ASolo ago

The Skull and Bones pirate origins of the CIA and the Cabal bosses were really showing in that manuveur. But that weakness in shipping the sex slaves stateside for the Bones' Bosses remained a problem for the CIA during the Bosnian war.

Pirates, Pagans, and Witch Hunts - ROBERT SEPEHR Jamaica, the luscious Caribbean island that was then the home to descendants of Spanish and Portuguese Jews who converted to Roman Catholicism and sought a safe haven from the inquisition. Many of the signs of heresy and deemed as witchcraft found in the Inquisition can be related to pagan traditions, and rituals concerning an ancient alchemical relationship to nature. That said, in Roman Catholic countries, the courts insisted on burning witches. In Protestant lands, they were mainly hung. The Basque people are one of the most ancient races living in Europe, having among the highest percentage of population with Rh- negative blood type in the world...

ASolo ago

Billionaire Superyacht Showdown: Who's Who at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival

Modern clipper ships design are an amalgam of history dictated by the competition generated from the Chinese opium struggle as the Portuguese, English and Americans competed, using the decay caused by drug addiction, just like the drug epidemic in America today, to gain a foothold in the Chinese economy.

"the luscious Caribbean island that was then the home to descendants of Spanish and Portuguese Jews who converted to Roman Catholicism and sought a safe haven from the inquisition"

Now why do these rich fucks from MAINE to FLORIDA and the rest of the CARIBBEAN love their boats so much?

ASolo ago


Little Halls Pond Cay

ASolo ago

Brilliant piece, I was wondering when someone was going to get serious about uncovering this stupid pirate franchise that Walt Disney and his 322 buddies there at Yale, the Russell's and the Bush's, who decided to condition the world that pirates were cool, all to hide the fact that they were all old world occultist 'jews' hiding from religious persecution, were ruthless killers and thieves, and were responsible for corrupting entire nations with their guns, drugs and sex trafficking trades that proliferate to this day. Modern clipper ships design are an amalgam of history dictated by the competition generated from the Chinese opium struggle as the Portuguese, English and Americans competed, using the decay caused by drug addiction, just like the drug epidemic in America today, to gain a foothold in the Chinese economy.

However, I would like to point out a very grave and dangerous mistake that most make when describing this issue as purely Jewish. These wanderers throughout history that carry these esoteric secrets, along with some very disgusting practices, have melded themselves within every religion but seem to continually use portions of the Jewish people as sacrificial scapegoats more often throughout history. They are the purveyors of the old Babylonian, Sumerian, Egyptian, ANNUNAKI/NEPHILIM (Lucifer/Satan) sacrificial bloodletting cults of before recorded history. Jesus called them the jews who are not jews. This delineation is critical for they use portions of people as sacrifice, which generates empathy, which helped institute Israel. This same sacrificial principle magick spell is going to be used again to help Israel grow into the world economic and religious center of the world. Antisemitism is on the rise again for this very reason, the jews will be blamed for all the ills of the world and the NWO roman catholic church will be waiting in the wings to clean it all up. The left hand path was created and fostered to scare you into the protective right hand.

new4now ago

Here's something for " Octopus"

Membership of the "Octopus," included highly placed figures in the Reagan and Bush administrations and powerful individuals in the US intelligence community. More disquieting, Casolaro, had evidence that linked both these to senior figures in organised crime. All three operated together, he believed, in perpetrating massive swindles and engaging in widespread political fixits

Tanngrisnir ago

Amfar is also pro-legalization of prostitution. They claim it will reduce HIV transmissions if it legalized, basically the same thing Soros backed groups say. Makes sense that they could be running a sex ring.

ASolo ago

Kaya Jones, from the pussycat dolls, goes on infowars after tweeting that she was prostituted out by the music industry!

"My truth.I wasn’t in a girl group. I was in a prostitution ring.Oh & we happened to sing & be famous. While everyone who owned us made the $"

"Why don’t we report it? Because we are all abused! I personally have been warned if I tell I will ... you know end up dead or no more career"



At the age of 13, Jones was discovered by R. Kelly and signed to his record label for development as an emerging talent. By age 16, she signed with Capitol Records, and in 2003 she auditioned and was selected to the Pussycat Dolls. After being inducted into the girl group, she went under the tutelage of famed music producer Jimmy Iovine. She quit the group in 2005, claiming that it was no longer fun to be in the band. She told Yahoo! Singapore, "When everyone is not on the same page it affects the group so that I think was the worst part and I decided to leave. It was not because I wanted to be solo and I didn't want to be in a group anymore, I left because it stopped being enjoyable, it stopped being fun."


