Redpilled_Canadian ago

Wow so many famous people are coming forward. I hope this isn't another Psy Op to make the masses feel sorry for them, most of these people are complacent and let it happen. Kaya does seem legit though and gave up all the Fame to fight these evil people

LargePepperoni ago

Notice not one media outlet picked up on it?

Cheesebooger ago

Uh oh! Some jewish music exec's are getting nervous. Time to write her a big check so she'll shut up like they did with that faggot Corey Feldman

44NJ9 ago

Griffin O'Neal is on Twit talking about his dad dealing with dirty Polanski and making innuendos that bad stuff happened.

Cc1914 ago


542345 ago

Oh yes this is a tactical nuke to the music industry's face.

Psalm144-1 ago

Good for Kaya! Even though we all know the Wienstein scandal is 100% a distraction/diversion tactic from other "newsworthy" stories the silver lining is that it will re-awaken the collective consciousness of people all across the world helping the truth movement! Keep spreading the elite/forbidden knowledge ... we are getting so close!

srayzie ago

She was in the Pussycat dolls I saw that some don't know about her. This is my favorite music video of them.

srayzie ago

She said she's working on naming names!

MolochHunter ago

Not that i want to silence a victim, but-PussyCat Dolls? The content of that band: it seems like that was precisely the life she aspired to

Sackajahweeda ago

No she didnt if she wanted to be a hooker she didnt need to learn how to dance and sing to do it...dont minimize anyones plight especially one that could very well be an ally.

MolochHunter ago

look, she's a pretty poor ally if she sings songs and does filmclips that promote the premature sexualisation of our youth. I'm happy for her efforts, but I havent heard her renounce HER CONTRIBUTION to the psychosphere of permissiveness. You cant therefore place her on a pedestal of equal height to advocates and whistleblowers who dont have a legacy of demonic degeneracy

Sackajahweeda ago

Hey the people that are going to know the dregs best are those in the thick of it...I am not here to judge anyone that isnt an abuser...abusers make my gloves come off and they are fair game. I can see how the enticement of fame may enable someone to do some things they may not be proud of. But again they become our eyes and ears on the inside of a very ugly industry so for that i can respect her. Besides we all have skeletons and thats ok so long as it doesnt involve abusing.

migratorypatterns ago

Here's the one that got me:

I want the den mother from hell to confess why another 1 of her girl group girls committed suicide?Tell the public how you mentally broke us

Sackajahweeda ago

Mamasan or decide!

migratorypatterns ago

How about "handler"?

TrishaUK ago

It is too sad :'( Please everyone pray she is protected, we know what happened to Chester Bennington.

mommagonzo ago

Maybe this is the tick tock that Sean Hannity will be talking about on Monday.

argosciv ago




Hail The Apocalypse!

We're going to fucking win!

/me: parties in cosmic ecstasy

Oldno7 ago

Kaya Jones signed with Interscope Records in 2003, then quit in 2005. Now go check out the Interscope records logo.

Banki ago

Artist signed to that label are just a who’s who of illuminati slags

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Ohh, they have a nice little spiral over I

They are all f...... sickos..

Hey_Sunshine ago

Right in plain fucking sight

Joe10jo ago

Remember the Bravo show called Blow Out? Well it's this guy's sister who founded the Pussycat Dolls. Her names Robin Antin. Wonder if she was one of the bad guys. And her brother too??

Dmacleod ago

Jonathan Antin.... they are both disgusting and evil. I knew them years ago.

mooteensy ago

Go on...

1Sorry_SOB ago

She "working on" naming names.

Open your mouth and form the vowels and consonants. Or shut the fuck up.

"I'm going to jump on the bandwagon to get my name out there but don't want any negative consequences from it"

Sackajahweeda ago

I hope that this isnt another one of those...praying ... Please let this not be the victim that doesnt want to blemish her brand or the one that will only tell the story for the right price or to the right director of my lifetime movie. Let this be legit!!

ESOTERICshade ago

Looks like we have an influx of shills 1Sorry Sob. We were expecting you.

formatist ago

Has anyone found pedo symbols in Pussycat Dolls videos yet?

ScannerDarkly ago

I'm confused. Was this person forced to participate or was it willingly for money and fame?

3141592653 ago

If she was 13 when she was signed, by r Kelly no less, she was a child being taken advantage of

Obeastiality ago

She's posted a long tweet chain detailing some of their abuse tactics with drugs and death threats, as well as being ignored by the media when she tried to warn them multiple times. Why not read them

hypercat ago

I think it's the premise that being to to fuck someone or lose your job is what happened there. Which should not happen, unless your job is to fuck people professionally.

MolochHunter ago

well, except: look at the content of pussycat dolls. Their freaking lyrics even have a song, if i recall that specifically talks about men being of no sexual interest or value if they arent loaded with cash

Weinstein type culture is precisely what pussycat dolls aspired to imo

hypercat ago

I think it's more of a production company creating a persona for men to lust over and then they get gullible actresses or singers to fit that. Heck, one doesn't like it? Fire her and hire another. They have not talent, they are hired for looks and to be pieces of candy.

DrPenguin ago

Name names girl!

pby1000 ago

Good! Open the floodgates!

carmencita ago

You go girl Kaya!

independenceday ago

Don't forget she was a member of the PUSSYCAT DOLLS, who were put in prison in Russia, and whom I recall Killary quoting at one point.

Sackajahweeda ago

Omg groooossss you just gave me visuals of HRC singing loosen up my buttons gag!!! Hahaha

MolochHunter ago

lol thats a pretty funny fuck up bless ya

Blacksmith21 ago

That was Pussy Riot.

