hojuruku ago

@Gothamgirl @madhatter76 @DerivaUK

All your contributions were erased. The mod @Millenial_Falcon has expressed our desire not to oppose hard core mass child fucking and systematic destruction of evidence by authorities to protect said VIP pedophile rings, which is basically a description of what pizzagate is, minus a few more details on a few specific players.

He doesn't want everyone to know that /pizzagate/ is more plausible now that there is a long history of proven cover-ups done by government agencies in the past when it comes to child sexual abuse done by VIP pedophiles. They are VIP for a reason, after being supplied with a child sex victim by the OTO, they are bound to the will of the elite. I am convinced from my travels that though who say don't oppose pedophilia are usually pedophiles.

CC @privatepizza @Organic1 @sound_of_silence

If it's wrong to oppose child sexual abuse cover-ups then why are we here? I suggest @Millenial_Falcon look into the photos of all the child sex victims on the NZ link in this thread that has a montage and ask himself why does he want their story not to be told, especially when it validates the plausibility of the cover-up we are getting against the /pizzagate/ saga.

If he says it's wrong to oppose institutional child sexual abuse cover-ups - then what are we all doing here. The key mod @Crensch has issued death threats to me. I'm convinced something is very suspect with the pro-LGBT-pedophilia normalization mods here and I won't be contributing much in the future.

@Millenial_Falcon declared his love of screaming little boy rape a long time ago: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1863343/9126089

Gothamgirl ago

I think your tagging the wrong person the mod is Millennial_Falcon.

hojuruku ago

i wanted you to know what he's like.

Gothamgirl ago

Got it, thanks for sharing.

hojuruku ago

Ah I found this video in my old likes at long last. A old Mark Dice one that talks the full details about Peaches Geldof child abuse cover-up and a murder to cover it up - after the Authorities threatened her online and said how dare you not cover-up child abuse - you are one of us - a fellow member of the otoaustralia.org.au/legal kiddy fuck cult.



Peaches Geldof Killed after exposing OTO Broodmares supplying sex toy babies to Ian Watkins a member of a satanic band. The gay police threatened her on twitter before her arrrest and said shut up if you don't know what's good for you, you can' never name an OTO broodmare child pimp because to name one of those is to identify the OTO child sex victim to us so we can do something about it, and well we don't want to do something about it because the OTO child sex cult founded the special gay police etc...

More info on the OTO kiddy fuck cult that jails / kills people without trial and founded the special gay police: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2053567 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2029702

Gothamgirl ago

You have put in alot of work. Thank you for sharing this.

hojuruku ago

actually it was on 10 mins, and having a half decent memory. I was hoping all you guys could find more examples of the authorities doing whole scale destruction of evidence to protect VIP pedophiles.

This proves that it's standard operating procedure to cover up incidents like pizzagate but @Millenial_Falcon says this isn't relevant to pizzagate.

This thread shows everyone how plausable pizzagate is when you put it into this context of the authorities and the MSM covering up VIP pedophiles in the past. I can't even get any action taken when MSM celebs working with Garry Burn publish child porn as exposed here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2053567 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2025812/9992933

Gothamgirl ago

I have 500 people on my social media I share everyones posts with. Do you use facebook? I take all my information and post it right in the msm comments sections. So anyone reading their story sees mine to. Maybe someone with power will see it and wake up and do something.

hojuruku ago

Im banned from Facebook. I need you to go on Facebook and investigate the gay terrorist bomber for me and share the images of what you find of him doing gay marriage activism or making rude arguments to Christians PLEASE.

Share your screenshot and facebook links (what the time of the post links to) on here: http://8ch.net/pol/res/10424357.html

If you find something big it could be you that ended sodomite marriage and stopping gay men treating asian women like $1 a hour breeding whores to get their child sex victims as what is happening now en mass. The gayby baby child pimps now jailed were praised by CNN and the ABC state broadcaster in Australia.


hojuruku ago

see 8chan i've got his pictures and some weird stuff going with a look alike at the same gay event he was at with the same face. very strange.

hojuruku ago

Will the gay kiddy fuck loving downvoter please stand up?

Edit: who downvoted every MSM news example of child abuse evidence being destroyed.

What kind of faggot pedophile doesn't like it when even the MSM news exposes child abuse cover-ups akin to pizzagate, enough to downvote?

hojuruku ago

Bernardo's Child Orphanage deletes all child sex files, yet keeps calling for your $$$


Charity: we did not destroy sex abuse files

image: http://thirdforcenews.org.uk/images/uploads/articles/328698/lady_smith,_chair_of_the_scottish_child_abuse_inquiry_photo_cred_nick_mailer__wide.jpg Lady smith, chair of the scottish child abuse inquiry photo cred nick mailer

Lady Smith, who is chairing the inquiry.