Jones also sang backup for Mick Jagger on the Golden Globe winning song "Old Habits Die Hard" from the soundtrack for the movie Alfie.


Jones was also featured on the 2016 Corey Feldman album Angelic 2 the Core, on the track "4bidden Attraction".


Jones was born in Toronto to a Native American father and a Jamaican mother and is American. She spent the first several years of her life living throughout the Caribbean before moving to the United States and growing up in Las Vegas.


DerivaUK ago

Absolutely outstanding research. Thank you for all you do. I am still working my way through the Dr Sue Arrigo stuff. I first encountered the Bosnian link when reading Yoichi Shimatsu's 10 part Pizzagate essays and your information and that of @swordfish69 is just incredible. Thank you all. I stand in awe at your research skills.

ASolo ago

I watched that, what a strange disgusting bird she is.

Another one that is ubiquitously transparent at every function of this coven.

Tanngrisnir ago

@ASolo @Swordfish69 Fantastic research, ASolo! The progress you and Swordfish69 have made is breathtaking. It is also starting to make more sense why Pinchuk had his birthday in a French hotel Courchevel that was once raided for having a sex ring and why Straus Kahn (who wad brownstoned in France) works for Pinchuk. I looked it up and Hotel du Cap abd L'Apogee Courchevel are both owned by the Oetker company. That might be a worthwhile lead. Richard Oetker also is the CEO of a frozen food company named Dr. Oetker which is well known for their Ristorante frozen pizzas (the best selling ready made pizzas in Italy).

My computer is going to have to go in for repairs (planned obselence at work). Sorry I haven't been posting much for that reason. I'm also horrendous at typing with my phone. Just know that I am keeping up with new developments and really proud of you all!

Cc183 ago

High-priced art is to launder human trafficking money. They have free passage to every major airports without security check when moving "priceless art". This has been discussed here many times.

ASolo ago

Naw you say, well, its hard for me to believe too, that the 'spoils of war' would include some of the most horrid and absolutely shocking stories that emerge from war, yet, through all of the disgusting facts about war I'm sure the fat cats simply sat down and confronted the problem in a decisive and steadfast manner considering everything that they witness is a bastardized consequence of the industrialized consumer nation they were responsible for building in the first place...

So, in this 'modernized' world of today why wouldn't organizations like Frank Giustra's Elpída - Home for Refugees – The Radcliffe Foundation or the Bush Cabal's legacy purveyors the Clintons 'Health Access Initiative' take advantage of spill-off that's simply a naturally occurring resource of their criminal wars.

This article gave me, in nightmarish detail, graphic insight as to how these cold hearted cocksuckers deal with the 'art of war' and there are quite a few details the public is glad to miss:

Secrets of the CIA's Global Sex Slave Industry

"Women are raped in war and often abandon the babies at birth. The CIA helps fund orphanges in the war zones so that it can skim off the kids it wants. The children under 2 usually are too neglected to survive - failure to thrive syndrome.

The cute ones are bought up by the CIA for the cabal bosses and sold as part of the $100,000 a month club.


If they are transported to a place like New York City, the owner can make about US$50 per hour for about 10 hours a day, roughly US$500 a day or $3,000 a week, which is $150,000 a year.

The kid's food costs next to nothing. The owner has to house them. The rent and clothes, etc. are less than $10,000 depending on the location. It is still $140,000 profit per year, or about $300,000 for the expected life span of the child.

The going price for brothel owners to buy a kid on an auction block in New York City and D.C. is between $500 dollars for a sick kid to $50,000 for a choice virgin who is blond and blue eyed and speaks English.

The average price for a kid from a war zone is about US$2,000. Then there is about a $10,000 cost to get into the auction at all.


The economics of a child being sold into sexual slavery are such that it is very lucrative.

A child in the sex slave business has a useful expected lifetime of two years. They fail to thrive in that setting. They die of disease, neglect, abuse and giving up.

The kids are killed if they are seriously hurt, refuse to work, or become too jaded to attract customers. They are almost never freed by their owners because they could talk. It is a dead end occupation usually.

