic stuff, but it's more because they personally find meaning in it rather than it being a serious requirement of the religion.

ginx2666 ago

Die in a fire you fucking muslims then. The nerve of some vermin - spit on helping hand...

Tumbtack ago

That's because it applies to every group.

jackdaritter ago

That's... a weird place to take it.

Government_AI ago

A few more videos:

This is situation that morning on Gevgelija railway station People were refused AID because they were angry. More then a 4000 people waiting for crossing the border. There was a lot of children.

Here is a situation after refusing AID...

Then next group of 200-300 people cross the border

Two hours latter that was happened

And this is situation in Gevgelija railway station latter that day...

There was a 5 train with capacity of max 500 refugees, but there was more than 7000-8000 waiting to travel to Serbia... Latter that night Macedonian authority send more than 30 bus

Next day they build refuges camp

People was send in the group, Red Cross give them food, water, fruits...

And this is situation latter that day ..... Macedonia is small county, can`t handle 2000-3000 refuges every day... There was a not problem before that. Last mount there was over 40000 refuges who cross a border....

Government_AI ago

Go back to your fucking countries then shit.

hats_ ago

This upsets me because the children have no say. The man shooing away help is holding a baby fer crissakes.

Starve yourself for all I care, but at least make sure your kids are taken care of. What a shame - learn some humility.

Rommel79 ago

Then fuck em.

squataclops ago

Guess they will starve themselves then. They're going into these countries acting like the governments owe them something.

Werdd ago

Islam is a cancer. It breeds ignorance, hate and violence.

newoldwave ago

I down voted because of the advert crazy web site. I never got a chance to read the story because of it.

un_salamandre ago

Weren't they saying they love satin?

Advocatus_Diaboli ago

I'm sure they like satin, but if you're going to worship Satan, cotton is the way to go.

un_salamandre ago

Hm, can't agree with that. Guess we don't really have the same devil.

RonaldRayGuns ago

Came here to say: fuck Islam fuck Christianity fuck Judaism fuck religion

OneTrueCube ago

Actual satanism is mostly about being true to yourself and enjoying everything that life has to offer. Basically if an opportunity is offered, take it.

All the goat blood pentagram shit is mostly middle school kids that think they're cool. Real satanists dont bother with the ritual stuff because they acknowledge its all metaphorical worship without a true diety.

It gets a bad rap for its name but really all Satanists are are people who reject stupidity and embrace self-empowerment.

Donbuster ago

Frankly, the church of Satan has nothing to do with the Christian concept of Satan, you pay your 300 bucks, and you get a little card saying "hey, I'm a gullible idiot who just paid 300 bucks to believe in humanism as a philosophy for life." For all their talk of intelligence, it seems pretty stupid to me. Don't get me wrong, the organizers are genius, people ship them money and its tax free, but no. I will stick to atheism, thank you very much, no one will try to take my hard earned cash for believing in nothing but that which can be proven...

Tecktonik ago

There are far too many men in their 20's and 30's among those "refugees".

CalicoDan ago

Sad that there were children there. They shouldn't pay for their parents stupidity in all this.

0x5f3759df ago

This problem will be solved by natural selection rather quickly.

pandabill ago

Not quickly enough. We need to open the fun camps in Poland and send the "refugee" trains there.

Kaizervonmaanen ago

Ah, the good old voat solution. Can always expect someone here to suggest murdering Muslims or brown people. Almost no matter what the thread is about.

Aetrion ago

Yup, all the people that destroy their countries to accommodate such insane demands will be extinct soon enough.

fila ago

Well, the theme was Red Cross so I used their logo recoloured, but if you insist.

Warhymn ago

Evil people at the gates. Don't let them in.

i_am_triggered ago

In no time aid will be back with blank packages, or maybe even with some moon logo.

guinness2 ago

This is true: Muslims are human garbage who earn the disgust of civilized people by following a violent-rapist-pedophile ideology suitable only for rabid animals.

aileron_ron ago

I am not a Christian or illegal immigrant but if i entered a country illegally I would not turn down free shit. return to sender

thisismyfist ago

Quick - Everyone put a red cross on EVERYTHING

SiWofos ago

Someone photoshop a European flag with little yellow crosses rather than stars!

fila ago

Is this good enough?

un_salamandre ago

Reminds me of 8-bit games. Hm, maybe I could make one about this...

Mr_Weebles ago

Well, in that case, enjoy eating dirt washed down with scummy pond water.

Bon appetit!

conundrumbombs ago

This says a lot about the reputation of Christianity.

guinness2 ago

Please, explain to us how Islamic stupidity informs your thinking about a completely different religion?

conundrumbombs ago

I didn't say it was my opinion. It's not my opinion. It is an observation that there are people who clearly dislike Christianity, and it speaks volumes about that reputation if they are willing to decline aid. It is an objective fact that Christianity is not well reputed by them. How is that even up for debate?

guinness2 ago

Most civilized people aren't well reputed by Muslims: they consider basic human rights such as free speech, religious freedom and homosexuality to be a crime against Allah that is punishable by death for Allah. Allahu-Akbar!

I don't think the opinions of fuzzy-faced cavemen, of human garbage who consider bashing and raping woman and pedophilia and sex slavery to be moral and who believe in dust devils and flying horses, to be of any significance.