Barnardo's Scotland has robustly denied allegations it destroyed crucial child abuse files

TFN News›Charity: we did not destroy sex abuse files

image: http://thirdforcenews.org.uk/images/uploads/articles/328698/lady_smith,_chair_of_the_scottish_child_abuse_inquiry_photo_cred_nick_mailer__wide.jpg Lady smith, chair of the scottish child abuse inquiry photo cred nick mailer

Lady Smith, who is chairing the inquiry.

Barnardo's Scotland has robustly denied allegations it destroyed crucial child abuse files

image: http://thirdforcenews.org.uk/images/member_photos/photo_17.jpg Graham Martin's photo

Read more at http://thirdforcenews.org.uk/tfn-news/charity-we-did-not-destroy-sex-abuse-files#m2RloqYrqh4uewsC.99

hojuruku ago

See the montage of victims that had their cases covered up. Is it sinking in yet?


Special investigation: New Zealand'™s shameful record of child abuse video


Last updated 10:28, November 21 2015

These children have died as a result of neglect, abuse, or maltreatment in New Zealand.

New Zealand remains one of the most dangerous countries in the developed world in which to grow up, despite efforts from successive governments.

Thirteen Kiwi kids have died in suspicious circumstances so far this year – one of the worst years on record and much higher than the annual average of nine.

Every second day, a child is admitted to hospital suffering from inflicted injuries, including burns, broken bones and head wounds – with Starship children's hospital in Auckland seeing more cases of serious abuse than ever before.

This is a modal window. This video is either unavailable or not supported in this browser Error Code: MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED Technical details : The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. If you are using an older browser please try upgrading or installing Flash. Session ID: 2017-08-17:a6b8b09541f5099ad33733dd Player ID: video-1866y3 stuff.co.nz

Children's Commissioner Dr Russell Wills speaks about abuse against women and children in New Zealand.

Police are being swamped with child abuse complaints and have boosted the number of detectives working on the sensitive cases in recent months.

READ MORE from Faces of Innocents - a major series about New Zealand's problem with child homicide, neglect, abuse, or maltreatment * Staranise Waru: 10 years, still no answers * Father's pleas for his baby's life fell on deaf ears * The last thing they saw was the scissors in mum's hands * Full coverage: Faces of Innocents A Stuff data investigation has found at least 204 children, aged 0-14, have died as a result of neglect, abuse, or maltreatment in New Zealand since 1992.

Most commonly, they died at the hands of men. Almost three quarters of the killers were family members.

The killers were almost equally likely to be mothers or fathers, accounting for 31 per cent and 29 per cent of cases respectively, where the victim's relationship with the killer was known.

De facto fathers were the next largest group of perpetrators, accounting for 17 per cent of cases.

The most common cause of death for a child was a head injury, followed by asphyxia, which includes suffocation, strangulation and carbon monoxide poisoning.

**Children were at greatest risk of death from assault when they were under five years old, with the highest risk in the first year of life. **


Stuff's investigation found the average age of a child killed in the last two decades was about three years old.

Nearly half of child homicide victims were Maori, while Maori made up just a quarter of the country's child population. (ouch not politically correct. Black people kill babies more? Interesting)

Deprived parts of the country were overwhelmingly represented in the statistics.

According to a 2014 report by the NZ Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, 786 children aged 0-14 were admitted to hospital from 2009 to 2013 with injuries arising from either assault, neglect or maltreatment. The figures are likely under reported because officials have to be certain of an assault before it can be recorded.

The report shows admission rates have declined gradually since 2000.

However, child abuse expert Dr Patrick Kelly, clinical director of Starship's child protection team Te Puaruruhau, said research showed abusive head trauma referrals to the hospital were on the rise.

"I've been doing this for 20 years. There have been lots of strategies advanced ... typically by the death of another child, and ... I haven't seen any of those strategies make any significant difference," Kelly said.

Efforts by governments to address the issue had been largely based around what Child, Youth and Family (CYF) and Police could do to combat the issue, he said. Dr Patrick Kelly, the clinical director of Starship Children's Hospital's child protection team, believes the health ... JOHN SELKIRK

Dr Patrick Kelly, the clinical director of Starship Children's Hospital's child protection team, believes the health sector has a major role to play in preventing child abuse.

"There hasn't been any really serious investment in actually what the health system might be able to do."

The Vulnerable Childrens Act made sweeping changes last year to protect children, including the establishment of Children's Teams across the country.

The teams – part of the Children's Action Plan – are a first intervention, designed to work with children and their families before CYF need to be called in. They work to pull all available support into a single point of contact and tailor programmes around that child. How can we keep Kiwi kids safe?