No one takes a child like that to an ER because the sexual abuse might come to light. They are expendable goods that the owners don't expect to last anyway. If they are boys, they might grow up up to be a pimp. Some children run away, but they are often re-captured by other pimps. If they come from another country, they have no papers and poor language skills. If they are picked up by the police, they are detained for months to years and deported, often back to the same war zone.

Some were child soldiers or child spies before being forced into sexual slavery. Even without that, they have disabling Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome intentionally inflicted in them in order to disable them and keep them from being able to run away successfully.


The $100,000-a-month club to ensure one's political success through blackmail.

Rich people like fine wines to show up monthly and this is a variation of that. They are signed up for it almost automatically without any choice in the matter if they attend certain high class estate ceremonies around the world hosted by people like the Rockefellers.

Getting in the door means that you can't get out it again when the ceremony starts unless you are a very good spy. The ceremony will involve the human sacrifice of some person - often a toddler or young virgin.

After that initiation in the fine art of human sacrifice the guest is expected to carry on that tradition of entrapping others just the same way. Failure to do so is associated with death and blackmail threats. Death can be the result of "accidents."

Few people are sophisticated enough to know not to get into one of these traps or how to get out of them. They have families and they cave in to the pressure. It then perpetuates itself. They get a baby a month to ritually kill and entrap all the politicians and police chiefs that might try to stop their rise to fame.

Truthseeker3000 ago

This was taken from that “Gail Allen” webpage which is run by “Dr.”Sue Arrigo who has been debunked so many times on here. Please do not rely on any of her writings. She goes by so many different names but never her own.

ASolo ago

"Do not rely" -who's 'relying' on anything. Do I have my own speculations on the validity of her material? Yes, of course, especially from that remote viewing aspect, but, for me, there's something that rings true about it. However, a healthy amount of skepticism is needed for any of this material. I used the material as a way to foster a point of view, to give people the ability to think outside the box, in ways regular people don't think, in ways these 'shapers of society ' think, wholesale, machiavellian elite politik. There's way too much common sense and vivid detail for elements of her narrative to be fabricated, how, what or who would you have to be to make that up.

I see people declare so emphatically that this or that person or material has been debunked "so many times on here" but are the last to provide the proof that this is so, when this is literally the very place and time for you to provide that proof since this is a forum for just that. How in the world could you provide proof at all anyway that she is wrong, it's a conspiracy theory? Hmmm.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Suit yourself but she claims to be a Presidential Model who was raped and tortured by Obama at the Pentagon and I found her Facebook page and she is an obese 60 yr old woman with glasses and long straggly grey hair. Sorry but I’m not buying the garbage she’s selling. Her own sister was on another page and corresponded to the web owner of a conspiracy forum saying she was so sorry her sister kept doing this and writing this garbage she has severe schizophrenia and does not take her meds. She lives with her mother and doesn’t take care of her or herself. She needs to be hospitalized. Her sister also confirms absolutely no military connections of any kind with her sister. Stay with truthful firsthand stories not fiction.

ASolo ago

Ok. I'll take your word for it.

Truthseeker3000 This user made no submissions. This user has so far shared a total of 0 links, started a total of 0 discussions and submitted a total of 508 comments. (at least you got lots to say)

Truthseeker3000 ago

794 comments and no I don’t submit anything I reply with things I have found to the corresponding threads. Don’t take my word for it but it is you that looks foolish. How do u think I found all that info about her? I researched it all after wasting time reading her entire “true story” where she jumps all over the place and there is no possible way she was there at all those events mentioned and time frames and no way in hell the CIA uses a 60 yr old overweight woman with big glasses and long straggly gray hair as a Presidential Model to extract information from sleeping with dignitaries but, hey, if u want to believe in her fictional garbage go right ahead but u are wasting your time like I did with it.

ASolo ago


Let's get down to some of the details, where an investigator could start to hit pay dirt, namely Yugoslavia, which had many abandoned babies, many of them light skinned.

The CIA founded three major orphanages including one of UNESCO’s. The Rockefellers funded four orphanages. There was overlap at one of them which caused some problems. The CIA "talent scouts" came by a week after Rockefeller’s did and that made the nuns suspicious.

In each case, the nuns were told that the scouts were working for large adoption agencies in the US and the kids were to be quickly processed in a large lot for adoption.

The local orphanages in Yugoslavia were absolutely swamped. There were tons of babies and large numbers of war orphans, the latter mainly the result of US bombs killing their parents. Some had been dug out of the rubble days later. Many of these kids were extremely traumatized already.

