Factfinder2 ago

Getz has been on the RYB Board of Directors a few months--since Sept. 2017: http://ir.rybbaby.com/index.php?s=114

Lr2000 ago

Yes. Important fact:.

RYB went public last September.

Had IPO. Initial Public Offering.

It makes some sense that they would hire Joel on.

Good Work!

RedGeco ago

Trump has no connection to this. If the Chinese government found out there wouldn't be a social media uproar. It would be silent. This is just a grassroots reaction to parents finding problems and coming together with those problems. Trump didn't tip off anyone. One school out of hundreds just made social media headlines. Not connected to Trump anymore than you are connected to Trump because your cousin went school with someone who worked at a local campaign office for Clinton. Degrees of separation are so small now. A lot of other news.

Not all pedophiles are going to be connected to the same ring. Belief it or not, criminals compete for the same thing. This could be an isolated case or another gang or CF friends. But the idea that Trump tipped off about something that would create trouble in China? No. The government doesn't let this outrage get so big or make it to the general public. It's not plausible.

RedGeco ago

Anything that hints the government is not: 1. In control and smart 2. Protecting the people and children 3. Guiding China into prosperity

Does not become news short of these short outbursts that get quickly censored. If Trump tipped them off… (China has a bazillion cameras and monitors phones, they would already know) then this would be a small and silent takedown with a heroic police headline after and compensation money quickly paid out.

tholinz ago

There's quite a well-known problem with child trafficking in China already. Mostly though, that's about stealing girls and forcing them to marry the family's boy.

But this is a country that has forced abortions, widespread infanticide, a lively "adoption" trade for Westerners, and other lovely cultural issues in regards to children. Wouldn't surprise me if there's a sexual aspect in play as well.

The_Savant ago

At this point there's very little that could surprise me in general.

JohnnySkidmarx ago

Another pedo Jew. What else is new?

ScientiaPotentia ago

Holy shit, Q was right..... again.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Trump is one of them. Zero arrest. No investigation. Jesuit occultist don't harm their friends, they carry out their roles.

Justice4thekids ago

They are getting closer and closer. This is amazing news. Love Trump.

For some reason I got this code when I tried to upvoat this: "Denied - Vote has already been registered for device (Submission Vote Identity 2.7)" I didn't voat before on this.

The_Savant ago

Damn, my Jewish heritage makes me very angry about this!

SocksOnCats ago

Not following the Trump connection. Are you insinuating Trump is in on the whole pedo thing and is diddling little kids? Or are you saying he went over there and busted them?

kidavenger ago

I won't speak for the OP, but I believe the reference is Trump has made comments in the past that pedophiles should face severe punishment for their crimes against children. There has also been talk here that one of the reasons Flynn and his son were targeted by the deep state early in the administration was because he (and his son) were not likely to allow the Pizzagate swampdwellers to keep on victimizing and trafficking kids, and they were prepared to speak out and do something about it.

If you follow the timeline of President Trumps recent trips, there seems to be Pizzagate connections. After he went to the Middle East, which is a hotbed of child trafficking, there was a huge upheaval among the royalty. Now, the bust in China. I think the OP is just pointing out that the timing seems to coincide with the President's travels.

The_Savant ago

Okay, to clarify I'm speculating that Trump helped to take down the nursery while he was in China, as I think I remember Q saying China were complying with Trump to drain the swamp. I also believe that Trump helped remove the corrupt Princes and such in Saudi Arabia and that was the purpose of his visits.

At the same time, I think that it is only logical that after PG is exposed for everyone to see, we should investigate Trump and all of his allies to be fully sure that the child trafficking threat is defeated permanently - or at least as permanently as it can be. But for now, I don't have any reason to suspect Trump of being compromised.

think- ago

I also believe that Trump helped remove the corrupt Princes and such in Saudi Arabia and that was the purpose of his visits. I also believe that Trump helped remove the corrupt Princes and such in Saudi Arabia and that was the purpose of his visits.

But all factions in Saudi Arabia are into elite child sex slaves / trafficking, Trump's visit had nothing to do with abolishing child abuse in Saudi Arabia.