But Kelly said that wasn't enough. He believed protection teams – specially trained to recognise signs of abuse – should be established at district health boards as another line of prevention.

The teams should include nurses and pediatricians and work in close proximity to other agencies like CYF and the police.

"If we could ensure that in every case where abuse and neglect is recognised it is not allowed to re-occur, it is likely that we would have an enormous impact on the health of New Zealand."

Ministry of Social Development chief social worker Paul Nixon said he felt positive about the Children's Action Plan's focus on collaboration and communication across agencies.

The majority of child homicide victims were not known to CYF staff, which meant other people coming into contact with children also need to have the support and training to identify risk factors, Nixon said.

"The [Children's Teams] strategy is a good way of bringing agencies together and organising them at a local level for local needs and priorities. The key thing there is getting agencies to collaborate and see the whole child," he said. Children's Commissioner Dr Russell Wills says it's the job of the whole country, not just Government, to make child ... CAMERON BURNELL / FAIRFAX NZ

Children's Commissioner Dr Russell Wills says it's the job of the whole country, not just Government, to make child poverty a priority.

Children's Commissioner Dr Russell Wills said the country's high levels of family violence and economic inequality contributed to child homicide numbers.

Until those issues were addressed, it would be difficult to make progress, Wills said.


If you have concerns about the safety of a child, you can call police on 111 or Child, Youth and Family on 0508 FAMILY (0508 326 459) for advice.

If the social worker thinks the child is in immediate danger they will act on it within 24 hours.

Information can be provided anonymously to police via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

If you are a young person worried about what's happening to you or someone you know, call Youthline for advice on free phone 0800 37 66 33, free txt 234 or email [email protected].

  • Stuff

hojuruku ago

2014: All 114 case file documents linking gay child fucking OTO MP's to child abuse destroyed

Are we seeing a pattern here yet?


114 child sex files linked to MPs have ‘vanished’ A TOTAL of 114 files linked to allegations of paedophile activity in Westminster may have been destroyed, MPs were told yesterday. By Martyn Brown PUBLISHED: 00:00, Wed, Jul 9, 2014


MP Simon Danczuk, politics, child sex abuse, paedophile, public inquiry, allegations, cyril smith, westminster, david cameron, nick clegg, jimmy savilMark Sedwill said he was 'concerned' that the documents had vanished [PA]

Mark Sedwill, chief mandarin at the Home Office, said he was “concerned” that the documents had vanished with no records of what had been destroyed or lost.

Mr Sedwill told the Home Affairs Select Committee: “I am concerned about all the material we cannot find.”

He announced that Richard Whittam QC will be leading a fresh inquiry into the Home Office’s handling of information it received during the 1980s and 1990s – including a dossier from the late MP Geoffrey Dickens.

The move came after Home Secretary Theresa May announced that Baroness Butler-Sloss, a former High ­Court judge, is to lead a wider independent inquiry into how claims of child abuse were dealt with by public institutions, political parties, the church and the BBC.

The baroness, who initially chaired the inquest into the deaths of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed, said she was “honoured” to lead the inquiry.

Mrs May said: “We have seen appalling cases of organised and persistent child sex abuse that have exposed serious failings by public bodies and important institutions.

“That is why the Government has established an independent panel of experts to consider whether these organisations have taken seriously their duty of care.”

The Home Office is under scrutiny over whether it failed to act on a 1983 dossier from Mr Dickens.

Most of these files were probably destroyed, because the topics they covered would have been subject to normal file destruction procedures in place at that time

Mark Sedwill, Home Office chief mandarin

Lord Brittan, then Home Secretary, has denied failing to deal with the material properly.

A review carried out by an HMRC official drafted in by permanent secretary Mr Sedwill last year found no evidence that relevant material was not passed to other authorities.

However, it disclosed that the Dickens dossier appeared to have been destroyed – and now it has emerged that 114 files deemed potentially relevant are missing.

Mr Sedwill stressed no evidence was found that documents had been inappropriately destroyed.

But he said: “I am concerned frankly about the 114. Most of these files were probably destroyed, because the topics they covered would have been subject to normal file destruction procedures in place at that time.

