Jem777 ago

That video indoctrinating young children to mock Jesus & the crucifiction is heartbreaking. People are going to be shocked

dmtMelatonin ago

Israelis: What do you think of Jesus, Mary and Christianity?

dmtMelatonin ago

I'm pissed off my post was deleted.

10452248? ago

it's never explained how it's possible that one "race" is genetically predisposed as a whole to this sort of behavior. what's the scientific hypothesis for that?

LongDongKeyhote ago

Lmao. Would you say black people are on averAge more or less violent than whites? Whites more than asians? Its called TESTOSTERONE AND INTELLIGENCE

dmtMelatonin ago

Druze is ethnic Judaism based on The Philosopher Kings (including Plato/Aristotle) beginning with Akhenaten as Moses.

wontsleepcantsleep ago

You have got to be kidding me. Of course Torah Jews are in Israel, Druze make up some of the highest positions of the Israeli Court System.

wontsleepcantsleep ago


darkknight111 ago

Is there anything involving O+ blood?

wontsleepcantsleep ago

Another time but it doesn't matter. I can be an asshole too sometimes.

wontsleepcantsleep ago

The reason I am obsessed with Pax6 is because it ties into neurogenesis, memory, vision and thus inner vision also.

wontsleepcantsleep ago

I don't like violence.

Verbal ranting is ok.

wontsleepcantsleep ago

The video you posted of the TV clip.

wontsleepcantsleep ago

@ESOTERICshade The Mongolian spot was an excellent research tool someone pointed me to for tracing the Asiatic blood through finland, again related to the pax.

wontsleepcantsleep ago

Do you see how a made up story about someone has caused so much harm in the world?

I would like to remedy that through reason and bouts of complete irrationality, which lead to unearthly crypts.

Jem777 ago

The Nephelim are in listed in the book of Enoch they are the Result of the fallen angels with Lucifer mating with the Gods creation. They were the giants and were involved in horticulture unspeakable acts.

The story of David and Goliath is representative of Gods creation in the little shepherd boy David taking out Lucifer's creation through his fallen angels Goliath.

The Old Testament is this story of God's intervention over and over for his children. Noah was an attempt to rid the earth of this evil but that did not happen. The bloodline survived.

The New Testament is the new covenant made when God sent his son.

wontsleepcantsleep ago

You were very rude to me and I still am trying to help you because I think I might be able to.

wontsleepcantsleep ago

Well because I care about people.

CantSleepWontSleep ago

Yes you are speaking to one.

LongDongKeyhote ago

The fuck are you blathering about, some of the worst Jews are ATHEISTS. Torah or Talmudic LOL

The idea that jews are scagegoats is completely outrageous. As is your failure to see the irony in your slandering an entire population as cutthroats and pedophiles, because they're Turks (or anything but Jews).

CantSleepWontSleep ago

I'm going to post this in a separate thread for us to discuss.

CantSleepWontSleep ago

What you are terming as Nephilim, might better be termed ancient bloodlines from fallen civilizations. I read you making the comparison to Cain meaning "low". Well interestingly, if you look at Butterfly Mountain in Sri Lanka - Adam's Foot, you find it is a myth tied to both Shiva/Adam/Buddha and another I am forgetting. Thus, having descended from Adam's Foot Peak... They would be "lowered" - thus we find

In Sanskrit, “Cain” is Gan or Khan, a term identifying the ancient Gandahars of Afghanistan. Gandahar means “Cainite descendants of Adam.

Jem777 ago

Here you go. We were part of this months ago. CARIS is actually a registry that tracks these children.

@jangles @dressage2 @carmecita

Jem777 ago

@ESOTERICshade And here is the original post on the CARIS registry that was deleted repeatedly.

@jangels @dressage2

CantSleepWontSleep ago

Prior to this though, we find the serpent of evil to be entitled Apep, slayed by Ra.

As well as this, we find Apollo destroying a serpent guarding the temple/oracle.

CantSleepWontSleep ago

I find that video to be in extremely poor taste (I didn't watch it) however, The Knights Templar would spit on the cross, not as a mockery of Jesus but rather as a mockery of the falsehood of the Crucifixion. It was really Jacques De Molay who was crucified in a doorway, by the church, before being burned at the stake... Hence why The Turn Shroud has AB- blood, relating to our earlier estimation this bloodtype was created via Cleopatra and Caesar.