YogSoggoth ago

I hope some Chinese prison time is in the future.

srayzie ago

Kindergarten in China where kids were sexually abused, drugged and poked w needles run by Clinton Foundation Director Joel Getz! That's HUGE!

Are_we__sure ago

"Run by" is inaccurate. "Linked to" in the thread title is more accurate.

As ESOTERICshade's makes clear, Getz didn't run anything at this company.

Joel Getz Independent Director

An Independent Director is by definition never an executive/officer at the company.

NYSE Who is an "Independent" Director? Under the NYSE listing standards, no director qualifies as "independent" unless the board of directors affirmatively determines that the director has "no material relationship" with the listed company, either directly or as a partner, shareholder or officer of an organization that has a relationship with the company. Companies must disclose these determinations, and the basis for a determination that a relationship is not material, in their annual proxy statements. Material relationships can include commercial, industrial, banking, consulting, legal, accounting, charitable and familial relationships. The NYSE has noted that ownership of even a significant amount of stock, by itself, should not be a bar to a finding of independence.

The role of independent directors are to be trustees of the shareholders, a scandal like this highlights the value of truly independent directors. because a scandals like this will damage shareholders, indepdendent directors should be pushing for rules and safeguards and policies to make sure this never happens again so that shareholders money is protected. According to Investopedia

"Independents are considered helpful for governance, because they dilute the concentration of power and help align shareholder interest with those of the insiders."

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Thanks.

ESOTERICshade ago

World News

November 24, 2017 / 12:32 AM / in a day

BEIJING/SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Chinese police are investigating claims of sexual molestation and needlemarks on children at a Beijing kindergarten run by RYB Education Inc, the latest case in a booming childcare industry to spark outrage among parents, sending the company’s New York-listed shares tumbling on Friday.

The official Xinhua news agency said late on Thursday that police were checking allegations that some teachers and staff at the kindergarten had abused children, who were “reportedly sexually molested, pierced by needles and given unidentified pills”.

Shares in RYB (RYB.N) plunged 38 percenton the New York Stock Exchange early on Friday, almost wiping out most of the 44 percent rise in the Chinese company’s stock since its IPO in September.

Parents said their children, some as young as three, relayed troubling accounts of a naked adult male conducting purported “medical check-ups” on students, who were also unclothed, other media said.

Some parents, who gathered outside the school to demand answers on Thursday, said their children gave matching accounts of being fed unidentified tablets and of punishments where students were “made to stand” naked in class, media said.

The welfare of children in professional care has become a hot-button issue in China, where a string of high-profile cases of abuse has underlined lax regulations and supervision in the childcare and early learning industry.

“We deeply apologise for the serious anxiety this matter has brought to parents and society,” RYB said in a statement on its official microblog on Friday, adding that it was helping authorities.

“We are currently working with the police to provide relevant surveillance materials and equipment; the teachers in question have been suspended and we are co-operating with the police investigation,” it said.


The school’s principal had lodged a police report against “individuals who have engaged in false accusations and framing”, it said, without elaborating.

Beijing police did not immediately respond to a faxed request for comment.

In a statement before its shares opened trade on Friday, RYB said it was planning a $50 million share buy-back programme and had established a special task force led by independent company directors to do a “thorough self-inspection across all teaching facilities”.

China’s education ministry has begun a special investigation into the operation of kindergartens, it said in a statement on Thursday, and told education departments nationwide to “take warning from these types of incidents”.

Separate incidents in China of children being slapped, beaten with a stick and having their mouths sealed shut with duct tape have also gone viral and fuelled anger online.

News of the investigation into the Beijing kindergarten triggered a wave of outrage on social media, with more than 76 million mentions of “RYB” on Tencent Holdings Ltd’s (0700.HK) WeChat messaging service on Thursday.

“These may be individual cases but the deeper problems they reflect cannot be overlooked,” a Xinhua editorial said. “Laws must be enforced, supervision strengthened, teacher wages increased. The childcare industry cannot be allowed to grow in an uncivilised fashion.”


Chinese education providers have been attracting major investment, while others have sought global listings, latching onto fast-growing demand from parents for high-end education services.

Before Friday, shares in RYB had been up about 44 percent since a September New York listing, giving it a market value of nearly $766 million.