“They cannot be confirmed to be destroyed because there is not a proper log of what was destroyed and what wasn’t.” Related articles

Call for public inquiry over missing dossier
Westminster child abuse allegations: These silent MPs betray children
David Cameron must act on Westminster’s child sex cover-up
Theresa May announces wide-ranging inquiry into child sex abuse at every level of society
'Powerful elite' treated child abuse victims 'like lumps of meat'

DerivaUK ago

Theresa May et al are still actively covering up the full extent of "prominent person" paedophiles. This interview last week on Talk Radio from a member of the historical Child Abuse Inquiry panel. She states she was told what she could and could not say to a Parliamentary Select Committee and further, that this was intended to protect then Home Secretary May who they were predicting she was set to become PM as far back as TWO years ago: http://evolvepolitics.com/listen-historic-child-abuse-panel-member-i-silenced-theresa-mays-advisors-ensure-became-pm/

madhatter67 ago

As an add on to that, Butler Sloss didn't last long as chair of the enquiry, when people noticed that her brother was attorney general at the time of the initial pedo cover up that Leon Brittan was involved with in the 80's (the disappearing Dickens Dossier which was the root of this enquiry 30 odd years later!)

The next chair also had to go because she just happened to be an old friend of Leon Brittan. Since then it's been hard to keep track of the comings and goings, as mass groups of people involved with the enquiry have resigned, and it's turned into a total clusterfuck, I guess what was always intended.

Also worth noting is our PM Teresa May was home secretary responsible for this enquiry and made a big fuss about it at the time (in the fallout from the Savile business), while it was clearly a massive charade

So, just like in the US and Australia, it seems any official investigation into elite pedos get's derailed by cronyism and deception

One interesting point is in the UK we don't have a statute of limitations....I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not as it is used here to focus on "historical child abuse", which to me seems another smokescreen make people think this stuff isn't still happening

hojuruku ago

Wait there's more!!! another English Inquiry just this month had all records erased to protect gay men who rape boys


Scotland’s child abuse inquiry told staff records have been lost Mike Wade

June 1 2017, 12:01am, The Times Kate Walmsley, a survivor of historic abuse, was at the Scottish child abuse inquiry Kate Walmsley, a survivor of historic abuse, was at the Scottish child abuse inquiry Times photographer James Glossop

An inquiry into the historical abuse of children by their carers will be hampered by the destruction of records that were held by many of the charities who ran residential homes, a lawyer representing victims has said.

At the first session of Scotland’s child abuse inquiry, nine Catholic bodies and other agencies, including Quarriers and CrossReach, a Church of Scotland organisation, offered apologies for the behaviour of some of their staff.

Lady Smith, who is chairing the inquiry, warned that the extent of abuse in residential homes was even more extensive than previously reported.

The High Court judge said that accepting the truth would be “painful” but necessary to achieve lasting change.

More than 60 institutions, including several leading private schools and church bodies, are…

hojuruku ago

You think Scotland could do better with it's long history of gangs of gay marriage activists fucking little boys....


Gay rights campaigner led a double life as leader of paedophile ring that carried out a catalogue of child abuse

By Daily Mail Reporter Updated: 11:57 BST, 8 May 2009

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A paedophile ring has been smashed after eight men were found guilty of a horrifying catalogue of more than 50 child pornography and abuse charges.

Among the crimes was a shocking sexual attack carried out on a three-month-old baby boy by an executive adviser on child sex issues.

James Rennie, chief executive of a publicly-funded gay rights group, was one of the men exposed yesterday as members of Scotland's biggest paedophile ring. Enlarge Rennie_Murphy

Rennie, 38, molested the toddler son of unsuspecting friends - a little boy he had been trusted to babysit - recording the abuse and sharing it with other perverts.

In the course of the police investigation, the boy's parents were forced to watch a video of their baby son being violated by Rennie.

Last night, after the eight men were found guilty of a string of child sex charges at the High Court in Edinburgh, the child's parents reacted with disgust.

They said: 'For over 15 years, James Rennie seemed the closest of family friends and it is hard to put into words the extent of the betrayal he has exacted upon us.'

During their investigations, police recovered tens of thousands of still and moving images of the most vile child abuse. Enlarge Strachan

Police sources revealed yesterday that the activities of 70 other men around the UK with links to the case are being investigated.

More than 35 people have been arrested or been subject to enforcement action. Two investigations are continuing in Scotland.

One of the most worrying aspects of the case is the way Rennie was able to reach a position where he could influence Executive policy on child sexuality.

A trained teacher, Rennie became the boss of LGBT Youth Scotland, a publicly-funded support group for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people.

He took on the £40,000 a year role when the group was set up in 2003 and became the Executive's most important and influential adviser on gay issues affecting children.

Under his leadership, the group backed proposals to allow gay adoption. As well as appearing in the Scottish parliament, he was invited to a Royal Garden Party and to Downing Street. Slaven

Yesterday, Rennie, from Edinburgh, was found guilty of indecently abusing the baby boy. The abuse began when the child was three months old and continued for several years. Rennie filmed and photographed himself committing the abuse, sent the images to others and allowed another man to listen on the phone while he molested the child.

He allowed the boy, whom he called his 'nephew', to be abused by another paedophile and also offered him to other deviants in a series of emails.

