Quarter ago

I cant look, the elite Saturnalia worshipers eat these like corn chips. UUUHHHHH bend over and puke. I wonder what the egyptians knew about them. the Babylonians were famous for looking into the liver.<<New Living Translation says EZ 21:21 The king of Babylon now stands at the fork, uncertain whether to attack Jerusalem or Rabbah. He calls his magicians to look for omens. They cast lots by shaking arrows from the quiver. They inspect the livers of animal sacrifices.
Ezekiel 21:21 NWT (‎1 occurrence) For the king of Babylon stops to use divination at the fork in the road, where the two roads branch off. He shakes the arrows. He consults his idols;* he examines the liver. nwt Ezekiel 1:1-48:35 - New World Translation (nwt)

Cc1914 ago

You are wise my friend ! The corn chips 😂

argosciv ago

Ever seen them used as kindling in a campfire? interesting shit you're pointing out I must say....

Cc1914 ago

Here's not just a few , but many bullet points that prove we are about to enter into a new system free of hate and violence ( and I don't mean the flower child version of sex with whomever or whatever is ok as long as you call it love type) and it will take place right here on earth ! That's what that prayer in the Bible is really talking about when it says " Let your will take place on earth as it is in heaven " heaven has no death or suffering and soon earth won't either !

War on a large scale.—Matthew 24:7; Revelation 6:4. Famine.—Matthew 24:7; Revelation 6:5, 6. Great earthquakes.—Luke 21:11. Pestilences, or epidemics of “terrible diseases.”—Luke 21:11, Contemporary English Version. Increase of crime.—Matthew 24:12. Ruining of the earth by mankind.—Revelation 11:18. Deterioration of people’s attitudes, as shown by many who are “unthankful, disloyal, . . . not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride.”—2 Timothy 3:1-4. Breakdown of the family, with people who have “no natural affection” and children who are “disobedient to parents.”—2 Timothy 3:2, 3. Love of God growing cold in most people.—Matthew 24:12. Noteworthy displays of religious hypocrisy.—2 Timothy 3:5. Increased understanding of Bible prophecies, including those related to the last days.—Daniel 12:4. Global preaching of the good news of the Kingdom.—Matthew 24:14. Widespread apathy and even ridicule toward the evidence of the approaching end.—Matthew 24:37-39; 2 Peter 3:3, 4. The simultaneous fulfillment of all these prophecies, not just a few or even most of them.—Matthew 24:33.

srayzie ago

We're in the end times. So many prophesies have come to pass. I hope the rapture happens before the NWO takes complete control.

FalseMinds ago

Damascus is almost gone too/ one of the last prophesies.

FalseMinds ago

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FalseMinds ago

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srayzie ago

What the heck was that audio?

Cc1914 ago

With all due respect my dear internet friend .. please research rapture verses resurrection ! Just like everything else you are making sure of . It is vital you know the truth ! Question all that you have been taught . God wants us to search for truth especially if it means going against the traditions of men .

srayzie ago

Ok, do you not believe in the rapture?

Cc1914 ago

No . I believe what the Bible teaches about the resurrection of our dead loved ones . The word rapture is not in the original scripts . In the spring of 31 C.E., Jesus Christ boldly promised: “Just as the Father raises the dead up and makes them alive, so the Son also makes those alive whom he wants to. Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his [Jesus’] voice and come out.” (John 5:21, 28, 29) Yes, Jesus Christ promised that millions now dead will live again on this earth and have the prospect of remaining on it forever under peaceful, paradisaic conditions. (Luke 23:43; John 3:16; 17:3; compare Psalm 37:29 and Matthew 5:5.) Since Jesus made the promise, it is safe to assume that he is willing to fulfill it. But is he able to do so? Less than two years after making that promise, Jesus demonstrated in a powerful way that he is both willing and able to perform the resurrection when he resurrected his good friend Lazarus ! All these things are in he Bible for us to have hope in the future promises . We have to be willing to search for them though as if we are searching for hidden treasures .

srayzie ago

I just read that the word wasn't in the original scriptures. Thank you 🤓 What I mean is the 2nd coming of Christ. You believe in the 7 years of tribulation right?

Cc1914 ago

There are several words and teachings that are used in religions that are found no where in the original Christian Greek scriptures . Trinity , cross , rapture , hell

srayzie ago

Words are translated so that the modern world can understand it. So words we use now may be translated from a meaning in Hebrew.

The absence of a term used to describe a doctrine does not necessarily mean the term is not biblical. The issue is, does the term accurately reflect what the Scripture teaches?