My dog enjoys eating his vomit as much as Wagyu beef and that doesn't speak volumes about anything meaningful either.

savageslav ago

While one can certainly argue that cross, star of david and star and crescent can all be seen as a sign that represents oppression in this case that argument is invalid. My guess is that they are refusing help because they want to move of from Serbia ( for the record this video is from Serbia ) further north to Western Europe. There is plenty of videos all over the place showing that they are refusing any form of humanitarian aid even without red cross on boxes and only demand unobstructed pass trough Balkan.

My guess is that refugees know that if refugee camps are formed and than people are screened trough a reasonable process most of them will not make it trough. I seriously don't understand why is EU not doing this. They did it during the war in Ex-Yugoslavia and it worked great, well not for everyone but, but people that really needed asylum got it. I say this because I lived through similar situation like these refugees and know for fact that certain percentage of these people that we see on the videos are not there because they are afraid of prosecution, but because they want to fuck it up for honest folks who truly want nothing more than to raise their families in peace.

magicron ago

if this is the correct reason, then op is a phaggot who put a misleading title.

ShinyVoater ago

This makes vastly more sense. They seem to be kicking up a fuss well before they can see small minutiae like the logo, anyway, so for that to be the explanation the video would have to be missing a decent chunk of events.

ChairmanCongFuckPao ago

Fuck them then.

That's nothing but a tiny taste of their willingness to adapt to the culture of the country they're trying to migrate in.

paradox42 ago

This is a pretty good point. If they are willing to go hungry than to take food form a cross marked box, how willing are they going to be to abide by laws that go against their religion? how willing will they be to have a female boss? to pay taxes to a government that provides abortion? I have no problem with immigrants, I have a problem with people wanting to come to a country and not assimilate. to the culture.

Porcupine_Ninja ago


un_salamandre ago

Fuck them in that case. I as a Christian would gladly take aid from moslems, buddhists, atheists or even satanists if I needed it and they were offering. That's not righteousness, that's just some fucked-up pride.

ScientiaPotentia ago

It isn't righteousness. They don't have a choice. They are the 'Slaves of Allah'. Allah has ordered that they conquer the world under his banner. It is against the will of Allah to accept non-Muslim symbols. That's idolatry. They believe they will literally spend time in hell for being disobedient to Allah if they do not protest Christian symbols in every fashion.

RonaldRayGuns ago

Your make beliefs are poison.

You oughta be ashamed being smart enough to use the Internet but still foolish enough to be a Christian.

HowieCameUnglued ago

Atheist preaching is more annoying than Jehovah's Witness and Mormon preaching put together. At least they think they're saving your soul. Atheists just want to pretend they're smarter/better than you.

RonaldRayGuns ago

All preaching is ridiculous. Anyone pretending to know unknowable things is a liar and deserving of unrelenting scorn and hatred.

Such as EVERY human who is even the slightest bit "religious".

That's not atheist preaching. As I am not an atheist and even find the term "atheism" as one both offensive and ridiculous.

As ridiculous and offensive as all things religious.

un_salamandre ago

You know, a few years ago I made a new friend and after a few days when he heard I was Christian, he said to me "You're a Christian? I thought you were smart!". Well it turned out he had a very blown-out-of-proportions image of Christians (basically that we're all Westboro Baptist Church or Ku Klux Klan members) and as he got to know me, I think that image changed. And obviously some points I believe he disagrees with, but after honest discussion we at least see each other's rationale and can agree to disagree. We since have become good friends, and while he's still an atheist, I'm pretty sure he doesn't think all Christians are stupid bigots stuck in hundred-years-old thinking anymore.

My point being: I understand why you think that. Many people do, and I see many reasons for it - The crusades, Westboro Baptist Church, and the simple fact of Christian beliefs [on abortion, on homosexuality, etc] seeming foreign and strange to many people of today's world. But what if some things you think about us are false? I think if you sat down for an honest discussion with me or any other christian and asked a few questions, you would change your opinion. But that's up to you, I'm not going to force any arguments onto you - especially not over the internet.

Anyways, I wish you all the best.

HorseSizedDuck ago

Hey, wait a second... That looked suspiciously like turning the other cheek. I'm on to your shenanigans!


un_salamandre ago


RonaldRayGuns ago

I wish you all the worst. You are clearly deserving of no better. You have no faith in humanity because you are weak so you fill that void with faith in magic.

You're gross gtfo

sun_butt ago

I'd take help from the devil himself if he offered.

jeegte12 ago

He literally has 'troll' in his name

polygontranslucent ago

I guess beggars can be choosers.

guinness2 ago

Animals don't seem concerned with their diplomatic role, they just attack and consume and kill and rape (for Allah).

Drewcifer ago

I'd just put it on the ground next to them. If the don't take it because of their religion, so be it. They'll probably die feeling righteous and the world can see how ridiculous this is when the supplies are 2 feet from them,

jackdaritter ago

It reminds me of the rabbi who died of dehydration in the Holocaust because he would ceremoniously wash his hands with the little water he was given

Anodyspareunia ago

That never happened.

Jewish law is to be suspended if it means that lives can be saved.

jackdaritter ago

I was aware of this but the story I was told, which I'm currently looking the source, was of a rabbi who was incredibly superstitious about halakha.

Anodyspareunia ago


Novius ago

Package it in Christian imagery, really just lather it on. The door's where they swam over. I'm sorry Europe's not literally the hellhole they came from.

china_troll ago

Cross is a symbol of hate and oppression, it ought be banned from any civilized society.

Rummel ago

You spelled Star of David wrong