When his home was raided in December 2007, Rennie had gone to the trouble of hiding computer hard drives, discs and CDs in a gap next to the water tank in his kitchen. Between these storage devices and his laptop computer, he was found to be in possession of thousands of images, many of them at the most extreme level of the scale.

Rennie carried out his vile activities as part of a Scottish paedophile ring swapping images of child pornography on the internet. Milligan

He was suspended as soon as LGBT Youth Scotland was told of his arrest in December 2007 and resigned soon afterwards.

Last night, a spokesman for LGBT Youth Scotland, which received £1.1million in 2008 from the Executive, councils and health boards, said: 'We are appalled by the abuse and exploitation of children by James Rennie, and wholeheartedly welcome his conviction. Our immediate thoughts are with the children and families who have been directly, and indirectly, abused by him and the other co-accused also convicted.

'We had no suspicion whatsoever of the crimes James Rennie was committing. He was obviously skilled at hiding his actions and adept at deceiving people. There is no suggestion James Rennie directly threatened the safety of young people accessing our services.'

Last night the Executive said that it would continue to fund LGBT.

When he was arrested, Rennie had a steady boyfriend, but trawled the internet looking for gay sex dates.

He also used the internet to meet other paedophiles, including Neil Strachan, a child molester who was jailed for three years at Edinburgh Sheriff Court in 1997 for abusing a boy of between five and seven.

Strachan, 41, joined Rennie for a sex session with Rennie's 'nephew' at his flat in Meadowbank when the boy was between one and three.

Rennie then boasted about the encounter to another paedophile, Lachlan Anderson, 51, from Cumbernauld, Dunbartonshire. Anderson is currently serving a 20-month sentence after being caught with a collection of child pornography, including images of Rennie abusing the child. He was brought from jail to give evidence at the trial.

Strachan was found guilty of attempting to sodomise a different 18-month-old toddler on the night of Hogmanay 2005 at his flat in the Dalry area of Edinburgh.

Last night, the boy's mother said: ' The anguish I feel towards Mr Strachan is indescribable.

'I feel that no matter what punishment is given to Mr Strachan it will never be able to compensate for the hurt, devastation and great deal of stress brought to me and my family.

'Mr Strachan used and abused our trust in order to satisfy his and others' sick needs.'

Strachan's 23-year-old boyfriend Colin Slaven was cleared of taking part in the sex act, which was photographed and sent to Rennie.

Rennie involved John Milligan, 40, in his sick acts by allowing him to listen to the baby boy being abused.

Milligan also discussed getting his hands on the child - and passed on images of Rennie's abuse to others.

The paedophile ring was uncovered when photos of naked boys were found on Strachan's computer. He handed it in for repair at a company in England in 2007.

A computer engineer found one indecent image of a child on the machine and police were called in.

An examination by Northumbria Police revealed other images.

The inquiry moved to Edinburgh, where Operation Algebra was set up in October 2007 by Lothian and Borders Police.

Detective Superintendent Allan Jones, senior investigating officer in Operation Algebra, said of the men: 'Many of them wouldn't stand out from a general member of the public; but in the background they lead this double life, looking at some of the most vile material you would ever care to imagine.

'Quite what motivates them and why they take this course of action I really don't know. What I do know is we can't be forgiving of it and we've got to pursue it to the nth degree to make sure that this material is stopped.'

A jury found Rennie, Strachan, Milligan, Ross Webber, 27, and Craig Boath, 24, guilty of plotting to arrange access to children to carry out acts of gross sexual abuse. It is the first time a conspiracy charge has been used successfully in Scotland to convict perverts.

Church bell ringer Neil Campbell, 46, was cleared of that charge. But all six, along with Slaven and John Murphy, 44, were found guilty of charges relating to child pornography.

Having been convicted of actual physical abuse of children, Rennie and Strachan face a possible life sentence.

Prosecutor Dorothy Bain, QC, asked for 'a full risk assessment' which would allow the court to impose an order for lifelong restriction - under which a judge imposes a minimum sentence but the accused are only freed when the parole board considers it safe to do so.

They then remain under strict supervision for the rest of their lives.

Judge Lord Bannatyne said: 'I am going to go down that route and investigate an order for lifelong restriction for both these accused.'

All eight men were remanded in custody to await sentence.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1178354/Gay-rights-campaigner-led-double-life-leader-paedophile-ring-carried-catalogue-child-abuse.html#ixzz4pz8xi2du Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

hojuruku ago

And of course the big one. Gay Soros Trained Democrat Staffer Cat Refuge Worker Terrorists Bomb the Christian Lobby in Australia and the police cover it up along with Pizzagate mods.


