greenplastic ago

The name of the kindergarten chain, Red Yellow Blue, is also the color scheme used by Elsagate videos. I googled the interior of the kindergarten chain and even found several all-seeing eyes in the classroom. This one is a RYB school in Chongqing.

Vindicator ago

Giving this thread the New Evidence flair. :-)

EricKaliberhall ago

Excellent @Vindicator

Justice4thekids ago

Just horrible. :'(

no_step_on_snek ago

Worth noting: This is not the first time RBY has been caught doing this.

Back in Nov. 2015 in their Jilin branch, parents noticed their children having problems sleeping at night and began to notice needle marks (some even inside the mouth) -- teachers were fired, but I don't think it made quite as much news internationally.

Video (no translation, Chinese website) for anyone interested:

Lr2000 ago


Singleservename ago

Do you read Mandarin? Looking for a native level for some research on RYB'S CEOs.

no_step_on_snek ago

Not at a native level.

gamepwn ago

Never trust a daycare. Ever. Any of them. All of them are infiltrated by perverts.

Sackajahweeda ago

The school wouldnt let the parents view CCTV?! Fuuuuuuck you they wont...I hope that justice is served please pray everyone.

shwanky ago

I hope China executes these fucks.

MaxAncap ago

no legal justice, non-legal justice. no no? ok ok stay down. cuck

Readthesymbols ago

And people still say that the Hampstead Children were lying. This is a formula they've been using for ages. The preschool in California, Kincora Boys' Home in Ireland, Boys Town, and the countless religious organizations like Hillsong church and the myriad of Catholic organizations. Svali outlined why the Lucifarians have their own private schools disguised as main stream christian ones. And, frankly I believe Sandyhook was one of these as well.

Steelstrike309 ago

Holy crap! It never occurred to me that Sandyhook could potentially be relevant in all of this.

So I just did a quick google search and noticed that not even one month ago, a bunch of news outlets started releasing articles about Adam Lanza (the shooter). But check this out:

You'll quickly notice the headline is labeling him a pedophile. The FBI is quoted as saying this, citing their investigation. YET!! Later in the same exact article, they publish two very important statements derived from Lanza's own words:

  1. "Lanza wrote he felt "pity" for children and didn't like teachers or parents and their control over kids, the woman told FBI agents. "
  2. "When agents asked her why Lanza shot children at Sandy Hook, the woman said he thought he was "saving them" and "taking them away from harmful influences" who were going to "brainwash" them, the documents show"

Very interesting...

Lr2000 ago

Valuable find there.

PedoStomper ago

I remember when that video of the Hampstead kids first came out. Literally NO ONE believed that it was real. And now we're seeing that not only was it plausible, it was most likely 100% true. I heard that the person who recorded those confessions had the kids taken away from him shortly afterwards, so I imagine those kids are either back in trafficking or dead.

Maladaptivenomore ago

That's why I feel that this is such a good scoop, as it seems that it might be easier for friends and family to swallow such weird acts from an eastern/"communist" culture, which demonstrates how the sausage is made, so to speak. And then, boom, western tie-ins, to circle it all back home.

letsdothis1 ago

Yes, I agree. Very good way to red pill people.

Maladaptivenomore ago

First time here and posting. I've been copy/pasting this into r/conspiracy for the last couple of days, but of course hasn't gained much traction. This information is yours now to dig deeper. Nice spoiler at the end, in my opinion.

Add "Golden Cradle Education Group" (Beijing-based Kindergarten, one of 700 schools country-wide) to the list of recent accusations.

Regarding RYB, there's another post that has been discussing this but I will reiterate some points here: Liang "Leon" Meng, a Director of RYB, has Clinton connections through Yale School of Business, among others, and is also is a member of Ascendent Capital Partners, 5 of 6 members are alumni of Yale school of Management (the other one, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs). Their short portfolio includes Kindergarten care, food and beverage, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, molecular biology work, and train transport (which could infer ratlines), which are things that can come into play, in regard accusations found in OP's article and, in regard to claims that I make in the tl;dr.

Leon participated in same Yale Beijing conference opening as Eric Braverman of Clinton Foundation/George Webb investigation fame, and they both are part of the same Yale School of Management Alumni year.

Donald Gips '89, Retired U.S. Ambassador to South Africa, worked for Clinton White House, was a panelist on Yale Management School Webinar Moderated by Meng.

More specifically, there are many connections to the Yale School of Management that is relevant to current political goings-on in DC. Here's the bio for the Senior Associate Dean for Development and Alumni Relations at that School.

"Mr. Getz came to Yale SOM from the William J. Clinton Foundation in New York, where he served as Director of Development for former President William J. Clinton’s worldwide charitable, educational, and economic development initiatives. Mr. Getz was instrumental in creating a formal development operation for the Clinton Foundation, which raised in excess of $135 million annually."

Add to that this connection: Wibur Ross, on Forbes list of Billionaires, gave $10 million to Joel Getz to help fund Yale's School of Management library.