Cc1914 ago

Why would a God of love , torture anyone in a place of fiery hell? He wouldn't . Satan likes to push that lie to scare us all into submission . I encourage you to discect everything piece by piece before you make your final analysis on the rapture . And I mean this from my heart . I'm not trying to say I know it all because I don't . I have come out of " Babylon the great " ( the world empire of false religion) however and it has been quite refreshing to learn the truth about hell and to think God used 1 angel to destroy 185k Assyrians in one night , shows he has the power to just think these evil people away , if he wanted to . I am happy to know that the Bible says all of these evil thoughts of people won't even come up in our minds anymore . The world will be at peace with the animals we won't need money ! We will be perfect and able to use our whole brains! This is Gods promise for eternity .. to live forever and make the earth a paradise like it was intended to be in the first place . 🌺

srayzie ago

I just want to make sure we are talking about The Holy Bible. Not Jehovah's Witness or something like that? I am not being mean when I say this, but I've never heard anyone say that people wouldn't go to hell. When we talk on the phone we could discuss it more. I think this deep subject is hard to explain this way. 🌸

Cc1914 ago

Your so right the phone will be much better! 🤗

srayzie ago

Cc1914 ago

It's called Confucianism we all live in a state of spiritual warfare right now but we can win!!

Cc1914 ago

The Greek word for “tribulation” conveys the idea of distress or suffering resulting from the pressures of circumstances. Jesus spoke of an unprecedented “great tribulation” that would come upon Jerusalem and especially of one that would later befall mankind in connection with his future ‘coming with glory.’ (Mt 24:21, 29-31) Paul described this tribulation as a righteous act of God against “those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news” about Jesus Christ. Revelation chapter 19 shows Jesus as the one leading heavenly armies against “the wild beast and the kings of the earth and their armies.” (2Th 1:6-8; Re 19:11-21) “A great crowd” is shown as surviving that tribulation. (Re 7:9, 14) that great crowd can be us if we keep searching with our whole souls and our whole hearts . 6 What will signal the start of the great tribulation? Jesus foretold: “When you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place, (let the reader use discernment,) then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains.” (Matt. 24:15, 16) In the first fulfillment, the “standing in a holy place” occurred in 66 C.E. when the Roman army (“the disgusting thing”) attacked Jerusalem and its temple (a place holy in the eyes of the Jews). In the larger fulfillment, the “standing” will occur when the United Nations (the modern-day “disgusting thing”) attacks Christendom (which is holy in the eyes of nominal Christians) and the rest of Babylon the Great. The same attack is described at Revelation 17:16-18. That event will be the beginning of the great tribulation. Jesus also foretold: “Those days will be cut short.” In the initial fulfillment, this happened in 66 C.E. when the Roman army “cut short” its attack. Then, anointed Christians in Jerusalem and Judea fled, allowing for their ‘flesh, or life, to be saved.’ (Read Matthew 24:22; Mal. 3:17) So, what can we expect will happen during the coming great tribulation? GOD will “cut short” the attack of the United Nations on false religion, not allowing true religion to be destroyed with the false. This will ensure that God’s people will be saved. 8 What happens after the initial part of the great tribulation has passed? Jesus’ words indicate that there will be a period of time that will last until the start of Armageddon. What events will occur during that interval? The answer is recorded at Ezekiel 38:14-16 and Matthew 24:29-31. (Read.) * After that, we will witness Armageddon, the climax of the great tribulation, which parallels Jerusalem’s destruction in 70 C.E. (Mal. 4:1) With the battle of Armageddon as its climax, that coming great tribulation will be unique—an event “such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning.” (Matt. 24:21) When it has passed, Christ’s Millennial Rule will begin.

Cc1914 ago

We have the prospect of watching this earth be cleansed of its evil ! NWO may have everyone fooled but they will be destroyed and hopefully we will live to watch it , bit of for some reason we die before this extermination takes place , we are guaranteed a resurrection back to the earth when it is cleansed .

argosciv ago

shh... ease up on the preaching.

"preaching" used loosely

Stuff like that is off-putting even for people who are aware of what's going down. Yes, the bible is laced with useful stuff, but, it mostly obfuscates the teachings of countless religions and 'prophets'/'magicians'/bards before it's time and continues to be a cause of issue for the aforementioned in the present day.

The teachings of "Christ" can be found in the bible and a great many other places beyond - not least of all, within oneself.

Cc1914 ago

Never will I shh on spreading good news ! But I appreciate your honesty and respect your opinion!

argosciv ago

I shouldn't have told you to shh, having rethought my wording :)

Not trying to censor <3

srayzie ago

Good job 👏🏻 I ALMOST got mad at you lol.

Cc1914 ago

No worries I understand what you mean by " off putting " that's what main stream religion used to do to me until I left it , soon after 911 and never looked back !

argosciv ago

Yurp, everyone has a tipping point in that regard I suppose.

On the other side of the same coin, there's the CONSTANT blabber of "it's the Jews/Satanists/Muslims/etc" (even accusations that Buddhism is "Satanic"), it's a bloody headache some days I must say.

