Jem777 ago

It is obvious because Dr. Tim Alefantis is related to James Alefantis and he running a eugenics program which involves creating embryos then children carrying Pax 6 mutations (coloboma) as an elite species. As in my post yesterday this genetic expression is desirable because of its affect in the Pineal Gland (third eye) are all being fooled if you don't realize a eugenics program has been occurring since NAZI germany in the US with the next step Transhumanism.?That has already began and their are genetically modified "super soldiers" already.

It is in the Wikileaks email. I posted this story yesterday with all facts.

mooteensy ago

I just watched Vaxxed (documentary about autism in regards to the MMR III vaccine) and by 2030, 80% of boys will be autistic. The growth rate is exponential. Makes sense why no one is touching the story or trying to change regulations if the agenda doesn't include giving a shit about us regular humans anymore.

Jem777 ago

President Donald Trump is truly our hope in this. He has been stating for years that vaccines are harming our children. He is placing Robert Kennedy jr. In charge who is conoktely against these new vaccines. I believe President Trumps son Barron had a very poor reaction to his vaccinations as as an young child. Barron is still an young child and extremely intelligent. Some losers have picked on him calling him autistic.,Whether thatcisctrue or not heviscacdelight and his mother and father love him very much. Trump has done many interviews on this topic. I hope with RobertcKennedy some significant changes will be made....

In the meantime me personally I have never taken a vaccine as an adult. Why do you think there has been a massive push by government for a new vaccine every year "or you could die" Hogwash never took one in my adult life never eve had careful dont just run to get the new vaccination there is an agenda were created with antibodies fight off disease....let your body do its work! IMHO

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

They are partnered with Rotary International, and the founder of Rotary is from Racine, Wisconsin - the "Root" of all Evil and the real agenda for global enslavement through the great deception of sustainability (Satan's Ability) and the Mark of the Beast enforced by AI and Community Policing.

cantsleepawink ago

Dr. Tim Alefantis is related to James Alefantis and he running a eugenics program

The pharmaceutical company is also damaging young children. I have a friend who went to do a postgraduate degree at a top UK university in autism (because her own child was damaged) and the academics there did allude to possible links with vaccinations - but it is career suicide to go public with that opinion. The government position is that 'there is nothing to see here' and you're a mad conspiracy theorist if you say otherwise.

The heavy metals they've been putting into the vaccines seem to be the culprit. These people know what they are doing.

cantsleepawink ago

I have a particular interest in the Transhumanist movement and have been trying to warn people of the dangers for a while now.

Jem777 ago

Here is the thread from yesterday deleted by Millenial Falcon with all links and evidence taking you directly to heart of pizzagate to the transhumanist movement. They are here already. Read the comments all the way to the bottom.

cantsleepawink ago

Oh, haven't seen you for a while.

Where did I say that M_F wasn't enforcing the rules? You guys are so easily baited.

Btw, remember this ?

2impendingdoom ago


ESOTERICshade ago

That video made me laugh my ass off, literally. Thanx for that.

2impendingdoom ago

it was a good post, it shows how the courts are stripping parental rights. Corrupt judge. Speaking of corrupt judge, please keep the entire moskowitz family on your radar.

cantsleepawink ago

There's a whole back story to the health industry, vaccinations and companies owned by the billionaires on our radar. Already well documented on voat. The connections to pizzagate are obvious I thought. I'd rather just repost here rather than go through the Voat Pizzagate 'R Us Corporation on the main subverse. Not worth my time.

2impendingdoom ago

Yes and that ties into organ trafficking too. Did you know that a band called Mileni@l F@lcon has a song called my heart tested positive for somebody else? Sounds like a reference to organ trafficking to me.

cantsleepawink ago

Did you know that a band called Mileni@l F@lcon has a song called my heart tested positive for somebody else?

You don't say ? Surely just a coincidence?

2impendingdoom ago

you can google what hasn't been scrubbed. Name is even trademarked!

ESOTERICshade ago

Name is even trademarked!

Well I looked it up and it is trademarked. So.... isn't the pizzagate subverse infringing upon the trademark of a jewish billionaire? Or not? Do they have permission to use this trademarked name, I wonder?

2impendingdoom ago

really good point. we should all take new id's calling ourselves M_F1, M_F2, etc

cantsleepawink ago

I have ;-)

GHDW ago

"I'm sorry, your content was deemed offensive by the Office of Correct Think. Please report to reprogramming for your new identity"

cantsleepawink ago
