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DonKeyhote ago

Oh, I see now. It's only racist to say an ethnic group is uniquely predatory/parasitic if youre talking about jews. Turks? Fuck those subhuman savages, lol, did you know the average lifespan in Khazaria was 8 cuz the murder rate was 100% #KhazarFax

"It wasnt me, i have a twin" LMAO

darkknight111 ago

Shitty reading comprehension much? Its about Satanic CULTURE dumbass. LMAO.

DonKeyhote ago

Satanic culture, right, thats a real thing. You stupid fucking faggot.

Why were the Khazarian Turks such evil Satanic people, pray tell? This is BEFORE they adopted the JEWISH Talmud.

darkknight111 ago

The bell tolls for you.

We know what flag you truly hoist. It explains everything about you, including your belief that there should be MORE rapes (just like the Khazarians believed coincidentally), your general loathing of females, hatred of jews, etc. We know what you're hiding from us. All we don't know is when the final bell will ring.

DonKeyhote ago

Lol just look at how you write: youre a fucking pretentious faggot, end of story. What does wanting more rapes mean? Youre calling me a rape fetishist, and the dead Turks rape enthusiasts? What a fucking LOSER!