That saved the CIA some of the work to traumatize them themselves, if they were going to be made into mind control slaves. Some of the bright ones get training to be heads of puppet govt's later.

The US sends them back in 20-30 years later as the head of a country or as an important minister.

Any time you hear of a US-educated native of a country returning to it to suddenly assume an important position in its new US-friendly govt. think about this mind control slave possibility. It happens much more often then people realize.

The CIA and the cabal bosses have been making mind control slaves out of war orphans by the thousands since WWII.

The CIA has been using children from orphanges since its inception.

Remember that in WW II the UK and US took in Jewish and East bloc refugee children WITHOUT their parents. Their parents were alive the US just didn’t want them.

A woman I know well, who is older than I, ended up training some of the East Bloc orphans picked up by the CIA, not long after the end of WW II. They were trained as child prodigy musicians. Then they were inserted into East Bloc foreign embassies to provide musical and sexual services. They spoke the local language and passed as natives. They themselves did not know otherwise. But they had personalities that went to phone booths and called the CIA to report on the actions of their East Bloc "owners" at the embassies. Most of the kids were uncovered and killed by the KGB as "foreign agents."

The median time they lasted in the field before discovery and death was about two weeks. Some never made it through their first sonata.

The KGB figured out the scam after the first couple of months of it.

The CIA kept on sending in the kids knowing that their operational cover was blown. It did that for another two years just to pretend to its bosses including the Congressional Oversight committee that this was a successful covert operation that justified the CIA’s mind control experiments on children.

I read the reports at the CIA. I was there as a mind control slave for 40 years and I had an interest in the subject in one of my more rebellious personalities.

I never had the heart to tell that woman what actually happened to the kids she helped train as child spies while she was 12. She started training them after the KGB knew about that specific musical ruse at embassies, and after the CIA knew that the KGB knew and was killing them basically on arrival.

I know that is hard to believe. Betrayal of even its own agents is the middle name of the CIA.

The CIA during the Vietnam War sent thousands of South Vietnamese spies into North Vietnam after it knew that this secret route into the North was blown and the men were ending up being tortured and killed.

The US got caught betraying their agents because it refused to pay the promised death benefits to the families. Some of the men who later returned after years of horrendous torture sued the CIA. They won a settlement on it.

I remember reading about it a long time ago in Time or Newsweek Magazine. Talk about betrayal. It is the middle name of most intelligence agencies.

Agencies are not run to protect their country’s citizens but to make big bucks for the overlords.

ASolo ago


Back to the orphanages in Yugoslavia...

Parents want to adopt want 1 kid not 100 at a time. Anytime more than 3 kids move out of an orphanage at a time, a red flag should go up in someone’s mind. The scouts go in and pick out dozens to hundreds at a time.

A CIA scout looking for bright kids might even have them all tested by bringing a psychologist along and say that they are testing the kid’s ability to adapt after the war.

Or they might say that they are studying any number of problems that these kids have, while really they are looking for talent.

Some CIA operatives looking for sex slaves audition kids by having them do blow jobs on local officials on a special outing for the poor orphans. Those kids that are the best at socializing and sucking to stay alive, win a trip to the US. Yes, they do win a trip to the US -- but as sex slaves. They are unlikely to ever take a walk in nature again.

So an investigator should look for who moved kids out of orphanages in batches, who took them on “field trips” or tested them first. Forget about the innocence of foundations.

The UN, the Girl Scouts of America, the Catholic Church etc. can all be used as fronts for despicable deeds by greedy bosses.

Here is an example of the US Sex Slave trade in Bosnia from my first hand experience --

One of the worst scams that I know of in Yugoslavia during the US take-over wars in the 1990’s involved an orphanage in Bosnia near Sarajevo.

I kept looking for a reference on it in Canadian General MacKenzies’s autobiography of his time there as head of the UN Humanitarian effort.

I knew that he knew of the incident because I called him on the phone to report it to him and ask him to intervene.

Yet I could not find one word of it in his biography — that is how whitewashed the world is of these sex abuse scandals involving US politicians.

I had an assignment in Bosnia shortly before MacKenzie got there. The fighting in that region came later. I was assigned to set up an orphanage for the CIA. They wanted this really big facility built, ten to twenty times as large as anyone could believe was needed for that area.