Cc1914 ago

I don't believe that for the most part people choose to say " hey I wanna find a satanist church and become a satanist " it just happens due to to disgustingness ruling this earth . some people choose to stay in it's filth or choose to get out of it ! That's the cool thing we have a choice ! No one forces us to believe anything . Each one has his own accounting to God . And God knows what's in each individuals heart . With that said , I'm glad I'm not the judge :)

argosciv ago

Correctamundo, though, "Satanism" also cops an unfair amount of slander - thanks to worldfuckers.

I won't go preaching myself, but, "Satanism" the word, is a crack at the dimwits who have accused the likes of Nergal, Abbadon, Apep and Lucifer(and more) as being "Satan"

This is, indeed, the obfuscation method of Satanism(counterpart to the lies of some catholic/christian/jewish 'scholars') - those who get caught up in their own misinterpretations(as I had, once upon a time) and think that it's about becoming an evil abuser of knowledge... well, do a few bad apples ruin the bunch?

"Telling someone a truth they are not yet ready to hear, is no different to telling them a lie"

Cc1914 ago

Ha no but they probably work 🙂 Interesting and factual indeed!

argosciv ago

Corn chips that is, just to clarify xD

They work WONDERS! Seriously, take dorritos/cc's when you go camping.

Cc1914 ago

lol I knew what you were talking about ! And I was thinking the same thing about campfires!!! 😂

carmencita ago


Cc1914 ago

Whoa! Just saw this going to read now..

carmencita ago

Pinged you because of your info about mercury in our mouth. Maybe we can all learn something new.

Cc1914 ago

Thank you so much !!! This is definitely something to dissect ! If we can all get ourselves healthy and educated enough to help others realize what they are doing to kill us all , then maybe we will all get to see this wicked system destroyed with our own eyes!! This is my hope 😁 The mercury thing is by far the hardest thing to explain . A person with it gets misdiagnosed with things like diabetes , altzeimers , autism , etc . People go mad with mercury poisoning ! I'm so thankful I was able to use my "mercury madness" 🙃( look up mad hatter disease ) to get to the bottom of my health issues because each day gets better and better with all the herbs and no chemicals in or on my body routine . My fillings will be completely out by dec , they have to space it apart for safety reasons . Then I'm doing a 14 day heavy metal detox In Hawaii to remove the mercury from my tissues and brain . Wheat grass and celantro Have been my life savers because they bind to the mercury and give me a less foggy brain and take headaches away . Also activated charcoal toothpaste !

carmencita ago

I am so glad you are finally over that whole process. Is the activated charcoal toothpaste recommended by your dentist? My dentist still recommends fluoride. I stopped using fluoride toothpastes for about 4 months and I had to have deep cleaning and it was not pretty. I am trying to strike a happy medium.

Cc1914 ago

Yes he is a holistic dentist and was very happy that I chose to use the toothpaste ! He does not recommend flouride at all!! Baking soda without ALUMINUM and peroxide ! He does not give free toothpaste samples like most dentist .. instead he gives you a little bag full of natural stuff and information on how to stay healthy . EVERYTHING is connected to your teeth ! For example #6 tooth is connected to your gallbladder , if you have issues with that tooth more than likely you have issues with gallbladder ! Here's what I'm using https://www.mymagicmud.com/

Jem777 ago

Flouride is poison developed by scientists when they understood it calcifiescthe Pineal Gland "numbing out or dumbing down (sensitivity) the population. It does nothing for teeth it actually does the opposite. Hitler and the NAZI party first started pouring flouride into drinking water to shut down the activity of the (third eye)....the US then took it and intentionally poisoned the population training dentists to push flouride younger and younger except for the chosen children....

Have you ever wondered why you can watch third world countries where people are savaged by poverty, food supplies, and clean drinking water and almost all of them have the most pearly white healthy teeth, smiles. They literally have never had flouride much less dentists. Their bodies are weak but for some reason they have the healthiest teeth.....their is a specific reason for that.

The dental health of western nations are the worst in the world....flouride poisoning. The dentists do not even know this...

Cc1914 ago

Wow ... my head is spinning . I'm thinking of opening a claim for my personal mercury poisoning experience . I have suffered with migraines since I was 11 and that was shortly after my first dental visit. I have been told my whole life that I'm too emotional and I need to suck it up! It's true I cry at the drop of a hat ! I was abused as a young child sexually so that's been the focus of my recovery .. until I realized that my symptoms were not just anxiety and depression , but all my organs are affected . I'm having double vision in my left eye and the nausea is like nothing I can explain . It hits me in waves . Stops me in my tracks and makes me feel like I'm gonna die . Then it goes away . I had a body scan thing done with this machine... http://www.asyra.co.uk/ It showed I was full of mercury .

carmencita ago

Thanks! I will check it out.

