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swordfish69 ago

Amazing post. We need everyone to know what exactly amfar is, because it's not what people think. Phoneposting but here are some leads to look into. Working on it:

  • Why did ANTIAIDS Ukraine Run a medic Battalion in Donetsk?
  • What are the foundation links between Hollywood, London, Cannes, Swiss Alps, Vienna and Kyiv?
  • Why are the Rothschilds and Habsburgs so closely involved in amFar?
  • why do they host their galas at Cipriani Wall Street?
  • what is the link between Hollywood, AIDS and biowarfare?
  • What is the organized crime group known as the 'Octopus'?
  • What is the importance of Venice to AIDS NGOs?
  • What contemporary art galleries/patrons were closely involved in the AIDS outbreak response during the 1980s (look into Chicago and SF)?
  • Which dead celebrities were involved in Anti-aids NGOs (ie Freddie Mercury, George Michael, Princess Diana, Chris Cornell) -What the hell is the 'Queer Mafia' it amFAR?

new4now ago

the shadowy Hollywood cabal he believes did him in. He calls it the Gay Mafia, though several of its ‘members’ aren’t gay, and much of what he says about these men is nasty and unprintable. In Ovitz’s eyes the cabal’s demagogic leader . . . is [David] Geffen,

ASolo ago

Very interesting article.


"That there’s a powerful homosexual clique in the entertainment industry is no secret. Perhaps the most infamous “outing” of Hollywood’s Gay Mafia was that by former Hollywood powerhouse Michael Ovitz, “the man who once was king.” In 2002, in a series of interviews with Vanity Fair magazine’s Bryan Burrough, Ovitz blamed his downfall on the vicious backstabbing by Hollywood’s Gay Mafia.

Note: Ovitz is a Hollywood talent agent who co-founded Creative Artists Agency (CAA) in 1975 and served as its chairman until 1995, after which he briefly was president of the Walt Disney Company from October 1995 to January 1997.

According to Burrough, a “driving factor” in Ovitz’s decision to do the Vanity Fair interviews was his “burning need to name names, to throw light on the shadowy Hollywood cabal he believes did him in. He calls it the Gay Mafia, though several of its ‘members’ aren’t gay, and much of what he says about these men is nasty and unprintable. In Ovitz’s eyes the cabal’s demagogic leader . . . is [David] Geffen, laying waste to all Ovitz held dear, spreading rumors about his family, at the same time he was poisoning the business deals that would have saved AMG [Artists Management Group]—all things Geffen denies.” Geffen’s partners in crime, Ovitz alleges, include former Disney C.E.O. Michael Eisner, the New York Times, and Ovitz’s onetime protégés at the Creative Artists Agency, Bryan Lourd, Kevin Huvane, and Richard Lovett."

new4now ago

found another good article on the Gay/velvet/mafia or lavender mob

ASolo ago

I think it is very important to delineate and examine the relationship homosexuality has in our society. The issues encompassing it are so vastly complex that any discussion of it quickly descends into a quagmire of differing opinion. We have to make clear that there are certain subsets and types of homosexual, that along with a clear view of history and those certain types of homosexuals role in it.

History has shown us, for example, that the Greeks and Romans used homosexuality as a top down military subjective and training tool whose loyalty lay in no ones hands but each other, because they were all in lust with each other. Hitler too, did the same with the Hitler Youth battalion's as well. It wasn't just Ernst Röhm that was buggering boys, they all were, it was part of their occult religion, but they also used that and large amounts of METH called Pervatin that made for great psychos on the field, and for infiltration (George Bush Sr.)

I think it's important to try and understand that healthy homosexual relationships can exist, but, it can also be a warning sign for a declining civilization and takeover as it has been shown that the babylonian system of licentiousness holds no alliance to anything humans consider 'moral'. I think we have to recognize that homosexuality can breed a type of narcissistic and vain mental illness that nothing stands in their way for sociopathic power. However, there are so many dynamics surrounding it who could ever unravel who is who, which has allowed them to move along so swiftly and cooly through the gay rights agenda.

The best two resources ive found trying to understand this conundrum is The Pink Swastika and Kay Griggs

ASolo ago

The Skull and Bones pirate and origins of the CIA (George Bush Sr

Pirates, Pagans, and Witch Hunts - ROBERT SEPEHR Jamaica, the luscious Caribbean island that was then the home to descendants of Spanish and Portuguese Jews who converted to Roman Catholicism and sought a safe haven from the inquisition. Many of the signs of heresy and deemed as witchcraft found in the Inquisition can be related to pagan traditions and ritual.