My job was just to arrange to buy the land for the building of this big new “Catholic School” for children. The problem was that there were no schoolrooms in the plan, just endless dormitories.

The CIA wanted 10 acres of dormitories for kids. It looked more like a concentration camp for kids. And they wanted it built next to the train line. That train line to the coast was about the only thing in Sarevjo that did not get hit by bombs and artillery and continued working.

Regular people could not get out of the war zone. MacKenzie’s book shows that very plainly. Planes flew in supplies but the UN did not protect anyone or get anyone out. Those kids were not going to parents and to safety; they were going to sexual humiliation, torment, and eventually their deaths.


The CIA sent out someone else the next month. That person was not a remote viewer and did not know what would happen to kids if they got there. He bought 14 acres of land, and the CIA built its concentration camp for orphans, complete with barbed wire and control towers with armed guards carrying machine guns. An investigator could check this.

All that happened before a single shot was fired to start that war in Bosnia. MacKenzie notes in his autobiography that when he arrived in Yugoslavia to help protect Croats, he was forced by the UN to open his office in Bosnia hundreds of miles away where nothing was happening - YET.

It was already planned back at the CIA. The CIA had already bought the land to house the children that they planned to sell into sexual slavery.

Remember that each child that gets sold into sexual slavery makes about $700 for the bosses if sold at auction, about $300,000 over its 2-year lifespan if the boss houses it in a brothel in the US, and millions of dollar if it can be raised in the US and turned into a “presidential model” or a “puppet government model” -- if it is male. And all the training, transport, etc. is paid for by the US taxpayer to torture these children into compliance.

Oh, yes, and don’t forget the $100,000 for the babies in the $100,000 a month ritual sacrifice category.

Knowing all that, I think that you can envision what that 14 acres looked like. It looked like Auschwitz.

Row after row of barracks for housing children and an small army of childcare workers.

Now I am exaggerating slightly here, because there was a playground and even a baseball diamond included.

It was built to house 5,000 children, but at the peak of its use per CIA records I saw at Langley it had 12,000 children. The CIA was interested not in having the children there but in moving them.

The CIA did research studies to see why it took an average of 2 months to move any given child out of there. It wanted them sorted and transported faster than that. The bottleneck was in shipping them by boat out of the war zone.

The ships were privately owned by front companies in order to give plausible deniability. The private companies did not want to dock that close to the fighting.

The CIA tried to solve the problem by helping them get cheap insurance that covered wartime loses (i.e. taxpayers subsidized the shipping of the sex slaves for the bosses).

That helped some but crews for those ships were reluctant to sign on once they knew its true destination.

The CIA helped the private bosses shanghai some crews -- by kidnapping and enslaving mariners.

The Skull and Bones pirate origins of the CIA and the Cabal bosses were really showing in that manuveur. But that weakness in shipping the sex slaves stateside for the Bones' Bosses remained a problem for the CIA during the Bosnian war.

How many children were shipped out of Yugoslavia to be enslaved during the course of the war?

The CIA put the number at over a million over the period of the Yugoslavian wars (1992-1999). That includes other pick-up centers than this one. Even if one only made $1000 on the average per kid, that is a billion dollar business.

Now you see why the CIA took the trouble of building that concentration camp for kids. They built it before the war started because it is harder to build anything once the shooting starts. So it stood empty during the first 6 months of its existence because the CIA was having trouble igniting the war in Bosnia.

alley401 ago

A solo has got some insight. This OP ain't fuckin around. What better way to transport live product with no customs check. Abandoned children are a natural by product of war and what better way to exploit them than by the mechanisms meant to help. That's the little cherry on top for the sickos who run it all. What happens to the product that doesn't produce anymore, is not up to needed standards or is past it's expiration date? The only place having a coherent answer to such a macabre question is a follow up article to one mentioned by A solo. Not for the faint of heart but the article is linked to the scientific journals and explains the weird occult symbolism of the companies themselves. What if these cast away children could be turned into the most valuable substance in the world? Do you think these freaks would do it?

swordfish69 ago

Amazing post. We need everyone to know what exactly amfar is, because it's not what people think. Phoneposting but here are some leads to look into. Working on it:

  • Why did ANTIAIDS Ukraine Run a medic Battalion in Donetsk?
  • What are the foundation links between Hollywood, London, Cannes, Swiss Alps, Vienna and Kyiv?
  • Why are the Rothschilds and Habsburgs so closely involved in amFar?
  • why do they host their galas at Cipriani Wall Street?
  • what is the link between Hollywood, AIDS and biowarfare?
  • What is the organized crime group known as the 'Octopus'?
  • What is the importance of Venice to AIDS NGOs?
  • What contemporary art galleries/patrons were closely involved in the AIDS outbreak response during the 1980s (look into Chicago and SF)?
  • Which dead celebrities were involved in Anti-aids NGOs (ie Freddie Mercury, George Michael, Princess Diana, Chris Cornell) -What the hell is the 'Queer Mafia' it amFAR?