This was not the first case of alleged abuse at an RYB school.

In 2015, a court in Jilin province found two teachers guilty of physically abusing children at one of its kindergartens in the city of Siping. In that case, staff at the school on “multiple occasions used needles and intimidation tactics to abuse many of the children under their care”, according to the court ruling document.

Earlier this year, RYB said it had found “serious mistakes” at another one of its Beijing schools and had asked the principal to step down after videos emerged showing teachers hitting and pushing children.

State television broadcast images of police and angry parents gathered outside the school in Beijing on Thursday, calling for answers.

On Friday, one father leaving the school said he had been there to cancel his son’s enrolment and demand a refund.

Another parent, 36-year-old Wang Siqi, said she took the day off work to demand answers, even though her six-year-old son does not attend the school.

“As a mother when I saw this news I really couldn’t take it,” she said. “This is unforgivable.”

RYB says on its website it runs a network of more than 1,300 directly owned and franchised play-and-learn centres and nearly 500 kindergartens for children up to age six in about 300 Chinese cities and towns.

Reporting by Philip Wen and Gao Liangping in BEIJING and Adam Jourdan and Wang Jing in SHANGHAI; Additional reporting by Irene Wang in BEIJING, Medha Singh in BENGALURU and Meg Shen in HONG KONG; Writing by Adam Jourdan; Editing by Tony Munroe, Clarence Fernandez and Nick Macfie Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.


used2likepizza ago

Joel Getz. Amish?

ESOTERICshade ago

China kindergarten sex abuse and 'needlemarks' claims prompt police probe

BEIJING/SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Chinese police are investigating claims of sexual molestation and needlemarks on children at a Beijing kindergarten run by RYB Education Inc, the latest case in a booming childcare industry to spark outrage among parents, sending the company’s New York-listed shares tumbling on Friday.


RYB Education Inc (RYB)

Chimin Cao Chairman of the Board and Co-Founder, Executive Director Yanlai Shi Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder, Executive Director Ping Wei Chief Financial Officer Liang Meng Director Zhengong Chang Independent Director Joel Getz Independent Director Dennis Zhu Independent Director


Joel Getz serves as the Senior Associate Dean for Development and Alumni Relations. He joined the Yale School of Management in February 2008. At Yale SOM, Mr. Getz is in charge of all fundraising and alumni initiatives. He oversaw the successful completion of the $250 million Management Tomorrow campaign, much of which was devoted to raising funds for Evans Hall. Mr. Getz came to Yale SOM from the William J. Clinton Foundation in New York, where he served as Director of Development for former President William J. Clinton’s worldwide charitable, educational, and economic development initiatives. Mr. Getz was instrumental in creating a formal development operation for the Clinton Foundation, which raised in excess of $135 million annually.

Prior to his work with the Clinton Foundation, Mr. Getz was President of the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City, working with Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, deputy mayors, and NYC agency commissioners, as well as a 50-member board of top CEOs, financiers, philanthropists and community leaders, to plan, prioritize and implement fundraising initiatives to support civic improvements in the City of New York. Upon leaving his position at the Mayor’s Fund, Mayor Bloomberg appointed Mr. Getz to the Board where he served for the remaining 8 years of Mayor Bloomberg’s term. Mr. Getz’s additional previous work experience includes university fundraising at Stanford University, where he was associate director of The Stanford Fund and then a major gifts officer, both for the university and for the Graduate School of Business. He also has an entrepreneurial bent: from 1990 to 1997 he was the President and Co-Founder of Rim Pacific, a manufacturing and distribution firm focusing on art reproductions. Joel received his B.A. in 1986 from Harvard University where he was First Marshal of his class and has served on the board of the Alumni Association.


new4now ago

Not hard to see Clinton connections

What do you think she was doing as Secretary of State, traveling all over the place?

You honestly think it was our Country's buisness?

She was out there promoting the Foundation

ESOTERICshade ago

She was out there promoting the Foundation

Yep. She spent her entire time in the State Department promoting her own criminal empire.

Are_we__sure ago

I always wondered if we got tricked with the word "coincidence" just like we did with the word "conspiracy."

