Vindicator ago

Giving this the awesome "New Evidence" flair. Wish we got to use this one more often. Perhaps it will soon become a regular thing!

Factfinder2 ago

Sure hope so. Thx.

carmencita ago

@Vindicator Could this qualify as a Possible Lead?

Vindicator ago

Yes indeed. Thanks for the ping, carmencita.

carmencita ago

The more I read the more I realized how widespread this was and how deep the research was as well. This is so deep and far reaching. Thanks! :)

Factfinder2 ago

I think so. We're turning up other leads too.

Factfinder2 ago

I believe so. We're turning up other connections now too.

carmencita ago

This is Beyond Belief. It branches out in all directions. China, Chicago, Nola, and who knows what else is coming.

giggelingpanda ago

I did not think things actually could get worse.

Singleservename ago

Erikson Institute's Secretary Eric Adelstein is connected to Tony Podesta according to this grab His own company AL Media is connected to The Atlas Project, which is all over the Podesta emails because it allegedly advocated rigging polls.

Sackajahweeda ago

With a roster like that you know its gonna be fucked!!

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

@Maladaptivenomore included some incredible research in this thread and I'm going to ask them to paste it here for discussion.

Factfinder2 ago


letsdothis1 ago

That's some incredible information.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

@letsdothis1 @Factfinder2

That building on Canal Street in Nola... guess what else we found on Canal Street in Nola? The physical address for Alex Podesta Studios, he's the first cousin once removed of John and Tony and does that freaky art with white rabbit costumes.

And bizarrely his studio is listed as a psychiatrists office.

carmencita ago

He is the one with those two little pictures of that Little Girl. She had a hat on and was bare chested, with marks on her. So horrible.

letsdothis1 ago

His studios is listed as a psychiatrist's office because of his wife Arwen Podesta.

Sackajahweeda ago

Whit Rabbit you say?!?!?

racmo ago

omgomgomgomg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Connections are impossible to refute

derram ago :

Obama confidante Valerie Jarrett moves in to Kaloroma home | Daily Mail Online

This has been an automated message.

icuntstopswearing ago

"55. Valerie Bowman Jarrett (nee Bowman) [Revised August 7, 2012. Matrix 5 advisor to the allegedly extorted man-in-the-middle POTUS 44, Barack Obama; she is the Chair of Obama’s allegedly extorted White House Council on Women and Girls; she was allegedly hired by British Bankers’ Association to organize ‘Mothers’ at SOS Children’s Villages into a matrix of pedophile groomers in over 134 countries; she allegedly developed SOS Children’s Villages in Illinois into pedophile grooming centers where entrapped clients are forced to participate in the global BBA’s Libor Minus Sex Per Cent protection racket; she is a former member of the allegedly extorted board of the Chicago Stock Exchange (2000–2007, as Chairman, 2004–2007); she is senior advisor to Obama for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs; she is the former co-chairperson of Obama-Biden Transition Project and therefore co-sponsor with same-sex extortionists, Kristine Marcy and Lena Trudeau of the NAPA Matrix 5 RICO community; she was born in Shiraz, Iran to American parents James E. Bowman and Barbara Taylor Bowman; when she was five, the family moved to London for one year, returning to Chicago in 1963; her mother, Barbara T. Bowman was one of four child advocates that created the Erikson Institute to provide advanced knowledge in child development for teachers and other professionals working with young children."

carmencita ago

Another front. Just like the ICMEC and so many others. A big write up on how they will improve the lives of children. Really what they are doing is letting the people they have trained, abuse and molest, and rape little children. Robbing the Innocents of their Lives. These people need to be rounded up and arrested, handcuffs behind back and thrown in the back of a Paddy Wagon. Then thrown in the Slammer.

letsdothis1 ago

And look for connections between Tulane and Delaware Universities

letsdothis1 ago

Wow, excellent find.

letsdothis1 ago

Further to your finding:

The building at 1440 Canal is interesting. It's "officially" a 24-story building but has "lesser-known 25th and 26th floors that are accessible only from the 24th floor and are much smaller in area than the other floors."


From wikipedia:

It originally was built as the corporate office for Tidewater Marine in 1971. Tidewater Inc. donated the building to Tulane University in 1993.

Tidewater, Inc. is a publicly traded international petroleum service company headquartered in New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.. It operates a fleet of ships, providing vessels and marine services to the offshore petroleum industry.

Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund:

President Michael Fitts

Tulane protesters ask president Michael Fitts: 'Whose side are you on?'

The protestors knew Fitts wasn't in, but they were intent on delivering their message. They appealed to the university's leader to take the university's $1 billion endowment out of fossil fuel investments.