Jem777 ago

@ESOTERICshade I am sure you know this but just in case certain blood types are linked to coloboma as seen in Madeline McCann, George Soros, Bush, Royals, others in power, and the children in Alefantis Instagram such as CARIS James.

@jangles @dressage2 @carmecita

CantSleepWontSleep ago

I have been trying to find an article for you relating to albinism in The Chinese/Caucasian population and indicated through the pax... I was sure I saved it. When I find it, I will share it, I believe it will have a substantial impact upon your research.

CantSleepWontSleep ago

Lorenzo Monaco, The Three Marys at the Tomb

Now we also know Orion's Belt is referred to as The Three Marys.

CantSleepWontSleep ago

However we trace Romani to France, hence where we find St Sarah otherwise known as Sarah-La-Kali the patron saint of Gypsies, still worshiped in ceremony.

CantSleepWontSleep ago

Romani originates with the move of the grail from Egypt to France.

Hence why we also find the poem by William Blake speculating Joseph was with the lamb walking on green bucolic scenes of England.

Jem777 ago

Glad to have posted this it sure brought out everyone's true character and intention. @ESOTERICshade you are exactly correct on this above. These are Satanists hiding as Jews in fact what if you found out the Talmud was actually only an oral teaching of mystic/magic practiced in the region we are discussing until the forced fake conversion when they wrote the Talmud. Most people do not know about Torah Jews and that they are not Talmudic....hiding in plain sight is their specialty always has been

Getting rid of authentic Christianity and sullied the name of Jesus is their game along with and same

CantSleepWontSleep ago

The Jesuits who follow the grail line? Maybe they don't want people caught in a trap created by a church who sought to terrify them into subservience.?

Solution2This ago

Oh my gosh lol you don't believe that do you?

Solution2This ago

Interesting Korean Poster relating B blood The Garden Of Eden.

Solution2This ago

As you have seen before...

If we speculate Atlantis to be sunken somewhere in the Atlantic, we observe the migration from Coastal Morocco (Berbers) through to The Basques region... It is mainly devoid of B- blood group. Someone told me also to look into The Sky Turks in relation to this bloodgroup.

Solution2This ago

The O blood group we trace to Latin America, home of Machu Picchu Interestingly, we find the neighbor of Argentina, Antarctica, hosting a base with the same name Machu Picchu, not far from the half moon deception.

So if we take a map we find


Solution2This ago

The Ashkenazi lineage is from MU off the coast of Japan, migrating through India, Nepal, China, Mongolia - Russia-Hungary-France.

It's B blood which is Asiatic. B- Is Hebrew, we trace this in Ramasses / The Cherokee tribe.

Notable carriers of related physical features Alexander The Great Epicanthal Fold/ Heterochromia Iridium Cleopatra Epicanthal Fold / Red Hair Ceasarion (Jesus) Grey Eyes

We find Jacques De Molay with AB- Blood, suggesting Caesar of A- thus, the significance of the birth of Caesarion being, the combination of two regal lines. B- + A-

Asiatic and European.

B blood group is considered nomadic

Commoner ago

" It takes so damn long to study this stuff because good sources are hard to identify among the sea of intentionally false bullshit. Also some authors that are well meaning and intended to get to the root of the truth may accidentally misinterpret a few things or be using faulty research themselves."


Jem777 ago

I agree that a good sign is what has been hidden unfortunately or whoever has been suicide for sharing it. If it was a fallacy or not dangerous in exposing truth the researchers such as Mullins would not be dead.

If you study the story of Cain and Able then study Esau and Jacob it can help.

Benjamin Franklin was correct. What people miss is the first part that they were never Jews. They hid amongst Jews they actually became Jesuits...that is another part. It all refers to the demonology of history.

Solution2This ago

@EsotericShade "Contrary to the view of many historians and scholars, it is the position of Dr. Larry S. Milner, MD, JD, MLS, that the primary source for the Eastern influence in ancient Greece was from the early Jews, rather than the Phoenician or Egyptian cultures."