EricKaliberhall ago

That was Pussy Riot, a militant feminist organization.

independenceday ago

Whoops, my bad.

eyeVoated ago

militant feminist organization

I think you mean musicians. Just curious: how many innocent people have Pussy Riot killed with their mercenary guns?

YogSoggoth ago

You do not know that they were created by Soros I assume. The goal of the band was to fracture Russian society through the youth. That society being non gay, mostly christian, and generally conservative in nature.

EricKaliberhall ago

Hehe, you are right! It was the drunk swede in me speaking. To my defense, these groups are all around me and it's easy to mix them up. I'm from Sweden by the way.

carmencita ago

Keep it coming. Keep talking. Keep truthing it.

pby1000 ago

Their power is slipping away. People are losing their fear.

Psalm144-1 ago

I just saw the "IT" movie and I feel like PennyWise (the killer clown) is the perfect metaphor for the Elite/Cabal/Pedo-Satanists. They FEED off of fear and fear alone. Without it they are powerless. We must keep this movement alive and awaken all the sleepers (sheeple) in our communities. We are winning this battle but the war is far from over! Keep up the great work everyone!!

pby1000 ago

Great analogy!

I saw that movie and thought it was not scary. It was like Stand By Me with clowns.

equineluvr ago

"I just saw the "IT" movie and I feel like PennyWise (the killer clown) is the perfect metaphor for the Elite/Cabal/Pedo-Satanists. They FEED off of fear and fear alone. Without it they are powerless."

Oh yeah?

Try NOT paying your taxes, and you'll learn how "powerless" they are in short order!

No, they are NOT powerless or afraid of a bunch of "goyim" stupid slaves by any stretch.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

What has "not" paying your taxes to do with the fear of outing the pedo Elites??

pby1000 ago

Are you willing to fight them? I have a lot to lose, but I will risk it all. I have ancestors that fought and died in both world wars. Those that survived were scarred for life.

Fuck these people!

I read your posts a lot, and I never downvote you. I hardly downvote anyone.

Oldno7 ago

There’s a lot more go check her Twitter.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Benghazi Stacy - Kaya, it's way past time to start calling out the name of these predators. This is the time to bring their darkness into the light

Kaya - Yes. I’m working on it. There’s more then one name.

Hope some big names are in that pile..

Sackajahweeda ago

What is the hold up on naming names?? I mean if you are broke as a joke then they cant get blood out of a stone in the courts by suing you right? So what is the worst thing they can do send you to heaven or the afterlife of your would be AN ACTUAL MARTYR not the kind they lie to you about in islam. It would be a nobile gesture and you could save countless lives SO START TALKING PEOPLE!!!

Psalm144-1 ago


carmencita ago

I did and the replies are amazing!

EricKaliberhall ago

Pardon my ignorance, but who is Kaya Jones?

TrishaUK ago

She is a member of the Pussycat Dolls one of the most famous girl groups in the 2000s - - Surely SHE would know if Trump were a predator as the MSM are calling him. She would NOT SUPPORT him if he were part of that swamp she knows all about???? This proves to all you naysayers that he is NOT part of the swamp!! I see she is a Christian and a Trump supporter now.
extra: I don't know how reliable this is :- -

JimmyLionstar1 ago

The attacks against President Trump Still after almost a year. Proves that he is NOT part of the Swamp..

Otherwise it would be the dumbest move in history of the Elites Cabal. the attacks on President Trump has awaken more then they would want.. That should tell you something.

carmencita ago

Here is her tweet:

Because I’ll be damned if I’ll sit back & watch them take advantage of the public & other young women again. No reunion on my watch ⌚️ She is a former member of the Pussycat Dolls and here is her Wiki Page

EricKaliberhall ago

Ohh, signed by R Kelly at the age of 13... Thank you @carmencita

carmencita ago

Yes, and remember the big news about R Kelley being accused of keeping girls locked up in his house as sex slaves? They need to bring that up again.

EricKaliberhall ago

I remember reading that he peed on young girls... That's the behavior of a predator and a power freak. Strong woman speaking out, more of that.

derram ago :

KAYA on Twitter: "My truth.I wasn’t in a girl group. I was in a prostitution ring.Oh & we happened to sing & be famous. While everyone who owned us made the $"

This has been an automated message.

ScannerDarkly ago

And she was forced to participate?

Obeastiality ago

She tweeted that she was warned she'd end up dead by her abusers

hypercat ago

In girl bands all members are replaceable, you fuck who they tell you too or they replace you with a newer sluttier model. So, sure, you can decline, and not have a job.

Omnicis ago

on one hand, the executives are definitely guilty in these situations, but the girls are as well.

having sex with people to get ahead in life is not a virtuous way of empowering yourself.

Sackajahweeda ago

You know the road to hell and all that but do by all means tell us what the virtous road is like since you seem to be the only one on it and all....ill wait....

Omnicis ago

I'm not saying theres only one way to do things, but I am saying that having sex with big bosses and CEOs for preferential treatment is disgraceful.

gamepwn ago

I mentioned her in my post! Its all coming out!

sarrah ago

This gave me goose bumps. I do not know this woman but... to be able to bring this all to light and bring the hammer down on these people. This is what needs to happen. I will not judge nor it seems, will others. They have been caught in a horrible trap set by predators. Please gather strength from one another and know we out here support your efforts to bring the predators to justice and clean the industry that needs it so badly. You are all so very brave. females and males alike. thank you!

1Sorry_SOB ago

There has been no bravery yet on her part. We're waiting for it.