This proves there is a whole scale cover-up of any gay crimes against humanity not just pizzagate, but it's not relavent to pizzagate right?

derram ago

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=qg-tLnDwwzQ :

Child abuse, neglect records found dumped in alley - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

hojuruku ago

7-11% of All Catholic priests in Australia are closet homosexual boy anal rapist infiltrators according to MSM news


'Shocking and indefensible': 1 in 14 priests in Australia accused of child abuse The St John of God Brothers had 40% of its members accused of abuse. Feb 6th 2017, 7:30 AM 13,107 Views 163 Comments Share596 Tweet Email1 Image: Shutterstock/Creativa Images

JUST OVER 7% of Catholic priests were accused of abusing children in Australia between 1950 and 2010 but the allegations were never investigated, according to “shocking and indefensible” data shown today during an inquiry into paedophilia in the church.

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse heard that 4,444 alleged incidents of paedophilia were reported to church authorities and in some dioceses, more than 15% of priests were perpetrators.

Australia ordered the Royal Commission in 2012 after a decade of growing pressure to investigate allegations of child abuse across the country, with the inquiry now in its final phase after four years of hearings.

“Between 1950 and 2010, overall 7% of priests were alleged perpetrators,” said Gail Furness, the lawyer leading questioning at the inquiry in Sydney.

“The accounts were depressingly similar. Children were ignored or worse, punished. Allegations were not investigated. Priests and religious (figures) were moved,” she added.

“The parishes or communities to which they were moved knew nothing of their past. Documents were not kept or they were destroyed. Secrecy prevailed as did cover ups.”

The average age of the victims at the time was 10 for girls and 11 for boys.

Of the 1,880 alleged perpetrators, 90 percent were men.

The St John of God Brothers religious order fared the worst, with just over 40 percent of members accused of abuse.

The commission has spoken to thousands of survivors and heard claims of child abuse involving churches, orphanages, sporting clubs, youth groups and schools.

The church in Australia set up the Truth, Justice and Healing Council to coordinate its response.

“These numbers are shocking, they are tragic, they are indefensible,” its chief executive Francis Sullivan told the commission.

“This data, along with all we have heard over the past four years, can only be interpreted for what it is: a massive failure on the part of the Catholic Church in Australia to protect children from abusers.

As Catholics we hang our heads in shame.

The inquiry has embroiled Australia’s most senior Catholic cleric George Pell, now the Vatican’s finance chief, who was questioned over his dealings with paedophile priests in Victoria state in the 1970s.

Pell was also accused of historic sex abuse claims when he was the Catholic Archbishop of Sydney in 2002, but was later cleared of any wrongdoing. He has denied all allegations.

Since being set up, the commission has made over 300 referrals to police but so far there have only been 27 prosecutions with 75 cases pending.

  • © AFP 2017

hojuruku ago

Government databases just don't get lost. They get erased. You can't have IT that incompetent without backup in a government role.

Victoria child abuse hotline crisis: Thousands of calls unanswered, others endure long waits PETER MICKELBUROUGH, Herald Sun January 11, 2017 6:00pm Subscriber only

VICTORIA’S child abuse hotline is in crisis: in an 18-month period more than 20,000 calls went unanswered, and some callers waited more than two hours for an operator.

The dire state of the Child Protection Crisis Line was uncovered by an 11-month Herald Sun investigation using Freedom of Information laws.

Critics warn that children are being left at risk because the call centre cannot cope with demand.

Secret data kept by the Department of Health and Human Services revealed more than one in four crisis line calls went unanswered, the number of lost calls quadrupling between mid-2011 and December 2015.

Call data released to the Herald Sun shows that between July 2010 and December 2015, 56,927 calls to the hotline failed to raise a response.

In the last six months of 2015 alone 7000 calls went unheeded.

After the Herald Sun investigation began early last year, the government increased helpline resources.

It says the number of missed calls has now fallen to one in 16.

“After years of neglect by the previous government Labor has increased funding to this service, resulting in a decrease in the number of abandoned calls and a significant reduction in waiting times,” said the Minister for Families and Children, Jenny Mikakos. State Families and Children Minister Jenny Mikakos. Picture: David Mariuz

“Labor has also expanded a dedicated after-hours child protection team to increase the safety of children,” Ms Mikakos said.

But the state Opposition said the crisis line program had floundered on the government’s watch.

“(Premier) Daniel Andrews is too soft on violent youths like those in the Apex gang and too harsh on the most vulnerable kids in Victoria,” families and children spokeswoman Georgie Crozier said.

“The Premier needs to step in and fix this mess before it ends in tragedy,” the Liberal MLC said.



Liana Buchanan, the principal commissioner at the Commission for Children and Young People, said she was monitoring the situation “to ensure response rates continue to improve”.