Cc1914 ago


carmencita ago

Why was this deleted. I really wanted to see what people had to say regarding this subject. Especially the effects of fluoride on the brain. Little Jane Doe of St. Louis had fluoride in her body and her head was missing when they found her. There was speculation that they wanted the pineal gland. She was small enough (the age was estimated about 11) so that the fluoride had not done it's damage. That is why they are after the young children. This so much relates to pizzagate that I cannot understand the delete.

mooteensy ago

Wow. Who deleted it? MF?

carmencita ago

Jem speculates that at the end. I would suppose she may be right. It makes for a rousing discussion and much information would be passed on to some that may not know. I am hoping more will chime in.

Jem777 ago

This is the heart of pizzagate. There have been many posts trying to explain this. In NAZI germany trauma based mind control was perfected. At that time it was already know from ancient cultures especially Egypt that sodomy would affect the nerve endings at the base of the spine. See Osiris.

When Sigmeund Freud first began his experiments in Vienna following WW1 he was focused on trauma shock in soldiers "shell shock" There was a mysterious condition that appeared in young combat soldiers. Even if not physically injured they came back seemingly "broken inside" PTSD was unknown. The soldiers seemingly lost the fight or flight response and fell into freeze conditions which had only been observed in animals. These soldiers were often executed for being weak or mentally ill.

Freud and others including Hitler & Stalin were all in Vienna. Freud decided it would be beneficial to measure what exactly breaks the human soul. He went about conducting experiments by intentionally traumatizing subjects. Freud was also a vicious pedophile.

Aleister Crowley "the beast" and founder of Thelema was a self-destined satanist but also a British M15 agent. He was using Black sex Majic rituals to bring forth Lucifer.

Freud and Crowley and intelligence agencies combined this knowledge and Germany was used for state sponsered human experiments.

Freud had discovered that sexually assaulting children prior to age 3 through sodomy would induce severe dissociation like he witnessed in soldiers. A broken soul with the fight or flight system shattered as well as memory and conscious States.

The goal became traumatizing young children and creating alters which could be triggered and programmed for future spies, assasins, sex slaves, etc.

Hitler and NAZI camps were used for this by Dr.Mengele who would take whatever child they wanted and perform horrific experiments. At this time Eugenics was at play and as understanding of the Pineal Gland as "the third eye" came to light an attempt began to genetically alter human beings that carried certain traits that through gene expression allowed the Pineal Gland to remain Uncalcified. This corresponds to the Coloboma which is an outward expression of Pax 2 & 6 (help @jangles) called Sigurd Snake in the eye or the Incest Mark of Cain.

This corresponds to certain genetic history and is an extremely rare occurrence. Although seen in most world leaders families. This was a breeding program that was initiated and maintained to current day. #CARIS...

When WW11 ended segments of the US was already involved in this. Freud had started the Tavistock Center....a massive human experiment.

The top OSS agent Allen Dulles was involved and used Dr.Carl Jung as his agent #488....Jung disagreed with Freud on some issues but was part of the Psychoanalytic movement.

Unbeknownst to most Americans wealthy politicians and families had financed Hitler. As well as the Vatican which was used by the SS to help indoctrinate German children.

After WW11 the OSS merged into the Vatican CIA Jesuits answering only to the Pope. In 1948 the CIA was unconstitutionally founded in the US and went into black secret programs bringing the very same NAZI scientists into the US in Operation Paperclip. They were given new names and massive experiments were continued including MK Ultra. All hid from congress until JFK found out and was assasinated after threatening to break the CIA into a thousand pieces.

All cases since then Franklin cover-up, the Finders, the Children of God (Julian Assange) in Australia, pizzagate, pedogate, etc. are the outcome.

Hitler and his scientists discovered Flouride would completely calcify the Pineal Gland in essence numbing out the population. The US began putting Flouride in drinking water and pushing it for toothpaste and dentistry intentionally.

That is all for now. Millenial Falcon will delete this I am sure but I had to get the truth out. There are many nuances to this of course. Pedophiles started it and made it a National Security secret and program basically institutionalizing child rape and torture for the good of the country. It is still happening.


carmencita ago

Thank You.

Dressage2 ago

One more thing I would add is there are numerous kids associated with JA and pervs that have Coloboma. Mad die McCann had it as well as David McCullar whose Dad worked at Stratfor.

Jem777 ago

Yes @Dressage2 add the email here from McCullar to better understand this.

Jem777 ago

Yes.That is it...."smoking the Pineal Gland" "You can't rob me of my genetic composition" Barb Bush jr.

carmencita ago

What an Evil Lot. Disgusting Bunch. Poor people can get thrown in the slammer for stealing a loaf of bread or having a burned out tail light, but these Freaks continue to walk the earth. Is there no retribution. Someday I hope.