LongDongKeyhote ago

WTF nonsensical bloviating is this. They are exactly what they claim al Qaeda to be: small connected subgroup capable of mass slaughter. But you people believe al Qaeda was CIA front top to bottom: as a brainwashed, complacent white you cant even contemplate that an ethnoreligious minority will set bombs and enslave children to survive AS A GROUP.

Jews not only think they deserve to survive, but thrive oppressing others. I know they think so not because the Talmud says so, but because people like KUSHNER'S RABBI openly say so in published writings.

Jem777 ago

Not sure. Believe there are actually genetic Jews (if the 12 tribes)in the land of Israel. As you know Esau's brother Jacob was given then name Israel by God. Jerusalem and Israel is very important and will become more so with each passing day.

@jangles @dressage2

LongDongKeyhote ago

Fuck off, youre either running cover or find it not a sexy enough conclusion to youe gay little unicorn-ride-thru-history conspiracy.

Also, youre scared to admit youre a feminized man who would recoil at even deporting jews as so many had before "democracy" and mass media neutered oue survival instinct. Determining the culprits would mean actually doing something and the end of your little history project you read on saturdays, shit would be real.

darkknight111 ago

The bell tolls for you.

How's it like shilling from that shitty Mac of yours. We know what you have on it too.

We know what you truly are and it explains everything about you. Why you treat women as their not even human, why you believe rape is acceptable, why you hate jews, etc.

LongDongKeyhote ago

LOL! BLUFF FAIL even online you can't play tough! In fact you sound like a hysterical bitch to me.

HMMM cries Rape, Jews, Nazis, misogynist, claims to be part of a movement, and contributes no research of any substance...and you seem to have one sacred cow only, whereas I have tons of posts about gentiles. youre basically antifa LOL

So nice try but who's the shill, the guy who VOLUNTARILY NAMES HIS ALTS THR SAME or the guy saying "don't listen to him. He's a Nazi" you fucking halfwit. LMAO!

DonKeyhote ago

I asked you a question: why the interest in absolving Jews in particular?What is this white american fetish, are you mike cuckabee

Caring405 ago

Jews caught using (6 million killed) many times.... very disturbing.

DonKeyhote ago


"Instead, he learned the black arts of Babylonian Talmudism and practiced the secret occult rites of Satanic demonology to gain more power, wealth and status."

LMAO!! So he hired a Talmudic tutor off craigslist and practiced diligently at the "dark arts" until he could conquer any Muggle city. Jesus, how fucking dense must one be to not appreciate how desperate hoaxes like Khazar theory reveals you to be? Why do have such a boner for Jews? Quickly, how many bullets would you take for a jew before shielding your own wife

Jem777 ago

Yes the Nephelim in the book of Enoch. Cain has the same father and that is the bloodline I have alluded to.

DonKeyhote ago

Ridiculous. I cant help but notice how eager people are to scapegoat a DIFFERENT ethnic group to defend the Jews. You were better off crying that no ethnic group is ever guilty, only individuals, dumbass.

people who wouldnt dedicate 2 minutes to checking if, say, Muhammad was really a pedo, are willing to read all this bullshit.

Somehow i am willing to bet its mostly white people who would believe such stupid illogical bullshit in their eagerness to exonerate jews. Fucking disgusting.

Jem777 ago

This is excellent further explanation @ESOTERICshade. You and I spoke of the cannanites a few days ago and that is exactly where I was trying to direct the research with this post. As you have stated these are the sons (bloodline) of Cain then later Esau. For those asking questions about bloodlines and types as well study this history it will open up the truth to you.

The correct truth is that the Khazar khanates descended from Cain and the edomites from Esau.

The stories of Cain and his brother Able then later Jacob and his brother Esau will give you insight into what is currently happening.

@jangles @dressage2

Dressage2 ago

This is excellent! I have read parts of this type of info, but never such a full, in depth article such as this. You know this is fabulous because you have brought all our resident shills out to post.. Bravo!

DonKeyhote ago

You admitted im no shill. So you were PRETENDING to have some honor then. Now ill just have to put you back on the list, lying faggot.

SOMEONE REPLYING TO A THREAD IS NOT INDICATIVE OF THE POSTS QUALITY, DUMBFUCK. But keep that smug attitude, it makes me laugh, considering how pointless all your lot's newsfeed bullshit submissions are.