Ms Buchanan’s spokesman said: “The commission would certainly be concerned about evidence that children are at risk due to capacity issues in the crisis line.

“However, we understand that there have been staffing increases and other improvements in recent months.”

The surge in unanswered or abandoned calls occurred despite just a 15 per cent increase in calls to the hotline between mid-2011 and the end of 2015.

In that time the level of missed calls rose to more than one in four.

And the average time to answer calls leapt sixfold, from 42 seconds in 2010-11 to four minutes and nine seconds in the last half of 2015. . Ads by Kiosked

Longest waiting times also rose steadily: one caller last financial year was left holding for two hours and 22 minutes.

The government says the average time taken to answer calls fell in the last six months of last year to one minute and 19 seconds — still almost double the 2010-11 average wait.

And it says a new telephone system including a call-back feature, which is expected to go live next month, would lead to further improvements.

The government said it had committed $15.6 million to boost the after-hours phone service, adding 19 workers, rostering more staff during peak times, and giving a priority access line for police and hospital emergency departments.

A failure to properly resource the crisis line had occurred despite an increasing number of calls to the line leading to investigations and to substantiated complaints.

Of 3250 abuse cases investigated in the last financial year 2121 were proven.

This was up from 1627 substantiated cases from 2511 investigated in 2010-11.

Between mid-2010 and December 2015, 10,865 of the 16,759 abuse tip-offs to the hotline were proven.

These included 1237 cases where the primary allegation was one of sexual abuse, 4342 cases of physical abuse, 4766 cases of emotional abuse, and 820 instances of neglect.

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hojuruku ago

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3275499/Child-abuse-testimony-lost-inquiry-blunder.html Child sex abuse victims are asked to resubmit information to inquiry after everything in 'share your experience' section is DELETED from website

Inquiry was set up last July to examine authorities role in child abuse
It was beset by problems before New Zealand judge installed to lead it
Now failures emerge in website where victims have entered testimony

By Richard Spillett for MailOnline

Published: 09:28 BST, 16 October 2015 | Updated: 11:29 BST, 16 October 2015

formation provided by victims to the independent child abuse inquiry has been deleted, it emerged today.

The inquiry admitted that, due to a change in its website address, any submissions through an online form between September 14 and October 2 was 'instantly and permanently deleted' before it reached staff.

The information erased in the blunder had been given to the 'share your experience' section of the website. Justice Lowell Goddard, the New Zealand judge who is to head the new child abuse inquiry: It emerged today that a website where victims can tell of the abuse they suffered has permanently deleted information

Justice Lowell Goddard, the New Zealand judge who is to head the new child abuse inquiry: It emerged today that a website where victims can tell of the abuse they suffered has permanently deleted information

The website was set up for victims and survivors wanting to share their experiences with officials working on the probe.

Those who provided details between the two dates have now been asked to resubmit their information.

The inquiry apologised for the incident and stressed that no material was at risk of disclosure. RELATED ARTICLES

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A statement on its website said: 'Any information submitted to the Inquiry between 14 September and 2 October through the online form on the Share your Experience page of our website, was instantly and permanently deleted before it reached our engagement team.

'We are very sorry for any inconvenience or distress this will cause and would like to reassure you that no information was put at risk of disclosure or unauthorised access.' A statement on the inquiry's website admitted the blunder and asked victims to resubmit their evidence

The inquiry - set up last July following claims of a high-level cover-up of abuse - was beset by delays until Lowell Goddard, a New Zealand judge, finally opened the probe earlier this year.

The landmark inquiry - set to be Britain's largest ever public inquiry and which is expected to take five years - is braced to hear testimony from at least 30,000 victims.

The number is said to represent less than one per cent of the more than three million adults in Britain who were abused as children.

Justice Goddard was appointed to lead the Government's independent inquiry following the resignation of two previous chairwomen.

Baroness Butler-Sloss stood down as chair in July last year amid questions over the role played by her late brother, Lord Havers, who was attorney general in the 1980s.

The inquiry was already delayed by the resignations of two former chairwomen, Baroness Butler-Sloss (left) and Dame Fiona Woolf (right)

Her replacement Dame Fiona Woolf then resigned following a barrage of criticism over her 'establishment links', most notably in relation to former home secretary Leon Brittan, who died earlier this year.

Home Secretary Theresa May officially reconstituted the probe under Justice Goddard in March and placed it on a statutory footing, meaning it has the power to compel witnesses to give evidence. INFORMATION DELETED: THE FULL STATEMENT ON THE IICSA WEBSITE

'Due to a change in our website address to www.iicsa.org.uk on 14 September, any information submitted to the Inquiry between 14 September and 2 October through the online form on the Share your experience page of our website, was instantly and permanently deleted before it reached our engagement team.