Fast forward to earlier this month, it was revealed that Ross, currently current Whitehouse Commerce Secretary, had stake in a Russian gas company tied to Putin's son-in-law, which the special investigation is currently looking into, espcially wrt Obama Whitehouse cabinet conflict of interest on the matter. He had divested his stake before Trump appointed him.

In fact, Clinton appointed him the 90's, to the: "...board of the U.S.-Russia Investment Fund, established by the government to make investments and promote American business interests in Russia."

tl;dr: My argument is that this is not a random event, but rather, through Clinton Foundation connections in Yale School of Business, they funded, through an Chinese Alumni investment firm Ascendent Capital Partners, kindergartens in China that have the earmarks of a human trafficking ratline, similar to those uncovered by open source investigation ala George Webb, to have been taking place in Haiti, with ties to the Clinton Foundation. Regarding connections to this Chinese kindergarten incident, this is my claim and you can investigate it for yourself or not. There's no need for me to prove to you that the allegations are out there, regarding the Clinton Foundation and Haiti.

Add Erikson Institute, a Bill Ayers collab, with funding from the Obama Whitehouse, to RYB education's list of partners, and you've now added a child psychoanalytic and developmental psychological study/application to the mix.

Spoiler: Add the above two together, review the characterizations of the type of abuse that occurred, and now you can clearly see an Elsagate tie-in. Think of it as an MK-Ultra style training video series, or normalization process for those children to view that content and have it a part of their world-view. And, from an sampling of all of the different channels out there, there is an asian demographic that it seems to market towards, as some live-human aspects of the content of channels that I had randomly stumbled across (months and months ago) were by what appeared to be Korean actors. The speculative question is, were they from a South Korean dark cult associated with the presidential scandal there, or part of ta NK/Obama fantasy land production company.

Lr2000 ago

OMG. So good.

Thank You!

Maladaptivenomore ago

Thank you :)

Factfinder2 ago

Thank you for this excellent work. I suspect that Disney English in China will also eventually figure into this.

Previous Voat thread:

Maladaptivenomore ago

I appreciate it. And thanks for the link, I had no idea about Disney China.

Kinda makes for a way-too convenient (but nevertheless extremely plausible) explanation, for one, why there were no copyright strikes issued to any of the channels by Disney (I'm just assuming that, though). I mean even just for optics, not even that? C'mon Disney. It's like they're not even trying.

That will be interesting to keep an eye on, for sure. Thanks again.

Factfinder2 ago

Exactly. The copyright thing was my question from the beginning. Doesn't add up.

Steelstrike309 ago

"or part of a NK/Obama fantasy land production company yet to be uncovered."

I've been expecting NK to somehow get involved in this at some point. Excellent post.

realityisinsanity ago

I recall the Finders Cult had connections to the North Korean regime. There were files labeled regarding operations in several countries around the world and that was one of them.

Maladaptivenomore ago

Thanks, I appreciate the feedback.

DPRK (North Korea) founder's son, Kim Jong il, who took over after his father's death, had a penchant for western movies, so much that he had created his own movie-production company and brought on (kidnapped according to western media/history) a South Korean movie director and his wife to product films for him.

Even further back in time, Kim Jong Il was NK's "director of the Motion Picture and Arts Division", and it is said that he had a ridiculously large collection of western film, he seemed to love it.

He took power in while the Clintons were in office, in '97, and surely, it was easy pickings for the western powers to offer him a deal he couldn't refuse, as he'd surely go gaga for access to Hollywood insiders. I'm not sure if that's been uncovered yet, but it seems to reason.

Lr2000 ago

I second third fourth all the compliments you got from this community tonight.

I just now saw this submission. So Good. Thank you. Spent some time looking for Rim Pacific but came up empty for now..

Maladaptivenomore ago

Also, it was a blur to me aggregating this info, from a place of somewhat ignorance of a lot of it, humbly speaking, as a lot of the connections were new and novel to me going into it. And I haven't particularly followed up on my own discoveries, on this thread, since.

With that said I haven't been able to trace back to where I may have connected Rim Pacific to it, or where the connection, inferred or otherwise, lays. Any assistance to pointing me back to where that was brought to the table would be appreciated, as that's the second response I've encountered to that regard, as I've love and try to help. And thanks!

Lr2000 ago


You probably noticed.

Precence of two Joel Getz on your search engines.

One is a writer .. affiliated with Harvard? Not sure.

And the other one is our subject.


An observation:

Our subject has "slim piickings" on all the search engines I used.

This surprised me.

I would think that a man working in Development

would have a heafty presence on the www.

Like at least being pictured at events and parties. And interviewed.

But I just started on our subject yesterday.

Maladaptivenomore ago

Thanks for the heads up, I will seek to rectify that prompty, if it were a part of the links and narrative that I had included. He was, in fact, the one later addition to my original draft, as a different commenter inquired about his involvement to me on reddit, before the news broke on him (or at least before I saw it, myself). Somewhere, I may not have crossed my eyes and dot my T's. Or maybe, therein lies the problem 🤪

Lr2000 ago

Yes siree.