The article has no sources, but no matter to you morons. Bravo!

DeathTooMasons ago

Very nice thread. Thank you. Where is Equin?

Azagthoth ago

Great read. I've known this for quite some time, but this really is a great refresher. Just makes me feel absolutely awful for the Russians that suffered through Bolshevism, and the continued cruel crippling of the Palestinian people. Bastards.

Commoner ago

Was Khazaria located in what is now Ukraine? Wasn't it Ukraine that was working with Clinton campaign?

Jem777 ago

Yes Khazar has connections to Ukraine.

PhleBot ago

I'll tell you where The Ashkenazi Hebrews came from... EGYPT!!!


equineluvr ago

Nope. :)

DeathTooMasons ago

Go on. Say it. "It's the JOOOOOOOS!". Play that broken record baby!

PhiBot ago

I await your contradiction.

PhiBot ago

Oh come on, which generation are you speaking about? Are you talking all the way to Adam's foot? Well you would probably hop us in a submarine off the coast of Japan to the sunken monuments and declare we're all from MU!

Commoner ago

Between the 8th and 11th  centuries there existed in Central Asia an empire powerful enough to rival that of the Byzantines, the Arabs, or the emerging Rus and European states. Khazar, a nation of Oghuric Turks, speaking a Chuvash dialect, played a pivotal role in history. They are described as “their complexions white, their eyes blue, their hair flowing and predominantly reddish...” (Koestler, p. 19). The empire eventually decayed and its inhabitants scattered though it left behind a legacy stronger than any evidenced by political ..

Commoner ago

Are they what would be called 'gypsies'?

PhleBot ago

No the Gypsies originated in France Commoner and moved to Ireland. Romani gypsy (Meaning Egypto from Egypt) also have B- blood. Hence the traveller communities within Ireland. It's all kushti @darkknight111

darkknight111 ago

The origins of ther gypsies is with the Romani people. Northern India. Heavily nomadic in philosophy.

Highly unlikely they're linked with the Khazarians.

PhleBot ago

Um The Rothschild family have B- blood, do they not? Which is Egyptian Nobility aka JEWISH

equineluvr ago

Negative on all counts.

Commoner ago

Thanks for that. I was reading this link and mention was made of them being gypsies.

Commoner ago

Thanks for posting this

cult_of_philanthropy ago

And that's why I chose my user name. No time to read now but will save for tomorrow.

PhleBot ago

I love your username.

darkknight111 ago

Very important thread. Known about thus for years, which is why the "its the jews" nonsense doesn't work on me. Its always been Satanists posing as Jews, or some other group. Good ammo to throw at some of the shills whenever they spew their useless crap.

Minor correction though. That area would be around modern day Ukraine.

Super upvoat for you.

Direct relevance to pizzagate because this is the nature of our true enemy.

DonKeyhote ago

Hey, FAGGOT: theres ZERO chance you would debate me on the subject, so dont brag that "its the jews nonsense doesnt work on me" you dont win by removing tampons from your cunt and sticking them in your ears YES, TWO TAMPONS and screaming la-la-la

PhiBot ago

Just shut your fucking mouth DonKeyhote before you get slapped.

PhiBot ago

Who the fuck are you talking to?

DonKeyhote ago

Your slut mother

PhiBot ago

Only a peasant speaks like that. Gravitate towards a book, you dimwitted fuck.

PhleBot ago

Maybe it's people who are devoid of humanity and literally mentally ill?

PhleBot ago

What about Devil Worshippers who are kind and moral?

DonKeyhote ago

Oh, I see now. It's only racist to say an ethnic group is uniquely predatory/parasitic if youre talking about jews. Turks? Fuck those subhuman savages, lol, did you know the average lifespan in Khazaria was 8 cuz the murder rate was 100% #KhazarFax

"It wasnt me, i have a twin" LMAO

Commoner ago

If it was only 8, How'd they procreate? ( Hey, that rhymes.)

darkknight111 ago

Shitty reading comprehension much? Its about Satanic CULTURE dumbass. LMAO.

DonKeyhote ago

Satanic culture, right, thats a real thing. You stupid fucking faggot.