Factfinder2 ago

Tidewater shipping connection highly interesting.

racmo ago

you bet --real handy indeed

letsdothis1 ago

You might find this Military Health Research Forum document interesting too. It came up when I did a search for the Tulane DNA Lab :

letsdothis1 ago


letsdothis1 ago

So many connections which I'll need to map. Tulane University :

The CEO of Erikson Institute of Chicago is Geoffrey got his PhD from Tulane University. Arwen Podesta (wife of Alex Podesta) is connected to that area so I googled both names: Everything you always wanted to know about ADMINISTRATORS OF THE TULANE EDUCATION FUND 3 MATRIX DNA DIAGNOSTICS LAB KRAUSS R. JOHN but were afraid to ask.


Their vaccination programs will hook you up with Dr. Tim Alefantis as well.

Factfinder2 ago

Can you document your Alefantis connection for the record? I'm not finding it.

letsdothis1 ago

I'll have to look for it again. But basically Alefantis works for Sanofi Pasteur as a vaccination scientist and Tulane University is also heavily into this. There are convention documents that link the institutions:

"Mother Sent To Jail For Refusing To Vaccinate Her Son video. Sanofi Pasteur is where vaccine scientist Tim Alefantis, cousin of James Alefantis, works."

Tulane University awarded $12 million to create Lassa vaccine and treatment

And I also recommend checking out Dr Heather Miller, sister of Heather Podesta

Factfinder2 ago

Great find!

It looks like Nagle and Podesta both have mailing addresses at 1440 Canal, but Nagle has a separate practice address, also in New Orleans.



The building at 1440 Canal is interesting. It's "officially" a 24-story building but has "lesser-known 25th and 26th floors that are accessible only from the 24th floor and are much smaller in area than the other floors."


Invisible from street level:

seekingpeace ago

Looks like they were setting up a Chinese pedophile entrapment operation.

seekingpeace ago

Well I hope Bernadine Dohrn wasn't instructing the "RYB leaders, front-line teachers, and caregivers" in Torture: Paradigms and Practice (which she lectured in 2005 at Northwestern University.)

letsdothis1 ago

Connection to Jeffrey Epstein too:

Erikson Institute and New Schools Project :

Former director Christine Maxwell

Christine Maxwell

sister of Ghislaine Maxwell, ex-girlfriend of Jeffrey Epstein

and connections to the Podestas too including Heather Podesa's sister : Heidi Miller MD

More to come...

Factfinder2 ago

Christine Maxwell connection to Warren Buffet's first wife and Omaha:

"Dr. Christine Maxwell joined the Buffett Institute in 2014 and works with a wide range of early childhood services and providers to improve teaching and learning for children from birth through Grade 3.

...Dr. Maxwell, a national thought leader in birth-through-third-grade education, leads the Institute’s work with the Superintendents’ Early Childhood Plan, which was launched in Omaha and surrounding communities in fall 2014 to reduce achievement gaps for young children living in high concentrations of poverty."

Buffett Early Childhood Institute:

"Shaped by the shared vision of the University of Nebraska and philanthropist Susie Buffett, the Institute focuses on early care and education, especially for children in greatest need."

Susan Buffett:

carmencita ago

How can those freaks look at themselves in a mirror? How do they go to sleep at night? Look at Maxwell sitting there i the picture with her hands folded in front of her with a smile on her face. What a Witch. She is with the Buffetts. They are all a bunch of pedophiles, imo. Warren Buffet is gay. That was probably what they blackmailed him for with way back in the day. I had found info that Warren Buffett had bought an island with an Italian guy and he tried to say it was business, but it was found that he bought it personally not through Berkshire Hathaway. I propose they are both buying this island together. The Italian said they had planned on starting to renovate this island. What a crock. There is so much to hang these people with. Anybody Have A Noose?

Singleservename ago

Different Christine Maxwell. Compare photos.

Factfinder2 ago

Same woman:

"She previously served as director of the New Schools Project at Erikson Institute"

Singleservename ago

Sorry anon but no. The billionaire daughter is a different beast altogether, and she doesn't have a PhD.

Christine Maxwell is an Internet content pioneer, best known as the creator and co-founder of Magellan, one of the first professionally curated online search/reference guides to Internet content.[1][2] In 1992 she also created and then co-authored one of the first hard copy reference guides to the Internet: New Riders Official Internet Yellow Pages[3] and The McKinley Internet Yellow Pages;[4] both published by Macmillan Publishers in 1994 and 1995 respectively.

Factfinder2 ago

Okay, thanks. I finally get what you're saying.

It is interesting that Epstein's Maxwell developed data mining software used by the FBI, but that info does belong in a different thread at this point.

3141592653 ago


carmencita ago

I Am in Mortal Shock. The connections are incredible.

Factfinder2 ago


Factfinder2 ago

It is the same woman:

"She previously served as director of the New Schools Project at Erikson Institute."

letsdothis1 ago

Oh yes, you're bad.

Factfinder2 ago

Please recheck the wikipedia page before discounting this connection. This is likely the same woman at different ages.

letsdothis1 ago

Wow..that update.

letsdothis1 ago

And I think this is Heather Podesta and Heidi Miller's father. (I did a background search on them a while back but I haven't got time to find my notes now. Gotta go but keep digging this rabbit hole warren is very deep)