HighLevelInsider ago

Why should an organization like this be granted tax exempt status when all they do is party, traffic women, rape, get drunk and have oral sex in front of one another?

The State of Indiana couldn't figure that out, either. On the other hand, the Feds didn't put up much of a fuss.

LostandFound ago


izze ago

just a shot in the dark, do you think this group may be related to the list of Joseph's that was found related to the Invisible Bistro, previously discussed here. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2002261 and https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1996070 maybe its an obscure way to circulate a list of members.

pbvrocks ago

Perhaps some of you fine folks can help these Jesters get re-connected to there chapters ;-)


alphabravo ago

Their tax returns should be publicly available, so we can see how much they're spending on what.

Snailracer ago

Shriners deserve to be tax exempt don't they? I'd think most of this money goes to marching in local parades.

HighLevelInsider ago

I've seen several tax returns, and most of the money goes to "entertainment" or "conferences," which really means liquor and hookers.

Piscina ago

Marching in local parades?? I'd say it goes to trafficking of women so that these Shriners can stick bottles up them (which is what was done at one 'party'); exploit and abuse them not behind closed doors, but as a form of entertainment for ALL of them; and generally debauch themselves at taxpayers' expense.

alphabravo ago

The "Shriners" Used 71% of Charitable Donations, Approx $21.7 Million for Members Entertainment (1985)

http://rense.com/general71/shriners.htm / http://archive.is/cptIk

duhiki ago

Found a dentist in Nebraska as a chapter head. https://imgoat.com/uploads/7177163c83/43539.png

Bonus, his office is a rock's chuck away from the state border (well, two streets over). https://imgoat.com/uploads/7177163c83/43541.png I also want to point out that a lot of those chapters were formed in Dec, 1941, and the majority of the rest in the 70's.

LostandFound ago

Do you recall there was a series of posts a few months back with everyone looking into lists of businesses including quite a lot of dentists. It all came from one unusual business registration for a chain .... I am struggling here can anyone recall I would be interested in x-referencing these.

Plo_Koon ago

Invisible Bistro is what you are referring to.

Edit: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1996070

LostandFound ago

You! Thank you that was itching at my brain for ages.

pbvrocks ago


Piscina ago

Yes, the dental practice in Alaska. Also, dentist chairs seem to be favoured by the pedos. Epstein's home was found to have a dentist chair.

LostandFound ago

Until not too long ago dentists were also anesthetists, meaning they had full access to the broad spectrum of drugs for keeping people under. The first 'surgical' anesthetics were invented by dentists. I imagine in these circles this is a very useful skillset.

Can you recall the name of that place in Alaska I know that I have notes here somewhere on that dig I literally cant even remember what I am search for though.

Vindicator ago

Nice contribution Piscina!

pby1000 ago

Look at the IRS headquarters building. They won't do shit. Where do you think your tax money goes?


EDIT: Keep pushing, though. I don't mean to be negative. I just reread my post...

carmencita ago

Let's keep posting about these societies every day. Over and Over. We need to expose them. They have been hiding long enough. Upvoat4U.

pby1000 ago

I agree. They are secret societies because they do not want to be exposed. Even if they claim to be a society with secrets, we need to expose their secrets.

carmencita ago

They are keeping their societies secret, but yet worse, they are keeping secret what they have been planning for decades. To enslave the globe and to bite us with the Mark of the Beast. Yes, We owe them nothing.

Amino69 ago

In fact they've been quite open about it since 'The Protocols of Zion' surfaced. There are also numerous other examples of their intentions for us gentiles.

carmencita ago

None of them are good.

Amino69 ago

Are you referring to the Cabalists, Jews in general or the articles of evidence?

carmencita ago

Any Free Mason Societies. They are all in on Global Enslavement. That is where we are headed if we do not stop them. You can read the comments of @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

Amino69 ago

I agree entirely.

carmencita ago

Good. Other than someone coming up with a real plan all we can do right now is to constantly every day keep posting about them and never let up.

pby1000 ago

Yep, I agree. It is falling apart for them. I just hope it is not too late for us.

carmencita ago

I think we must step up our posting and research on the meaty aspect of our case which are the Societies. We must push and have articles and information ready to share with those that are coming here to see what we really are about. Our articles and posts must be about those that wish to turn our country and the world upside down.

pby1000 ago

Well, the Freemasons are a great place to start. Most of the people in power in the US are associated with that group in one way or another. I believe that Comey is, and the politicians that were questioning Comey during the hearings. They will protect each other, so we need to remove them from power.

carmencita ago

Bill Clinton is a member of the International deMolay Order https://demolay.org/ There is also a Racine Chapter http://www.nonprofitfacts.com/WI/Demolay-International-50024-Racine-Chapter.html There many recognizable names on their list. Mel Blanc, Astronauts and I believe Walt Disney.

pby1000 ago

I am not surprised. Is Jeffrey Epstein there?

carmencita ago

I will check. I am also working on the post about the Chip Implant program backed by the Masons now. Not my post, but I am really behind pushing this forward too. I am going to check that list again.

pby1000 ago

I saw something about that. It is probably so they can find our children easier.

carmencita ago

Yes and it will be mandatory. @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt has been talking about the Mark of the Beast. It will be forced in Amazon and Fox Conn. Then others will demand as well or you will be fired, imo. Now, Epstein is not a member DeMolay but these are and were. You should see if you recognize any others. Gary Collins, Walt Disney, Harmon Killebrew, Pete Rose, John Cameron Swayze (remember his son?) John Wayne Fran Tarkenton Tom Osborne (Sports) Col. Frank Borman (Astronaut) Mel Blanc William J. Clinton Vance Brand (Astronaut) Paul Harvey (Radio) Burl Ives John Steinbeck Buddy Ebsen Larry D. Wilcox (Actor) Edgar D. Mitchell (Astronaut) OK, Those are the ones I recognized. There are many more and you can click on their picture for their BIO. Wow. The biggest ones are Clinton and Disney, imo but I noticed there are a few Astronauts too. Maybe this does prove the whole Space Prog. Is Bogus. Who knows.

alphabravo ago

Nice angle Piscina, and wow, I didn't realize they were still tax exempt?! The articles I've been researching mentioned plenty of outcry about their exempt status, and maybe I wrongly assumed it had been revoked.

It's absolutely scandalous if true. Thanks for the great list, I'll post it over at the thread from yesterday - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2125555

We're listing all the members by state and lodges, so this list you've found will really help. Appreciate it, and here's wishing you a successful research thread here. Upvoat ^