Look here:

Posted by me here:

Maladaptivenomore ago

Ah yes, thank you. I see those credentials now, thank you. I didn't make it down that far in his bio, as I only added it for the purposes of validating a Clinton connection, for now. Thanks for the heads up!

Edit: now I better understand how that may be connected to FAPE as mentioned in another discussion I had, as that side of it was new to me also.

Lr2000 ago

Maladaptivenomore ago

Thank you very much, again, I appreciate the kindness.

Lr2000 ago

Back at ya.😁

Maladaptivenomore ago


Vindicator ago

And he ended up with Dennis Rodman. LMAO

Maladaptivenomore ago

Hehe, that thought wasn't lost on me.

EricKaliberhall ago

"Think of it as an MK-Ultra style training video series, or normalization process for those children to view that content and have it a part of their world-view."

You hit the nail on the head my friend...

And I welcome you to VOAT.

Lr2000 ago

Thank You for your great work.

Speaking of MK-Ultra today I read one kindergarten is

quite near a Military Base.

Maladaptivenomore ago

Thanks much and I appreciate you being okay with me sharing it on your thread. I tried initiating a post and quickly found out that I couldn't, as a new user, but you get that, I'm assuming.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Wow. And you're more than welcome. Thanks for all the incredible research and info, just mind-boggling.

Maladaptivenomore ago

Thanks much, I scooped it relatively quick since the connections were so direct, but it hasn't got much traction in other channels, not surprisingly. I guessing this should get it out there, finally.

YogSoggoth ago

Many thanks. I can't find anything on Rim Pacific (name change?). RYB started in 1998. Ambassador to China ; Jon M. Huntsmen till 2011, then Obama's Gary Locke(yale), then Max Baucus(stanford). Trump's Terry Branstad(arrested Jane Fonda). The first thing I thought of was the Yale connection and this important Swordfish thread, Art in Embassies Program Gave Podestas, Jeff Koons ... A comment I read earlier claimed that they were picking kids for high ranking Chinese Military to abuse.

Maladaptivenomore ago

Thanks for the link, that was pretty insightful. When I read up on FAPE just now, the first thing that came to mind was Benghazi, it looks like it had at least a mention in the comments of the thread you linked to.

Yale has multiple moving parts, on this one, surely, it seems. Bonesman Kerry seemed to work closely with distant cousin Bill Gates (also a top Clinton foundation donor) on world "health" initiatives.

Add that Gary Locke surely hobnobs with Gates, as they are city-mates and Locke was on the board of Seattle's global health non-profit PATH, created from a grant from the Gates Foundation. And I'm pretty sure we'll be hearing more about the collaboration between the Gates and Clinton foundations down the road, it seems to reason.

YogSoggoth ago

Kerry shares a reputation with McStain. Hang out with the Vets and buy them a drink. (Not disclosed) Said individual was field med and got hooked on horse by the superior officers in the helicopter transporting the dying and injured. Reward was the good stuff from the Golden Triangle. Major/redacted/was in charge of the operation and not only lived a long comfortable life after Vietnam, but was feared by all survivors. Everyone here seems to go down their own rabbit hole. That is what makes us strong.

letsdothis1 ago

You're in the right place. And welcome to voat. Great post.

Maladaptivenomore ago

Thank you, I appreciate it.

ESOTERICshade ago

This reminds exactly of some of those youtube videos. In the youtube vids they were playing doctor and using needles. This must be a routine form of grooming.

An unidentified mother who made a viral video about the abuse told reporters Thursday that her son was was injected with a brown liquid by a teacher and made to strip along with other students before being “examined” by a naked adult male stranger, describing it as an "action like sexual intercourse." When the mother pressed the principal to allow her to review closed circuit footage from the school, she was denied.

Bill Bishop of the Sinocism China Newsletter and Axios contributor points out that it’s a bit odd that an Associate Dean at Yale would be on the board of directors of a Chinese kindergarten chain,


Shares of RYB plummeted on Friday after the investigation was announced, falling over 42% in early trade only to recover slightly, ending the day down 38.41%.

Check out this serious pocketbook pain. A lot of times the perps will cause a crash like that on purpose and have already sold the stock short so that they can profit. I bet they were not already in position for this and took some major loss on it.

Maladaptivenomore ago

Check out this serious pocketbook pain. A lot of times the perps will cause a crash like that on purpose and have already sold the stock short so that they can profit. I bet they were not already in position for this and took some major loss on it.

No doubt, and just IPOd recently, so much for momentum.

ESOTERICshade ago

No doubt, and just IPOd recently, so much for momentum.

Yup. As we used to say in the trading business, "thats a decent haircut."

derram ago | :

Beijing Kindergarten Victim's Mother Describes Son's Molestation [subtitles] - YouTube

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