Quarter ago

Wow, just wow.go mommies!

carmencita ago

Another Useful Post Taken Down. Repost in p/whatever.

cantsleepawink ago

Thread deleted by MF and resubmitted here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/new

@carmencita @DerivaUK

SaveTheChildren ago

Vaccines are SATANIC

carmencita ago

They are not all bad. They have poisoned some of them just like everything else. Some are not bad. Some are very bad. We must figure out which ones and let people know. We really should have a Medical Forum on here.

SaveTheChildren2 ago

The heavenly father did NOT mess up when creating our immune systems.

If you're a heathen, REPENT, but still, your all powerful 'evolution' messed up? And now we need "super smart" doctors to come in and fix it?

maggiethatcher ago

The heavenly father also gave us Louis Pasteur. He also gave us (presumably against His will) radical Islam, an ideology determined to thwart the provision of polio vaccine to Pakistan which has left Polio alive in the world when it was on the verge of being eradicated (like smallpox).

SaveTheChildren2 ago

Those things are satanic, not from the heavenly father. .

Polio is for people who are too dumb to understand to not eat your own poop.

carmencita ago

Please calm down. I am not a Heathen. Name calling will not solve our misunderstandings. I am well aware that we have been equipped with healing ourselves.

maggiethatcher ago

No, they are not, they save millions of lives and disabilities. You, however, might be satanic. In capital letters

carmencita ago

Please do not insult someone that has a difference of opinion. Some vaccines are horrible some helpful. They have brain washed us into believing just because a few are good, that they all are. They are not, as you know from being on here.

maggiethatcher ago

Actually I didn't. I take the view that once somebody starts throwing the insults I am entitled to throw them back, twice as hard. Saying that vaccines are satanic attempts to dehumanise those that believe in the benefits of vaccines (most people). You can have a different opinion if you wish but you should back that up with evidence. If you just think something is bad then you are also free to express that as an opinion. Once you delve into the realms of extremism though expect to be called out on it. Allowing a child to develop polio or brain damage because you have a 'feeling' that there is something bad about a vaccine can be construed as child abuse. If you don't want to take a vaccine as an adult that's fine, but undermining the ethos of vaccines in general (like Andrew Wakefield did to line his own pockets) is something that potentially contributes to world misery. So if people want to get all high-horsey about it then they are setting themselves up to be dehorsed! :-)

carmencita ago

I am still open to some but others I know that they have played around with. Which ones is sometimes hard to know. Some may have been on the good side decades ago, but they have evil-ized everything. I do not trust THEM. We will have to open our minds to so many people that are bad when we have always thought them to be honest and good. The same for other things too. I am open to all of it.

SaveTheChildren2 ago

Time for pussyfooting around faggot's delicate ego is OVER.

carmencita ago

Nasty remarks will get us nowhere. That's not how we stay united to SaveThe Children2 also fight the NWO. We can agree to not agree. We should all keep open minds.

SaveTheChildren2 ago

Lol we are so beyond fixing this place. Buckle up!

SaveTheChildren2 ago

Oh no! Capital letters !! LOL.


Is your newborn at risk for hep? Why are you injecting your child at 0 days old? There's no way we know all the effects on the immune system this has.

Not to mention you'd have to be blind and dumb to not see how common forms of retardation are today and the huge number of auto-immune disorders.

Keep trusting your government, sheeple! Doctors are satanic. There is no reason to assault a child's immune system BEFORE IT HAS EVEN DEVELOPED. People are so fucking stupid and trusting of their authority figures.

INB4 MUH POLIO. go fucking research polio you moron. It is MOSTLY ASYMPTOMATIC, and it is transmitted through FECAL MATTER. polio was eradicated by hygiene not the vaccine! THATS THE TRUTH.

maggiethatcher ago

I think circumcising a child in the first few months of its life is vile as it gives that child no benefit, but it seems that there are very many people who think this is OK. I also think that not providing some vaccines (polio, pertussis and a few others) is akin to not putting a seatbelt on your child. Would you do that? Why not? There are instances where the seatbelt causes more injury than not having it on - so we should leave it off shouldn't we? I also don't think people should be forced to vaccinate. But what I don't approve of is lying to make a point (Andrew Wakefield and the MMR scandal) or promoting anecdote over evidence. I also think that attempting to dehumanise somebody you don't agree with using the label of satanic is, well, satanic.

PS if you think a child's immune system hasn't developed at all you know nothing about biology. Bottle fed babies are at higher risk of infections than breast fed babies but they don't universally die of infection, which they would do if they had an undeveloped immune system. You make yourself look stupid with comments like this whilst at the same time calling everybody else stupid. Not ideal. Grow up and have some respect for other people's opinions. If you continue to name call you will continue to receive it back

SaveTheChildren2 ago

The risk of the polio vaccine is bigger than polio risk (today).

13Buddha ago


SaveTheChildren2 ago

Lol... that the best you got? SPELLing?

undertheshills ago

Misleading headline.

The parents were divorced, the dad wanted to vaccinate, the mom didnt. Dad won the right to vaccinate. Mom ignored the court and wouldnt let him. She went to jail.

cantsleepawink ago

What about the headline contradicts what you wrote?

undertheshills ago

I said misleading, the headlines makes you believe you can go to jail for not vaccinating.

cantsleepawink ago

Well she did go to jail because she refused to have her child vaccinated.

DerivaUK ago

Didn't the mom say she was the '"sole care provider"? Surely that carries some weight?

derram ago