So Trump visits China and two weeks later a crime in reported in China and you think that's significant? Because if these two events represent a coincidence and are signficant, it means you would have to ignore about a thousand or a million or a billion other concidences that happened in China in the past two weeks that were not significant.

Literally think of all the other things that happened.....all coincidental to this exact same time frame? Yet you focus on one thing to the exclusion of alllllllllll those other things? It's the ultimate in cherry picking.

Here's some other things that happened in China. Are these also related to Trump?

Chinese parent beats up teacher for criticising child’s exam score

Former banker accused of setting up ‘Breaking Bad’ drug ring

Housing official jailed for illegally profiting from 19 government flats

Chinese man jailed for spiking woman’s food with male hormone

Chinese man loses two fingers trying to feed money to tiger

Unexploded aircraft bomb found in southern China

Seven officials sacked over tuberculosis outbreak in central China

Chinese gang face charges over Buddhist temple raid

Wife, friend charged with murder after admitting to staging car crash

Fake Japanese cops steal 190 million yen from Chinese tourist

Why does one of this data points glow bright red and seem to be connected to other things? This is simply how our brains work and how we can easily fool ourselves.

ESOTERICshade ago

Because if these two events represent a coincidence and are signficant, it means you would have to ignore about a thousand or a million or a billion other concidences that happened in China in the past two weeks that were not significant.

That is as much nonsense as your "23 people in a room will have the same birthday comparison." We are not talking about birthdays or every other event that happened. We are talking about Clinton affiliated people being found "coincidentally" in the proximity of child abuse, AGAIN.

Literally think of all the other things that happened.....all coincidental to this exact same time frame?

Like two people in a room that discovered they had the same birthday? Or two people that bought a red car that day in China? Your debunk methods won't work on a smart crowd. It does not matter if Trump did it or not.

What matters is that yet again the Clinton plague was hovering in the immediate proximity.

Yet you focus on one thing to the exclusion of alllllllllll those other things?

Bingo. Its called deductive reasoning through process of elimination.

It's the ultimate in cherry picking.

It sure is!

Are_we__sure ago

Deductive reasoning? It's actually the opposite of reasoning.

Immediate Proximity? That's amusing.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Weak sauce

FloridaJackalope ago

Great response. Thoroughly debunked the debunker.

used2likepizza ago

Joel Getz? Amish?

Sackajahweeda ago

Didnt someone (perhaps it was reddit) say that they dont hire white faces in education in China? They chose the wrong one if they did..

LightlyToasted ago

I don't see a direct connection to Getz yet, but here' some research from reddit:

/u/Maladaptivenomore Add "Golden Cradle Education Group" (Beijing-based Kindergarten, one of 700 schools country-wide) to the list of recent accusations. http://www.ecns.cn/2017/11-16/281129.shtml

Regarding RYB, there's another post that has been discussing this but I will reiterate some points here:

Liang "Leon" Meng, a Director of RYB, has Clinton connections through Yale School of Business, among others, and is also is a member of Ascendent Capital Partners, 5 of 6 members are alumni of Yale school of Management (the other one, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs). Their short portfolio includes Kindergarten care, food and beverage, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, molecular biology work, and train transport (which could infer ratlines), which are things that can come into play, in regard accusations found in OP's article and, in regard to claims that I make in the tl;dr.


Leon participated in same Yale Beijing conference opening with Eric Braverman of Clinton Foundation/George Webb investigation fame, and they both are part of the same Yale School of Management Alumni year. http://centerbeijing.yale.edu/events/opening-conference-yale-center-beijing

Donald Gips '89, Retired U.S. Ambassador to South Africa, worked for Clinton White House, was a panelist on Yale Management School Webinar Moderated by Meng.


More specifically, there are many connections to the Yale School of Management that is relevant to current political goings-on in DC. Here's the bio for the Senior Associate Dean for Development and Alumni Relations at that School. http://som.yale.edu/joel-getz

"Mr. Getz came to Yale SOM from the William J. Clinton Foundation in New York, where he served as Director of Development for former President William J. Clinton’s worldwide charitable, educational, and economic development initiatives. Mr. Getz was instrumental in creating a formal development operation for the Clinton Foundation, which raised in excess of $135 million annually."