Why were the Khazarian Turks such evil Satanic people, pray tell? This is BEFORE they adopted the JEWISH Talmud.

darkknight111 ago

The bell tolls for you.

We know what flag you truly hoist. It explains everything about you, including your belief that there should be MORE rapes (just like the Khazarians believed coincidentally), your general loathing of females, hatred of jews, etc. We know what you're hiding from us. All we don't know is when the final bell will ring.

DonKeyhote ago

Lol just look at how you write: youre a fucking pretentious faggot, end of story. What does wanting more rapes mean? Youre calling me a rape fetishist, and the dead Turks rape enthusiasts? What a fucking LOSER!

Jem777 ago

Sorry screwed up the title a little but please read. These are who is behind the wars and devestation. They do not want peace. They control all nations except Russia, China, and now the phillipines after President Duerte bravely kicked them and their cenral bank out of his country including the CIA for drug running in his country. Go figure the American establishment identifies these countrulies as our enemies when they are actually the Rothschilds enemies to their agenda of taking over the world. Research this well don't believe everything you read but go beyond traditional sources to find the truth.

@jangles @dressge2

pby1000 ago

Iran, NK, and Cuba do not have Rothschild controlled central banks. I thought that Bolivia recently kicked them out. Maybe it was another South American country.

Jem777 ago

Yes I originally put Iran, And NK on the list I am aware but these two countries are really proxy controlled countries for China and Russia just like the US has its proxy countries which are all of the rest of the world.

pby1000 ago

Ok! Hopefully, more will follow. We need to get the US on the list, too. The Zionist bankers need to go.

PhiBot ago

Jem we do control Russia, look at the flag.

Of course we control Iran, since we control Russia. Come on guys... Who rules the world?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It isn't who, it's what. The people change, while the system remains. Where is the "Root" of their model? Racine, Wisconsin rules the world, and is the weak link to the entire system that needs to be exposed so the people rise up against Global Enslavement.

Of the "Majority 12", three (25%) were from Wisconsin, where Racine, Wisconsin connects to all levels of secret, closed and open societies involved up to Pilgrims Society, Committee of 300 and Council of 13, and serves as the global model and hub for art, education, religion, business, government, propaganda, community policing, prison labor and reform, water control, racketeering, blackmail, extortion, embezzlement, mafia and gang involvement, trafficking, abuse, surveillance, censorship, foundations, viruses, vaccines, sanctuary cities, social justice, censorship, sustainability, and the Mark of the Beast.

The "Root" and key to who and what really rules the world is Racine, Wisconsin. It is not one group alone. It is a long-standing and ever-evolving network and pyramid structure. Racine is the secret model, hub and meeting point of all global coalitions involved. This is why Paul Ryan has led Congress and ran for VP with Mitt Romney. This is why Timothy Dolan moved from St. Louis to Wisconsin, and could become the only American Pope. This is why Reince Priebus rose to RNC Chair and Chief of Staff. This is why Clintons have gained such power. This is why Trump is supporting shady Amazon and Foxconn deals. This is also why so much Evil comes from Wisconsin. It connects back to immigration patterns, historic religious and secret society groups., and ancient discoveries. Sustainability (SATAN'S ABILITY) and Wisconsin are the secret weapon that no one suspects, to deceive everyone into believing that He does not exist.

We could rule the world, we just don't know it. But time is running out for any hope of that as the real agenda for Sustainability that is Global Enslavement takes over, and the Mark of the Beast enforced through AI and Community Policing. Only the Truth will Save us before they Enslave us.

carmencita ago

I am going to tell you right now, I have only just started and I am engrossed. So very interesting and very educational as far as far away history. The fact about Palestinians have 80 % Hebrew blood is amazing. Thank you for posting this, I will get back to it now and plan on finishing it all. An Upvoat4U

PhleBot ago

Which blood group do you identify as Hebrew?

PhleBot ago

80% Hebrew Blood, I am interested in , could you give me a link please?

Hebrew blood is B- and I could only find this chart

equineluvr ago

That chart demonstrates NOTHING specific to Hebrews.

PhleBot ago

Yes it does moon biscuit.

carmencita ago

The 80% is in the The History of the Khazarian it and you will see. Now leave me alone to finish the whole article.

PhleBot ago

It's a bullshit figure. This is propaganda.