'We are very sorry for any inconvenience or distress this will cause and would like to reassure you that no information was put at risk of disclosure or unauthorised access.

'Due to the security measures on our website, your information cannot be found or viewed by anyone else as it was immediately and permanently destroyed.

'We would like to apologise again to anyone who submitted details to the Inquiry during this time and to ask you to please resubmit your information through the online form.

'Alternatively you can call the Inquiry helpline on 0800 917 1000 to submit your information over the phone, or email our team at [email protected].'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3275499/Child-abuse-testimony-lost-inquiry-blunder.html#ixzz4pz3o6D1t Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

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hojuruku ago


Child abuse inquiry evidence submissions accidentally deleted

A web address change apparently sparked the data loss

Submissions of evidence to the Government’s independence inquiry into child abuse have been accidentally permanently deleted, it has emerged.

The inquiry said that a web address change on 14 September meant submissions through an online form between that date and 2 October were “instantly and permanently deleted” from its systems.

The error applies to the part of the inquiry’s website that had asked alleged victims to share their experiences with investigating officials.

The inquiry apologised for the incident and called for people who had made submissions to send them again.

“Due to a change in our website address to http://www.iicsa.org.uk on 14 September, any information submitted to the Inquiry between 14 September and 2 October through the online form on the Share your experience page of our website, was instantly and permanently deleted before it reached our engagement team,” a statement of the inquiry’s website said.

“We are very sorry for any inconvenience or distress this will cause and would like to reassure you that no information was put at risk of disclosure or unauthorised access.

“Due to the security measures on our website, your information cannot be found or viewed by anyone else as it was immediately and permanently destroyed.

“We would like to apologise again to anyone who submitted details to the Inquiry during this time and to ask you to please resubmit your information through the online form. Read more

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“Alternatively you can call the Inquiry helpline on 0800 917 1000 to submit your information over the phone, or email our team at contactiicsa.org.uk.”

The inquiry, chaired by New Zealand judge Lowell Goddard, was set up by Theresa May in July 2014.

It was beset by delays and the resignation of two of its previous chairs.

It will examine how Britain’s institutions handled their duty of care when allegations of child sexual abuse were made to them.

The inquiry is expected to be the biggest ever conducted in Britain, and is scheduled to last five years.

Additional reporting by PA

hojuruku ago


Child sex abuse: Education Department computer loses 600 cases Sarah Vogler, Brittany Vonow, The Courier-Mail July 31, 2015 12:58pm

POLICE are scrambling to investigate more than 600 reports of potential abuse against children that slipped through the cracks after an IT system allowing school principals to report alleged incidents to police malfunctioned.

Education Minister Kate Jones has stood two bureaucrats aside as investigations into the glitch continue.

It is understood the system was installed on January 22 this year following recommendations of the Carmody inquiry, but it was not tested.

It is understood about 644 reports, mainly regarding sexual abuse, were not received by police.

The glitch was discovered yesterday afternoon after a principal followed up a complaint. It only affected state schools, and it is understood about 80 per cent of the complaints have been looked at since the issue was uncovered.

One contractor charged with implementing the system has been stood aside as well as a manager charged with leading a team meant to test IT systems. Both have been stood aside on full pay.

Ms Jones said she had ordered an internal and external investigation which she indicated would also look at why it took more than six months to discover the error.

She said she was “clearly outraged and angry” that there had been a system failure.

“What we saw was a system failure,” she said.

She said two employees had already been stood aside.

“If you are making a change to the IT system, the very first thing you would do is check that system properly.”

She slammed the former government for not ensuring the system was tested first.

“I’m deeply sorry this situation has occurred but I am also extremely angry,” she said.

So far police have not identified any cases where a child has been put in danger, but the investigation of the missing reports is expected to take several weeks.

Ms Jones said there had not been enough checks and balances in place.

Education Department director-general Jim Watterson said he was shocked and very disappointed.

Ms Jones said principals were being advised that the information they were reporting had gone through to police.

“When I talk to principals, making complaints about sexual abuse is one of the toughest part of the job,” she said.

“I’m deeply sorry this has happened... We owe it to Queensland students to do better than that.”

Police said the review was ongoing but there had not been any cases discovered so far where a child had been put at risk.

Ms Jones said there was an obligation on any single departmental employee they must take immediate action.

“This is extremely distressing,” she said.

“One is to fix it, two is to make sure we are following up.. And three to have an external investigation.”

She said the implementation was done on January 22.

“I get daily critical incident reports about what happens in our schools... Just like the principals I was assured the system was working.”

Mr Watterson said there had been 3800 reports that had gone to police and the Child Safety Department.

“It should have been brought to our attention much earlier than this,” he said.

He said he took responsibility for fixing the problem.