Add to that this connection: Wibur Ross, on Forbes list of Billionaires, gave $10 million to Joel Getz to help fund Yale's School of Management library.


Fast forward to earlier this month, it was revealed that Ross, currently current Whitehouse Commerce Secretary, had stake in a Russian gas company tied to Putin's son-in-law, which the special investigation is currently looking into, espcially wrt Obama Whitehouse cabinet conflict of interest on the matter. He had divested his stake before Trump appointed him.


In fact, Clinton appointed him the 90's, to the: "...board of the U.S.-Russia Investment Fund, established by the government to make investments and promote American business interests in Russia."


tl;dr: My argument is that this is not a random event, but rather, through Clinton Foundation connections in Yale School of Business, they funded, through an Chinese Alumni investment firm Ascendent Capital Partners, kindergartens in China that have the earmarks of a human trafficking ratline, similar to those uncovered by open source investigation ala George Webb, to have been taking place in Haiti, with ties to the Clinton Foundation. Regarding connections to this Chinese kindergarten incident, this is my claim and you can investigate it for yourself or not. There's no need for me to prove to you that the allegations are out there, regarding the Clinton Foundation and Haiti. You can google it. Here, I'll help.


Before you start a shit show with me, I'm backing my claim that that the allegations are out there, and not just by neck-beards, is all, not that I'm trying to prove any of it to be true or false. You'll need to decide to look into it more than a five-second google search, before accepting anyone's opinion on it.

To be sure, I am not trying to argue this from within a left/right paradigm. I'm just following the information where it leads. If you'd like to connect the OPs article to the current Whitehouse, by all means, feel free to show your work.


JuicyRup ago

Because they need a greedy Goyim to take the fall while they lurk in the shadow. How many Jewish presidents have we had in the US? How many in the world? Yet how many are in congress? Who is the current US treasury secretary? and the chief economic adviser? They call the shots my friend, but by pulling strings so they can stay behind the curtain.

SecureYourSeats ago

Utter rubbish! Are the Clinton's Jewish, Soros, Obama, Eric Holder, how about Jarret, Alefantis, Angela Merkel, ...? I could go on , these are just off the top of my head. This may be more of a rich thing, or a liberal thing, and there are many Jews that are rich and liberal, that doesn't make every Jewish person evil. Get a brain. Seriously

heuristic ago

its called money, power, influence. they control the pedos. they control the drug addicts. they are complicit in murder, smuggling, shushing, extortion and more.

Cheesebooger ago


WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

"I'm starting to think the Clinton Foundation may not have the best interests of children at heart."

Starting? I thought people here already knew that..

The_Savant ago

Yeah, sorry I don't have any emojis on my keyboard nor the storage to download one so it could be hard to tell how sarcastic that was.

heuristic ago

use a '/s' for sarcasm

example: I love Clinton /s

The_Savant ago

To be honest I thought it was obvious enough, but then again sarcasm is way more common over here in England so it might read differently to certain people.

kidavenger ago

I understand, @The_Savant. One of the many reasons I love the UK. I have a similar sarcastic streak, even though I am from the USA. Comments I make are frequently misinterpreted, for similar reasons. I think part of the issue is that it's hard to judge intent when a comment is just written and there are no visual or vocal cues.

The_Savant ago

Yep. It's also summed up pretty well in Key and Peele's "Text message confusion".

The other thing is also the high amount of people that have autism on this website, including potentially myself (never been tested).

HillBoulder ago

It was obvious. Sometimes a ... at the end helps convey sarcasm as well.

The_Savant ago

Added one, just for clarity.

I sort of wanted to be discrete about it but I guess if people won't understand it............

FloridaJackalope ago

It was definitely obvious enough. I chuckled when I read it.... Some people need to enhance their sarcasm detector a bit, that's all.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/3t7UM :

LIZ THE🌪IS HERE‼️🍕 on Twitter: "Kindergarten in China where kids were sexually abused, drugged and poked w needles run by Clinton Foundation Director Joel Getz‼️ This IS 🍕! t.co/TNxUimI9Tx"

This has been an automated message.