ASolo ago

Why did ANTIAIDS Ukraine Run a medic Battalion in Donetsk? I thought I'd simply google this whole sentence even though I knew I wouldn't get the answer we were thinking, however the search did yield some interesting results: A name we are going to see alot in this particular aspect of the investigation I'm sure: Elton John

The glamorous woman behind Sir Elton John's bid to adopt a Ukrainian child is a billionaire's wife whose father led the country when it was seen as one of the most corrupt in Europe.

Despite millions of her compatriots living in poverty, 38-year-old Elena Franchuk last year paid £80million to buy what was then London's most expensive house.

A friend of Sir Elton for several years, she is known in Ukraine for her charitable work, particularly her AntiAIDS Foundation which operates in co-operation with the singer's charity and also with ex-U.S. President Bill Clinton's initiative.

It was at her invitation that the singer - who shares with her an interest in modern art --appeared at the orphanage in Makeyevka where 14-month-old Lev 'stole his heart'.

Sir Elton John BARRED from adopting little Lev... he's too old and gay weddings don't count, says Ukrainian minister 14 September 2009


Elena Franchuk

Elton John



new4now ago

the shadowy Hollywood cabal he believes did him in. He calls it the Gay Mafia, though several of its ‘members’ aren’t gay, and much of what he says about these men is nasty and unprintable. In Ovitz’s eyes the cabal’s demagogic leader . . . is [David] Geffen,

ASolo ago

Very interesting article.


"That there’s a powerful homosexual clique in the entertainment industry is no secret. Perhaps the most infamous “outing” of Hollywood’s Gay Mafia was that by former Hollywood powerhouse Michael Ovitz, “the man who once was king.” In 2002, in a series of interviews with Vanity Fair magazine’s Bryan Burrough, Ovitz blamed his downfall on the vicious backstabbing by Hollywood’s Gay Mafia.

Note: Ovitz is a Hollywood talent agent who co-founded Creative Artists Agency (CAA) in 1975 and served as its chairman until 1995, after which he briefly was president of the Walt Disney Company from October 1995 to January 1997.

According to Burrough, a “driving factor” in Ovitz’s decision to do the Vanity Fair interviews was his “burning need to name names, to throw light on the shadowy Hollywood cabal he believes did him in. He calls it the Gay Mafia, though several of its ‘members’ aren’t gay, and much of what he says about these men is nasty and unprintable. In Ovitz’s eyes the cabal’s demagogic leader . . . is [David] Geffen, laying waste to all Ovitz held dear, spreading rumors about his family, at the same time he was poisoning the business deals that would have saved AMG [Artists Management Group]—all things Geffen denies.” Geffen’s partners in crime, Ovitz alleges, include former Disney C.E.O. Michael Eisner, the New York Times, and Ovitz’s onetime protégés at the Creative Artists Agency, Bryan Lourd, Kevin Huvane, and Richard Lovett."

new4now ago

found another good article on the Gay/velvet/mafia or lavender mob

ASolo ago

I think it is very important to delineate and examine the relationship homosexuality has in our society. The issues encompassing it are so vastly complex that any discussion of it quickly descends into a quagmire of differing opinion. We have to make clear that there are certain subsets and types of homosexual, that along with a clear view of history and those certain types of homosexuals role in it.

History has shown us, for example, that the Greeks and Romans used homosexuality as a top down military subjective and training tool whose loyalty lay in no ones hands but each other, because they were all in lust with each other. Hitler too, did the same with the Hitler Youth battalion's as well. It wasn't just Ernst Röhm that was buggering boys, they all were, it was part of their occult religion, but they also used that and large amounts of METH called Pervatin that made for great psychos on the field, and for infiltration (George Bush Sr.)

I think it's important to try and understand that healthy homosexual relationships can exist, but, it can also be a warning sign for a declining civilization and takeover as it has been shown that the babylonian system of licentiousness holds no alliance to anything humans consider 'moral'. I think we have to recognize that homosexuality can breed a type of narcissistic and vain mental illness that nothing stands in their way for sociopathic power. However, there are so many dynamics surrounding it who could ever unravel who is who, which has allowed them to move along so swiftly and cooly through the gay rights agenda.

The best two resources ive found trying to understand this conundrum is The Pink Swastika and Kay Griggs

ASolo ago

The Skull and Bones pirate and origins of the CIA (George Bush Sr

Pirates, Pagans, and Witch Hunts - ROBERT SEPEHR Jamaica, the luscious Caribbean island that was then the home to descendants of Spanish and Portuguese Jews who converted to Roman Catholicism and sought a safe haven from the inquisition. Many of the signs of heresy and deemed as witchcraft found in the Inquisition can be related to pagan traditions and ritual.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Because you referenced the "Hollywood Coven" - I thought it was appropriate to tie this back to something Larry Nichols mentioned in one of his interviews:

“I know about once a month Hillary would go out to Los Angeles. And she did it so regular that it became a bit of an issue trying to.. ‘Why’s she always going?’”

“Bill told me that she was going out there, she and a group of women, and she would be a part of a witch’s church. Man, when Bill told me that, she could have hit me with a baseball bat. I tried to point out to him, ‘Do you realize what would happen if that got out?’ Of course my job was to make sure it didn’t get out.”

“Now I don’t know the day, if Hillary still partakes in the witch ritual, I don’t know that I even know what the ritual was. But for the better part of many years, Hillary would go quite often, whether it was regularly once a month, or maybe once every couple of months, she would go out on the weekend simply to be a part of it.”

  • Nichols served as marketing director for the Arkansas Development Finance Authority in 1988 while Bill Clinton was governor.

Important to note that Hollywood is a scant 6 miles away from LA.

Of course, no actual evidence offered, so this is all circumstance and hearsay - but the recent events bubbling up, and Hillary's/Bill's close relationship to Weinstein. Which included a neighboring vacation home rental and a little theater for screening movies together... hmmmm... I wonder if Tony Podesta inspired that decision?

"According to a 2015 New York Times report, the Clintons summered in the house for two Augusts in 2011 and 2012. For the summer of 2013, they chose a more “modest” rental, priced at $100,000 a month, in the “lower-key town” of Amagansett. Even still, that Amagansett house was next door to the summer home of the not-very-modest powerhouse film mogul Harvey Weinstein."

"The only problem with weighing the pros and cons of a summer vacation for so many months? The cliffside estate in Amagansett, next door to Harvey Weinstein’s beach house, that the Clintons loved staying in last August was already booked."

Not to mention, his vast $2 million plus donations to the Democratic party over the years:

Thanks mainstream media! Your older articles are acting as perfect bread crumb trails for us to illustrate the crime syndicate that holds the very same puppet strings which make you dance every day.

derram ago :

GQ Names José Andrés, James Alefantis Among Most Powerful People in Washington - Eater DC :

Tumult After AIDS Fund-Raiser Supports Harvey Weinstein Production - The New York Times | :

Harvey Weinstein: ILLUMINATi-Zionists Hollywood "CASTING COUCH" Exposed!! - YouTube | :

Harvey Weinstein: ILLUMINATi-Zionists Hollywood "CASTING COUCH" Exposed!! - YouTube :

The sex scandal that wouldn't lie down | The Independent :

Koons sculpture raises 12 million euros at Cannes AIDS auction | Reuters

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Gothamgirl ago

It's got to be Hollywood and kids on the back end of Comet Ping Pongs Server. An actor was even hired to shoot the hard drive. Think about it. These guys are the true hackers, pay attention to it all.

ASolo ago

Not to mention the lynch pin in all of these organizations is their ability to transfer ANY "artwork" perishable or not, CUSTOMS FREE.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Thia is a great post and comment. They control the harbors and airports, and abuse the law under the color of law.

Art in Embassies began with SC Jobnson based in Racine, Wisconsin where they also built the models for Sustainability, Community Policing and other parts of the real Agenda 2030 that lead to global ensalvement in conjunction with many other foundations, mafia ties, corrupt religions, and secret societies that all lead back from Johnsons (Racine) to Rockefellers to Rothschilds.

The "Root" of the entire system is in Racine, Wisconsin.